
Write a three page paper on your observations made from viewing or reading the case and to incorporate a theory with it.

Insanity Defense

You are required to write a three page paper on your observations made from viewing or reading the case and to incorporate a theory with it. The case is Kahler v. Kansas. Also to analyze this case.

Define Consciousness. Why focus on skilled behavior and quest? Define Expertise. How are these intertwined?

Expertise indicates consciousness in humans and other animals.

I. Expertise can be an indicator of consciousness
Define Consciousness
1.Phenomenal Consciousness
2 Access Consciousness
3. Why focus on skilled behavior and quest?
Define Expertise
How are these intertwined?

II. Expertise requires deliberate practice.
The Acquisition of skilled performance and expertise.
Deliberate Practice
Deliberate practice and the formation of retrieval structures
Deliberate practice and Consciousness

III. Deliberate practice requires consciousness
Limits of the unconscious mind
Durable and explicit information maintenance
Novel combinations of operations
Intentional Behaviors
Deliberate practice and the limitations of unconscious processing.
Expertise and implicit learning

IV. Conclusion – Evidence of expertise exists in both non humans and the fossil record of hominin evolution.
Do animals practice &quest
Is deliberate practice uniquely human&quest
Skill Development in hominin evolution
Finish up Essay by restating thesis and other info.

Explain the impact of Constantine on Orthodox and Catholic development. This includes leadership structures and the formal split between East and West.

Mid Term Essay

Explain the impact of Constantine on Orthodox and Catholic development. This includes leadership structures and the formal split between East and West.

Compose a 1,000-1,250-word essay discussing Eastern and Western Reforms between 1980-1991. Critically analyze why Western Europe was able to prosper while Eastern Europe collapsed.

Reform, Prosperity and Collapse

The course associated with this paper, focuses primarily on Europe and the major events that took place during the 20th century on that continent.

Compose a 1,000-1,250-word essay discussing Eastern and Western Reforms between 1980-1991. Critically analyze why Western Europe was able to prosper while Eastern Europe collapsed. Make sure to mention important individuals and their contributions in your analysis.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant peer-reviewed sources in support of your content. Use only peer-reviewed sources.

Write a multiple-paragraph movement that defines the problem in some detail. Overview the concern shown by those with the means to effect change who have been acting on the problem.

Shortage of water in Arizona

i. Overview the problem in an introductory movement of one to two paragraphs of 6-8 sentences each. Explain why the issue matters. State your thesis at the end of your introductory movement, which means it would come at the end of the first or second paragraph. The thesis should include a mention of a problem in need of a solution. For instance, “The Ventura County water shortage can be mitigated by recycling sewage through a plant designed for this express purpose.”

II. Then, write a multiple-paragraph movement that defines the problem in some detail. Overview the concern shown by those with the means to effect change who have been acting on the problem.

III. In your next movement, propose your solution in equally clear detail. Your problem and solution movements should be of equal length.

IV. Analyze elements of the implementation process and its outcomes. This means examining details that most people might not consider, much less notice, to include possible short- or long-term possibilities.

V. Each body paragraph should be from 4-8 sentences, and most body paragraphs should include the following structure:
i. An opening topic sentence that supports your thesis.
ii. At least one sentence just after the topic sentence that supports the topic sentence with logic and evidence.
iii. Include a quote or paraphrase from one of your sources in the third or fourth sentence of at least five body paragraphs.

The paper should include both direct quotes and paraphrases, and cite at least seven different sources, all of which should be credible (don’t use Wikipedia,, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, BrainyQuote, etc.).

v. A sculpted closing sentence of your own (not an outside source) that completes the thought of the paragraph.

VI. Finish with a closing paragraph of 4-8 sentences that offers a tonally appropriate call to action. A call to action is a statement claiming that a particular action ought to be done

Analyze: the title of the movie, narrative, storytelling, movie structure, writing, editing.

Trainspotting (1996) – Analyze the scene of the death of baby Dawn

Analyze the scene (visuals: camera movements, shots, depth of field, framework, setting; mise-en-scène: scene, props, wardrobe, makeup, performance, lighting, colors; sound: music, diegetic or non-diegetic sound, sound effects, silence, noise, voice-over.) in Trainspotting (1996), by Danny Boyle, where baby Dawn dies (from 38:48 to 42:14) and discuss it with the movies themes. Also keep in mind for your analysis: the title of the movie, narrative, storytelling, movie structure, writing, editing.

Write a couple paragraphs about the music and also about how the musician adapts (or doesn’t) to playing for a webcam. How is it different than the youtube video performances?

How the musician adapts

Write a couple paragraphs about the music and also about how the musician adapts (or doesn’t) to playing for a webcam. How is it different than the youtube video performances?
You should watch at least a half hour of the LIVE PERFORMANCE, so if it’s shorter than that, watch a couple.

Time, Rhythm, Beat, Tempo, Meter, Syncopation, Swing, Timbre, Melody, Harmony, Chord, Improvisation, Form.

Live From Emmet’s Place (All Volumes)

Big Band:
Ella Fitzgerald Duke Ellington Duke’s Place C Jam Blues 1966

Blues Walk – Dizzy Gillespie

Cool Jazz:
Jazz Casual – Gerry Mulligan Quartet 3/3

Hard Bop:
Cool Eyes – Horace Silver Quintet 1958

Post Bop:
Miles Davis – Gingerbread Boy (1967)

Free Jazz:
Ornette Coleman Lonely Woman, at Jazz a Vienne 2008

Discuss the role of discretion in probation. How could we make sure that discretion is used appropriately in meeting agency goals? In what ways are those on the extremes of both the enforcement, and also the treatment end of the spectrum, ill-suited for probation work?

Essay 2

Discuss the role of discretion in probation (or parole/ your choice). How could we make sure that discretion is used appropriately in meeting agency goals? In what ways are those on the extremes of both the enforcement, and also the treatment end of the spectrum, ill-suited for probation work? (Feel free to use “fake” names, such as “Joe Brick” and “Ed Burns.” In discussing these two extremes.) How, instead, do you think we should go about balancing these two somewhat opposing goals of enforcement and treatment to best serve the overall goal of crime prevention? Provide examples as appropriate.

Describe your theory for a management leadership style. Think about your management and leadership style. Describe your style and detail the strengths and weaknesses of it.

Management leadership style

Describe your theory for a management leadership style. Think about your management and leadership style. Describe your style and detail the strengths and weaknesses of it. Include areas such as how you would manage employees in a business environment/professional setting.

Find an interesting article related to a topic of your choice. The topic must be a Management concept from one of the chapters that we study during the semester.

Preferbaly a topic of human resource management

Find an interesting article related to a topic of your choice. The topic must be a Management concept from one of the chapters that we study during the semester. Refer to the course syllabus for a list of all of the chapters, and be aware that you can pick a topic from any time in the course (you’ll just want to read that chapter ahead of time.)

Note that you are not trying to explain a chapter; rather, you are trying to apply one or more concepts to an actual Management situation. Do not simply outline the chapter and try to present it, or profile a company or organization.

Prepare a written report. This should be a summary (minimum 1,000 words) of the article that you will deliver to the class. The summary should give us the highlights of the article, and should more importantly identify how your article relates to the topic you’ve chosen to present. The article will probably not relate to the entire chapter; it will likely be an example of one or more concepts from the chapter. You know you’ve found a good article when it immediately reminds you of something you’ve studied! This results in not just a mention of your topic; rather the references are woven throughout your summary.

Lastly, the summary should also include the name of the article, the name of the publication, the date the article was published and how you found it. You’ll submit your summary to an assignment drop box for review, and attach it in your initial post.