
Identify what you feel are the most important points/information this documentary is providing. Identify at least three points clearly and directly from the documentary.

“The Rich, The Poor and The Trash”

Watch the following short documentary entitled “The Rich, The Poor and The Trash”. Answer the following questions:

1) Identify what you feel are the most important points/information this documentary is providing. Identify at least three points clearly and directly from the documentary.

2) Environmental issues have become major concerns for the future of this planet. How do these issues relate to the values and ethics of the social work profession?

3) What were some of the points made about creativity, art and the human spirit?

4) How does the inequality gap in the country affect the work social workers can do? How does it limit us (if you see any limitations) and if so, how can we overcome or manage them?

5) Why do you think as a society we “consume” and waste so many things? Everything from food waste to needing the latest phone or computer, what are the driving forces behind this?

6) Lastly, how do you personally dispose of trash? Do you recycle? Do you litter in the streets? Are you aware of the amount of products/consumption of productions you and your loved ones process and purchase? Do you feel like you have a responsibility to mankind in being aware/selective of products/disposal of trash that are attributed to you? Be honest…..

Write at least three pages using APA format (12 pt font, appropriate margins). NO NEED FOR SOURCES.


Backtest the portfolio using stock prices from 4th October to 6th December 2021, how did the portfolio perform against a chosen benchmark? What is return and risk of the portfolio? Discuss which portfolio performs better during the back testing period, the benchmark or your portfolio?

Financial Investment

s a recently qualified financial advisor, you are helping a client invest her £100,000 inheritance. You plan to divide the client’s capital into 3 parts. The first part consists of only individual stocks. The second part employs only passive strategies by investing in ETFs and tracker funds. In the third part, capital is allocated to derivatives.

Before committing the fund, you decide to backtest the investment thesis and present a portfolio report to the client.


1. In the first part of the portfolio, choose minimum of 5 stocks. You can consider equity stock in any financial market, and choose any market available in Bloomberg, but you are limited to trade only equity stocks (no ETFs nor index funds) on major exchanges. You need to explain to the client choices of each stock. To convince her that these stocks are good financial bet, your analysis and discussion should include aspects such as: choice of a particular market; its overview and major characteristics; stocks’ valuation expectation of the stocks’ future performance; the criteria used to select stocks; capital allocation of each stock; reasons of allocation etc. Bloomberg equity screening function (EQS) can help with this task.

2. In the second part, choose minimum of 5 ETFs or index funds. Justify your selection, apply the same analysis and rationale as above. But you are limited to trade only ETFs and index funds in this part.

3. In the third part, choose at least 1 option contract. The option can be a hedging position or a purely speculative position or both. If it is used for hedging, demonstrate how the position protect value of the overall portfolio. If the option position is speculative, explain your rationale and justify the investment thesis.

4. Backtest the portfolio using stock prices from 4th October to 6th December 2021, how did the portfolio perform against a chosen benchmark? What is return and risk of the portfolio? Discuss which portfolio performs better during the back testing period, the benchmark or your portfolio? Explain in detail why the portfolio performs better (or worse) than the benchmark. Bloomberg portfolio management function (PORT) can help with this task.

5. As a quality assurance, present a scenario analysis to the client. Hypothetical analysis of the portfolio if a crisis (in scale similar to COVID-19 or the 2008 crisis) strikes. Is your portfolio crisis proof? Why? If not, how can you reduce exposure to a financial crisis. Analysis do not need to be quantitative, discursive discussion is fine.

This is an individual coursework, please complete it on your own. There is no word limit. But there is a page limit of 8 pages.

Analyze several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes; compare and contrast media outlets and their patterns of representation, applying course terms and theories.

Is Our Society Colorblind?

For the Experiential Research Paper, you are required to write a five-page paper, not including a title page and reference page (no abstract), formatted using the ASA style. The paper should incorporate the core value of community emphasized in the course.
Analyze several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes; compare and contrast media outlets and their patterns of representation, applying course terms and theories.

Identify and describe ARISTOTLE, as he embodied high ethical values. Describe Aristotle’s likely personal code of ethical principles and values. How were these principles and values formed? Were these principles and values consistent with those of Aristotle’s larger environment?

Referent Code of Ethical Principles and Values

Identify and describe ARISTOTLE, as he embodied high ethical values. Describe Aristotle’s likely personal code of ethical principles and values. How were these principles and values formed? Were these principles and values consistent with those of Aristotle’s larger environment? If a conflict between personal and larger values was present, how were the conflicts addressed? Consider culture, gender, and generation in your analysis.

How has this course made a difference in your ability to manage change as a change leader or in your career? Be specific about the course content that has had an impact.

Assignment self reflection

-How has this course made a difference in your ability to manage change as a change leader or in your career? Be specific about the course content that has had an impact.

-How did it help you manage change on a more personal level? Again, be specific about how the course content relates. Did you change as a result of entering this course? If so, how are you different?

In the context of large organizations where professionals work, what could be done in order to make it possible for professionals to fulfill their professional ethical responsibilities?

Engineers’ responsibilities,

In the last few weeks of the course, the articles have dealt with engineers’ responsibilities, about professionals working in large organizations, and deprofessionalization. All of these topics revolve around a common theme: that professionals often have to deal with pressure that pushes them toward actions that conflict with their profession’s code of ethics. For instance, engineers at Ford were ignored by executives when the engineers reported on safety concerns about the Pinto. In that case, the engineers were in a dilemma, caught between doing what they should do as engineers, and doing what the Ford executives wanted them to do as employees. Similarly, Shahinpoor & Matt describe a dilemma involving professionals working in organizations where management does not tolerate dissent: professionals in those work environments are caught between doing what they believe is right, and going along with and remaining obedient to management.

James, Davis, Shahinpoor & Matt, and McPhail propose various ways that professionals in these dilemmas could act in defense of their professional ethical responsibilities. Some involve actions that the professional or the whole profession could take, and some involve changes to the organizations where professionals work.

Question Prompt

In the context of large organizations where professionals work, what could be done in order to make it possible for professionals to fulfill their professional ethical responsibilities? (“Professional ethical responsibilities” means the ethical responsibilities established by the profession as such — the group of all members of that same profession, regardless of where they work.)

What factors have influenced various depictions of Batman over the years, and what does this character’s evolution suggest about life in modern America?

I’m Batman

What factors have influenced various depictions of Batman over the years, and what does this character’s evolution suggest about life in modern America?

For this essay, you might consider the following to help you develop a thesis that answers the prompt (this is not a checklist, just some suggestions):

– Historical, political, and/or economic forces that have shaped depictions of Batman

– Batman’s reliance on (and relationship to) technology

– Various iterations of the Batman narrative as reflections of America’s values and myths

– Reconciling Batman’s mission & methods with society’s rules & expectations

– Artists’ efforts to portray Batman in ways that appeal to both children and adults

– Batman’s notion of justice and concepts like good & bad, virtue & vice, and right & wrong

– The role of violence in Batman narratives, and/or reflections of race, class, and gender therein

– How the aesthetic, dialog, and tone of Batman tales have changed over time


Analyze the FBI and its attempts at squelching the Civil Rights Movement or movements for Black liberation. What role did J. Edgar Hoover play in these attempts? How did the FBI respond to the Movement and violent white supremacist backlash to it?

Analyze the FBI and its attempts at squelching the Civil Rights Movement or movements for Black liberation. What role did J. Edgar Hoover play in these attempts? How did the FBI respond to the Movement and violent white supremacist backlash to it?

Reflect on your own temperament. What aspects of your temperament may challenge you as a current/future Registered Early Childhood Educator? What aspects suit you to the role?

Temperament Observation Assignment

According to the work of Thomas, Chess & Birch, what is the child’s predominant temperament style? Explain.

3. Considering the ideas presented in the article A Level Playing Field for All (Bonnett, 2013), write a brief summary (7-8 sentences) describing the child’s temperament, that presents all traits in a positive, strength-based manner.

Part Two: Personal Reflection

Reflect on your own temperament. What aspects of your temperament may challenge you as a current/future Registered Early Childhood Educator? What aspects suit you to the role?

How could temperament incompatibility affect your relationship with a child? What can Educators do to mitigate that impact?

Evaluate the crisis management solutions utilized by human resources to lower the employee turnover rate. Identify the various concepts and strategies of human resource management and recruitment over a short period.


Bab Al Qasr Hotel & Residence: Sustaining Business while Housing COVID-19 Patients

Keywords: Human Resources Management Practices, Business Sustainability, Economic stress, Employee Job Satisfaction, Turnover Rate, Recruitment, Retention, Staffing, Incentives, Promotions, Workforce planning, Training and Development, Job Demands-Resources Model, Psychological Capital, Job Demands-Resources Model

Subject Area: Human Resources management, Hotel management, Hospitality management, Personnel management

Prerequisites: It is highly recommended that students have prior knowledge of Human Resource Management (HRM). Additionally, it is beneficial for students to have a general understanding of Hotel and Hospitality Management and topics related to Business Sustainability.

Methodology: Both primary and secondary data sources were required to gain a comprehensive understanding of the case study. The primary data were obtained through an online interview conducted via Zoom with Mr. Samer Majari, Human Resources Director at Bab Al Qasr Hotel in Abu Dhabi. In addition to primary data, secondary data were collected from the hotel’s official website and other documents shared by Samer.

Potential Audience: This case study intends to provide a context for creative solutions to human resource challenges facing organizations during a pandemic. It also involves swift responses to crises faced by HR managers and the immediate solutions required. Therefore, this case study can potentially be utilized by undergraduate-level human resource management courses for students pursuing a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in human resource management, hospitality management or international business studies. Moreover, this case study can be employed for hospitality industry staff, mid-level human resources manager and organizational development practitioners for corporate training and to help understand how to manage crises in their hotels.

Expected Learning Outcomes
This case study aims to yield the following learning outcomes:
⦁ Understanding the key performance indicators of successful Human Resource Management (HRM) in pandemic situations within the hospitality and tourism sector.
⦁ Conceptualize the types of HRM practices such as safety and health, recruitment, and promotion and rewards when facing pandemic conditions as well as the handling of hotel staff in strained times.
⦁ Evaluate the crisis management solutions utilized by human resources to lower the employee turnover rate.
⦁ Design a crisis management plan from a human resource prospect in a pandemic situation.
⦁ Identify the various concepts and strategies of human resource management and recruitment over a short period