
What should this community do? As the company representative, how do you navigate this situation? What is the best use of this natural capital?

Module 3 Discussion: Case Study and Systems Map

Case Study

A publicly traded timber company is feeling pressure to improve its bottom line. Due to increased international competition and a spike in the price of raw materials due to local over-harvesting, profits have plummeted and shareholders are demanding a turnaround. To make a quick profit, your company has decided to sell 250,000 acres of forested land to the highest bidder. Approximately one fourth of the land you intend to sell has river and lake frontage and thus will be sold at a premium. Because these particular tracts are more valuable, these parcels are sub-divided into the smallest plots zoning allows in order to maximize profit. The smallest lakeshore lot size the local government will allow is five acres. Other parcels will be divided into 10-, 20-, and 40-acre lots so they can be sold as quickly as possible.

Local government officials are in favor of this action because it will increase the local tax base, allowing residents’ taxes to go down or remain stable while increasing the services (e.g., new or improved highways, social services, etc.) provided to the community.

However, these forested lands are unique, providing critical habitat to many species, particularly migratory songbirds that spend the summer here. Of the 56 species that time their migration to coincide with the abundance of insects to feed their young, 12 are threatened and two are on the brink of extinction. Because of the unique bird species found here, a national birding organization has named the area one of the five top “hot spots” for members to add to their species life lists. An activity not to be overlooked, bird-watching has become the most popular outdoor recreational activity and local motel owners have recently noticed an increase in the number of birders. To capitalize on this opportunity, the hospitality industry, the state tourism board, and birding organizations are proposing a birdwatchers’ auto route through the area.

As the timber company places its land on the market, a local developer takes notice and proposes to buy the prime lake and riverfront properties in order to develop recreational housing on them. The developer’s proposal calls for cabins and summer homes to be built on one acre lots. Since this plan would exceed the current zoning standard, the developer must ask for an exemption from the county planning and zoning office. A national land trust, recognizing the importance of this land for wildlife, has also begun negotiating with the timber company. Its goal is to preserve land for future generations, but it would be unable to do so if the county planning and zoning office approves the decreased lot size.

What should this community do? As the company representative, how do you navigate this situation? What is the best use of this natural capital?

Locate and evaluate 8 digital tools based upon: interoperability, privacy, digital pedagogy, research & evidence, usability, and accessiblity.

Choose the Right Tool Activity

  1. Go to the Choose the Right Digital Tool Website from Edsurge.
  2. You will locate and evaluate 8 digital tools based upon: interoperability, privacy, digital pedagogy, research & evidence, usability, and accessiblity. You MUST find these tools on this website and provide a link to each one of them.
  3. At the end of the actvity select one of your favorite tools.

At your field experience school, observe two teachers teaching in their classrooms. Analyze specific classroom routines, activities, and environmental factors, and the degree to which they support a positive student-centered culture.

Supporting a Positive Student-Centered Culture

The purpose of this assignment is to discover strategies for promoting, collaborating, and communicating the school mission and vision. Additionally, you should also gain insight into the effect of vision and mission as a factor in the current school culture and be able to apply this experience to future roles.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

At your field experience school, observe two teachers teaching in their classrooms. Analyze specific classroom routines, activities, and environmental factors, and the degree to which they support a positive student-centered culture.

Following the observations, write two research-based recommendations for one teacher to promote a more positive student-centered culture. Incorporate 1-2 evidence-based research articles as the basis for each of your recommendations.

In your recommendations include:

  1. A description of the strategy and its purpose, relating it to the observations that you made.
  2. How to implement the strategy.
  3. Anticipated effects of the strategy.
  4. How the recommendation aligns to the school’s vision.

Submit the recommendations to your principal mentor for feedback.

Use any remaining field experience hours to observe or assist the principal mentor.

Write a 250-500 word reflection of your observations, recommendations, and feedback received from the principal mentor. Consider how you would share these strategies with the teacher you observed.

Incorporate PSEL Standard 5 and/or Standard 6 and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and PSEL standards should be referenced using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

Wk 4 DBR 2

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

After contrasting the leading causes of death C.D.C. and the Medical News Today websites, the top 10 aspects are almost similar primarily because they provide similar patterns as well as cases. For these reasons, it is evident that the most common causes of death are attributed to Chronic conditions like heart disease and cancer (Tavella, 2019).

According to the findings, heart disease and cancer are great examples of the top causes of death, with heart disease leading in both cases. The statistics of heart diseases fall within the category of 640 000 to 690, 0000 and the population among a given area with a hundred thousand individuals, the rate is over 200 persons (National Center for Health Statistics, 2023). For cancer, the number falls between 500,000 to 600 000. Some of these diseases, like the ones presented here, share similar characteristics, including age and genetic factors (Tavella, 2019).

 In that case, with regard to what we have studied over the past four weeks, it becomes clear that diseases vary between genders as much as they vary between various societal factors. In that case, as much as death is inevitable, the concept can be avoided through several approaches. For instance, lower respiratory infections can be avoided by minimizing smoking (National Center for Health Statistics, 2023).

Therefore, notable trends can be seen as a result of these statistics, and these primarily revolve around these fatal causes of death being brought about by recklessness. For instance, even unintentional injuries are brought about by individuals overlooking safety, which includes aspects like not wearing safety belts (National Center for Health Statistics, 2023).

Stress and coping contribute to illness and disease in the following ways. According to research, it has been proven that the body’s system can be victim to chronic stress, so when the stress is not released through proper coping techniques, it affects the immune system, creating illnesses (Tavella, 2019).

The information above relates to me in that all the factors leading to death are a part of what I interact with within society. As such, noting these constructs allows me to ensure that I carry out the appropriate healthy behavior. For instance, by regulating my weight and what I consume, I can avoid diabetes (Tavella, 2019).

Safe lifestyles are easy and integral to achieve since they primarily revolve around do’s and don’ts. To improve the health of the citizens in my community, the recommendations I would make revolve around healthy conduct within their everyday routines. This means that whatever is labeled as hazardous, like smoking, is entirely avoided. Moreover, exercise should be effectively applied in everyday practices (National Center for Health Statistics, 2023).


What type do you prefer? Do you get a mix of all three? What type of exercise do you participate in? How many times a week do you workout?

Week 10

There are 3 main types of exercise – aerobic, strength, and flexibility. What type do you prefer? Do you get a mix of all three? What type of exercise do you participate in? How many times a week do you workout? (If you don’t currently workout, have you in the past?)

Have you ever trained for a competition, marathon, bike race, etc? Do you have any experience with carbohydrate loading? The assignment for this week has you calculate your EER and your training heart rate zone. Were these numbers a surprise to you? Do you wear a heart rate monitor when you work out? Is it hard to stay in your aerobic training zone?

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to burn fat and build muscle. It can bring you into an aerobic state and build muscle tissue. Watch this 10 min. HIIT video with Rebecca Louise and try to complete as much of it as you can.

10 Minute High Intensity WorkoutLinks to an external site.
10 Minute High Intensity Workout

How was the workout for you? Did it feel it increase your heart rate?

Follow along with this short yoga video and see how flexible you are.

Flexibility and Range of Motion | Beginner Yoga With Tara StilesLinks to an external site.
Flexibility and Range of Motion | Beginner Yoga With Tara Stiles

Share any other reflections you have with the class by posting them in your original response.

What is the Time Value of Money Principle? Provide a real-world application which requires use of the Time Value of Money Principle.

Answer the discussion question

What is the Time Value of Money Principle? Provide a real-world application which requires use of the Time Value of Money Principle.

Describe how your knowledge, skills, and experience qualify you for this position. Using specific examples, describe your ability to work efficiently and effectively under pressure, manage multiple projects, and thrive under deadlines.

Statement of Qualification JC-361320

Answer these statement of qualifications questions with the following instructions, The SOQ must be numbered, typed in 12-point Arial font, single spaced, and be no more than one page in length.:

1. Describe how your knowledge, skills, and experience qualify you for this position. Using specific examples, describe your ability to work efficiently and effectively under pressure, manage multiple projects, and thrive under deadlines.

2. Describe a time when you had to convey contract or policy-related issues to external stakeholders, either in writing or verbally. What were some of the challenges this might entail and how would you address them?

With suitable examples (at least 2) discuss the importance of trust in business. What happens when trust is lost? Discuss how ethics could be incorporated in education, particularly for business students.

Management Question

Assignment Question(s)

  1. Critically evaluate the significance and the relationship between ethics and Business as explained by the author. (Not less than 500 words-5 Marks)
  2. With suitable examples (at least 2) discuss the importance of trust in business. What happens when trust is lost? (Not less than 500 words-5 Marks)
  3. Discuss how ethics could be incorporated in education, particularly for business students. (Not less than 500 words-5 Marks)

Note: All answers should be supported with proper references.


What will be the short-term and/or long-term effects on current special educators/related services providers and how they differentiate instruction? Briefly Explain

Discussion Post

HB 23 requires that teachers demonstrate competencies in using digital and other instructional technologies to provide high-quality, integrated digital teaching and learning to all students. There is also legislation (HB 44) that will transition funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital, to funding for digital materials, including textbooks and instructional resources, to provide educational resources that remain current, aligned with curriculum since 2017. This places you as a special education teacher right in the midst of a significant change.

Answer these two questions based on this information:

1. What will be the short-term and/or long-term effects on current special educators/related services providers and how they differentiate instruction? Briefly Explain

2.What are the short-term and/or long-term effects of an ALL DIGITAL format on students identified with disabilities? Briefly explain.

What approach, attitude or accomplishment are you most proud of and why? What was most challenging for you throughout the program and why? What did you do to mitigate or manage that? Looking at the eight MBA Core Competencies how do you evaluate your growth in these areas?

MBA770 – ME AS CHANGE LEADER – Looking back and forward.


The objective of this paper is to reflect on your learning and growth throughout the MBA program and to enhance your self-concept as a change leader.

The eight MBA Core Competencies mentioned below can be found in Blackboard on the left side of your screen. You will see a link – “MBA Program Competency Map”. Click on that. Then click on each of the competencies in the diagram for a definition of each.


Program Reflections (1 – 1.5 page)

Reflect on your experience throughout the MBA program, then answer the following questions:

  • What approach, attitude or accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
  • What was most challenging for you throughout the program and why? What did you do to mitigate or manage that?
  • Looking at the eight MBA Core Competencies how do you evaluate your growth in these areas?

How will you continue to strengthen those competencies in which you excel? How will you address those competencies where you still need more work?



At the end of your career (0.5 – 1 page)

Imagine a reporter is writing an article about you at the end of your career, what would you like them to write about you?

  • What would be the headline for the article?
  • What did you accomplish? What business did you create? In what did you contribute to the organization or industry?
  • In what way did you contribute to a sustainable (business) environment?
  • What kind of leader were you? What characteristics do you want to be known for?
  • In what way did you contribute to a climate of inclusivity?

Write a 2-3 paragraph article, including a headline,  as if you were that reporter.

Five years from now (0.5 -1 page)

Looking at the next five years….

  • What are your career goals for the next five years, that will support your 25+ years career vision described in the newspaper article above?
  • Where do you need and want to grow in order to realize these goals?
  • And how are you going to do that?