
Summarize these five articles and create a bibliography for them.

Bibliography Needed

Summarize these five articles and create a bibliography for them.

True Grit

The article is about how biologists were working with NCWRC to take care and research on the RCWs.Putting colored bands on the nestlings then coming back in 30 days to see if those nestlings have become fledged.In the website it states “Once the bands are secure but not constricting,the climb back up the ladder happens again,and the nestlings are placed back in the cavity.” Another part states “Once the nestlings hit day 30,fledge checks are carried out for each cluster.”Lauren D.Pharr is perspective for the article in the website because she’s telling people her experience she had being a biologist working with people to observe RCWs.As the article moves on Lauren D.Pharr gives us pictures of RCWs in their habitat and what she had to do to research them.


The article is about how the writer is trying to find a RCW and how they headed 80,000 acres to find them.Then heading 75 miles north near Punta Gorda.The article states “The birds declared endangered in the 1970’s and currently number only 14,000 survivors.Another piece of the states Their numbers are down 99% from 1880’s due to habitat loss in eastern U.S.”The article was written by someone under the name of BrigHamStephen they basically are writing the article in their perspective as well as providing information on how the RCWs population has gone down tremendously throughout the years.When you read through the article they provide pictures to give you an example of what their talking about.

Animal Diversity

The article shows different things about RCWs they also show how the population went down.And how over 30 years their population has gone down.In the article is said “As of 2008,there were an estimated 14,000 to 15,000 adult RCWs.”The owner of the articles name is Nathan Pool.The author Nathan is providing us with information about the RCWs geo range,physical description,habitat,and reproduction.As we read through the information we rarely see a lot of photos of the RCWs.But as I read the article I would love to know more about what exactly making the RCWs extinct.But thanks to the article it helps to learn more about RCWs.


This article also shows different information about RCWs.They show information about their habitats and their geographical range.In the article it states “As of 1999, the largest populations were located along the coasts of South Carolina and Florida, encompassing a contiguous range of 4,000 square kilometers.”The author of this article is Susan Miller she studied RCWs.She even showed a picture of her holding RCWs when their in their baby stage.The author made this article to inform people about the almost instinct RCWs.


The article is not even and article it’s documents on RCWs giving off may different forms of information.This document also shows RCWs information about its habitat,geographical range,life history.But this document shows what its reasons for it’s decline.It states “The main threat to the survival of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker is the decrease in the quality and quantity of old growth pine forest nesting habitat, primarily due to short rotation (harvest cycle) timber management.”There’s no author for this document but with this article it also gives us information on how we can help spot the RCWs from going instinct.As you read the document they provide pictures of the RCWs.

As you watch the movie, remember to look for: what does it take to run for office? How do you organize your campaign? How do you secure money for your campaign? How important are community groups/organizations important to a campaign? How do you get collective action to push for the vote?

Film review 12

Click the blue line above. You will find the film and some offensive ads, I’m so sorry but this is the only site I could find the film for free. The best thing to is to enlarge the screen with the two arrows on the right hand corner of the film this will get rid of the ads. This week’s film review assignment is about Harvey Milk who was elected to the County Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. Milk was the first openly gay elected to the board. He would set the stage for others in the LGBTQ community to get elected and set a path for others to be elected across the country. As I mentioned previously, living in Palm Springs we’ve had numerous candidates run and win seats in various political offices. Like many of our other minority groups, the LGBTQ community has begun to increase in population not only in California but around the country. Don’t forget, we will discuss the LGBTQ community and minority community to see how they voted in this year’s election. I’ve mentioned in the past, if you are going to change society in this country, it is more likely to occur through the political process and/or courts. In our las film on women, we saw how difficult it was for women to get elected. They had to seek financial support, support from men and their good old boy network. So the money factor requires that many people give to a female candidate. This is the same issue for all our groups.

As you watch the movie, remember to look for: what does it take to run for office? How do you organize your campaign? How do you secure money for your campaign? How important are community groups/organizations important to a campaign? How do you get collective action to push for the vote? Now that we have been in the election season, what should we be aware of and look for in the coming months? What do you think the younger generations will handle their interaction with the LGBTQ community?

Discuss the contradictions presented for the LGBTQ community. with the data revealed in figure 12.1 and related text material. How do you explain these results? Do you believe this influences how the overall society views LGBTQ individuals?

Write a Report #7

The Evelyn and Hope story elaborates on the experience that a gay/lesbian married couple go through. The way their children could be treated because their parents are gay or lesbian. Medical issues and social security problems through the bureaucracies of policies that can reject people who are gay or lesbian, resulting in Supreme Court challenges. Understanding the difference between sexual orientation, sexual identity, and sexual behavior. The history of gays and lesbians in history and civilizations have interesting information. For example, how did the Chinese and Romans deal with gays? Or, the different opportunities under industrialization? How do different cultures deal with gays and lesbians? How do different legal cases affect the LGBTQ community?

Select one the following questions. Type and double space, no short answers, question number and date.

1. Discuss the contradictions presented for the LGBTQ community. with the data revealed in figure 12.1 and related text material. How do you explain these results? Do you believe this influences how the overall society views LGBTQ individuals?

2. How did the emergence of HIV/Aids affect the LGBTQ movement? Beyond the deaths, was it more harmful or beneficial in the long run?

3. How should the military handle previous discharge under the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy?”

4. Someone who believes homosexuality is wrong for religious reasons, but harbors no ill will towards a homosexual person, are they homophobic? How do you think they “feel” about homosexuality, especially now that we had a :gay candidate for the 2020 presidential election?”

Write a letter of recommendation/ reference. In the letter speak about the applicant’s great clinical work ethic, passion, and compassionate care for her patients and families as a NEW graduate Labor and Delivery nurse.

Letter of Reference/ recommendation

Write a letter of recommendation/ reference. The letter will be from me, her Nurse Supervisor on a Labor and Delivery Unit. The letter of reference is for a Doctorate of Nursing practice degree application. In the letter speak about the applicant’s great clinical work ethic, passion, and compassionate care for her patients and families as a NEW graduate Labor and Delivery nurse. Talk about how she shows interest in women’s health. How she is excelling at her first nursing job in this speciality, and how she would be a great candidate for the program.

Watch the instructor selected short video clip and write a two page reflection paper on the video.

Reflection Paper #1


Students are to watch the instructor selected short video clip and write a two page reflection paper on the video. The paper should contain a reflection (summary) of the video and 2 significant points of impact on them (key ideas). Student are to write a no more than 2 page reflection and discussion of the points from the video. You need to incorporate information from both the video and course readings/discussions into your APA formatted paper.

How is your college experience gendered, if at all? Brainstorm both norms and policies. Where is gender more salient? Less? How so? And why do you think that is?

Higher education as a gendered institution. Sociology

We’ve introduced the idea that education is a gendered institution governed by norms and policies and that the salience of gender often ebbs and flows across different contexts, activities, and spaces.

Consider the particular organization in which you are now embedded: college.

Brainstorm the ways in which your college or university—both the formal process of education and residence life and the social life both on and off campus—is governed by gendered norms and policies.

  • How is your college experience gendered, if at all?
  • Brainstorm both norms and policies.
  • Where is gender more salient? Less? How so? And why do you think that is?
  • How does this shape your experiences?

Which server(s) are the most important to protect and why? Which criteria would you use to determine which servers to protect first? What are some of the methods you would use to protect the different services?

Information Technology Question


  1. In a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper, research and describe 3 approaches to detecting errors within a network, including how the approaches work, the probability of detecting an error, and any other benefits or limitations. If you have used any network monitoring tools before, describe your experience and any challenges you may have experienced.
  2. Please choose one of the following two options and write your work in a 3-4 page APA-formatted paper. You are welcome to include diagrams within your work as appropriate, and if they are brought in from outside sources, be sure to provide proper citations and references. Do not go overboard with your designs, but consider each option carefully and provide an overview of the recommendations.


Option 1

You have been hired by a small company to install a backbone to connect four 1000base-T Ethernet LANs (each using one 24-port switch) and to provide a connection to the Internet. Develop a simple backbone and determine the total cost (i.e., select the backbone technology and price it, select the cabling and price it, select the devices and price them, and so on). Prices are available at, but use any source that is convenient. For simplicity, assume that category 5e, category 6, and fiber-optic cables have a fixed cost per circuit to buy and install, regardless of distance, $100, $120, and $300, respectively.


Option 2

You have been hired by a small company to install network infrastructure with shared storage. The office has 15 users. Business administration has requested that the accounting department, which has one user, not be on the same network as the operation network to protect business financial data traffic and maintain separate access to files and data.


Either Option:

In either case, consider the following requirements, but do not write your paper to solve all of these needs. Simply consider the needs in your network design solution:

  • Windows Server and Active Directory requirements
  • DHCP and DNS
  • IP addressing, VLANs, and subnet mask requirements to accommodate the number of users
  • NAS/SAN as appropriate
  • Print Server (if required)


Provide diagrams of at least two design options.

Discuss and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed design and justify your recommendations. Consider cost, security, on-going maintenance, adding new users, printing, log-in, and Internet connection to all users.

  1. Although it is important to protect all servers, some servers are more important than others. In a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper, please answer the following questions:
  • Which server(s) are the most important to protect and why?
  • Which criteria would you use to determine which servers to protect first?
  • What are some of the methods you would use to protect the different services?
  • Which requirements may differ between protecting local servers vs. cloud servers?
  1. You have been tasked with setting up a new company branch office for an existing organization. The company headquarters is in a different state but houses the main accounting server and company databases. The new branch office will need high speed Internet access and a VPN connection to the main office. The branch is expected to host 15 to 20 users. Due to the secure nature of the accounting and database systems that must be connected, you also must develop a plan to incorporate network security to meet their needs. Research and design a solution to address these requirements. While cost is always a factor to some degree, it would be best to recommend two options, good and optimal. Write your plan in a minimum 4–5-page APA-formatted paper, including network maps and pricing charts as appropriate. You will deliver your proposed solution in the Week 8 live class session.



Provide an in-depth analysis of securing and maintaining a network server operating system in a 5-6 page APA-formatted paper. List and compare these differences in order to determine which would be the best option for your place of business.

Information Technology Question

  1. In today’s world of constant change in technology, we must ensure that we are always up to date with the latest operating systems. Research and determine the best solution for a medium-sized business with 500 employees. This is a new company, and you need to determine if Windows, Linux, or another type of operating system would best benefit this network. These users require constant sharing of resources and authentication throughout the network on a regular basis. Your paper needs to address the following:
  • Benefits of the operating system
  • How this operating system compares to other operating systems
  • Security concerns with this operating system
  • Flexibility and scalability with this operating system
  • Cost and maintenance of this operating system


  1. Virtualization has become quite beneficial for not only organizations but network administrators as well who rely on this technology on a constant basis. For this week’s assignment, you will research why virtualization is so important and how it has been so beneficial to network administrators over the past few decades. Be sure to research server virtualization for large networks. Also, try to find current literature that supports your justification on why virtualization is so important and useful today. Submit your findings in a 2–3-page APA-formatted paper.
  2. The fundamentals of network communication today have not completely changed over the past 50 to 60 years. In fact, many of the same theories and concepts are still the same. Research and list 4 of the common network topologies that have been used in businesses over the past few decades. You will indicate which of these typologies are still in use today, and why they are still in use today. You will also indicate what types of resources and devices are commonly used within these topologies. For instance, in a star topology, is a router or a switch required? Additionally, list how a current operating system needs to be properly configured in order to support all of these devices across the topology. Submit your work in a 2–3-page APA-formatted paper.
  3. Provide an in-depth analysis of securing and maintaining a network server operating system in a 5-6 page APA-formatted paper. Microsoft Windows Server 2022 is the latest server produced by Microsoft that brings in many new technologies, such as Azure integration and advanced multilayer security enhancements. List the benefits provided by this new Windows server OS and compare them to other servers currently on the market, such as Linux and Apache. List and compare these differences in order to determine which would be the best option for your place of business. Justify your reasoning. Be sure to include all the elements that would be required in order to better secure and safeguard the operating system.

Discuss the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that can assist decision-makers and continuous improvement managers. What is the importance of employee involvement in process of continuous improvement to be successful in manufacturing companies?

MGT425-Spreadsheet Decision Modeling

Assignment Questions: (Marks- 15)

Read the above case study and answer the following Questions:    

  1. Discuss the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that can assist decision-makers and continuous improvement managers. (250-300 words) 3 Marks
  2. What is the importance of employee involvement in process of continuous improvement to be successful in manufacturing companies? (250-300 words) 3 Marks
  3. Explain the purpose of this study and how it is helpful for automotive manufacturing Companies? (250-300 words) 3 Marks
  4. Discuss four criteria that are the most important and needed to be considered when considering which material to use in the fabrication process. (250-300 words) 3 Marks
  5. What is your opinion about this study and how it is related to the learning in course and beneficial for you? (250-300 words) 3 Marks

Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” to comprehensively and critically discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with.

Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web”

Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” to comprehensively and critically discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with.

Your answer must integrate both relevant theory and organizational data/examples (100%).