
Discuss the message about life that each text shares with the reader. Analyze how each -text deals with common topics. Discuss how another character influences the main character in each text.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Your essay should

– Utilize MLA format • 1-inch margins

o Times New Roman, 12 pt fon

o Double-spaced

o Student name, instructor name, course name, and date on on the top left-hand side of the first page

o An original title

o Student last name and page number in upper right corner Include an introduction, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion Contain 600-900 words Maintain consistent academic style and tone Avoid personal pronouns such as i, me, you, etc .

Possible Topics for Discussion in the Body of your Essay

• Discuss the message about life that each text shares with the reader

• Analyze how each -text deals with common topics (EL the treatment of death in Fahrenheit 451 compared to death in the recent text)

• Discuss how another character influences the main character in each text

• Consider how the main characters deal with the events in the text Do they make different choices?

• Examine whether the texts have similar character types or patterns that have been repeated in many works of literature (ex. the wise person, the outcast, good vs. evil etc.)

Give a brief explanation of what the ratio indicates in terms of the Company’s Financial Standing. Briefly in your own words summarize what the results mean in terms of the financial analysis of the company.


Use proper excel Formulas to compute the following ratios.
Give a brief explanation of what the ratio indicates in terms of the Company’s Financial Standing.

Refer to the company’s latest year financial statements. (the one you are basing your analysis on)

b. Compute the ratios on the Ratios worksheet.

c. Ensure you use the correct excel formula to calculate the Ratio. Include the page reference from the Company Financials to indicate where you found the financial data.

d. Briefly in your own words summarize what the results mean in terms of the financial analysis of the company.

Ratio Formula Calculation Annual Report Page Reference What does this tell me about the Company’s financial position Current R


Is there a breach of contract? Does Mr. Collings have any legal action available to him in this situation? What remedies would be available to Mr. Collings?

Employment Agreement

Chapter 16 discusses the Statute of Frauds, law enacted by legislative process that requires certain types of contracts must be in writing to be enforceable. This is what is referred to as a formal contract . In December 2020, Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth placed their house on the market. Mr. Collings made an offer in September 2021. The parties signed a contract for the sale and Mr. Collings paid a deposit of $6,000. In October 2021, the Wentworths changed their minds and no longer intend to sell their house. They said they would return the deposit. Mr. Collings is fully prepared to pay the remaining balance for the purchase of the home as stated in the contract. Mr. Collings says he will not cancel the contract. Is there a breach of contract? Does Mr. Collings have any legal action available to him in this situation? What remedies would be available to Mr. Collings?

How are the seasons changing while Tayo searches for the cattle? How does this help or hinder his search? What is “Texas roping” and how does Tayo feel about it? What does Tayo mean when he says “love had outdistanced death” (204)?

English Work


1. Tayo falls off of his horse while running away from the white ranchers. When he opens his eyes, what is he aware of? Give details from the paragraph on p.187
a. What is the choice he seems to be making in the paragraph on p. 187

2. How are the white ranchers also under the influence of ck’o’yo magic (the witchery, destroyer magic)? Think about the “the lie” on p. 189-190

3. How are the seasons changing while Tayo searches for the cattle? How does this help or hinder his search?

4. What is “Texas roping” and how does Tayo feel about it? What does Tayo mean when he says “love had outdistanced death” (204)?

5. Where is Tayo living?

6. Who does he see on a regular basis? What is her name?

7. What rumors has Emo been spreading? What kind of risk does this pose for Tayo?

8. On p. 216, she says that “They are trying to decide who you are.” How is “who we are” defined? By others? By ourselves? By our actions?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Common App Essay for US Universities Admission Application.

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Write a research paper that makes an ARGUMENT / NOT STRAIGHT INFORMATION for something that has to do with Education.

Argumentative essay on Education

Write a research paper that makes an ARGUMENT / NOT STRAIGHT INFORMATION for something that has to do with Education. Examples: bullying, classroom management, discovery and group learning versus lecture, the issues with standardized testing, charter schools versus public schools, catholic schools versus charter and public schools, special education, reading theory for 1st graders, literature in the curriculum, sports, art and music as subjects that are disappearing, Philadelphia’s situation, urban versus rural and suburban schools, lateness and absence, No Child Left Behind.

Other necessary links:

Library Database:

Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on the situation; and their effects on the overall situation.

Denial and Deception Critique

Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on the situation; and their effects on the overall situation. Finally , make a judgement on whether the effort was a success, or a failure, and why. The critique, your evaluation of the operation, MUST form the premise/thesis of this paper.

Submit a PowerPoint presentation of your research paper. The PowerPoint presentation should follow business best practices with at least 10 slides, an Introduction/Objective slide and a Summary/ Conclusion slide.

History of the Internet

Submit a PowerPoint presentation of your research paper. The PowerPoint presentation should follow business best practices with at least 10 slides, an Introduction/Objective slide and a Summary/ Conclusion slide. In order to simplify the PowerPoint presentation, it will not be mandatory to include the citations. A slide with all references will suffice

Analyze the first 30 mins of this YouTube performance using music terms.

YouTube performance

Analyze the first 30 mins of this YouTube performance using music terms.

Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice?

Translational Research Framework And Legal And Ethical Considerations 550-3DQ1

Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice? Discuss what steps you would take as a member of a translational research team in order to establish ethical guidelines for conducting translational research.