
Medical views both reflected and shaped beliefs and cultural understandings of the body in diverse social contexts? discuss changing medical views of the human body and their implications?

Human Body in the 17th and 18th C

Medical views both reflected and shaped beliefs and cultural understandings of the body in diverse social contexts? discuss changing medical views of the human body and their implications?

How does the technology work? Is it a centralized or decentralized solution? Would the system still be connected to existing the wastewater treatment system?

Safe disposal of human excrement

In this module, students will research three options for sanitation that allows for safe disposal of human excrement, but do not rely on water-based flushing. These may be systems that are decentralized or connected to centralized treatment.

Put together a document that summarizes the finding of your research by addressing the following questions for each of the three alternatives you identify:
• How does the technology work? Is it a centralized or decentralized solution? Would the system still be connected to existing the wastewater treatment system?
• If available, what would the approximate cost be of installing this type of system?
• Has the technology been successfully deployed? Can you find case studies or examples of the system operating under realistic conditions?
• Is the technology suited to large-scale implementation? (for example on a dense college campus or large buildings)
• What are the major benefits of this technology from a resource management perspective? Are there any useful byproducts from this particular strategy?
• Does it have drawbacks that might be concerning?
• What challenges might you anticipate with deploying an alternative like this?What might the various stakeholders in the use of water-based flush toilets and wastewater treatment think about this option?

Briefly explain Descartes’s causal argument for the existence of God. Explain Pascal’s reasons for thinking that we cannot opt-out of wagering about God’s existence.

Course work

1. Briefly explain Descartes’s causal argument for the existence of God.


Title: Rene Descartes (1596-1650); Author: Dr. Justing Skirry; Source:

2. Explain Pascal’s reasons for thinking that we cannot opt-out of wagering about God’s existence.

Title: The Argument from Pascal’s Wager; Author: Dr. Peter Kreeft; Source:

ompare the information on each site. Then critically analyze the information on each site in terms of its validity and objectivity.

Essay Assignment

One illegal drug to write about which is cocaine and compare and contrast two different websites that give information about that drug. You first need to compare the information on each site. Then you need to critically analyze the information on each site in terms of its validity and objectivity. In order to do that you should address the following points in your comparison.

Prepare a report which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither.

Tesla vs GM

Prepare a report which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither.

Write an essay about what you think the three most important issues, events, people, or ideas that shaped the early united states from the colonial period to the civil war using THE AMERICAN YAWP textbook.

American History from 1600-1865

Write an essay about what you think the three most important issues, events, people, or ideas that shaped the early united states from the colonial period to the civil war using THE AMERICAN YAWP textbook. no sources or works cited needed

Identify if your social trend you selected is a problem for society? In what way? Or if not a problem, in what way is it an advantage? What role did the media play in this?

Social Trend

You will choose a current social trend, referred to as a topic, that is impacting society that interest you. You will conduct a review on the trend and discuss the sociological impact it has on society and you.

Minimum of 5 reviewed and minimum of 3 citations must be cited in the paper

 You must apply one of three founding sociological perspectives to your topic, (Functionalist Theory, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism) as reviewed in class and in your Introduction to Sociology course. When discussing your topic, you will simply identify which perspective fits and why.

 Identify how the media portrays your topic of interest, i.e., describe the media’s coverage or lack of coverage.

 Identify if your social trend you selected is a problem for society? In what way? Or if not a problem, in what way is it an advantage? What role did the media play in this?

 In addition to including one of the three founding sociological perspectives, describe how your research on this topic enhance your sociological imagination, (state how your viewpoint changed or what you learned about the topic that made you think differently about the topic, or how your perspective on it was enhanced and why, do not state that it stayed the same!) (C. Wright Mills)

 Conclude by reflecting on how you can be a catalyst for change in some way, simply stated what can you do to make a difference?

 You are free to reflect openly in your conclusion as you feel comfortable.

Choose one of the options provided and prepare a chart to compare and contrast the two selected conditions based on specific key pathophysiological concepts, clinical presentation, etiology, diagnostics, and treatment.


Part A
Choose one of the options provided and prepare a chart to compare and contrast the two selected conditions based on specific key pathophysiological concepts, clinical presentation, etiology, diagnostics, and treatment. You should also include a Venn diagram. Use at least one peer-reviewed research article in your response. Include pediatric, geriatric, and bariatric considerations, as applicable, from the Norris text.

For Part A, choose one of the following options. For Part B, choose a different option.

Acute pancreatitis and hepatic failure
Acute gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction
Malnutrition and obesity

Part B
Choose a different option (than what you chose for Part A) from the items provided and compare prevention and health promotion in a discussion of 3 to 5 sentences.

Acute pancreatitis and hepatic failure
Acute gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction
Malnutrition and obesity

Discuss your opinion if Twitter contributes towards the creation of public sphere? Also, what are the limits of political communication on Twitter?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In the Social Media book

-In Chapter 4, discuss how social media has influenced conception of communication power? Also, discuss media Power.

-in Chapter 8, discuss your opinion if Twitter contributes towards the creation of public sphere? Also, what are the limits of political communication on Twitter?


In the Wiley book,

-In Chapter 3, discuss internet credibility and online content. Also discus young people’s perception of online material.

How technology and/or cognitive approaches can be used to enhance eyewitness memory.

5-2 Project Two Milestone

Topic: How technology and/or cognitive approaches can be used to enhance eyewitness memory.
Do NOT assign writer ID’s 49243, 34055, 43188, 63846, 60645, 65004, 49243, 37469, 37978, 66759, or 35207. English as the writers first language only.