
How might you negotiate a resolution with which both parties would be satisfied? What conflict management approach would you use?

Conflict Resolution

Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items utilizing your conflict resolution steps from the reading.


Scenario: Your boss has assigned teams of five persons each that are addressing a new initiative within the company. The deadline is 4 months. Your team has struggled in the first 2 weeks of project development due to some personal conflicts between two members of the team who have been typically very competitive with each other throughout their work history within the organization. In fact, the human resources department has a documented history of the conflict between these two organization employees.

Checklist items:

  • How might you negotiate a resolution with which both parties would be satisfied?
  • What conflict management approach would you use?
  • Describe the process and hoped-for results. What does the result mean for both parties relative to the negotiation and why?

Discuss a conflict resolution that you negotiated in the past. It can be a family or friend with whom you negotiated, or a scenario from your work or military experience. What strategy did you use? How was it effective or not and why?

Conflict resolution

Discuss a conflict resolution that you negotiated in the past. It can be a family or friend with whom you negotiated, or a scenario from your work or military experience. What strategy did you use? How was it effective or not and why?

Explain the differences in conflict resolution strategy you would use with family or colleagues at work.

Briefly describe your role in the internship? What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?


Welcome to the first discussion where you will share and express your experiences, values and challenges.

Answer the following questions:

  • Briefly describe your role in the internship?
  • What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?
  • What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?

To complete this task you should initiate a post and reply to at least 3 of their colleagues.

What CPT coding system? what are its main categories?

W6: Interactive Activity


The purpose of this Activity is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learnt readings/ educational videos.

Action Items

  • What CPT coding system? what are its main categories?

Submission Instructions

Complete and submit this assignment according to your professor’s instructions.

Research a major professional sports team or use your own if you are involved in a sports team. Describe how they have applied some of the tools and techniques mentioned in this article.


Read the article and address the checklist items. 300 WORDS

Guenzi, et al. (2013). Leading teams: Tools and techniques for successful team leadership from the sports world. Wiley. Chapter 2 (ATTACHED)

  1. Research a major professional sports team or use your own if you are involved in a sports team.
  2. Describe how they have applied some of the tools and techniques mentioned in this article.

What was the most significant thing you took away from the topic of verbal language this week? How will this help you to be more aware about people’s verbal communication in the future?

Communication rules


In at least 300 words, please respond to the following:

  • What was the most significant thing you took away from the topic of verbal language this week?
  • How will this help you to be more aware about people’s verbal communication in the future?
  • Explain your reasoning by including at least one example.

What is the width of the median in this cross section? What is the width of a typical lane in this cross section? What is the width of a typical shoulder in this cross section?

Geometric questions

1- A 4 lane divided highway with a 12 feet median has a highway grade of -1.5%. The minor road approach grade is 3.5%. The design speed is 45 mph for the maior road and 40 mph for the minor road. Find the right turn departure sight distance for a passenger car taking a right turn from the minor road to the major road.


2- A new four lane state highway (posted speed limit 45 mph) is planned and you as the engineer are responsible for developing cross sections. Draw a typical cross section, while keeping in mind that there is only 74 feet of R.O.WV.

The entire 74 feet of R.O.WV. must be used.

There is a requirement of a concrete barrier in the median.

Highway design standards should be implemented.

  • What is the width of the median in this cross section?
  • What is the width of a typical lane in this cross section?
  • What is the width of a typical shoulder in this cross section?


3- A 2 lane highway with a grade of 6% has a posted speed limit of 50 mph and a design speed of 55 mph.

The minor road approach grade is -3%. Find the right turn departure sight distances for a passenger car taking a right turn from the minor road to the major road.


Did the test subject understand the question and the information you were seeking? Did the test subject need clarification to answer the question? Was the answer provided by the test subject the information you were seeking? How can the questions be improved to the desired answer?

Assignment 4: Interview Assessment for CASA Texas

For this assignment, students will develop an interview protocol and score-key rubric, conduct a mock interview, and access the process for improvement as well as ADA & EEO compliance. This assignment assesses learning outcomes 2 and 9, and it reinforces learning outcomes t 7, and 12.

You are the HR Coordinator for CASA Texas, and you have been asked by the HR Manager to create an interview protocol and score key to be used by multiple interviewers in assessing job candidates (volunteer CASA Child Advocates) for the position used in the previously completed Realistic Job (volunteer role) Preview. The three items the HR Manager would like assessed in the interview protocol for all applicants include the following:

  • organizational It [accountability[ as being accountable to others for our actions and the impact these actions have on others (Caw Texas, courts, children and their families, and self),
  • work group It [collaborative] as being collaborative and actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with and assist others in seeking win-in solutions, and
  • job fit [empathy] as being understanding of multiple perspectives and poor choices in difficult situations.

Submitting your assignment. Your assignment should be uploaded as an MS Word document by 11:59 pm of the due date. You will need MS Word to complete this assignment

Step 1. Create an interview protocol and score key for each of the three items using the format located on page 10 of the Structured Interviews: A Practical Guide. Ensure that the interview questions conform to the following requirements (1) is an open-ended question, (2) is not a leading question, and (3) is not a negative question. Develop a score key for each question with four levels and describe the response at each level.

Step 2. Test the interview protocol and score key in a mock interview with a test subject. The test subject can be with a family member, another student, or a colleague. Record the interview (audio or video).

Step 3. After completing the mock interview, consider the answers provided by the test subject and how the interview protocol and score key could be improved.

  • Step 3A. Interview protocol – Did the test subject understand the question and the information you were seeking? Did the test subject need clarification to answer the question? Was the answer provided by the test subject the information you were seeking? How can the questions be improved to the desired answer?
  • Step 3B. Score key – Was the level of response clearly apparent in the description of the response criteria? Does the description of the criteria need to be more specific or less specific? Does the score key need another level to assess the range of potential responses accurately? Could another interviewer use the score key and obtain similar scored outcomes?

In an MS Word document, provide a copy of the interview protocol and score key from step 1, the name and your relationship to the test subject as well as a recording of the interview from step 2, a reflection of how to improve the interview protocol and score key by responding to the questions posed in step 3 A and B. Properly label each item as Step 1, 34, 3B. Submit your assignment to this link.

Explain how and why the literary work is still relevant today. What current issues might it help today’s readers reflect upon? How does it reveal universal human themes? Why should 21st century classes continue to study the chosen text?

English Question

As globalism increases in importance in the 21st century, world literature is becoming more accessible and vital than ever. Readers around the world can learn much from other countries’ culture, values, narratives, and aesthetics to promote global harmony and expand their own horizons. To demonstrate the ways in which you are learning about the effects of world literature, you will write a brief essay that demonstrates a close reading of a particular World Literature text, making connections to other World Literature texts and thinking critically about how the work is relevant to 21st-century readers. A 4-5 page literary essay needs to be written in MLA format and a works cited page. Specific details are listed below.

  • Select a specific World Literature text to be the focus of your literary research paper (your primary source). Your choice.
  • Find at least one recent journal article about your chosen text, topic, and/or author, using our library databases. If you can’t find an article, you may try Google Scholar, Project MUSE, or other databases.
  • Gather at least three other sources to compare, interpret, analyze, or otherwise connect to your chosen World Literature text, and make Work Cited entries for all of the sources you’re planning to use, including the primary source. Thus, have at least five (5) sources on your paper’s Works Cited Page.

Guidelines to Follow

Here are some guidelines for structuring your research paper:

  • In your introductory paragraph, identify your chosen text and author(s), describe the culture, era, and place that produced the text, and otherwise give some background as if your reader does not know the work in question. End your first paragraph with a thesis that briefly alludes to (a) how you’ll connect the literary work to other works of world literature, and (b) why the work is still relevant to read in a 21st century classroom.
  • In your second paragraph, summarize the literary work in your own words. This should be no more than one paragraph; provide a shortened synopsis of the work that will be informative for the reader.
  • In your third paragraph, identify the article you found in step #2 and explain some current critical views of the literary work. What are other scholars saying about the literary work? Do you agree or disagree with them and why? You may include other secondary sources (writings about the literary work, its author or culture, etc.).
  • In your next set of body paragraphs, make connections to other specific works of world literature, history, pop culture, etc. Cite specifics from the texts, include quotations and citations, and try to forge compelling links between the literary work you chose and other texts, like we do in class. How does it fit into World Literature? What patterns do you notice that connect it to other eras, cultures, and events?
  • In your last set of body paragraphs, explain how and why the literary work is still relevant today. What current issues might it help today’s readers reflect upon? How does it reveal universal human themes? Why should 21st century classes continue to study the chosen text?
  • Include a Works Cited page in MLA style (8th) detailing your sources, all of which must be cited parenthetically and accurately incorporated within the body of the paper.

Write an essay evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of Internal Auditing In Governments Units In The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Internal Auditing In Governments Units In The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Write an essay evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of Internal Auditing In Governments Units In The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.