
How do you define empathy and compassion? Are either (or both) expressed in the play? In what ways? How does isolation contribute to ideas of empathy and compassion in the play?

Emotion in the Ancient Greek World

Journal Entry about (Philoctetes by Sophocles): Empathy and Compassion

Use the following questions to guide your journal entry. Don’t answer every question – they are just meant as prompts and guides, and perhaps you’ll have a lot to say about only one or two. Whichever way you approach it, just make sure you reach the 200-word limit.
(You can go over by 25 words but try to keep it close.)

Citations: remember to provide book and section numbers to specific examples you reference. This looks like: (Longus, Daphnis and Chloe 2.27-28)

(Philoctetes by Sophocles)

  • How do you define empathy and compassion? Are either (or both) expressed in the play? In what ways?
  • How does isolation contribute to ideas of empathy and compassion in the play?

How many ways logistics companies divide the market? Discuss strategic Management Process and benefits of portfolio management system?

MGT -answer the 4 questions

The Questions are:

1- How many ways logistics companies divide the market?

2- Discuss strategic Management Process and benefits of portfolio management system?

3- What do you understand by human resource management?

4- What are the various concepts associated with human resource management?

Critically discuss the basic change process beginning with the formation of IMAR and ending with the existence of a number of funded projects carried out by university researchers.

Assignment Question(s):

Refer to the case study titled Planned Change in an Underorganized Systemgiven on Page number 36, Chapter 2 in your textbook and answer the following questions:

  1. Critically discuss the basic change process beginning with the formation of IMAR and ending with the existence of a number of funded projects carried out by university researchers. (3 marks)
  2. Which model of planned change has been used in the case from your point of view? and why? (3 marks)
  3. Based on what you have learned about positive model, action research model and the general model of planned change, were there any important steps omitted from the IMAR change process? Were there any extra steps included in the IMAR change process? Please explain. (3 marks)
  4. Discuss the main challenges faced by the team during the change process. (3 marks)
  5. Critically evaluate the change process and if you were the consultant what would you have done differently to improve the process? (3 marks)


  • You must include at least 5 references.
  • Format your references using APA style.


Which programming languages or paradigms are expected to become more popular in the next decade? How will the rise of low-code and no-code development platforms affect the job market for traditional software developers?

The Future of Programming: Trends and Predictions for the Next Decade

  1. Which programming languages or paradigms are expected to become more popular in the next decade?
  2. How will the rise of low-code and no-code development platforms affect the job market for traditional software developers?
  3. What are some potential challenges or risks associated with the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning in programming?
  4. Are there any new programming languages or frameworks on the horizon that could disrupt the current landscape?
  5. How will the increasing focus on security impact the way programmers approach their work?
  6. Will the demand for programming skills continue to increase in the next decade, and if so, what areas are expected to see the most growth?
  7. How will the evolving technology landscape impact the way programmers collaborate and work together in teams?

Think about your favorite TV shows that you consume now. In what ways do you think your favorite TV shows that you currently consume influences you? Provide examples.

Communication Strategies

Think about the television you consumed when you were in elementary school. Think about your favorite TV shows of that time. (For the purposes of this assignment: elementary school will equal K-5th grade). In what ways do you think the television shows you watched when you were in elementary school influenced you? Please provide examples. Think about your favorite TV shows that you consumed when you were in middle school. (For the purposes of this assignment: middle school will be defined as 6th-8th grade). In what ways do you think your favorite TV shows influenced you when you were in middle school? Please provide examples. Think about your favorite TV shows that you consumed when you were in high school. In what ways do you think your favorite TV shows influenced you when you were in high school? Please provide examples. Think about your favorite TV shows that you consume now. In what ways do you think your favorite TV shows that you currently consume influences you? Provide examples.

Provide a literature review on the effects of alcohol on memory and perception.

Effects of Alcohol on memory and perception

Provide a literature review on the effects of alcohol on memory and perception.

For these two stories, reflect on what theme or themes you find significant or interesting and use a few short quotes from each story to support and explore your response.

Big Boy Leaves home and Long black song

Give a literary interpretation.

For these two stories, reflect on what theme or themes you find significant or interesting and use a few short quotes from each story to support and explore your response. These stories are in some ways more complex in the sense that they come from a very specific time period (they were written and published in the 1930s) and specific type of fiction, which is ”naturalism.”

How does the World Health Organization define Universal Health Care (UHC)? What are the pros and cons of providing UHC (support your discussion from the literature, at least one journal article)? Address concepts of access, equity, health promotion, quality, and cost.

Complex Health Care System Discussion Board Assignment

Initial Post Criteria (40 points)

As the U.S. continues to discuss changes to our healthcare system, it is important as nurses and future leaders in the profession, we have an understanding of the pros and cons of this type of system. For your initial discussion post, provide a professional based discussion on Universal Health Care. Include the following:

  • How does the World Health Organization define Universal Health Care (UHC)?
  • What are the pros and cons of providing UHC (support your discussion from the literature, at least one journal article)? Address concepts of access, equity, health promotion, quality, and cost.
  • Based on the 4 models presented this week (Bismarck, Beverage, NHI, Out-of-Pocket), which model or combination of models do you believe the U.S. should adopt in order to improve our system (explain your answer)?

Write an essay analysis on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Labour Market in South Africa.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Labour Market in South Africa

Write an essay analysis on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Labour Market in South Africa.

Identify who has done the research and why the research was undertaken. Identify the research question/s and aims. Provide a brief summary of the qualitative method.

Critical Review (1) – application and evaluation of real world research

Students are required to write a 1,000 word critical review of the published research report.

The review must:
– Identify who has done the research (organization, institution, individual, group of individuals etc) and why the research was undertaken (e.g. to inform policy, to evaluate a program)
– Identify the research question/s and aims
– Provide a brief summary of the qualitative method (including data collection and analysis)
– Evaluate the success of the research project
– Use at least 5 relevant and well chosen academic sources

In evaluating the success of the research project, the critical review should:
1. Determine whether the research answered the research question and/or achieved the research aims.
2. Discuss the relevance of data collected, method of data collection (e.g. sampling methods, confidentiality), if the data was appropriately and thoroughly analysed, and if the results were clearly presented in the report.
3. Discuss limitations of the research e.g. research bias, researchers’ qualifications, sampling and exclusions.