
Explain how you went about designing your wiki-guide, the selection of your target audience, and what you hope your audience will get out of using your guide.

LT4056 London’s Visitor Economy

Assignment 1
Assignment 1 is an on-line wiki-guide (a tourist product) to London designed for a specific target visitor group. This group could be a socio-cultural or national group of visitors, inspired by their origin or socio-cultural background. Students in the past have chosen national groups (eg American, Japanese, Polish, Czech or Jamaican visitors), a particular age group (eg American students, European students, older European tourists), particular interest groups (film lovers, punk rockers, garden lovers).
Ideas and tasks for the wiki will be provided weekly via videos, slides, readings in daily newspapers, and seminar discussions. You should work on the wiki throughout the whole semester. The idea is to design a guide that will engage and interest your chosen target market. The Wiki Guide needs to talk to the potential visitor directly. This is meant to be a ‘real’ tourist product so you need to get the tone of voice right for your target group.
Your guide needs provide your target group with places to visit, and give ideas of how to they can spend their time in London. The places to visit should relate to the needs and interests of the group you have selected. You should base this on research – what market research from London and Partners and Visit Britain say about the variety of visitors that come to the UK and what their interests are. In weeks 1 and 2 we discuss the London visitor economy, the range of attractions, the range of visitors and what they spend their time and money on in London. Have a look at the documents in the week 1 and 2 reading lists on Weblearn. They give data on the different nationalities visiting the UK; what they like, what they think of Britain and London. In week 3 we will look more closely at these different visitor groups. This should start you thinking about providing a guide to London that will introduce your target group to attractions, places and experiences that they would actually like. You should avoid the most obvious attractions eg the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben. These are well known and visitors will know about them. Your task is to give your target audience ideas of places to visit that they do not know about – hidden gems and less well-known attractions that they will find interesting.
Your first task then, will be to select a target group; think about their needs and interests. Use the research data from Visit Britain to find out about what different nationalities do or think. Start developing content that will be useful, relevant, engaging and accessible to that group. The wiki should contain text, images, and links to relevant sites and videos.

Do not cut and paste from the websites of attractions; do not waste time giving opening hours or entrance fees (simply provide links to the relevant website for this information). Do not spend time giving advice about accommodation or transport around London – there are plenty of places visitors can find this information. You need to demonstrate to the reader what is special about the places you have chosen for the guide and why they would enjoy them.

Assignment 2

A 1000-word reflective essay on how you designed the wiki guide and your experience of the module. The word count does not include tables, bibliography, or appendices. You should cover the following in the assignment:

Part A Reflection on the wiki guide (900 words)
Here you explain how you went about designing your wiki-guide, the selection of your target audience, and what you hope your audience will get out of using your guide. It is an opportunity to show your thinking and research for this assignment.

The suggested structure Part A of the reflective essay is:

The title and theme of your guide
The selection of your target audience – which group(s) did you consider and finally select and why
What kind of visitor experiences would appeal to your target audience? Use evidence to back up your reasoning (reports, articles, newspaper or other sources have you used to tell you what your audience might enjoy?)
What are your aims and objectives in designing the guide? What do you want the visitor to get out of using your guide?
Which sites/ sights/ events did you select for your audience and why – you could set this out as a table (see table 1 below). What sources did you use to find out information about these entries to your guide?
What design features did you include in your guide and why
What are the strengths of your guide?
What are the weaknesses of your guide?
Looking back after having completed the wiki guide, would you still go about it in the same way?

Part B What you have learnt from taking this module (100 words)
How has your knowledge of London developed through developing this guide and how has your understanding of London’s visitor economy developed during this module? This includes the sessions with industry professionals in weeks 7 and 8.

Part C Bibliography
You should provide a bibliography of the sources you have used for the wiki-guide. These should be cited in section A above and the full details provided in the bibliography using the Harvard system. The bibliography does not contribute to the word length of the assignment.

How can technology/or cognitive approaches be used to enhance eyewitness memory?

5-2 Project Two Milestone

Topic: How technology/or cognitive approaches can be used to enhance eyewitness memory.

How could a utilitarian justify cheating on an exam? What is a utilitarian argument in favor of a college education? How does it differ from other reasons someone might want to go to college?

Utilitarian argument

Each answer should include a clear understanding of the concept(s), a clear and thoughtful argument (that typically means demonstrating you understand both/other sides), and does not include multiple spelling and grammatical errors. The paper does not need to be written in essay format. You can simply answer each of the questions in one 3 page paper.

1.How could a utilitarian justify cheating on an exam?
2.What is a utilitarian argument in favor of a college education? How does it differ from other reasons someone might want to go to college?
3.Does Blake Mycoskie have to be an altruist for TOMS Shoes to be considered an altruistic enterprise?

Tom’s Shoes Ethics Video

Provide information about the organization and its campaign. Discuss the campaign based on the information discussed in the Unit V Lesson. (Is it effective? What, if anything, can the organization do to improve PR through social media?)

Social media public relations (PR) campaign

For this assignment, you will investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization. Some examples of platforms are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube. The organizations can be national or local to your area.
In this assignment, you will need to include the following components:
Provide information about the social media platform.
Provide information about the organization and its campaign.
Discuss the campaign based on the information discussed in the Unit V Lesson. (Is it effective? What, if anything, can the organization do to improve PR through social media?)
You will need to reference at least two academic sources. Web pages provided by a company or organization (e.g., an “About Us” page) will be accepted for this assignment as a valid, academic source.
Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

What are different moral forms of thoughtfulness that might be used to justify or prohibit this. Is there a moral difference between PAS and passive euthanasia and, if so, is passive preferable? Why/why not?

Physician Assisted Suicide

Discuss why physician assisted suicide should be legal in the United States. When a patient is suffering with a life threatening illness that is incurable. The patient should be given the option to decide when they want to end their life. As science and technology continue to advance we are still abiding by the inhuman end of life care for terminal patients who are in severe pain and ready to be free of pain and suffering.

Things that need to be covered in the paper: You will probably need to explore what biomedical principles this advances (or perhaps risks). What are different moral forms of thoughtfulness that might be used to justify or prohibit this. Is there a moral difference between PAS and passive euthanasia and, if so, is passive preferable? Why/why not?

Define what is decision making, & describe the importance of the decision making. Define a theory of organization that applies to Hyatt regency Guam.

Decision making

Define what is decision making, & describe the importance of the decision making. In addition, define a theory of organization that applies to Hyatt regency Guam. Describe how the theory of organizational and decision-making applies to Hyatt Regency Guam. Lastly include some recommendations on how to make Hyatt Regency Guam a better hotel.

In the Background Materials, provide a scan or photo of one page respectively from each of your sources. The scans can include further maps or visual sources. Provide enough textual evidence of how you derived your arguments or account.

Addendum: Wulingyuan Scenic and historic interest area

Strictly follow these instructions and the assignment outline. There are examples of the professors addendum and how he wants it. The powerpoint attachment is an example of the composite illustrations.

1. 750 addendum
2. composite illustration
3. background materials

• The written Addendum, which should not exceed 700 words presented single-spaced on one page, provides a supplementary account of the World Heritage Site. It should not include a repetition of the existing criteria by which OUV is established, nor should it attempt to define the site by fitting it into an additional criterion. Instead, the purpose of the account is to determine how the site might be redefined as a ‘dynamic system’, giving weight to missing facets of the site’s history or its present-day challenges. Your word count should be given.

• In this written Addendum, keep in mind the application of HUL as a theoretical framework, whether it is clearly applicable or only remotely so. Should the site be far-removed from urban centers, consider how tourism, trade, and ties might link it to populations in cities worldwide (as Lectures suggest).

• In the Composite Image, which is referenced through in-text figure numbers in the Addendum, include at least one map that places the site in geographical or historical contexts. Provide captions (with sources cited) for the map and for each additional image (up to five images). With the graphic or design skills you have developed in other courses, make this
Composite Image as lively as possible, bringing the key issues to life.

• In the Background Materials, provide a scan or photo of one page respectively from each of your sources (limiting this to no more than three scans/photos). The scans can include further maps or visual sources. Provide enough textual evidence of how you derived your arguments or account.

NOTE: A bibliography — Works Cited — should follow at the end or it may be included as an
additional page directly after the written Addendum.

Based on your observations, what are the qualities of good History/Social Science teaching?

Qualities of good History/Social Science teaching

1. Does your paper answer the BIG Question:

Based on your observations, what are the qualities of good History/Social Science teaching?

2. Does your paper have good categories to evaluate the teaching you observed?

3. Does your paper include references to the articles we discussed in the first1/3 of the class about historical thinking and teaching skills?

Remember: **We are learning and observing classes during remote instruction. While we cannot ignore this fact, we should not make that the main focus of our ideas about teaching. As the three presenters at the Teacher Symposium indicated, methods and assignments might change, but the focus on student engagement, teaching writing and teaching content have not changed. **

4. Does your paper have a title that indicates something about your argument?

Is there any difference between the mean BMI of males and females? Is there any correlation (positive or negative) between BMI and age? Are there any differences in the percentage of males and the percentage of females in each of the four BMI categories?

Body Mass Index

1. Is there any difference between the mean BMI of males and females? [DO A T-TEST ON THE DATA SORTED

2. Is there any correlation (positive or negative) between BMI and age?
(a) For males, is there any correlation between BMI and age?
(b) For females, is there any correlation between BMI and age?
[MAKE TWO SCATTERPLOTS OF THE DATA, ADD A TRENDLINE (with “display equation on chart” and
“display R-squared value on chart”) AND DO TWO CORRELATION TESTS ON THE DATA SORTED BY

3. Are there any differences in the percentage of males and the percentage of females in each of the four BMI
MAKE A VISUAL COMPARISON]. Compare your answer to the conclusion for Question 1 and comment if they
match or if they contradict each other.

4. Is there any correlation between height and weight?
(a) For males, is there a correlation between height and weight?
(b) For females, is there a correlation between height and weight?
[MAKE TWO SCATTERPLOTS OF THE DATA, ADD A TRENDLINE (with “display equation on chart” and
“display R-squared value on chart”) AND DO TWO CORRELATION TESTS]