
Articulate the definitions and nature of professionalism in healthcare. Demonstrate the use of reflective practice within professional development. Critically evaluate methods of teaching and assessing professionalism in their healthcare practice. Evaluate current practices used in healthcare to deal with unprofessionalism.

Write a reflective account of professionalism as it affects your teaching experiences in healthcare.

[Note: although this assessment is reflective, you will be expected to use sources to illustrate and provide support for points made]

It is expected that you will create your own title that reflects the chosen emphasis of your individual essay. Your essay could focus on your experiences of teaching or, being taught about, professionalism. Topics within your essay should be chosen to allow appropriate levels of evaluation to be shown. Make sure your introductory paragraph clearly outlines what you will cover in your essay.


This assessment comprises a 2000 word written assignment. It is designed to primarily assess learning outcomes 2 and 3, although all LOs must be included in this assignment (see assignment brief for more information):

1. Articulate the definitions and nature of professionalism in healthcare.

2. Demonstrate the use of reflective practice within professional development.

3. Critically evaluate methods of teaching and assessing professionalism in their healthcare practice.

4. Evaluate current practices used in healthcare to deal with unprofessionalism.


Analyze the events surrounding the Revolutionary Era and constitution making (1763-1791), and determine which historian’s thesis is the most accurate, Gordon Wood or Barbara Clark Smith?

Who has the most accurate thesis or you create & make it work with essay…

Analyze the events surrounding the Revolutionary Era and constitution making (1763-1791), and determine which historian’s thesis is the most accurate, Gordon Wood or Barbara Clark Smith? Give reasons and historical evidence to the argument. Site works and sources. Make sure to discuss women and African Americans as part of the essay’s analysis.

Describe and discuss Dracula as a repository of English cultural anxiety about otherness, which is represented in the novel variously as deformity, monstrosity, criminality, and racial, ethnic, and gender and sexual difference.

Dracula as an Expression of Cultural Anxiety

In a well-constructed and typo-free essay (1000 words max), describe and discuss Dracula as a repository of English cultural anxiety about otherness, which is represented in the novel variously as deformity, monstrosity, criminality, and racial, ethnic, and gender and sexual difference. The best essays will draw upon the text of the novel as well as the contextualizing materials found in the Appendices in the Broadview edition. Your essay must be entirely your own work: no references to or use of outside works (except the Appendices) will be permitted.

Quotes from Book are needed.

Write two pages in which you identify three of Havighurst’s developmental tasks of adolescence and explain how the schools can contribute to the healthy development of those tasks. What kind of curriculum, teaching techniques, and extracurricular activities could help adolescents achieve those tasks?

Psychology Adolescent Development – 3 Havighurst’s development ado

Write two pages in which you identify three of Havighurst’s developmental tasks of adolescence and explain how the schools can contribute to the healthy development of those tasks. What kind of curriculum, teaching techniques, and extracurricular activities could help adolescents achieve those tasks?

Critically discuss what you consider to be the key aspects of your Leadership roles that led to your strategy, mission and readiness assessment.

Speaker note

Write a 4 mins speaker note on Leader and Change manager simulation role play based on optimizing operations and change assignments

leadership management: critically discussing with your what you consider to be the key aspects of your Leadership roles that led to your strategy, mission and readiness assessment.

Change management – critically discussing with your pair what you consider to be the key aspects of your roles as change managers that led to your learning plan, communications plan, how organizational culture is addressed and monitoring and measurement proposals in your report.


Can Positive Peace truly be Achieved in Practice?

Positive Peace

Can Positive Peace truly be Achieved in Practice?

What do you see as the key factors that led to the Central Powers to sign the armistice that ended the fighting in November 1918?

World War I

Answer the following questions, each question should be 1000 words excluding quotations :


Few historians have argued that World War I was monocausal, owing in part to the complex factors that shaped the events of the summer of 1914. identify and explain what you see as the three key factors (from the list) that brought on the war. (Nationalism, the alliance system, imperialism, militarism, the arms race, Social Darwinism)


What do you see as the key factors that led to the Central Powers to sign the armistice that ended the fighting in November 1918?

Use Hew Strachan, The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War and other sources attached. Use primary and secondary sources for quotes. use outlines as a reference. Use at least 5 sources per question

After viewing and reading Callahan’s article “The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decision-Making”, write a 4-5 (double-spaced) page paper that either supports or refutes Callahan’s argument about emotions in ethical decision-making.

The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decision-Making

After viewing and reading Callahan’s article “The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decision-Making”, write a 4-5 (double-spaced) page paper that either supports or refutes Callahan’s argument about emotions in ethical decision-making.

You must find and cite (in a standard citation format like APA or MLA) at least 2 credible external sources as part of your argument (your friend’s personal opinion is not a credible source – a peer-reviewed academic article is. If you need help understanding what I mean by a peer-reviewed academic article, you can find more information here: (Links to an external site.)

Compare the depictions of young black men in Orlando Patterson’s “A Poverty of the Mind” and Alice Goffman’s On the Run.

Clean People

Compare the depictions of young black men in Orlando Patterson’s “A Poverty of the Mind” and Alice Goffman’s On the Run. Compare them both methodologically (what data is presented? How was it collected? Does it seem well-researched?) and theoretically (what theory is used to explain the data? What are the implications of the theory? What solutions do the theory point to?) When discussing Goffman, take into the account both the men “on the run” and the men described as having avoided legal troubles as described in chapter 7, “Clean People.” What do we learn from both groups?

Use the roles ant course materials as a foundation and organize the paper into different sections.

World Regional Geography

The term paper will deal with a topic of your choice that we have covered in this course, including but not limited to the following areas:
Man-Nature Divide;



Multi-Cultural Society;

The Rise of China, the U.S. —China Relations, and the New World Order;

Causes of Global and Internal Conflict;

Geographic Hotspots of Global Conflict;

Any of the Geographic Regions

You could use the roles ant course materials as a foundation and organize the paper into different sections. For example, for someone who writes about the issue of immigration, he/she could organize the paper into sections such as

(1) Introduction,

(2) History (U.S. as a country of immigrants),

(3) Pros/Benefits of Immigration (how immigrants have contributed to the development and prosperity of the U.S. or other countries),

(4) Issues or Sources of Intense Debate on Immigration,

(5) Constructive and Effective Policies for a Multicultural Society, and

(6) Conclusions. This is just one particular example. You are strongly encouraged to incorporate materials that you have learned in other classes or other sources into your term paper.

The term paper should be 12-15 pages in length (12-point size & double space). Send your term