
Discuss to what extent Browne’s “new model” created the conditions for these accidents and was this model appropriate to the industry in which BP competed? What structure is used in your organization and is this model appropriate to the industry in which you work?

Strategy Planning

Module 05: Discussion

Organizational Structure:

Read Case 6:BP: Organizational Structure and Management Systems (R.M. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 11th ed. Wiley, 2022).

Remember that a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and discussing the specific case questions below, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module which apply to the situation described in the case study.

2. Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

3. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

4. Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

The disastrous explosions at BP’s Texas City refinery and its Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico have drawn attention to the organizational structure and management system created at BP by former CEO John Browne.

1. Discuss to what extent Browne’s “new model” created the conditions for these accidents and was this model appropriate to the industry in which BP competed?

2. What structure is used in your organization and is this model appropriate to the industry in which you work?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.

State what you think are the causes of violence starting on page 255. Discuss how a forensic psychologist would work for the case(s).

Psychology Question


Choose a serial killer on the Biography website (see below). Be sure it is one that is unfamiliar. Read the brief and watch the video, if available. Some additional research may be needed to complete the profile. Write a criminal profile to include:

family background
history of abuse (if any)
living conditions
criminal history and/or delinquency
number of victims
types of violent crimes
victim profile (similarities of victims)
mental health (if any)
charge and sentence

State what you think are the causes of violence starting on page 255. Discuss how a forensic psychologist would work for the case(s).

Share an example of a company whose strategy has been based upon the external market and one that is based on a set of capabilities. Discuss how the external environment or resources and capabilities offer a sustainable competitive advantage and generate profit in each case.

Strategy Planning

Module 04: Discussion

Resources and Capabilities.

Discuss which should be the primary basis for formulating strategy: The external market or the internal environment (firm’s resources and capabilities)?

  •  Share an example of a company whose strategy has been based upon the external market and one that is based on a set of capabilities.
  •  Discuss how the external environment or resources and capabilities offer a sustainable competitive advantage and generate profit in each case.

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.

Explain the structural features of that industry that generate either high or low profitability. How are structural changes likely to impact competition and profitability in these industries? Is this industry attractive for investment? Why or why not?

Module 03: Critical Thinking Assignment

Industry Analysis (100 points)

To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 3.3, p.65 from your textbook. Complete an Industry Analysis for two different industries then compare these industries by answering the following questions.

  • Detail a Porter’s Five Forces framework with a graphic representation, like Figure 3.3, (p.65), and a written explanation in relation to the Five Forces for both industries.
  • Use the results from the Porter’s Five Forces framework to explain the reasons why profitability is what it is in the two different industries expressed as high, intermediate, or low.
  • Explain the structural features of that industry that generate either high or low profitability.
  • How are structural changes likely to impact competition and profitability in these industries? Is this industry attractive for investment? Why or why not?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4 to 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Important points for you:

Start the assignment by general introduction about 2 different industries then the questions.

Section header for each part (4 parts)

Every section should include introduction, body and conclusion.

Cite the textbook and 3 other references.

Textbook:  contemporary strategy analysis, tenth edition, Robert M. Grant  John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019.

Chapters 3 Industry Analysis: The Fundamentals & 4 Further Topics in Industry and Competitive Analysis in Contemporary Strategy Analysis

Figures 3.3, p.65 from your textbook











Complete 2 sets of Discussion Threads & Reply Threads in this course. Post one thread of 550–650 (not including footnotes) words. Post 1 reply of 450–600 words the week following the original thread assignment.

Discussion Assignment Instructions

The student will complete 2 sets of Discussion Threads & Reply Threads in this course. The student will post one thread of 550–650 (not including footnotes) words. The student must then post 1 reply of 450–600 words the week following the original thread assignment. You must try to respond to a classmate who has not received a reply yet. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citation in Turabian format. Each reply must also incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in Turabian format. Biblical references are highly encouraged but will not count as an academic source. Acceptable sources include the course textbooks, academic library books found in Liberty’s online library, peer-reviewed journal articles, and similar publications. Sources such as Wikipedia, religious institution websites, Youtube videos, and online dictionaries do not count as academic sources and should not be used. A bibliography, title page, and contents page do not count towards word count and are not appropriate for these discussion assignments.

Do some online research and answer the following questions: What do these acronyms stand for, AND what are the differences between them? BMR = EER =

Energy Needs and Training Heart Rate


Answer the questions in bold, and follow the instructions for calculations. 

This week we are exploring the concepts of BMR, and EER.  Do some online research and answer the following questions: What do these acronyms stand for, AND what are the differences between them? 

  • BMR =
  • EER = 

What are the differences between the 2 terms?

There is a formula to calculate your EER, yet it is a long formula, and you have to pay attention to the mathematical rules of order of operations when completing it.  There is an easier calculation that can give you a rough estimate of your energy needs (you still need to follow the order of operations).

Follow the steps with inserting your own info, and show your math in the process of finding your answers.  Discover approximately how many kilocalories you need on a daily basis.   Show your math when you calculate your BMR and EER.

Calculate Your BMR

Equation for:                         Age (years):                Equation:

Men:                                        18-30                           6.95 x body weight (lbs.) + 679

30-60                           5.27 x body weight (lbs.) + 879


Women:                                   18-30                           6.68 x body weight (lbs.) + 496

30-60                           3.95 x body weight (lbs.) + 829


Your BMR is kcal/day =  

Estimate Your Activity Factor

Level of Activity                                Types of Activities                                                     Activity Factor

Very Light                              Seated and standing activities, driving,                                  1.2

playing cards, computer work.


Light                                       Walking, sailing, bowling, light stretching,                            1.4

golf, woodworking, playing pool.


Moderate                                 Jogging, aerobic dance, light swimming,                                1.6

biking, calisthenics, carrying a load.


Strenuous                                Stairmaster, ski machine, racquet sports,                                1.9

running, soccer, basketball, obstacle course,

digging, carrying a load uphill, rowing.


Exceptional                             Running or swimming races, cycling uphill,                           2.3

hard rowing, carrying heavy loads.


Your Activity Factor is =

Energy Needs =  BMR x Activity Factor =

 (calculate your EER)

Your Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) = ___________kcal/day.

There is a table posted in this weeks block that lists the estimated Calorie needs per day for a specific age and gender.  Is this number you calculated different then the one shown for your age group?  Is it higher or lower? 

Do you feel that it is an accurate calculation for the amount of kilocalories that you need each day?


~ Heart Rate ~


Start by calculating your resting pulse:

(The instructions for this are also listed on the right hand corner of page 379 in our textbook.)

Sit down relaxed for 5 min. before you begin, and use a clock with a second hand.

Find your pulse by holding your first 2 fingers at the carotid (side of your neck beneath the lower jaw), or the radial (inside of your wrist) pulse points.

Count the beats for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to calculate the beats per minute.


  • What is your resting pulse?   ___________ beats per minute

It is important to know what your aerobic training heart rate is, so when you exercise you can stay within your aerobic range.  This maximizes your fat burning abilities in a workout.  The Karvonen Formula helps you calculate your training heart rate.    First take your resting pulse (the number you just recorded) and then do the math.  The formula is:

220 – age = maximum heart rate  Calculate your maximum heart rate and record:

Intensity depends on how hard you are training and your fitness level, try to stay between 60-70% if you have an average level of fitness.

The formula is:  (max heart rate – resting heart rate) x intensity + resting heart rate = training heart rate

An example with the 38 year old woman for 60% intensity is:

220-38 = 182 maximum heart rate

182 – 72 (her resting heart rate) = 110 x .60 (which is 60%) = 66 + 72 = 138 beats/minute to be in an aerobic training zone.

What is your training heart rate zone for 60% of your intensity?  (Show your math)

What is your training heart rate zone for 70% intensity? (Show your math)

Now go for a brisk 10 minute walk.  Take your pulse immediately as you finish walking. How many beats /minute is it now?  

Did you get into your 60%-70% training heart rate zone?   Did you feel winded or breathed easily?

Discuss how you will raise the capital for your business (or product)? After creating this new company/product discuss whether or not you believe this will be viable?

Innovative idea for a new product for IT.

1.  Discuss your new product (this should be a 1 page.
2. Discuss who your customers will be (1 paragraph).
3. How will you attract your customers – write a PR general plan (1 page).
4. Who are your competitors? How are your going to be ”different” or unique" (1 page)?
5. Come up with a general list of:

  • a. employees (type of position and salary) for the company/product?
  • b. Type of equipment will you need for your employees and data center) for the company/ product?
  • c. What kind of space will you require – how much do you think rent will cost for the company/ product?
  • d. General operating costs (phone, internet, supplies, etc.) for the company/product?

6. Estimate the amount of capital you will need to have to start your company or product. (use the link for accounting and costs from above)
7. Discuss how you will raise the capital for your business (or product)?
8. After creating this new company/product discuss whether or not you believe this will be viable?

Write a 150 word paragraph about Pascua in Russia.


Write a 150 word paragraph about Pascua in Russia.

Choose an ethical dilemma topic from the google form posted. Research the topic and find 5 current scholarly references. Write 3-5-page paper (not including the Title and Reference pages) in 7th Edition APA format (template is included under resources).

Ethical Research Paper


1. Students can recognize professional ethics and provide discipline-specific examples of ethical challenges in the workplace.
2. Students can explain potential results of discipline specific unethical behaviors, including inaction when witnessing unethical behaviors.
3. Students can discuss options when faced with ethical dilemmas and identify discipline –specific plans for how to navigate these challenges.


1. Choose an ethical dilemma topic from the google form posted.
2. Research the topic and find 5 current scholarly references.
3. Incorporate Nursing Code of Ethics in paper.
4. Address impact of breaches in ethical conduct.
5. Address alternative approaches to ethically challenging circumstances.
6. Write 3-5-page paper (not including the Title and Reference pages) in 7th Edition APA format (template is included under resources).
7. Take paper draft to Writing Center for critique.
8. Submit final copy of paper at deadline in word format. No pdf or other formats will be accepted.