
Define the issue. Detail nursing’s or legislative current state in relation to the issue and discuss the group position on the topic chosen.

Nursing Question

Prepare a written persuasive position statement using APA format.The statement must:

  • a) Define the issue;
  • b) detail nursing’s or legislative current state in relation to the issue;
  • c) discuss the group position on the topic chosen.

Section Titles for the Position Statement Include: Issue, Current State, and Position.

Use appropriate references within the body of the text, and add reference page. MY part is section B which is detail nursing’s or legislative current state in relation to the issue i have attach doc include the bill and every thing all you need is to read it and just do part B

Morality is an issue that society has grappled with since its inception. Discuss how morality interact with modern race relations. Discuss how human psychology, history, and law intersect with this particular issue.

Discussion question about morality

Morality is an issue that society has grappled with since its inception. Discuss how morality interact with modern race relations. Discuss how human psychology, history, and law intersect with this particular issue.

What changes would you recommend that Meltos Co. make to their current learning and development provision to reduce costs and improve performance?

MGT211 – H.R Management Assignmnet – 1

Read the case given below and answer the questions:

Meltos one of the world’s largest bakery businesses with a significant market share in many of the world’s biggest bakery  markets, including many emerging markets. It has a long and proud tradition, stretching back more than 150 years, including a long history of developing its employees, which has remained part of its ethos during its progress to becoming a global company.

Despite very positive sales figures over the last 12months, Meltos Co. has prioritized streamlining the business to make it more competitive and has placed a strong emphasis on reducing costs over the next 18 months. Despite being keen to preserve its longstanding reputation as a firm that is committed to developing all its employees, in respect of learning and development, this ‘streamlining’ activity has focused on:

  • ensuring a clear return on investment in training activities
  • changing the way that learning programs are delivered and being more creative in developing approaches to learning.
  • connecting training activities to the strategic needs of the firm.

The most important driver of the assessment of its training provision at Meltos change. Whilst performing well in the marketplace, senior management continue to express discontent with levels of productivity and employee performance. Moreover, senior management has determined that the company needs to become more flexible and adaptable to respond to change in its market context, for example by an ability to adapt organizational structures to meet new business needs or through the introduction of technological innovation. Therefore, Meltos Co. wants to move towards a system of continuous improvement by creating a culture whereby workers are empowered to implement small incremental changes, rather than have substantial change imposed on them from time to time.

Traditionally, training needs analysis at Meltos Co. has been ‘gap-led’. In other words, training tends to be focused where Meltos Co. identifies a gap in capability – for example, where the introduction of new technology requires worker skill to be updated, company policy is changed or a key worker leaves the firm, requiring training to be provided to their replacement. Typically, this gap-led identification of need is conducted at a local level, with little reference made to the wider national or international workforce.

Currently, the company runs several large training events each year designed to update manufacturing staff on everything from health and safety changes, business strategy and company performance to the adoption of new production technology. This is sometimes coupled with skills training for these workers as and when appropriate.

The head of learning and development, (L&D)responding to a call to cut costs from the HR director, is now of the opinion, however, that such long training programs, often of up to three or four days, are no longer the most cost-effective and efficient means by which to develop the staff. Such training has the dual problem of requiring regular investment and repeat sessions to cover workers on different shifts or at different plants, as well as leading to undesirable downtime of certain aspects of production. In particular, the head of T&D is keen to reduce the reliance on external training providers to design and deliver interventions to different workforce groups, from senior management to shop-floor workers.

Nabeel , the head of learning and development at Meltos Co. recently attended a seminar at a local university on ‘the changing nature of workplace HRM’. He was slightly alarmed to find out that much of the company’s practice was seen as outdated. In particular, he was interested in examining how some more contemporary approaches and techniques in HRM could help the company both reduce costs and better performance through continuous improvement.


  1. What changes would you recommend that Meltos Co. make to their current learning and development provision to reduce costs and improve performance?(4 Marks)
  2. Discuss how e-learning, competency frameworks and improved knowledge-sharing at Meltos Co. might help to cut costs and make the HRM at Meltos Co. more strategic.(4 Marks)
  3. How might the firm seek to ensure a return on investment for its learning and development activity?(4Marks)
  4. How effective is training in the organization you work for and mention a few methods being used for effective development?(3 Marks)

Write enough information to recall the major points. Write the information in the form you are likely using in your paper (if you would quote in paper, quote in note, etc.).

Research Step 6

Mining for Gold: Taking Notes (Part 2)

Once the usefulness of a source is decided upon, notes get taken.

When you take your notes, you have three goals:

  1. Write enough information to recall the major points.
  2. Write the information in the form you are likely using in your paper (if you would quote in paper, quote in note, etc.).
  3. Copy all of the MLA bibliographic material to accurately cite it parenthetically and bibliographically.

In terms of requirements for your notes assignment (Step 5), you will need to incorporate the following:

  • Each set of notes must begin with the source’s bibliographic citation.
  • Each actual note must be followed by a parenthetical citation.
  • You must give 5 full sheets of paper filled with notes from 7 sources.

Irritable mood is commonly seen in up to 50% of those with MDD and is one of 5 criteria needed to diagnose the disorder. True or False?

Psychology questions

Suicide risk increases in which of the following age group(s): B

  1. Adolescence
  2. Older age
  3. Both
  4. Neither

Irritable mood is commonly seen in up to 50% of those with MDD and is one of 5 criteria needed to diagnose the disorder.

  1. True
  2. False

As many as 1 in 4 individuals with depression have a comorbid __________________.___________.

  1. Substance use disorder
  2. Anxiety disorder
  3. Personality disorder
  4. Neurodevelopmental disorder

Apply Porter’s value chain model to Costco ( What is Costco’s competitive strategy? Who are Costco’s major competitors? Describe Costco’s business model. Describe the tasks that Costco must accomplish for each primary value chain activity. How would Costco’s information systems contribute to Costco’s competitive strategy, given the nature of its business?

Study case

1. Surf the Internet for information about the Department of Homeland Security. Examine the available information, and comment on the role of information technologies in the department.

2. Experience mass customization by designing your own shoes at, your car at, your CD at, your business card at, and your diamond ring at Summarize your experiences.

3. Access What does this company do and where is it located? Who are its customers? Provide examples of how a U.S. company would use its services.

4. Enter Walmart China ( How does Walmart China differ from your local Walmart (consider products, prices, services, etc.)? Describe these differences.

5. Apply Porter’s value chain model to Costco ( What is Costco’s competitive strategy? Who are Costco’s major competitors? Describe Costco’s business model. Describe the tasks that Costco must accomplish for each primary value chain activity. How would Costco’s information systems contribute to Costco’s competitive strategy, given the nature of its business?

6. Apply Porter’s value chain model to Dell ( What is Dell’s competitive strategy? Who are Dell’s major competitors? Describe Dell’s business model. Describe the tasks that Dell must accomplish for each primary value chain activity. How would Dell’s information systems contribute to Dell’s competitive strategy, given the nature of its business?

Create a simple distribution graph (histogram) where we will explore the age of women after giving birth to their first child. Remember that a histogram consists of parallel vertical bars that show the frequency distribution of a quantitative variable in the graph.

Summarizing Data Collected in a Defined Population Sample (Biostatistics)

Critical Thinking Assignment

This week we are learning about ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous variables. Using the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset that is located in the tabs at the bottom of the Framingham dataset provided, perform the following problems using R Studio or Excel.

  • Create a simple distribution graph (histogram) where we will explore the age of women after giving birth to their first child. Remember that a histogram consists of parallel vertical bars that show the frequency distribution of a quantitative variable in the graph. See the example in Introductory Statistics with R on pages 71-7 or pages 123-124 in EXCEL statistics A quick guide. The area of each bar is equal to the frequency of items found in each class.
  • Determine the mean age of the women in the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset.
  • We will be testing the hypothesis that the mean age (μ = μ0) for women is 37 years in the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset. The topic of hypothesis testing was introduced in HCM505. If you need a review see Chapter 7 of our text.

H0 The mean age of women giving birth is 37 years old. (Null Hypothesis)
H1 The mean age of women giving birth is not 37 years old. (Alternative Hypothesis)

Ensure to submit the following requirements for the assignment:

  • Present your findings in a Word document, by copying and pasting the histogram into the document.
  • After your analysis state whether you accept or reject the null hypothesis and your reasoning why.
  • Always use a title page, an introduction, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the histogram, and a conclusion should be included.
  • Your submission should be 3 pages to discuss and display your findings.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. One of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these sources and should be your primary resource for conducting research.
  • Follow APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards.

Discuss melting point measurements. What steps did you take to minimize potential sources of error in these measurements? Describe how you determined the mechanism of this reaction. How did you rule out the alternative pathways?

Bromination of transCinnamic Acid (10 pts)

Compose the notebook page using the following notebook modules: Objectives, Safety Data,
Compound Structures, Results, and Discussion and Conclusion

Objectives (1 pt) should identify the overall goal of the lab and briefly explain what methods are used and why they are used, in this experiment.

In Safety (1 pt), include hazards information for all compounds listed on Canvas in Safety Data Sheets section for this lab:


Cinnamic Acid


In Compound Structures (2 pts), draw the reaction equation for bromination of transcinnamic acid with Br2. Include the reaction intermediate or transition state that leads to the product obtained in your experiment. Refer to lecture slides describing three alternative mechanistic pathways and pick the one that you think operates in your reaction.

In Results part (1 pt), include all information you recorded in Data Sheet you received in the lab.

In Discussion (4 pts):
Show and explain percent yield calculations.

Discuss melting point measurements. What steps did you take to minimize potential sources of error in these measurements?

Describe how you determined the mechanism of this reaction. How did you rule out the alternative pathways?

In Conclusion (1 pt), summarize key points, methods, and include main data.

Review the information in the FON report for SDoH and discuss how you are now prepared, as a nurse, to address those health care needs. Describe how your education and the skills you have learned will be used to promote achievement of health equity.

Hallmark Reflective Journal Assignment

Write a paper addressing the following questions. APA-formatted references are required. Each question response should be a minimum of 175 words and free of grammatical errors.

For this assignment, you will need to access the Future of Nursing Report: Links to an external site.

As you end your nursing program, you are being asked to discuss and reflect on the Future of Nursing Report and your own personal nursing school journey.

According to the Committee for the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report, the vision of the initiative is the achievement of health equity in the U.S. built on strengthened nursing capacity and expertise as outlined in the 10 nursing outcomes found in Box S-1 of the report. Identify one outcome and describe how the nursing program your clinical experience at Nightingale College prepared you to contribute to that outcome?

Additionally, the Future of Nursing report categorizes social determinants of health (SDoH): Economic Stability, Education, Social and Community Context, Health and Healthcare, Neighborhood and Built Environment. Review the information in the FON report for SDoH and discuss how you are now prepared, as a nurse, to address those health care needs. Describe how your education and the skills you have learned will be used to promote achievement of health equity.

Reflect on how your knowledge/views/opinions have changed or remained the same since starting your education. (feel free to be creative here)

Think about your future nursing practice (my future practice will include working in aesthetics and labor and delivery). How can you use your nursing knowledge to champion health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

Explain which bond will trade at a higher price in the market and why? What happens to the market price of each bond if the interest rates in the economy go up? Elaborate on your rationale.


Two bonds A and B have the same credit rating, the same par value, and the same coupon rate.

Bond A has 30 years to maturity and bond B has 5 years to maturity.

  • Explain which bond will trade at a higher price in the market and why?
  • What happens to the market price of each bond if the interest rates in the economy go up? Elaborate on your rationale.
  • Which bond would have a higher percentage price change if interest rates go up? Explain.

Substantiate your argument with numerical examples.

  • As a bond investor, if you expect a slowdown in the economy over the next 12 months, what would be your investment strategy?