
What do you think the benefits strategy of OY has been? How does the benefits strategy match what you learned about the company?

Miller Manufacturing Company (MMC)

Assume that you are the Director of Employee Benefits for the Miller Manufacturing Company (MMC) and report to the Senior VP of Human Resources.

Questions to Answer for your Boss:
What do you think the benefits strategy of MMC has been? How does the benefits strategy match what you know about the organization?
What do you think the benefits strategy of OY has been? How does the benefits strategy match what you learned about the company?
Identify 3 benefit challenges and 3 benefit opportunities that are apparent when looking at combining the benefit plans at the two companies?
Identify 3 benefit challenges and 3 benefit opportunities that would exist if the OY employees were to become covered by the MMC benefit program.
Identify 3 benefit funding opportunities that are available at either company.
Assume the acquisition of OY goes through. Select 3 benefit programs and provide your recommendation on harmonizing those programs for the combined company.
Assume the acquisition of OY falls through. Identify 3 benefit changes that should be considered by MMC anyway?

Remember, you are writing a business report to your Senior VP of Human Resources that he/she will share with the CEO. Make sure you write clear, concise, and carefully crafted and limit your work to no more than 3 to 4 pages.

What is word production? What is a tip-of-the-tongue state? What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues? What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?

A formal record of an experiment comprised of a discussion of objectives, procedures, and results. 1500 words

Using SPSS you have graphically represented data from a dataset, performed descriptive and inferential statistical analysis (one-way between-groups analysis of variance) and drawn conclusions about models of tip-of-the-tongue states based on the data provided.

Points to consider for the write-up

Concise summary of study

What is word production?
What is a tip-of-the-tongue state?
What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is priming?
What is the hypothesis of the study?

Information on participant cohort.
What design was used (e.g. between- or within-groups)?
What materials were used?

What are the descriptives?
How should you present this data?
What statistical analysis is used?
What are the results of the inferential statistics?

Is the hypothesis confirmed?
Does your study support the transmission deficit model or the blocking hypothesis?
How do your results fit in with other literature in the field?
How do you results differ from other literature in the field?
What are some of the individual differences that might affect the results?
Was the study methodologically sound?
Can you suggest ideas for future study?

Choose a topic to write a Grant proposal for and then, research the below grant websites to determine if any grants are available. Create a 1-page step-by-step process for how you would go about applying for the Grant once found and chosen.

Writing a Letter of Intent

Health care managers must ensure they have a solid grasp on grant management concepts, as well as where to search for such funding.

Choose a topic to write a Grant proposal for and then, research the below grant websites to determine if any grants are available. Create a 1page stepbystep process for how you would go about applying for the Grant once found and


Provide concrete examples that support your topic sentence / consider analogies, i.e. similar practices or events that support your analysis. For example, an historical event that mirrors the action/ideal in the story or article.

Ten Failed Utopian Cities That Influenced the Future

Article: “Ten Failed Utopian Cities That Influenced the Future” by Annalee Newitz and Emily Stamm

Examine utopian ideals in urban design / Respond to 1-3 cities (one city per body paragraph, or 3 different aspects of one “failed” city. Consider the problems that these cities aim to solve in order to achieve a ‘utopian ideal.’ What unintended consequences might result (or did result)? Personal experiences and observations, current urban design ideas (give credit) and your own ideals can be factored into your responses.


This is a 5-paragraph response essay. A response essay presents a writer’s response to a source — a story, article, lecture, film, etc. The goal is to cite meaningful ideas and/or arguments from that source and provide your own original argument in response.


* Hook — start with a sentence that attracts interest in the topic

* Introduce the topic: utopian ideals

* Narrow the topic — the gist of the failed city — or — the gist of “Harrison Bergeron”

* Thesis Statement: Your argument in response — this should be a memorable, arguable statement that can be divided into sub-arguments for each body paragraph.

(2, 3, 4) BODY ONE / TWO / THREE: Each paragraph cites a statement from the original source.

* Topic Sentence: Write an arguable statement in response to an aspect of the city or story.

* Quote or Summarize a salient part of the story / aspect of the failed city.

* Explain / interpret the quote in support of your argument. Signal your interpretation with: In other words / What this means is that /

* Provide concrete examples that support your topic sentence / consider analogies, i.e. similar practices or events that support your analysis. For example, an historical event that mirrors the action/ideal in the story or article.

* Concluding Sentence: Affirm that the topic sentence has been ‘proven,’ then transition to the next paragraph.


* Affirm the thesis statement

* End profoundly with a meaningful observation


* Name, course, semester, instructor — single-spaced in the upper left corner

* Page numbers bottom right

* Center an original title over the body of the essay, or to start: Response to “Title of Story or Article”

* Double-space / size 11 or 12 type

* Indent the first sentence of each new paragraph five spaces. Do not put four spaces between paragraphs.

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving a current Cultural Sexuality debate.

Cultural Sexuality

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving a current Cultural Sexuality debate. Use your two course textbooks 1984 and Thinking for Yourself as well as at least four outside sources from your own research and focus on how the sources present the issue and if the sources are seeking to objectively inform the public of the issue or if they are seeking to persuade the public to think or act a certain way about this issue. Below is a list of example topics, but you are not limited to one of these topics.

Example Topics:
Sexuality in Advertising

Sexuality in Entertainment

LGBTQ Issues

Sex Education





Monogamy vs Polygamy

Statutory Rape (legal age?)

Use relevant quotes from 1984 looking at the similarities and differences between our culture and society and the culture and society of the novel.

Also refer back to Chapters 10, 11, & 12 in Thinking for Yourself and discuss how well the sources incorporate Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning and Fallacies in Reasoning surrounding the issue.

Describe most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study, your future goals and how you plane to give back to the community.


Question : Tell us about your community service, leadership roles, school involvement, that you have taken part in. Describe most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study, your future goals and how you plane to give back to the community.

Demonstrate and explain how an inquiry model such as ARPP/action research could be use by the college leadership to plan the next phase of improvement or change.


Assignment Scenario
Assume that you are a formal or informal leader in your organization. You, along with your supervisor (or the rest of your leadership team) are engaged in a study of your organization’s challenges and strategic position with the intention of developing and implementing a series of improvement initiatives. You have shared some of the ideas in this course in casual conversation with others on the team and stimulated their interest. As a result, you have been asked to present the course’s concepts to everyone on the team so they, too, can begin to broaden and deepen their thinking organizational learning, change, and improvement.

You decide to use a teaching case, Belmont Abbey, to help your team develop an understanding of the key course concepts. For this task you’ll develop a set of teaching materials in the form of a PowerPoint presentation and corresponding script that convey the course concepts. Using examples from the case, you’ll enable your team to develop understanding of systems thinking, systems archetypes, and change and action research inquiry processes. In developing these teaching materials, you will be synthesizing course concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of their application to problems of practice.

Create a PowerPoint presentation and corresponding script (or speaker’s notes) that consists of the following bolded components:

Introduce the case.
Preliminary Introduction of the Case: Summarize the case for your team. Provide a synopsis of the Belmont Abbey case that enables the intended audience to understand the case, including events, stakeholders, and challenges that will be analyzed.

Use disciplines of learning organizations to analyze problems of practice.

Disciplines: Apply the lens of the four core disciplines (personal mastery, mental models, team learning, shared vision) to the case, and provide an analysis of the extent to which the discipline(s) reveals organizational dynamics and contributes either to organizational learning or to the organization’s problems.

Analyze the organizational disabilities and systems archetypes present in the case.
Systems Archetypes: Explain and map at least one example of a systems archetype can be seen in the case. Include at least one systems map as part of your presentation.

Recommend change management strategies for the organization based on the case.

Critical-Thinking Tools: Prior to suggesting change management strategies, demonstrate critical thinking tools to identify assumptions the stakeholders in the case may have made, and develop a set of questions you would ask to help the stakeholders in the case uncover their assumptions and clarify the steps needed for future progress. Reference Paul and Elder’s Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life text in your comments.

Four-Stage Change Process: Describe and explain how the four-stage process could be used by the Belmont Abbey leaders to improve the strategic planning process that enhances the chances of success for one of the college’s initiatives. Explain how your set of questions would help uncover stakeholder assumptions and clarify steps needed for future progress. Refer to Stroh’s Thinking for Social Change text.

Propose an inquiry model to plan for next phase of organizational improvement.

Inquiry Cycle: Demonstrate and explain how an inquiry model such as ARPP/action research could be use by the college leadership to plan the next phase of improvement or change.

Recommendations: Provide a set of specific practical recommendations about how the president should proceed. Demonstrate how your recommendations align with the college’s mission, vision, and values.

Questions: Conclude with at least 3 discussion questions you would pose to help uncover team members’ assumptions and facilitate their inquiry into and understanding of the key concepts you have presented.

Provide a single comprehensive report that provides the current enterprise architecture for the School of Creative and Information Technologies (CIT).

Course Project

Based on your submissions and my feedback on your deliverables in chapter scenario homework, the textbook and OSUIT content, and your understanding of Enterprise Architecture processes, provide a single comprehensive report that provides the current enterprise architecture for the School of Creative and Information Technologies (CIT). This report should include all components expected within the EA cube framework supported with appropriate artifacts (at least one artifact for each level) and cover the first three phases in the EA implementation methodology as documented in chapter 4. With regard to phase 1 steps, while I don’t expect you to explicitly perform those steps (you can’t as a student), I do expect you to talk about what OSUIT needs to do to address them. For example, for the CIT school, at what level in the organization should the chief architect reside? For steps 2 – 4, why are they needed when developing an EA? In addition to the enterprise architecture documentation, this report should also have a section that assesses (with appropriate supported justification) the capabilities of each component to perform their expected function. Project details are summarized as follows:

What is the value of the b coefficient that describes the relationship between Months and Newspaper/Magazine funding? Round to 1 decimal place. 

The hiring managers for this organization want to plan their recruitment budget for the next year, but they have not yet heard from upper management about how much funding they will receive for hiring purposes. Therefore, they want to predict how much management will allot based on the trends of past funding.

First, you will need to transpose your data so the months are aligned vertically. I recommend pasting it into a different sheet and saving the original data set. Your transposed data set should have the months in one column and the employment source as different columns. E.g., this snippet:

Then you will need to re-code the months so that they are numeric. Make January a 1, February a 2, March a 3, and so on until December is 12.
Last, run a simple regression predicting Newspaper/Magazine funding from Month. (Only use the months 1-12).
What is the value of the b coefficient that describes the relationship between Months and Newspaper/Magazine funding? Round to 1 decimal place.
Based on the above simple regression analysis, how much should the hiring managers expect to have for Newspaper/Magazine  in the following January (Month 13)? Round to two decimal places, do not include the dollar sign.

The hiring managers want to compare three different employment sources: Newspaper/Magazine, CareerBuilder, and Perform simple regressions as you did above predicting allocations for month 13 for those three employment sources. Which of the following statements would be the best conclusion from your analysis?
Group of answer choices

The model R-square for is the highest R-square value of the three platforms. Therefore, management will likely provide the most funding for that platform, and we should focus on that above the other two.

The models for and Newspaper/Magazine are both significant, which means we should focus on these two platforms over CareerBuilder because management will likely provide us the most funding for those two platforms.

The predicted monthly amount for CareerBuilder is lower than the predicted amount for Newspaper/Magazine. Therefore, they should expect the lowest amount of funding for CareerBuilder out of all of the three, and should concentrate on their efforts on the other two employment resources.

The monthly amounts for have a negative slope, compared to the other two, which have a positive slope. Therefore, they should expect lower funding for than in the past, and should concentrate their efforts on the other two employment resources.

All of the above are correct.

None of the above are correct.

For ease of performing the next task, move the variable “Social Networks – Facebook, Twitter, etc” to column A on the spreadsheet. (i.e. Make sure it is the first column in the spreadsheet.)
The hiring managers recognize that the funding for one employment source depends on the funding for the other sources. Therefore, they want you to perform a multiple regression predicting Social Network funding from Months 1-12, while controlling for the funding of Billboard, Careerbuilder, Company Intranet – Partner, and Diversity Job Fair.

Assume that we know the funding for the the controlled variables for Month 13. They are:

Billboard: 520
Careerbuilder: 800
Company Intranet: 0
Diversity Job Fair: 1000

For this model and these known values, what is the predicted value for Social Network funding for Month 13?

Explain which topic covered in the course applies to each article, and provide your reaction to the article based on what you have learned in our course.

Course applies to each article

Explain which topic covered in the course applies to each article, and (3) provide your reaction to the article based on what you have learned in our course. For example, you should be able to show first what the article indicates was the cause and whether you agree. A paragraph for each article