
Write a research paper that is 5 pages in length or at least 1200 words. Your research should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the comprehensive ideas and concepts that have been presented in this course, as well as provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic of Information Security Planning.

Security Policy

Following the example outlined in the provided sample policies, you should:
Introduce and discuss the importance of information security planning
Develop an organizational information systems security policy
Include the Overview, Purpose, Scope, Policy, and Compliance sections of the policy.
Present the policy in a manner that complies with standardized system policies.
Address how such a directive will serve as an asset for the organization.
Keep in mind that the actual policy is only a portion of your research paper, and in addition to creating the actual policy, you should discuss the policy and outline why you integrated the specific criteria into the policy.

Two submissions are expected: the research paper and the example policy you design.
Write a research paper that is 5 pages in length or at least 1200 words. Your research should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the comprehensive ideas and concepts that have been presented in this course, as well as provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic of Information Security Planning. There is no word or page length requirement for the example policy.
Your paper should reflect professional writing, current APA standards, and include at least five scholarly references (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). The course textbooks will not count toward the five sources.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

What is the disorder and its symptoms? What are the risks of the disorder? How does someone get the disorder? What is the therapy technique?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The final research paper will be at least five (5) pages. Each student should pick any Psychological or Substance Use Disorder found within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and provide a potential therapy technique they might use to help the client.

The paper should answer the following questions:

1.What is the disorder and its symptoms?
2.What are the risks of the disorder?
3.How does someone get the disorder?
4.What is the therapy technique?
5.How will the therapy technique help the client with a specific disorder?

This paper will require five (5) peer-reviewed sources ( APA citations).

Contrast and critically discuss the way the European Court of Human Rights and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) arbitral tribunals address “regulatory expropriation on environmental grounds”

Regulatory expropriation on environmental grounds

Contrast and critically discuss the way the European Court of Human Rights and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) arbitral tribunals address “regulatory expropriation on environmental grounds”

How are Muslim women wearing hijab discriminated against as a Muslim compared to women who do not wear the hijab?

Islam monotheistic religion and Cultures

How are Muslim women wearing hijab discriminated against as a Muslim compared to women who do not wear the hijab?

Identify and provide a detailed rationale for a business proposal. Critically examine literature on a public health/health and social care topic area using a systematic approach. Formulate a business proposal that demonstrates a systematic approach to project planning.

Corruption and Health quality

Intended Module Learning Outcomes are:

Identify and provide a detailed rationale for a business proposal.
Critically examine literature on a public health/health and social care topic area using a systematic approach.
Formulate a business proposal that demonstrates a systematic approach to project planning.
Critically discuss issues concerning sustainability of a business proposal.
Critically examine personal learning through a process of reflection and reflexivity.
Critically defend a business proposal via a viva voce.

(Part A) an audio-recording of your responses to 4 viva voce questions lasting no longer than 20 minutes, allowing you to critically discuss/ justify the defined health care management issue identified within your Management Project and provide a defence of the proposed solution, demonstrating some depth of knowledge and critical evaluation of the issues and context in which the problem has arisen (audio file). The recording of your responses to the individual questions, must be continuous, without a break or editing. However you can pause the recording after you have finished each answer, before responding to the next question. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not exceed the permitted time of 20± 2 minutes, any material spoken after 22 minutes will not be marked. If evidence indicates that you have either paused the recording midway through your response to any question or edited it, your response for this question will be null and void.

(Part B) a transcript of the Audio-recording and reference list of citations referred to in the Viva Voce Responses (word document)
The four questions you will need to respond to are detailed later in this guidance, along with additional guidelines about making the audio recording.
This is NOT a PowerPoint presentation, you should not be using PowerPoint slides or other presentation media for this assessment. You will be responding to the 4 questions verbally. You may use cue cards, notes sheets or the annotated copy of your dissertation, if you wish, as an aide memoire to assist with your responses. However you should be sufficiently prepared to answer the questions without reading directly from your notes. Please remember it is not the breadth of knowledge you provide in your responses, but the depth and level of thinking demonstrated.

The recording of the introduction and your responses must last for 20 ± 2 minutes. This means that you are not allowed to edit your responses to individual questions, but are allowed to pause the recording in between responses. You are strongly advised to practice the recording of your responses so that you are satisfied with the version that you submit.

Identify the principles of critical thinking and critical writing. Outline the principles of effective critical reading for research. Provide an in-depth appraisal of the effectiveness of the key competencies of teaching, demonstrating excellent critical reasoning skills.

Primary education with QTS

LO3: Identify the principles of critical thinking and critical writing

LO4: Outline the principles of effective critical reading for research

Provide an in-depth appraisal of the effectiveness of the key competencies of teaching, demonstrating excellent critical reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified in teaching may be overcome and know how they might be improved. Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be excellent.

How was mental health of individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic

The subtopic for both paragraphs will be how mental health of individuals was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There should be two paragraphs, about 175 to 200 words each paragraph. Each paragraph should be a synthesis of several research studies. There should be 8 empirical research articles. You should easily be able to compare and contrast four empirical research articles in each synthesis paragraph. Make sure that your review of the literature is well connected. Ideas should flow well within and between paragraphs.

Describe, in (500) no more than 750 words, the five project life-cycles defined by Schmidt (predictive, iterative, incremental, agile, and hybrid) and justify which life-cycle should be used to complete the Kitchen Heaven Project.

Project Life-Cycles

Reread the Kitchen Heaven Project Case Study in Heldman et al. pages 84-87, 139-141, and 283-285 and read pages 190-193. (See attached MGT-440 Week 2 Project Reading)

Part 1: Action Steps Column (A) (See attached Spreadsheet)

Create a list of action steps or activities and enter them in the Inputs (the blue portion) of the Logical Framework template. Be sure to include the associated Outcome each activity (see template). For each action step/activity add at least one assumption made related to the completion of the action step/activity.

Only define the action steps required to achieve each outcome. Resources, budget and due dates will be completed in Topic 7.

Each action step/activity should contain one and only one deliverable (i.e., one document, one action completed, one delivery made)

Each outcome will consist of a minimum of five action steps/activities.
Each action step/activity will have at least one assumption.

Part 2: Project Life-Cycles

Describe, in (500) no more than 750 words, the five project life-cycles defined by Schmidt (predictive, iterative, incremental, agile, and hybrid) and justify which life-cycle should be used to complete the Kitchen Heaven Project. (See attached Strategic Project Management read Chapter 8 pages 125-137)

Minimum of three outside resources. Sources must be authoritative and not from a Wikipedia-type source.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Think about the life of Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” and consider how her life might not have been as free as she might have imagined it should the ending have been different. If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

The Moral of the Story is….

What this paper is:
This exercise is designed to allow you to express your thoughts about a short story. For example, you may discuss a theme found in one of the stories we have covered or discuss an author’s use of symbolism. You may make a point about the historical context of a particular writing, or how a particular author deals with a topic or relationship. You may compare the way two authors deal with a topic, or type of character, or make an argument about a particular story’s meaning.
You must make a claim about the story and support it with quotes and paraphrases from the story itself. Outside research is optional but it may help.

What this paper is not:
This paper is not a book report nor a simple summary. While you should plan to summarize parts or the whole of the story, do not simply tell your readers what happened. Make a defendable claim about it.
While you may start with an opinion about the work in question, you should make provable points (backed up with quotation or paraphrase from the text) rather than relying on guess work, or first impressions.
Avoid using phrases like “I think” or “I believe” as these weaken your writing by making your reader think you’re not sure.
In class we will discuss proposals for topics for this paper. You should try to come up with a tentative thesis statement in to discuss in class.

Examples of Topics: (you are not limited to these)

Discuss the obsessive need for June’s mother to find a way for June to be a prodigy in “Two Kinds” and what that might do to a child’s self-esteem.

Compare Harry to the dead Leopard from the first lines of “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”. What are each of them symbolically or actually climbing? Does the image of the hyena come into play here?

Think about the life of Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” and consider how her life might not have been as free as she might have imagined it should the ending have been different. If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

Describe the various stages (steps) of a criminal case; from arrest, then pretrial and then through the trial stages. Give details of each stage and potential issues that may exist.

Exclusionary rule

Below are the three questions. To submit your paper, draft up your answer and then submit it through the “Quiz” section. Submit all three answers at the same time.

1. a. What is the history of the exclusionary rule?

b. Give me the pros and cons of having the exclusionary rule. In other words should we have it? Give me both sides of the argument.

2. Describe the various stages (steps) of a criminal case; from arrest, then pretrial and then through the trial stages. Give details of each stage and potential issues that may exist.

3. The 4th amendment normally requires a police officer have probable cause or a search warrant before a search can be made. However, there are many exceptions to this requirement. List eight exceptions and explain why each exception is allowed and how each exception works.