
What should this look like? How should we treat those who are already ensnared within the criminal justice system? What should be done to begin to repair the harms caused to individuals, to families, and to entire communities?

Society response to crime

Here is your chance to reimagine not only the way that our society responds to crime, but also how we might address and repair the damage that has already been done. First, consider how we should treat crime—both in terms of preventing it as well as responding afterward. What should this look like? How should we treat those who are already ensnared within the criminal justice system? What should be done to begin to repair the harms caused to individuals, to families, and to entire communities? Finally, consider what some of the first steps in moving toward your new system of justice might look like, and what some of the roadblocks or barriers might be. Do you think that we, as a society, can ever achieve the new system of justice you have envisioned? Why or why not?

Write a research paper that explains the process Samuel Johnson used to write A Dictionary of the English Language.

The creation of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary

Write a research paper that explains the process Samuel Johnson used to write A Dictionary of the English Language. Use Modern Language Association guidelines to format your paper.

Revise all sections of the prospectus that you developed during previous weeks and submit the entire draft, using the prospectus template, including appendices.

Activity 7

Complete the Draft of the Prospectus
● Revise all sections of the prospectus that you developed during previous weeks and submit the entire draft, using the prospectus template, including appendices (if relevant).
● Include the title page and a complete and properly formatted reference list for all in-text citations.
● The draft of the prospectus should include at least 7-10 pages, excluding title page, table of contents, references, and appendices.

Note the draft of your prospectus will be distributed to SMEs, methodologists, and chairs for their indication of interest

Note, your prospectus should contain at least ten scholarly references in a cumulative list that incorporates all sources cited during the past weeks of the class. All references should be cited within the prospectus text.

Define Microeconomics, the economic concepts presented in the course, and describe at least three (3) fundamental economic questions that all economies must decide.


Directions: Summarize the question stated below with a minimum of eight hundred (800) words.

Define Microeconomics, the economic concepts presented in the course, and describe at least three (3) fundamental economic questions that all economies must decide.

Check with your instructor if you are unsure about your topic choice. Steps for Your Informative Speech Choose a topic. Is your speech a definition, description, explanation, or demonstration?

week 6 speech


You can choose any topic as long as it defines, describes, explains, or demonstrates something. While you might actually persuade your audience by providing information about a topic in an informative speech, the intent of your speech is to inform, not to change behavior or attitudes, which is the intent of a persuasive speech. A few topics considered “off-limits” are listed here: how to perform CPR, how to make any sort of food, how blood donation works, and the dialysis process. Anything that you have studied for another class is off-limits. Check with your instructor if you are unsure about your topic choice. Steps for Your Informative Speech Choose a topic. Is your speech a definition, description, explanation, or demonstration?

Purpose Statement:

Include your General Purpose Statement, Specific Purpose Statement, and Central Idea Statement in your Outline. Introduction with a thesis statement: Tell the audience your topic and a preview of what is to come. Body with 2–3 main points: Here you will elaborate your main points and define, describe, explain, or demonstrate. Conclusion: Summarize your thesis/main topic and give a brief review of what you said. Practice! Practice by yourself, for your friends, or in the mirror—whatever works for you. Make sure the speech is within the time limit—between 4 and 6 minutes.

Delivery :

You may extemporaneously glance at your notes or speaking outline, but do not read.

Notes and Aids:

A visual aid is required. Examples of a visual aid may include a hand-held object, chart, graph, or photo.

What is the urgency? What’s the purpose of conducting this research? Why is it important to investigate the investment pattern during the pandemic? How do you think this research is still relevant after the pandemic is over?

Problem statement section

1- Add a problem statement section that should cover the following : What is the urgency? What’s the purpose of conducting this research? Why is it important to investigate the investment pattern during the pandemic? How do you think this research is still relevant after the pandemic is over?

2- Add some info, fact, figures about Saudi investment in the proposal. Does the investment trend change? If yes, in which way?

3-The methodology also needs to be further detailed up. Who are the respondents? Any specific age group? How you determine 500 respondents.

Analyze the movie from Fromm’s perspective. Choose at least two characters who represent true disobedience and false disobedience and two characters who represent different types of obedience in the movie. Explain and justify your choice by using Fromm’s arguments and episodes from the movie.

Movie: Natural Born Killers

1.Nietzsche offers two models for understanding morality: Good versus Bad; and Evil versus Good. Choose two characters from the movie whose actions and the explanation of their actions could be interpreted according to the first model (Good versus Bad), and two characters whose actions and the explanation of their actions could be interpreted according to the second model (Evil versus Good). In each case, explain your choice. Support your choice with episodes from the movie.

2.Reading Fromm, we learned to distinguish authentic, true disobedience from false disobedience and to distinguish heteronomous obedience from autonomous obedience. Analyze the movie from Fromm’s perspective. Choose at least two characters who represent true disobedience and false disobedience and two characters who represent different types of obedience in the movie. Explain and justify your choice by using Fromm’s arguments and episodes from the movie.

Explain common medical terms for the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system. Describe major diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system and the vital laboratory and diagnostic tests used to assess those diseases.

Musculoskeletal system.

Create a 250- to 350-word informative poster in which you:

Explain common medical terms for the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system.
Describe major diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system and the vital laboratory and diagnostic tests used to assess those diseases.
Describe the main health care providers for musculoskeletal treatment.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment. Access the Center for Writing Excellence located in the Resources section for additional information about properly citing sources.

Are there any ambiguous terms? If so, which ones and why? Does the contract provide a resolution mechanism if there are disputes? Do you find any items particularly interesting about the contract? How are breaches handled?

Residential Leasing Contract

This paper is over residential leasing and you must answer every question which is down below.

Your analysis should be 4 pages (typed double spaced) in length (cover pages and reference pages do not count towards the page count) and follow APA style and format. Generally, you should answer the following questions within your analysis and provide in-depth discussion:


Are the parties clearly identified? Who are the parties to this contract.

Analyze who the typical audience is and discuss whether this contract is appropriately written for this audience (e.g. are they both merchants or individuals, does it make a difference if one is a merchant or and the other party is not?).

Is there any “fine print” that is concerning? If so, why?


Are there any ambiguous terms? If so, which ones and why?

Does the contract provide a resolution mechanism if there are disputes?

Do you find any items particularly interesting about the contract?

How are breaches handled?

Are there any surprises in this contract?

Are each party’s obligations clear? Why or why not?


Do you have recommendations on how to improve the contract?

Note that the paper must also include a list of references, use headings (understanding, analysis, and recommendations) as listed above, and cite all sources using APA citation and format.

Identify a response strategy and a recovery strategy that either you would have recommended to members of this effected community, OR one that they engaged in that you believe was effective.

Weaponized Biohazard Emergency Plan

Emergency plan related to homeland security, a research proposal for a response and recovery plan about biohazards. Related to last year covid for future emergency plans for state and federal level.

Propose one response strategy and one recovery initiative for your community. The response strategy and recovery activity should each address a need in your community evident through the information provided in the scenario. In justifying your arguments, be sure address all of the following points in your paper:

1. Identify a disaster event that has taken place in the United States in the last year. Describe the event including:

a. A description of the hazard, its duration, a description of its consequences and the kinds of disruption it has caused, whether or not it is still ongoing.

b. Describe who was affected. This includes geographic location, but also any subsets of the population/community that experienced the event or especially severe consequences

c. Note: you must pick a different event than the one you selected in your Paper 2 assignment. It can be the same hazard type, but cannot be the same event.

2. Identify a response strategy and a recovery strategy that either you would have recommended to members of this effected community, OR one that they engaged in that you believe was effective. Summarize the response approach. Summarize the recovery approach

a. Make sure you are clear on what exactly the activity is and who/which organizations would be involved in implementing or facilitating the activity.

b. Make sure that you define response and recovery and clearly identify which activity is which.

3. What issue/concern in the community does this address? Who and/or What does it focus on?

4. For both the recovery and the response activities, justify why each of these approaches is the best approach. In doing so, make sure that you support your argument with:

a. Information about your event and the community/location you are focusing on.

b. Theories and policies discussed in the course