
Define your service/product features and benefits and performance characteristics versus competitive products. How does the product/service fulfill the value proposition? What product/service changes do you recommend? What attributes do you want to add/delete to your product/service? What do you recommend in terms of changes to package design, logos, and/or brand identity?

Nitro Snowboards Marketing Plan

Put yourself in the shoes of VP for Marketing and develop a market plan for the next step for Nitro Snowboards.

Overview: Nitro has been designing, building, and distributing snowboards for almost 30 years. Recently through extensive R&D, our engineers have designed a new board that will revolutionize backcountry boarding for years to come. As the VP, you need to analyze and understand how to best market the company’s new innovation and craft a Marketing Plan. As you craft your plan, consider the iconic status of existing snowboards, and the lack of any recent radical innovations in the category, which pose major challenges in securing consumer adoption. If the company continues along the same distribution channels as its other board lines, Nitro potentially lacks the market penetration and sales that are forecasted for this new innovation. You will need to consider a cohesive and innovative plan for all 4 Ps of this product launch.

Based on this information, create a go-to-market strategy addressing the following:

Marketing Objectives – These could include marketing objectives such as market share, customer satisfaction, loyalty, etc.

Target Market (examples: professional players, hobbyists, etc) – Who have you identified as the most appropriate segment (target) for this product/service? Create a profile, define a typical target consumer, and describe them in specific detail. Why have you chosen this target market over

Product/Service Strategies – Define your service/product features and benefits and performance characteristics versus competitive products. How does the product/service fulfill the value proposition? What product/service changes do you recommend? What attributes do you want to add/delete to your product/service? What do you recommend in terms of changes to package design, logos, and/or brand identity? This may include the service promise, including any customer service and warranty information.

Pricing Strategy – Outline your pricing objectives and explain how they relate to your marketing objectives. Present a list price for your product that retailers will pay you. Discuss payment terms/options including any discounts and allowances you will give to your retailer customers. Discuss how you will balance pricing issues amongst different channels. Provide a rationale for your choices.

Place Strategy -Define your distribution strategy. In which retail channels do you want to sell your product? Why? Provide a rationale for your choices. Define your selling approach. What selling message will you use to persuade your retail partners to carry the product?

Promotion Strategy – Discuss if/how/why you will use the following promotion tactics: advertising (TV, print, radio, outdoor, Internet), consumer sales promotions (displays, price promotions, gift with purchase, sweepstakes/contests), event marketing/sponsorships, public relations, trade show, and conference participation, direct marketing (mail, telephone, email), Internet marketing, and Web 2.0 social media programs and other forms of communication. How will the customer receive information about the product? Be specific about what role each medium will play in the strategy and fulfill the overall marketing objectives. What is the recommended timing and frequency of the marketing communications plan?

Action Plan – discuss timing, and decide who should be responsible for the various aspects of implementation, and indicate the resources necessary to implement the marketing plan.

Use 2 of these sources and let the other three be from academic resources.

Prepare a “tri-folded travel brochure or tour guide” for the Frio Texas river. Pretend that you are trying to encourage people to go visit your river.


Prepare a “tri-folded travel brochure or tour guide” for the Frio Texas river. Pretend that you are trying to encourage people to go visit your river.

Describe 2 therapies. Explain how each therapy would benefit a particular individual or group of students using PIES(physical, intellectual, emotional, social).

Health and social care therapies and their benefits

Describe 2 therapies.
Explain how each therapy would benefit a particular individual or group of students using PIES(physical, intellectual, emotional, social).

Generate a comprehensive profile for the organization you work or belong to.

Comprehensive organization profile

Generate a comprehensive profile for the organization you work or belong to.

Bearing in mind that change is now the new normal, what must organizations do to effectively manage the rapidly changing internal and external environments within which they conduct business?

Organizational Change

While there are many factors driving the pace of organizational change today, there are four (4) factors that stand out; globalization, technological changes, the rise of the knowledge worker, and the importance of cross-functional collaboration within organizations. Bearing in mind that change is now the new normal, what must organizations do to effectively manage the rapidly changing internal and external environments within which they conduct business?

To what extent was this ‘liberation’ homogenous? What were the goals of some feminists after women’s suffrage was achieved? Confine your answer through the 1920s.

New Womanhood

Answer the chosen essay prompt fully and completely.

Include a main thesis, or argument, which the rest of your essay will successfully refer to and strengthen.

Use detailed and appropriate evidence from the course’s required readings.

Utilize a mix of both primary and secondary source material.

Include body paragraphs that a) support your thesis, and b) are organized using transition sentences.

Be at least four full pages in length.

ESSAY PROMPT: Trace the development of “New Womanhood” and women’s rights from the 1870s through the 1920s, typically labelled “first-wave feminism”. What were the historical arguments for and against women’s suffrage, or right to vote? What role did women play in late-19th and early 20th century progressive reforms? Consider how factors like industrialization, westward migration, imperialism, war, etc. affected women’s political and social ‘liberation’. To what extent was this ‘liberation’ homogenous? What were the goals of some feminists after women’s suffrage was achieved? Confine your answer through the 1920s.

Briefly define advance nursing practice and the four roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information.

NSG500: Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:

Use the South University Library and your assigned textbook to answer the following questions.

  • Distinguish between Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN).
  • Briefly define advance nursing practice and the four roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information.
  • Discuss the role you intend to acquire through SUO. Include experiences and/or qualities you have that have influenced your decision. Include your personal philosophy.
  • Develop a minimum of ten questions that you would like to ask the advanced practice clinician or non-clinician that you have chosen to interview.

Post the anticrime/prevention program they have chosen to evaluate. Discuss whether the chosen program has empirical support or not. If there is empirical support, please cite the articles and give a short summary of the article.

700 word discussion

The student will post the anticrime/prevention program they have chosen to evaluate. Discuss whether the chosen program has empirical support or not. If there is empirical support, please cite the articles and give a short summary of the article. Comment on each other’s problems/ideas. Give feedback to each other about the feasibility of an impact evaluation, use empirical research to support your feedback. Try to generate more than one intervention for the problem your organization is trying to solve, discuss the research that supports your program intervention.

The discussion must be followed by a bible verse to support the discussion.

References below

  • National Research Council. (2005). Improving evaluation of anticrime programs. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. ISBN: 9780309097062.
  • Vito, G. F., & Higgins, G. E. (2015). Practical program evaluation for criminal justice. Waltham, MA: Elsevier. ISBN: 9781455777709

Analyze the demographic and economic data of a country that Walmart is currently not operating in. Conduct an analysis for Walmart leadership about the country’s culture based upon the GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture.

621 week 6 assignment

Look at the attached information and let me know if you have any questions. Please be sure to do in-text citations and complete an APA formatted reference list.

In your paper,

Analyze the demographic and economic data of a country that Walmart is currently not operating in.
Conduct an analysis for Walmart leadership about the country’s culture based upon the GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture.
Explain how Walmart’s leadership skills and practices may lead to organizational success.
Formulate a model of cultural and ethical leadership as it applies to Walmart at a global level.

Compare and Contrast two of the readings. How are similar? How are they different? What does it say about the topic at hand? What can we learn from the conversation they are having about the topic? What are the conversations not say? Is anything implied or left out?


Pick one of the following essay prompts:

Minimum two sources and one additional outside source must be utilized for this essay no matter the prompt you choose. In other words, if you decide to incorporate a video that we watched for class you still need two textual sources to discuss from and one additional source.

Opinion 1: Compare and Contrast two of the readings. How are similar? How are they different? What does it say about the topic at hand? What can we learn from the conversation they are having about the topic? What are the conversations not say? Is anything implied or left out?

Opinion 2: We are living in a world where gene manipulation is not only possible but has been done in some cases throughout history—Hitler’s designer babies comes to mind, as well as the gene editing done by Chinese Scientist He Jiankui—should we have the power to alter the human genome if it means we can “turn-off” the genes that cause cancer and other serious diseases? Why or Why not.

Opinion 3: Before the rise COVID, offices of public health around the world have been seeing a rise of diseases that had been eradicated due to vaccines—such as measles. In early September of this year (2022), the CDC just confirmed the first case of polio in the US since 1994. How has the rise of anti-vaccines shape our current reality? Do you think we are only going to see more increase cases of once eradicated diseases such as measles, polio, and smallpox (we are also facing a monkey pox conflict as well)? What is your stance on vaccination in a world still affected by COVID?

Opinion 4: Using the sources as guide/evidence of support/dispute, answer the question: what is the danger of a single story?