
Write an argumentative essay in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of the work(s) you have chosen and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct, using mainly the text of the work(s) as evidence.

Argumentative essay

Write an argumentative essay in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of the work(s) you have chosen and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct, using mainly the text of the work(s) as evidence.
Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado”; Oates, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”; Jackson, “The Lottery”; Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”


Poe, “Annabel Lee”; Browne, “Black Girl Magic”; Keats, “When I have fears that I may cease to be”; Housman, “To an Athlete Dying Young”; Heaney, “Mid-Term Break”; Thomas, “Do not go gentle into that good night”; Dickinson, “Because I could not stop for Death”; Donne, “Death, be not proud”; Hopkins, “Spring and Fall: To a Young Child” (supplemental)

Essay should be broad enough to be able to expand on later on in a research paper

Briefly explain the synthesis carried out (name all starting materials used and product/s made). This should describe your chemical equation above.

lab report 3

Organic Chemistry Laboratory II


§ Title Info:  This includes your name, the date the experiment was scheduled, and the name of the experiment performed.

§ Abstract:  If it is a synthesis start your abstract by first drawing the chemical equation/synthetic scheme carried out during this lab experiment. You may use a program or draw the structures by hand. This chemical equation should be located at the top of your page.

o Below the chemical equation, write a short (one paragraph) summary of the entire experiment. For example, for a synthesis experiment:

1) Briefly explain the synthesis carried out (name all starting materials used and product/s made). This should describe your chemical equation above.

2) The isolation/workup technique used to isolate product

3) The methods used to purify the product

4) The analytical tools (GC, HPLC, NMR, etc) used to analyze and confirm product.

5) At end, state the major results, and the conclusions reached from the results (% yield, was the product made)

§ Data:  All data presented should be presented in your post-lab report in neat, labeled tables. Graphs can be in this section or at the end of the report as part of an appendix. NO data interpretation is done in this section.

§ Calculations:  Any post-lab questions that require calculations will be answered as part of this section. NO calculation interpretation is done in this section.

§ Discussion:  This is the section where all interpretation of data/calculations is done and should be a thorough explanation of all important

Calculate the number of moles of NaOH used in both titrations, you will need the volume at the equivalence point and the molarity of NaOH solution.



Learn how to use pH sensor and monitor changes in the pH of a buffer; observe the effects of buffering on the pH titration curve


The purpose of this experiment is to titrate the lemonade drink and the 0.010 M citric acid with a base solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH and compare the pH changes in the buffered lemonade drink and unbuffered solution of citric acid.

Buffers are solutions that resist a change in pH when small amounts of acid H3O+ or base OHare added. Buffers consist of a weak acid and its conjugate base (or a weak base and its conjugate acid). Both components must be present in the solution at approximately equal concentration and in substantial amounts. A buffer resists pH changes because it contains both an acid to neutralize the OH added and a base to neutralize the H3O+ions added. An example of a
buffer solution is weak acetic acid, HC2H3O2, and its salt sodium actetate, NaC2H3O2.
The dissociation of acetic acid in an aqueous solution is shown in equation

(1). HC2H3O2(aq) +H2O(l) ç H3O+(aq) + C2H3O2 (aq) (1)

The dissociation of sodium acetate in an aqueous solution is shown in equation

(2). C2H3O2Na(aq) C2H3O2(aq) + Na+(aq) (2)

The buffer components are conjugate acid/base pair, HC2H3O2 and C2H3O2
When a small amount of acid solution is added to the buffer, most of the H3O+ ions are consumed reacting with the acetate ions, to form acetic acid, equation (3). The equilibrium shifts to the left in the equation (1), decreasing added concentration of H+, keeping the pH constant.

H3O+(aq) + C2H3O(aq) ç HC2H3O2 (aq) + H2O(l) (3)

When a solution of a base is added to the buffer, most of the OH ions are removed when neutralized by acidic component of the buffer, more acetate is formed, equation (4). H3O+ and OH will form water, and the equilibrium in equation (1) shifts to the right, restoring the H3O+ concentration and keeping the pH constant.

OH(aq) + HC2H3O2(aq) ç H2O(l) + C2H3O2(aq) (4)

The buffering capacity represents the effectiveness of a buffer to resist the large changes in pH when a base or an acid is added. The amount of the conjugate acidbase pair will define the buffer capacity. The greater the amounts of the conjugate acidbase pair, the more resistant buffers will be to pH changes. When the species capable of neutralizing acid and base added are exhausted, the pH will change drastically.

Buffers are very important in biological and chemical systems. In the human body, buffers maintain the pH of many bodily fluids. For example, the pH of blood is 7.357.40 and it is maintained by the carbonic acidbicarbonate ions (H2CO3 /HCO3 ). pH changes larger than 0.4 can be fatal.
In the case when the excess of H3O+ ions enter the blood stream, the pH is maintained by the following reaction:

HCO3(aq) + H3O+(aq) H2CO3(aq) + H2O(l) (5)

The excess of OH ions is removed by the reaction :

H2CO3(aq) + OH(aq) HCO3(aq) + H2O(l) (6)

Buffers are used in food industry as part of various consumer products to help control the effects of varying pH. The lemonade drink used in this experiment uses a citric acid sodium citrate buffer to control the pH according to its label.
In this experiment, you will titrate the two solutions (buffered and unbuffered solution) of citric acid with 0.10 M NaOH , monitoring pH using pH Sensor and plot titration curves as pH versus volume of the titrant NaOH.

Processing the data
1. To calculate the number of moles of NaOH used in both titrations, you will need the volume at the equivalence point and the molarity of NaOH solution.

Data and Results
Complete the data table below.
Include the raw LoggerPro data and the graph.
Data Lemonade Citric Acid
Concentration of NaOH (M) 0.10 0.10
Initial volume of NaOH, mL 100 100
Final volume of NaOH, mL 28.4 48.9
NaOH volume added before the largest pH increase (mL) 57 16
NaOH volume added after the largest pH increase (mL) 62 26
Volume of NaOH added at the equivalence point (mL) 59.5 21
Moles NaOH (mol)

Discussion hints

1. Determine which solution, buffered or unbuffered reacted with more moles of NaOH when the equivalence point was reached?

2. Observe the graph of each titration. How does the titration curve of the buffered lemonade compare to the curve of the unbuffered citric acid solution?

3. What is the formula of citric acid and the sodium salt of citric acid?

Do the feasibility study for an electric scooter. Find the new innovation in term of its design. this should improve the product competitiveness and attractiveness compared to the previous product.

Electric kick scooter redesigned

Student are requiring to do the feasibility study for an electric scooter. You need to find the new innovation in term of its design. this should improve the product competitiveness and attractiveness compared to the previous product. Furthermore, the new design is expected to improve the mechanical property and cost efficiency. (Low cost) In addition to this, the product should have the commercial value and justification for further development.

Tasks that must be covered in the paper:

• Using scientific experimentation such pugh matrix method/ mathematical calculation/ stress analysis to prove it is improvised in the design

• How this new design made the product:
-More competitive compared to previous product
-More attractive compared to previous product
-Improved in the mechanical property
-Cost efficient-product (low cost)

Write a research report that discusses the past, present, and future implications of our online identities. Examine the effects of social media on identity whether it’s personal, social, or cultural and discuss whether it is possible to create and maintain an authentic identity on the internet. Research the given topic so that you become an expert on it. Incorporate statistics and data.

Online Identity

Write a research report that discusses the past, present, and future implications of our online identities. Examine the effects of social media on identity whether it’s personal, social, or cultural and discuss whether it is possible to create and maintain an authentic identity on the internet. Research the given topic so that you become an expert on it. Incorporate statistics and data.
Keep an MLA-style Works Cited List that will be turned in with your final product.
Develop a research report that uses clear headings, a visual aid, and a formal structure to communicate a response to the question.

Your project should include:

A visual aid in the form of a chart or graph
MLA formatting – includes in-text citation and a Works Cited List
12 size font (Times New Roman, Ariel)
Formal tone and mature vocabulary

The report is formatted with a clear introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A relevant visual aid in the form of a chart or graph is used to support your conclusion and is referenced and incorporated into the discussion. Demonstrate thorough research with at least 2-3 sources of your own that are identified in a Works Cited list.

Write 1700-2000 words in the discussion (body) of your essay. Your title page, and reference page do not count toward your word count.

Write 1700-2000 words in the discussion (body) of your essay. Your title page, and reference page do not count toward your word count.
Be aware of your targeted audience.
Be clearly organized.
Include an effective introduction that sets up the tone and purpose of the essay.
Use critical thinking/analysis to go beyond the surface of the topic to show readers the significance of the topic.
Integrate your sources using direct quote, summary, and paraphrase with proper in-text citation.
Include a References or Works Cited page.
Minimum of 5 Sources
2+ Academic Sources (scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journals)
3 (max) Popular Sources

Midsummer night dream-write everything about Midsummer night dream. Not required Very high level of English,

Midsummer night dream

5 four-line stanza, AABB can write everything about Midsummer night dream. Not required Very high level of English,

What went well regarding the PR response to the situation? What might you have recommended improving the response?


Write an 800-word paper and respond to the questions at the end of your selected case study to form the basis for your response. (See PDF; pgs 2-6)

Address the following questions as well:

What went well regarding the PR response to the situation?
What might you have recommended improving the response?

Cite PR concepts from your text or other sources to support the points you are making. Book:
Seitel, F.P. (2017). The practice of public relations (13th ed.). Pearson
Cite 2 outside references with your paper.

What went well regarding the PR response to the situation? What might you have recommended improving the response?

Uber Success Brings Uber Public Relations Problems

Write an 800-word paper and respond to the questions at the end of your selected case study to form the basis for your response. (See PDF; pgs 2-6)

Address the following questions as well: What went well regarding the PR response to the situation? What might you have recommended improving the response?

Cite PR concepts from your text or other sources to support the points you are making. Book: Seitel, F.P. (2017). The practice of public relations (13th ed.). Pearson Cite 2 outside references with your paper.

Write a cover letter that explains your qualifications for a job or graduate school admission with an emphasis on the scientific and technical communication skills you have worked on in WR 320.

Final Portfolio Cover Letter

1. Read Chapter 12 (Links to an external site.) in the Technical Writing textbook about employment materials. Pay close attention to the cover letter section as this is one of the required genres for the portfolio.

2. Review the career competencies described by Identify at least three that you have worked in WR 320 and are relevant to either a job or a graduate program in which you are interested.

3. Imagine a potential employer or find a job in which you are interested in applying. Or identify a graduate program that you would like to apply to. Read up on the employer/graduate school and conduct an audience analysis on your own to guide the decisions you make in your cover letter and which projects to include in your portfolio.

4. Select two writing projects to include in your portfolio. The projects can be any that you have completed for WR 320 — including your Origin Story, Progress Reports and Memos, Instructions, Group Process Description, Proposal, Technical Report, Presentation (outline and slides). NOTE: The best portfolios will include your Technical Report. You will need to get permission from me if you plan not to include your Technical Report.

5. Revise and polish the two projects using feedback from me, your team, and any other resource available to you (friends, family, tutors in your unit).

6. Write a cover letter that explains your qualifications for a job or graduate school admission with an emphasis on the scientific and technical communication skills you have worked on in WR 320. Be sure to include a description of how they relate to the career competencies employers desire in new hires.

7. Submit to this assignment at the end of Week 10. The assignment will remain open for submission without penalty through Dec. 8.

“A” Pathway
If you are interested in having the Final Portfolio count as an “A” Pathway assignment, you will need to identify and revise one additional writing project for a total of three to include in the portfolio.

In addition, you are required to submit a 500-word reflection to the “A” Pathway Portfolio assignment describing your decision-making process about the projects you included and the revisions you made to the projects. You should also include a reflection about what you learned from completing the additional revision that you will use in the future.