
Imagine you are applying for a job as a teacher, educational psychologist, or counsellor at a school. In the written portion of the interview, you are asked what is your educational philosophy? More specifically, can you explain your view on teaching, learning, and which educational theories you advocate?


Read the following and answer only 2 questions.

Imagine you are applying for a job as a teacher, educational psychologist, or counsellor at a school. In the written portion of the interview, you are asked what is your educational philosophy? More specifically, can you explain your view on teaching, learning, and which educational theories you advocate?

Explain and justify in 2-3 pages (or 500-750 words).

Imagine you are a practicing teacher, psychologist, or counsellor in a school. Your task is to help students in a particular class improve the way they learn (your choice on the grade and subject). What issues would you expect to encounter? In what ways would you identify and address the issues you face?

Explain and justify in 2-3 pages (or 500-750 words).

If you were to create a “learning strategies” course for TWU undergraduate students, what metacognitive strategies and skills would you include in this course and how would you teach it? (See chapter 9 for ideas).

Explain and justify in 2-3 pages (or 500-750 words).

You have been subjected to many models of learning including my (in)famous accompanying drawings. You may also recall Josef’s model of learning in relationship to an airplane. Use a metaphor/analogy to explain the major concepts covered in this course.

Explain and justify in 2-3 pages (or 500-750 words).


You have heard from several very experienced teachers (Ken Wolgram, Juan Sanchez, Pat Rohla, Jeff Dickson) with a combined professional experience of almost 90 years. Compare and contrast the messages you have taken from them. Describe how their stories/threads/insights have aligned (or not) to the major topics of this course.

Explain and justify in 2-3 pages (or 500-750 words).


How has social media affected the expression of gender and sexuality? How has it affected gender roles in general?

Gender Stereotypes in Media

My research question is: How has social media affected the expression of gender and sexuality? How has it affected gender roles in general?

And these are the sources I must use:

Be sure to make an argument towards the sources as well.

Thinking about the same deal, discuss important drivers of internationalisation as per Yip’s model. There are 4 drivers (11 points in total), make sure you address 3 point (out of 11) while addressing this question. Approx 300 – 400 words.

Global and International Business Strategy

This is an individual piece of work – select one organisation (from the list provided) and address the following aspects:
Provide only a short introduction to state the company and define the industry in context.
Part 1 deals with strategic position of the organisation and addresses two aspects (Q1 external, Q2 Internal).

Q1. External analysis of the external business environment (industry as defined –it’s not about company). PESTEL – approx. 800 words
PESTEL: 5 most important issues to be identified, discussed and each concluded as an O or a T.
Os and Ts from PESTEL should form the OT parts of the SWOT matrix.

Q2. Internal analysis (resources and competences) of the acquirer without the target– approx 800 – 1000 words
Resources (what a company has) – descriptive approach. Approximately 5 resources to be identified and discussed (each should be discussed in a separate paragraph and concluded as a Strength or a Weakness). Try to address human, physical and intangible resources.
Try to identify at least one Weakness.
Competences (what a company does). Construct a Value Chain and list at least 5 activities (distinctive capabilities/competences) within.
One activity (distinctive capability/competence) should be discussed in detail (explain the activity, state why it is good/special and provide some evidence to support your arguments) in the main body. You can discuss another distinctive competence in the appendix in the same way if you like. Each distinctive competence is a Strength, so (assuming that you identified and discussed 5 resources – 4 Ss and 1 W) in total you should have 5Ss (competences) + 4Ss (resources) + 1W (resources).
The above Ss and Ws should form the SW parts of the SWOT matrix.
Part 2 is about the deal (undertaken by the company/case you’ve chosen).

Q3. Strategic direction of the deal discussed. Construct the Ansoff matrix and place the deal in one of the sections (other 3 sections should stay empty) explaining below why do you think that the deal belongs to the stated direction (e.g. market development). Approx. 100 – 200 words.

Q4. Thinking about the same deal, discuss important drivers of international as per Yip’s model. There are 4 drivers (11 points in total), make sure you address 3 point (out of 11) while addressing this question. Approx 300 – 400 words.

Q5. Thinking about the same deal, identify and discuss motives behind the method of the deal (in all cases it is M&A – mergers and acquisitions). Think of Strategic, Financial and Managerial motives behind the deal (there are approx. 8 points in total make sure you address 3 points while addressing this question). Approx 300 – 400 words.

What is the goal of the blog site? What is the goal of the LinkedIn profile? Who is the author of each site or profile page? What are his or her professional qualifications?

Blog search engine

Locate one blog that focuses on one of the following topics:

Social media and happiness
Social media and fear of missing out (FOMO)
Social media and self
Social media and loneliness

Review the blog post and the broader blog site.

Review “Evaluating Web Resources: Evaluating Blogs” for a brief overview of the signs of blog credibility.

Search for an individual you may know (for example, a colleague, coworker, or classmate), and review his or her profile. NOTE: USE THIS PERSON: Arthur Fenner at Northrop Grumman Information System

Write a 700- to 875-word analysis paper that addresses the following questions based on the two sites you reviewed:

What is the goal of the blog site? What is the goal of the LinkedIn profile?
Who is the author of each site or profile page? What are his or her professional qualifications?
Describe the content from the blog and the LinkedIn profile, summarizing what you learned about each individual.
Was one individual more credible than the other? If so, in what ways?
Would you share the content or credentials of each individual with others as credible sources? How are value, power, and social capital created in each platform?
Do you feel the blogger and the individual’s LinkedIn profiles were credible and authentic? Explain your response.

If your artwork is 3-D, create the piece to be at least its actual size or a scaled-down version to no less than 8.5” x 11”x1”. In re-creating a 3-D piece, you will need to try and get several views of the piece, so that you can create a 3-D copy of the piece.

Copying a Master

Here is the textbook –

Chapters 17-21 or Copying a Master – Choice of your artist you are researching, or another artist’s work in Chapters 17-21. You will be making a handmade copy of the artwork you are researching. Dependent on the type of art your chosen piece is, you will be creating a two-dimensional or three-dimensional copy of the artwork. The goal of this hands-on assignment is to explore the artwork you are researching in a more tactile way. Hopefully you will gain some more insight into how the piece was made and what decisions the artist had to make concerning composition.

The copy will consist of the following:

Note the original dimensions of your chosen artwork, so that you can scale the piece down in size, or make the piece its actual size. If you need help in figuring out the dimensions, or how to scale a work down, please contact the instructor.

Note the original materials used to create the artwork.

Print out or photocopy an 8.5” x 11” image of the artwork you are attempting to copy, to use to refer to for your hand-made copy.

If your artwork is 2-D, on a minimum of 8.5” x 11” paper, you will be creating your copy. If the original piece is not to scale of a piece of 8.5” x 11” paper, you might be creating a slightly smaller copy.

If your artwork is 3-D, create the piece to be at least its actual size or a scaled-down version to no less than 8.5” x 11”x1”. In re-creating a 3-D piece, you will need to try and get several views of the piece, so that you can create a 3-D copy of the piece.

Materials for both pieces are your choice. The minimum choice of materials for 2-D work is pencil and colored pencil on paper, and the minimum choice of materials for 3-D work is air-dry clay. Contact the instructor to consult on materials, if you are unsure what to purchase to create your sculpture out of.

For the 2-D work, there are two options to create a copy by hand. First, you can draw through observation and the second method is through using a grid to transfer an image. To learn more about how to use the grid to transfer or enlarge an image from the original, go to the following:

For 3-D work, you will use the multiple views of your piece to create the three-dimensionality of your piece.

Explain how the author/creator/producer makes the argument you identify in your thesis, and you should use evidence from the work to prove your point.



The purpose of this essay is to get students to critically think about some work of art (e.g. a television program, a film, an album, a novel, a poem, a sculpture, etcetera) instead of merely summarizing or describing it. Frequently, the most effective arguments are those told in narrative, through art, or in music. This assignment asks students to choose a work of art and explore its argument.

Your thesis should identify the work’s argument—instead of just a summarizing that work.

“The character of Hamlet is consumed by his need to exact revenge” is just a summary and a bad thesis.

“William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet argues that revenge is a fundamentally corruptive pursuit” is an example of an analysis and a good thesis. The first example is bad because it’s just what happens in the play. The second example is good because it articulates the implied argument of the work as a whole.

Your main points should explain how the author/creator/producer makes the argument you identify in your thesis, and you should use evidence from the work to prove your point.

Here’s an example of an analysis essay:

What do you think will occur as a result of your intervention? How will you implement your proposed solution? What are your research strategies? What is your study design? Population, sample?

Rising Cost of Healthcare in the US and avoiding Surprise bills for patients

Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.
This is a 5-6 page, APA paper. Include at least 6 sources, one of which must be the textbook.
Organize your ideas into the appropriate sections and be sure you’ve thought through what you’d like to address, how, the timelines, the costs, the metrics you’ll use for gauging your success.

Your paper will have the following sections:
Abstract (or Introduction) – describe the healthcare administration issue that you are addressing with your project. What is the problem, and briefly, how do you intend to address it?


What do you think will occur as a result of your intervention? Be specific.

Methodology and Approach

How will you implement your proposed solution? What are your research strategies? What is your study design? Population, sample?

MUST include a Survey section

Expected Conclusion

Restate your problem, hypothesis, method, and measurement strategies. Explain how successfully addressing the issue will improve patient care.
Other sections you may choose to include: Budget, Cost Analysis, Timeline, Statistics.

Each week the textbook covers a different aspect of HDS and as you are reading seek out and make note of what they are saying about each of the ‘Big 6’ components and the impact they have individually and collectively on an organization, and more specifically your organizations.

Health Care Delivery Systems (HDS)

The final exam for this course is going to be the creation of a cumulative document that relates what you learned throughout the semester in relation to the components of the ‘Big 6’. The rationale for this approach is to assist you in identifying and better understanding how the 6 components of the ‘Big 6’ individually and collectively impact every aspect of an organization, and in this case your organizations. The purpose for providing the details of the final exam and the instructions this first week is so that as you work on your reading assignments each week that you can be looking in each chapter for information about each of the 6 components for your final paper. The ‘Big 6’ document is embedded below for easy access and I highly recommend that you print it out and keep it handy as you complete your reading assignments each week and perhaps start identifying thoughts for the final paper as you go.


⦁ Before beginning your final paper view this short online article entitled: “Collective Impact: A Collaborative Approach to Creating Change” it will provide you with some ideas on how to write your collective impact statement for the ‘Big Six’.

Final Exam Requirements
⦁ Each week the textbook covers a different aspect of HDS and as you are reading seek out and make note of what they are saying about each of the ‘Big 6’ components and the impact they have individually and collectively on an organization, and more specifically your organizations.

⦁ There are 8 sections for the final paper (see Table of Contents below) and the minimum length requirements for each section are listed there.

⦁ 12 point font – use standard fonts
⦁ Double spaced – 1” margins = 250 words per page
⦁ Academic writing
⦁ Proofread
⦁ Page numbers beginning with the ‘Introduction’ and include in Table of Contents

Title Page:
⦁ Course name
⦁ Title of your paper
⦁ Name
⦁ Date

Table of Contents: Include page numbers
⦁ Introduction – Minimum Requirement – 2 full pages
⦁ People
⦁ Money
⦁ Change Minimum Requirement – 2 full pages for each topic
⦁ Technology
⦁ Time
⦁ Communication
⦁ Collective Impact Statement – Minimum Requirement – 2 full pages for this topic

Your paper should be a minimum of 4,000 words which is 8 topics X 2 pages each @ 250 words per page = 4,000 words.

⦁ All resources used for your paper must be properly cited in APA format including your textbook. If you need some assistance with that check out

Discuss the history of an occupation and the related racism, brutality, and theft. Analyze, the arguments for and against reparations and what those reparations would look like.

Are reparations necessary or possible?

For your research, keep in mind our driving question for the course, “Are reparations necessary or possible?” Throughout this course, our focus is on a domestic level looking at injustices committed against people in the United States. At the same time we should look at injustices on a global level. There is an ongoing debate on whether England should repay India form of reparations. Belgium occupied the National Republic of Congo and committed genocide, killing about ten million Congolese. There are several countries in Africa that are asking for their art and stolen antiquities during European colonization. If you want, you can expand your definition of colonizer beyond a government to some injustices that were created or had the help of corporations. For instance, you can look Shell oil extraction in the Ogoni region of Nigeria or Chevron in the Yasuni rainforests of Equador. In both cases, the Indigenous people have been severely affected.

In your research paper you need to discuss the history of an occupation and the related racism, brutality, and theft. You need to to analyze, the arguments for and against reparations and what those reparations would look like. Your research paper needs to be a minimum of eights pages, not including your works cited page. You need a minimum of six outside source, with at least two of them from primary sources.

Define Microeconomics, the economic concepts presented in the course, and describe at least three (3) fundamental economic questions that all economies must decide.

Paper #2

Define Microeconomics, the economic concepts presented in the course, and describe at least three (3) fundamental economic questions that all economies must decide.