
Should Chippewa Valley Insurance offer an on-site fitness room, organized walking/workout groups, or paid fitness club memberships to their employees as part of the Health and Wellness initiative starting in 2022?

APA Recommendation Report

• Recommendation Report – Corporate Health and Wellness Program. Your company has decided to offer a Health and Wellness Program to current and future employees, but as a small company, they need to be careful what perks they offer. Investigate the most common health and wellness opportunities offered at other companies of your size to recommend the best ONE for your company to invest in at the start of the New Year.
After examining options, such as weekly yoga or cross-training classes, walking groups, lunch and learns, fit-bit tracking, an onsite fitness room, etc. write a MEMO report addressed to the head of Human Resources, Marcia Gonzalez, in order to recommend the best SINGLE perk to add.

The approved topic that MUST be used:

Should Chippewa Valley Insurance offer an on-site fitness room, organized walking/workout groups, or paid fitness club memberships to their employees as part of the Health and Wellness initiative starting in 2022?

(Note: Each option will be broken down further for comparison based on price and employee usage.)

For reference to this scenario please assume the company has under 150 employees total.

Please be sure to use Indirect Strategy.

What are GBCC’s options for expansion? What are the risks (pure and speculative) associated with each option? What option do you recommend and why?

Risk Management – GBCC

What are GBCC’s options for expansion?
What are the risks (pure and speculative) associated with each option?
What option do you recommend and why?

What are the direct connections to course material and what are the financial literacy or lack of financial literacy impacts?

GCH101G- Final Paper Guidelines

Background & Guidelines:
It is important to be able to identify and examine current events and issues affecting modern society for the purpose of being able to critically evaluate news articles and apply academic material to real-world events. It is expected you apply an ethical & civic lens to the events & material.

Your final paper requires you to summarize & cite 4 major events/stories throughout the semester, that you can apply and relate each story to the course material (cite chapters, theories, and definitions from our e-text), and Your analysis must include relevant historical and current civic information, along with your ethical review. Instructions on ways to become informed of current events have been posted on Brightspace (ex. Projo and NYT free subscriptions). You are welcome to use other legitimate sources (ex. WSJ, WashPost, NYT etc.).

The format will include:
A summary of at least 4 events (they should be from throughout the semester and should
NOT all be from the same two to three-week period.)
Each of the 4 events should reference different chapters in the book and citations are expected.
An explanation of historical events. A thoughtful review of ethical implications causing and/or resulting from the current event is required.

Some other questions to consider as you relate the event to course material include, but are not limited to:
fiscal impact will this event have on

What are the direct connections to course material and what are the financial literacy or lack of financial literacy impacts?

Will this event impact my personal are the global financial Comparison of historical events and civic responsibilities this have been prevented? If so, how?

What civic issues are addressed? Both current and historical Must include: An explanation and analysis of ethical implications- include considerations, ethical dilemmas, decision making that are related to the chosen events.

Document where specific guidelines are utilized and provide a rationale for how you determined your choices. Identify any child’s special needs that might require modifying this plan.

Fun, Safe, and Healthy Mealtimes

For this assignment, choose one of the developmental stages, either toddler or preschooler, and plan a well-balanced day’s menu using the national nutrition and food program guidelines: Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and the USDA-HHS Dietary Guidelines. This assignment provides the opportunity to use all of the knowledge gained these past weeks to develop an integrated daily nutritious meal plan.

Your meal plan must include the following:

You plan must be written about the following age groups:

o Toddler

o Preschoolers

The daily menu should include:

o Breakfast

o Lunch

o Afternoon snack

Be sure to document where specific guidelines are utilized and provide a rationale for how you determined your choices.
Identify any child’s special needs that might require modifying this plan.

Submit the assignment in a Word Document.

What are the consumer goods and material recall process? Discuss this process about a company that sells consumer goods and has had a material recall within the last 5 years.

Consumer goods and material recall process

What are the consumer goods and material recall process? Discuss this process about a company that sells consumer goods and has had a material recall within the last 5 years.

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Identify an emerging concept such as reverse logistics, green logistics, etc. and analyze its impact on the future of transportation and logistics management.

Transportation and logistics management

The Final Research Project will be 20-25 pages and due in week 8. The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract, and a reference page. The project will demonstrate the knowledge acquired through course work completed to date. The project is an application of this knowledge and requires the student to analyze and interpret the topic of interest. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged.

This report must be original work. This report cannot include papers submitted in previous courses.


APA cover page

Abstract (1/2- 1 page)

2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement

3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic (use from week 5)

4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem

5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem

6. Conclusion

The final paper must have the following key sections, clearly identified, though they can be titled creatively to reflect your question and interests:

I. An introduction that states the problem and why your topic is important.

The research question, clearly and concisely stated as a question. What do you hope to answer with this research? This section should also include definition of terms.

II. Literature Review – background research on this topic

III. The results/ discussions, describes what you have learned that helps answer the research question. What are you ideas about this topic?

IV. The discussion of potential new solutions.

V. The conclusion, which summarizes the key points of the paper and suggests further research needed on this topic.

VI. A list of references in APA format.

Topics for the course project include but are not limited to:

1) The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport.

2) A review of past Transportation legislation while developing a new proposal to address past weaknesses and omissions.

3) The transitioning of the Defense Transportation System toward complementing best practices in supply chain management efficiently and securely.

4) A review of the U.S. economy and its impact on transportation and logistics management.

5) Identify new challenges within transportation and logistics management and develop viable solutions to these challenges.

6) Identify an emerging concept such as reverse logistics, green logistics, etc. and analyze its impact on the future of transportation and logistics management.

7) Other topics will be considered.

Write a paper explaining three examples of Poka-Yoke from your personal or professional life.


Write a paper explaining three examples of Poka-Yoke from your personal or professional life (examples are all around you keep it simple!)

Your examples may be existing or ideas you have to mistake-proof a process

Include photos of each and details on how they prevent and/or minimize errors

Keep in mind that written instructions are not an acceptable example

Refer to Poka-Yoke section in the Chapter 8 module for examples

The paper should be 600-800 words. Scoring will be as follows:

Demonstrate understanding of the Subject Matter

Correctly Apply Concepts

Creatively Apply Concepts (go beyond restating what is in the lecture, book, etc.)

Spelling & Grammar

Conciseness (efficient, effective communication, staying within the prescribed number of words)

Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work you have chosen, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which the work was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this work?

Musical Work

Paper Guidelines:
In an essay of at least three pages, present and defend a clearly articulated thesis regarding the cultural significance and meaning of a musical work in the classical tradition. The essay should examine one of the following works:
1. Handel’s Messiah
2. Mozart’s Don Giovanni
3. Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9
4. Verdi’s Requiem
5. Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue

Additional research about the work and its composer outside of the textbook will be necessary to complete this assignment. The essay should be organized around a central thesis that is clearly stated in the introduction. The essay should integrate the following issues and material into the development of this thesis:

1. Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work you have chosen, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which the work was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this work?

2. Who composed the work? Describe at least three important aspects of this composer’s social and cultural environment that shaped his or her professional life.

3. To what period in music history does this work belong? Define at least three important aspects of the musical style of this period. In broad terms, how does this work reflect the cultural, aesthetic, and/or political values of this period?

4. What is the genre of the work (i.e. opera, cantata, program symphony, etc.)? What are the basic characteristics and historical background of this genre? What kinds of expectations might audience members have had when encountering a new work in this genre?

5. Select at least one movement or extended section of the work and describe its distinctive stylistic, dramatic, and/or formal aspects as they relate to the cultural and aesthetic values of the period.

The paper should be organized clearly by stating and developing a central thesis across the essay, supported by detailed description and examples. It should be proofread carefully and have no significant errors in grammar, syntax, and spelling. The essay should be at least three full pages in length, double spaced and should indicate any sources consulted in a bibliography with footnotes or endnotes using MLA format.

Just a friendly reminder:
As students of the College of Charleston, you are expected to adhere to the College of Charleston Honor Code, which states that “Lying, cheating, attempted cheating, and plagiarism are violations of our Honor Code that, when identified, are investigated.”

Briefly describe some ways in which Space Supremacy is vital to U.S. National Security. How will the U.S. Space Force help ensure this Space Supremacy?

Space Supremacy

As more Nations become space capable, the importance of Space to the U.S. National Defense increases. The creation of the new Space Force is a direct consequence of this activity. Briefly describe some ways in which Space Supremacy is vital to U.S. National Security. How will the U.S. Space Force help ensure this Space Supremacy?

Explain the lasting influence of certain styles of Greek art and architecture. Connections between sport and society more generally.

Greek Culture HISTORY


1)Connections between sport and society more generally (cult, warfare, class structure) (400 WORDS)

2)Explain the lasting influence of certain styles of Greek art and architecture.(400 WORDS)