
Convert your Beat Article into a television broadcast news format package. It must be between 2-3 minutes total.

Beat TV Spot

Convert your Beat Article into a television broadcast news format package. It must be between 2-3 minutes total. Use the t-script format and broadcast labels described in chapter 12 of Papper and 16 of Itule and from the links.

Is this finding (the finding shown by your figure) the main finding that was discussed in the popular article? Was it at all discussed in the popular article? Explain your answer.

Immunology Question

Link to your popular article:

Link to your peer-reviewed primary article:

Answer the following questions based on the articles mentioned above:

1.What figure will you be explaining for your video? This should be a single figure from your peer-reviewed primary article (or even part of a figure… if your figure has parts a-g, you may only want to show part a or parts a and b). (3pts)

2.In no more than three sentences, please explain the main finding that your figure (or part of a figure) shows. (6pts)

3.Is this finding (the finding shown by your figure) the main finding that was discussed in the popular article? Was it at all discussed in the popular article? Explain your answer. (5pts)

Who is your favorite newscaster? Tell us who the person is and why s/he is your favorite. If you don’t have one, spend time watching news this week and pick one out.

Favorite newscaster

Who is your favorite newscaster? Tell us who the person is and why s/he is your favorite. If you don’t have one, spend time watching news this week and pick one out.

As always, use correct grammar and punctuation. Your response can be at least 250 words.

What makes the acto, LAS DOS CARAS DEL PATRONCITO, of Teatro Campesino, humorous and entertaining, as well as educational and political?

Luis Valdez spoke on these subjects at UC San Diego. video review


  • Introduce your paper by relating your overall impression of the event with Luis Valdez.
  • Discuss how Luis Valdez uses the art of Theatre for social change and justice.

What makes the acto, LAS DOS CARAS DEL PATRONCITO, of Teatro Campesino, humorous and entertaining, as well as educational and political?

  • Luis Valdez describes many cultural influences and traditions from the Mayas, Aztecs, and Mexico that inform his aesthetic ideas in Theatre of the Sphere. What do you think Valdez means by the “vibrant being”?
  • Describe Valdez’ idea that we are all part of a “wave principle” in the movement of human history?
  • How is Luis Valdez hopeful in these violent times that we are living?


Just watch the video starting from 20-25minutws in all the way through. Skip over dr Huerta speaking. You only need Valdez opinions.

Examining the Relationship between Religious Diversity and Economic Growth.

Tying religious diversity with economic growth

Examining the Relationship between Religious Diversity and Economic Growth.

An ERP software system is often one of the most significant investments a company will make. Give any three arguments if you agree or disagree. Describe your response in your own language.

Description of Discussion Board


The purpose of discussion board activity is familiarized student with the significance of the ERP Enterprise Resources Planning.

Action Items

  • Access the discussion forum for this assignment by clicking on the discussion forum title.
  • Click on “Create Thread.”
  • Enter a title for your response in the “Subject” line.
  • Type your response into the message field to the following discussion prompt:
  1. Post your answer to the Question (100 – 200 words):

Read the below given statement and answer the question:

Discussion Question:

  1. An ERP software system is often one of the most significant investments a company will make. Give any three arguments if you agree or disagree. Describe your response in your own language.
  2. Respond to two other classmates’ postings by critically reviewing your classmate’s answer and stating which points you agree or disagree with.

Project the required income statement and balance sheet items. Evaluate historical relations. Identify the company’s situation.

Case study

Case Discussion

• Project the required income statement and balance sheet items.

• Evaluate historical relations.

• Identify the company’s situation. (to growth how to fund it?)

• Compare the options the company might have (to grow or not to grow?; if so, how to finance it? Remember workinig capital vs. operating working capital)

• Make a decision based on your analysis.

­What is my gut reaction to this work of art? ­What is my emotional response? ­Why does it make me feel that way? What are the most obvious thematic and formal qualities? What is it of?

Art Criticism Paper

Upload this assignment as a .pdf or .doc


Read “A Structure For Pedagogical Art Criticism” Tom AndersonLinks to an external site.. (below as pdf)

Choose a drawing, painting, print, or sculpture that you LOVE or HATE. Make sure that you know the name of the artist who created the artwork and that you are able to find biographical information on the artist. Complete the following essay. It is important that you read through the outline first and understand what each point is asking; you will need to have read the article to understand completely. Take time to reflect on each question and answer thoroughly, thoughtfully, and comprehensively. Your essay will be a minimum of three full double spaced pages. Use proper citations, it is required. Create a Works Cited page after your three page essay. Find 2-3 sources outside of our textbook.

­What is my gut reaction to this work of art?

­What is my emotional response?

Perceptual Analysis:
­Why does it make me feel that way?

A. Representation­

What are the most obvious thematic and formal qualities?
What is it of?

B. Formal Analysis

What elements and principles strike you as significant in the work and how do they contribute to the visual experience?
How does the work make visual sense?

C. Formal Characterization

What is the artwork’s style?
What expressive words define it?
What metaphors? What does it remind you of (mimesis)? Does it have human qualities (anthropomorphic)?

3. Personal Interpretation
What personal meaning do you find in this artwork?

4. Contextual Research
A. Research
What were the artist’s goals?
How can you look at this from an Expressivist point of view?
A Socioculturalist point of view?

5. Synthesis
A. Resolution- What is there about this work that is significant to me?

b. Evaluation- Does the work accomplish what the artist set out to do?

Identify and describe a specific policy or practice related to criminalization and the criminal legal system that emerged, occurred, or was implemented in the United States before 2010.


Identify and describe a specific policy or practice related to criminalization and the criminal legal system that emerged, occurred, or was implemented in the United States before 2010.
Examine the design of that specific development in its historical context, and offer at least two explanatory theories for its emergence (eg, modernist, critical race, etc).
Represent and reflect on the present-day impact of that specific development on public health and inequality.

Is the statement easy to read? Mention the scope of the mission statement. Does the statement define a business domain and explain why it is attractive? Does the statement describe the company’s responsibility to its stakeholders?

Management Question



Read the given case information and answer the questions that follow.

[Source: (adapted)]


Bangalore Enterprise Blossoms

Rama Karaturi had the idea for his rose-growing business. When he searched the city of Bangalore, in India, without success, for a bouquet of roses for his wife’s birthday. The city was a rose-free zone, so he decided to start growing them himself. He had wanted to take decisions for himself for some time and he also wanted to earn much more than his current salary. In 1996, he opened two greenhouses growing just roses. He used his own savings so took a considerable risk, but his confidence in the growth of ‘flower giving’ at times of major festivals encouraged other investors too. He sold the flowers in India, but his business also became one of the first in India to start exporting flowers on a large scale. Rama worked long hours to make his business a success. The business, called Katuri Networks, has grown at a tremendous rate, helped by Rama’s all-round business skills. He recently bought out a large rose grower in Kenya and his business is now the world’s largest cultivator of roses – and Rama achieved this in a little over ten years.


  1. Rama is an example of a ‘Business Entrepreneur’. Explain what is meant by this term. [3]
  2. Explain any two problems Rama’s business might have experienced during the set-up stage. [4]



Part II

A mission statement is a brief description of why a company or organization exists. It tells the purpose of being. It explains what the company does, who it serves, and what differentiates it from competitors. It’s used to provide focus, direction, and inspiration to employees while it tells customers or clients what to expect from the business.

Mission statements vary widely from one company to another. One mission statement could be better than the other.


Q 3. Using the Internet, find and write the mission statements of three different organizations, (it can be Profit or Non-Profit Organizations).

Evaluate any one mission statement which you find best using the following questions. [5]

  • Is the statement easy to read? Mention the scope of the mission statement.
  • Does the statement define a business domain and explain why it is attractive?
  • Does the statement describe the company’s responsibility to its stakeholders?
  • Does the statement give a portrait of the company, capturing the culture of the organization?

Q 4. Which mission statement you find the best among the three? Why?  [3]


(Try finding the mission statement of an organization via the link on a company’s Web page)

NOTE: Answer should not be limited to Yes/No. There must be proper explanation and reason/s for your answer.