
Which alternatives would be best for outsourcing for companies in the United States? Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?

Political, Legal, and Technical Decision-Making

Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109).

Recognize decision requirement: What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding to outsource labor to developing countries? Include the following:

  1. Diagnosis and analysis of causes: If labor outsourcing to developing countries is a legitimate business strategy, how can it be handled without risk of running into a sweatshop scandal?
  2. Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to avoid, reduce or eliminate sweatshops?
  3. Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for outsourcing for companies in developed countries, including whether or not to maintain or implement the same high labor standards and regulations as in the home countries.
  4. Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best for outsourcing for companies in the United States?
  5. Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?

In this course, you will have six Critical Thinking assignments where you will respond to assignment questions to develop an essay. Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses), and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA (7th ed) headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA (7th ed) paper template as a starting point.

Explain industry practices. Do other organizations in your selected organization’s industry use the cloud? Why or why not? What are some of the factors that must be considered before any organization uses the cloud?

Information Systems: Components, Architecture, and Infrastructure

Critical Thinking.

Corporations are increasingly moving their data to the cloud. Select an organization, national or international, that has used or should consider using cloud technology. Then, address the following requirements:

  1. Explain details (e.g., mission, vision, values, industry) about the organization that you selected.
  2. Outline some of the advantages and disadvantages of your selected company using the cloud.
  3. Explain industry practices. Do other organizations in your selected organization’s industry use the cloud? Why or why not?
  4. What are some of the factors that must be considered before any organization uses the cloud?

Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. To make it easier to read and therefore grade, make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two references in support of your work, in addition to your text and assigned readings. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Discuss/define the data independence concept provided by the three-schema database systems architecture. What are the two types of data independence? Which type is much harder to achieve and why?

Discussion Board

In this discussion board, you will post your answer to the question. You will also read and respond to other classmate’s postings. This is an excellent way for you to interact with your colleagues and to share your thoughts about the question answer in a critical way.

Action Items
Access the discussion forum for this assignment by clicking on the discussion forum title.

Click on “Create Thread.”

Enter a title for your question in the “Subject” line.

Type your response into the message field to the following discussion prompt:

1. Discuss/define the data independence concept provided by the threeschema database systems architecture. What are the two types of data independence? Which type is much harder to achieve and why?
2. Respond to two other classmates’ postings by critically reviewing your classmate’s answer and stating which points you agree or disagree with.

What were the key events, people, and doctrinal issues that contributed to schism and separation among the Congregationalists converted during the Great Awakening? What is driving this phenomena forward?

Religion question

This assignment will help you to develop your critical thinking skills regarding the differences between the first and second Reformation movements within the Evangelical tradition. Understanding the Evangelical tradition will require you to identify key ideas which caused the Second Reformation to become more church-focused from the Great Awakening to the present day.


Based on the portion of the Snavely text assigned for this Module: Week, you will write a 2–3-page, double-spaced paper that answers the following questions:

What were the key events, people, and doctrinal issues that contributed to schism and separation among the Congregationalists converted during the Great Awakening?
What is driving this phenomena forward?
Specifically in this instance, why is this consequence an inevitable result of what happened in the Great Awakening?
What difference does Separatism have on continuing the movement today? Is this principle a one-time event or a continuously applicable principle?
What application points can you take away from this study of church history to apply in your ministry?
(make sure it is typed in Kate-Turabian format, with footnotes)

Analyze the fraud scheme in terms of the Fraud Triangle, and include an example of incentive/pressure, opportunity, and rationalization from the case that you found in your analysis. What were the types of financial statement fraud committed by Crazy Eddie’s retail business?

Unit5 ac465

Read the following fraud case study materials in Chapter 7 of your text:

  • “That Way Lies Madness”
  • “Hiding Your Dirty Laundry in the Notes”

In your analysis of this case study, please address the following:

  • Analyze the fraud scheme in terms of the Fraud Triangle, and include an example of incentive/pressure, opportunity, and rationalization from the case that you found in your analysis.
  • What were the types of financial statement fraud committed by Crazy Eddie’s retail business?
  • What red flags were present indicating that each type of fraud may be occurring?
  • Explain how the risk factors you found increase fraud risk. For each fraud risk factor, suggest an internal control that will minimize the risk.

Assignment Submission Requirements

  • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained by providing specific examples to support your assertions.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
    • Explain why the person’s behavior pressured them to commit fraud.
    • Where did they find the opportunity to commit fraud?
    • How did they justify (rationalize) their behavior in committing the fraud?

Choose Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) of the infectious respiratory disorders from this module to discuss the multidimensional care strategies for this disorder. List these interventions based on priority and include rationale as to why you prioritized in this manner.

Infectious respiratory disorders

Choose Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) of the infectious respiratory disorders from this module to discuss the multidimensional care strategies for this disorder. List these interventions based on priority and include rationale as to why you prioritized in this manner.

To what extend do you think Ali process Emotional Intelligence. Do you think the concept of emotional intelligence is important in organizational setting? Briefly justify your answer.

MGT421 – Communication Management

Assignment Structure:

  Type Marks
Assignment-1 Part 1 5
  Part 2 5
  Part 3 5
Total   15



Ali is a successful financial officer in a banking company. He will take over the recently acquired footprint as the new regional CEO. The newly acquired banking institution has a good market reputation

On Monday morning at 10am, Ali had called a meeting. He reached the office at 9am and saw very few employees in the meeting so he got annoyed but keeping his emotions at side, he started the meeting at sharp 10am .Ali was unhappy due to lack of dedication of employees towards the organization, as most of the employees did not arrived on time.

Later that afternoon Ali met the executive team and outlined the strategic goals, objectives and deadlines. A meeting was held with the senior staff members for reporting progress. In the report it was shown that currently the market growth numbers were up and new business numbers were increasing.

A quarter later Ali had a quarterly report result. The report showed both positive and negative result. Ali reviewed the report with his staff and requested them for their input. However his request was greeted with silence. He sensed an uneasy feeling in the room.


  1. To what extend do you think Ali process Emotional Intelligence. (2.5 Marks)
  2. Do you think the concept of emotional intelligence is important in organizational setting? Briefly justify your answer. (2.5 Marks)



Part-2-Case Study

Sara, a third-year adjunct faculty member at a major university, looked at her course evaluations from students for the term just ending and shook her head in disbelief: What could have prompted the very negative comment one student made? She remembered vividly the day in question. It was the first day of class for a new school year and a new semester. Since this was a freshman-level class, students were also new to campus. New classes routinely require introductions, and Sara tried to have an interesting icebreaker. She had the students do a “mix it up” exercise where they had to stand up, move around the room, shake hands with and greet every other person in the class. The room buzzed with excitement as the new students greeted each other, and it seemed to be quite a success. The rest of the semester went as expected, and students continued to network with each other. Now, at the end of that term, Sara was looking at a student’s comment on the semester end course evaluation and was shocked. The student rated her “D” (the lowest possible) and commented: “The instructor was very insensitive and unaware. She even expected us to shake hands during introductions.” Thinking about that first day of class, Sara did not recall that any of the students participated reluctantly. No one seemed to hesitate, or to avoid the activity, or to ask to be exempt from the introductions. She wondered why the student did not immediately indicate any discomfort. Why did this student not ask for an alternative way to participate? Looking back, Sara tried to think through how students who were reluctant to “touch” anyone else could participate. While she thought of the handshake as a form of friendly interaction, clearly some students did not see things that way. How could she re-design the exercise so that students from outside the main culture could fully participate but not have to do anything that would make the giver or the receiver of the handshake uncomfortable? She also thought about the idea that religious beliefs were not the only reason for a reluctance to touch others. Perhaps students were germphobic, had skin sensitivities, or were adverse to having others touch them for health reasons. She asked herself what other inclusive instructions could have been provided, such as, “If anyone does not want to shake hands, let’s work out an alternative now, before we start.” This would have provided an option before the activity started. Also, in a low-key, positive and friendly way, any concerned student needed to be prepared to suggest an alternative action, such as, “I am not able to shake hands, but I would be very happy to do this [provide alternative].” No big loud “ugh..” no moaning or groaning, but a maturely presented alternative. It was now apparent that, for the entire semester, the student had harbored a grudge about the handshake introductions.


Q1. What responsibility should Sara take for her introduction exercise to be inclusive and respect other cultural customs outside the host culture’s practices? (2.5 Marks)

Q2. What recommendations you have for the student who did not want to shake hands? (2.5 Marks)



Think about any difficult situation/conversation, which you might have encountered in your professional life or student life. Based on that conversation, answer the following

  1. Briefly discuss the conversation/situation. (1 mark)
  2. Evaluate your and others’ performance in terms of assuming the best in one another, staying calm, finding common ground, disagreeing diplomatically, avoiding exaggeration.(2 marks)
  3. Describe three ways you would approach the conversation differently if you again encountered the same situation (2marks)

Write an essay on the history of false advertising in consumer health prior to the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act.

The History of False Advertising in Consumer Health Prior to the Creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act

Write an essay on the history of false advertising in consumer health prior to the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act.

What might explain the difference between male and female heart attack rate before age 55? What could cause heart attack rates in males and females to be similar after age 55? Based upon the answer to these questions, can you think of any treatment that might be available to prevent heart disease in older females (or males)? Is there any evidence that such a treatment is effective or safe?

Anatomy Question

For this assignment, you will be required to write a five-paragraph essay on the topic outlined below. The essay must be type‐written and printed in a legible typeface. The due date for this essay is indicated on the syllabus. The assignment is worth 10 pts., and will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • 1. Does the essay answer the central question posed in a reasonable fashion? (2 pts.)
  • 2. Does the essay present adequate evidence for the answer given? (2 pts.)
  • 3. Does the essay present reasonable speculation for further study? (2 pts.)
  • 4. Is the essay presented in the proper format? (2 pts.)
  • 5. Is the grammar and spelling used in the essay correct? (2 pts.)

Examine the following table and graph:

Age (years) Male Female
25-34 10.8 5.3
34-44 50.7 19.2
45-54 131.5 49.2
55-64 206.9 199.2
65-74 492.3 498.1
75-84 823.40 812.30

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 10.14.39 AM.png

Questions: What might explain the difference between male and female heart attack rate before age 55? What could cause heart attack rates in males and females to be similar after age 55? Based upon the answer to these questions, can you think of any treatment that might be available to prevent heart disease in older females (or males)? Is there any evidence that such a treatment is effective or safe?

Answer each of these questions and present any evidence for your conclusions. Present any reasonable speculation for further study based on what you have learned while researching the answer to these questions. it is a long nails off the show.

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.

Management Question

Question 1.

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management. 3 marks (max 350 words)

Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach? Justify. 5 marks (max 350 words)

Question 2.

Refer to Porter’s forces driving industry competition to answer the following questions: (max 500 words)

  • In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s) in Porter’s industry forces? Why? 1 mark
  • What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 1 mark
  • How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment? 1 mark
  • What are the main limits and drawbacks of Porter’s forces? 1 mark
  • Choose an example of an organization from the Saudi market and draw the matrix of Porter’s forces. What is the main force in this case? Assess the competitive advantage of your chosen organization in relation to these forces. Suggest solutions to improve its position in the market 3 marks


Note. To improve your answers, you are requested to use at least 5 recent scientific references, following the APA style.