
What factors lead to this being an appropriate case for mediation? What is the conflict about? What are the positions and interests of each party to the conflict? Who are the parties to the conflict? How has the conflict progressed?

OLB7001-Week 8

Over the last 7 weeks, you learned about both the theoretical side and the practical side of the conflict. You’ve seen yourself in a conflict situation, and you’ve seen yourself as the mediator of a conflict. This week, you will combine all the information, and then you will analyze and set the stage for successful mediation of the case found in your resources, titled Office Sharing. As you move through the process of case analysis and mediation preparation, answer the following questions:

What factors lead to this being an appropriate case for mediation?
What is the conflict about?
What are the positions and interests of each party to the conflict?
Who are the parties to the conflict?
How has the conflict progressed?
What type of mediation intervention would be most appropriate?
Who needs to participate in the mediation, and how would you involve/approach them?
What, if any, are the cultural, ethnic, gender, or other issues; and how will each affect your decisions regarding the entry phase of the mediation?
How would you conduct the first three phases of mediation (Moore, p. 186) and establish trust, rapport, and credibility among parties to the conflict?
What arena, physical arrangements and procedures would you choose, and why?
What might be some substantive, procedural, and psychological issues related to the parties – and how might you deal with them?
What strategy might you employ to address the above-mentioned issues if your assessment is correct and they emerge during mediation?
What conditions must be present for a win-win outcome to occur – and what do you foresee as a potential win-win for the disputants in this case?
How might psychological closure be important to redefining the relationship and supporting a lasting agreement? What actions might be necessary to bring this closure about?
What are some of the voluntary commitment procedures that may be employed here – and how might they enhance the success of an agreement between the parties?
Who are the parties that might threaten a good agreement – and how can those threats be addressed or neutralized during the mediation process?
In Week 1, you were asked what you needed in this course. Did you get want you needed? Why or why not?


How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”? How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective?

HIST 4750 Final Essay



Write one 5-7 page essay, choosing one of the five questions below. Pay careful attention to the rules of evidence. Pages refer to typed, double-spaced pages (about 300 words per page).

QUESTIONS (choose one):



How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”?


How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective?


Have Americans found ways to increase their happiness since the 1960s?


What factors or interests have shaped U.S. foreign policy? Has U.S. foreign policy done more good than harm for Americans and for the rest of the world?


How has the United States shaped the process of globalization? What have been the pros and cons of globalization?

Do research about the pop culture artifact (Black Widow film). Find out what the artists, critics, and the general public think about it. Evaluate what makes this artifact empowering, socially relevant, enlightening, or explain what makes it ignorant, simplistic, exploitative, or just plain racist or sexist.

Black Widow film

Do research about the pop culture artifact (Black Widow film). Find out what the artists, critics, and the general public think about it.
Evaluate what makes this artifact empowering, socially relevant, enlightening, or explain what makes it ignorant, simplistic, exploitative, or just plain racist or sexist. This is where you will find your thesis, your argument about the artifact you choose to study.

More Details:
Your essay must be 4-6 pages in length.
It should be thesis-driven, well organized, and in MLA format.
It should include a Works Cited page.
It should use (quote or paraphrase) at least 4 sources. (one mandatory one linked)

Can micro actors make a difference to macro problems? Discuss this in the context of social innovation and child welfare in india.

Can micro actors make a difference to macro problems

Can micro actors make a difference to macro problems? Discuss. Discuss this in the context of social innovation and child welfare in india. Write a critical analysis of the book with the discussion centred around Can micro actors make a difference to macro problems? Book : Rescuing Railway Children: Reuniting Families from India′s Railway Platforms

As a human factors professional, when designing systems or program parameters and decision trees, how do you approach this situation so that minimum error is likely and other system components are not affected adversely?

Contingent Decisions (discussion board )

There are situations in an operating environment when human emotions may be active or when the context suggests one or more alternative considerations are available. In this situation, there is a degree of uncertainty present and decisions become contingent on choices.

1) As a human factors professional, when designing systems or program parameters and decision trees, how do you approach this situation so that minimum error is likely and other system components are not affected adversely?

2) Among these effects is the concern for system boundaries where one decision influences other system functions. Likewise, an objective is to increase system reliability where possible. Take a position on this issue and explain your view.

Address sections: 1 & 2

Cite all supporting facts. research, data etc. APA format please.

Discussion board, no cover page required.

Attached in the file/message section of this order is an image of the full directions of the discussion board.

Find local news coverage of a recent election on the Internet and analyze the language used to describe the campaigns. Include a link to the site or article. How is it gendered? What kinds of metaphors are used? How could the report(s) be rewritten as gender-neutral?

Politics, Prison, and the military

Find local news coverage of a recent election on the Internet and analyze the language used to describe the campaigns. Include a link to the site or article. How is it gendered? What kinds of metaphors are used? How could the report(s) be rewritten as gender-neutral?

Engage our course textbook or online materials in your posts.

Your main post should be at least 400 words in length

Discuss how an individual who has negative social capital may be more prone to extremism. How did COVID add to the issue of negative social capital? Examples will make your argument stronger.

Social capital

Discuss how an individual who has negative social capital may be more prone to extremism. How did COVID add to the issue of negative social capital? Examples will make your argument stronger.

Identify the political ramifications of each alternative. What are the real or predicted consequences/outcomes of the proposals?

Social Welfare Policy Problem

The policy position paper offers students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to analyze a policy problem, discuss a range of policy solutions, analyze the rational and political ramifications of each alternative, and support a proposed policy change with evidence from the professional literature. This paper synthesizes the policy analysis approaches learned throughout the semester.

Students will select a social welfare policy problem of their choice and clear the topic with the instructor no later than week 6 of the semester. Students will conduct a search of the available literature (with emphasis on peer-reviewed journal articles) surrounding the selected policy problem. Students will prepare an 8 to 10 page paper (not including title page or references page) in APA-6th edition style. Topics to be addressed (use these as headings in your paper) are:

1. Brief introduction to the policy problem (briefly explain the social issue the policy is addressing)

2. History of social welfare policy in this area (what previous policies have aimed to address this issue?)

3. Alternative proposals to address this problem (minimum of two alternatives). Identify at least 2 policy proposals that aim to address this issue

4. Analyze and compare these alternatives using a rational policy analysis approach (refer back to text book and lectures on rational policy analysis)

5. Identify the political ramifications of each alternative (what are the real or predicted consequences/outcomes of the proposals? Arguments should be based on scholarly research and data. Reference the findings of reputable policy institutions (Lincy, Urban Institute, Brookings, etc), and policy forums focused on the policy area.

6. Proposal for policy change based in the alternatives (with evidentiary support from the literature) (based on your critical analysis of the alternatives, what policy action should occur?)

7. Summary and conclusion.

You can find my textbook online. It is called Social welfare: Politics and Public policy, (2016) by DiNitto and Johnson

Write a well-organized and well-developed summary and response paper based on the article. Your essay should contain a summary of the article, as well as a clear thesis statement which expresses your opinion of one of the author’s points.

How To Make It Through Life Transitions

1. Read the following article by Susan Kraus Whitmore.

Write a well-organized and well-developed summary and response paper based on the article. Your essay should contain a summary of the article, as well as a clear thesis statement which expresses your opinion of one of the author’s points.

Your response should support your thesis. You must make direct reference to the article in the response section of your essay.

Plagiarism is defined as copying more than 3 words in a row from another source without quotations or giving credit to the author. Plagiarized essays will receive a “0” score.

You’re happy with your life, so change is the last thing you want. However, life doesn’t always comply with our wishes, and now you’re faced with a major transition.
One of the toughest transitions you might ever have to make, for instance, involves moving to a new apartment or city. You also find that there are times when you have to adapt to family, friends, and employers. For instance, your adult child wants to get married, your best friend’s mother dies, you abruptly lose your job, or your boss gives you a completely new set of responsibilities. Dealing with these changes can be tough, but there are tips, based on research of stressful events, which can get you through even the toughest of them.
It’s essential to view stress not as a threat, but as a challenge. Stress is what you consider it to be, as many researchers like to say. An event that you’re afraid of can be turned into an occasion to help you rise above and succeed. It’s also helpful to appreciate the benefits of change. Changes in routine can stimulate your nervous system and allow you to grow new brain pathways.
Remembering the times you’ve successfully navigated other transitions in the past is another vital step. As you face a new challenge, use that knowledge to give you strength. Yes, your stolen iPhone was a traumatic experience and expensive to deal with, but you dealt with it. That same strength can be called upon again when needed.
Researchers point out that social support is one of the most significant keys to successfully managing change. Even an online community of people going through similar experiences can give you an emotional boost, as well as some practical tips. There are many examples of tragedy survivors interviewed on the news who maintain their faith and optimism. Watching or reading about them can give you the reassurance that it’s possible to adapt to even the most stressful events.
Maintaining focus on the positive aspects of the new situation should also be a top priority. It’s possible you’re moving to a new city and you’d rather not, but now that you have to move, what can you think of that’s beneficial? You can get rid of things you don’t need, and you might be in a new community where you can make new friends. Hopeful signs in every transition are there, and you’re bound to feel better if you look for them instead of wallowing in self-pity.
And of course, we all need to acknowledge that change is inherent to life. Without change, our life paths would be horribly boring. You may not be seeking change, but when it seeks you, take heart in the fact that no one’s life ever stands completely still. People enter your world and leave it; material possessions come and go, and careers always involve new situations. No one ever gets through life without undergoing some type of change, so when it happens, the right thing to do is capitulate instead of fight.

Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants. Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.

Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, with speaker notes, that outlines a teaching plan. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice over or a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for references at the end.

In developing your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored.

Include the following in your presentation:

Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.
Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old.
Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Refer to the resource, “Loom,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on recording your presentation.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.