
Analyze the various components of popular culture for investigating their influence of wellness on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession.

IDS-404 Project

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
• Analyze the various components of popular culture for investigating their influence of wellness on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession.
• Integrate interdisciplinary approaches for determining the impact of popular culture on various institutions.
• Explain how interdependent influences impact the social, historical, and theoretical approaches to popular culture by employing appropriate research strategies.
• Recommend strategies for utilizing the critical analysis of popular culture to develop one’s personal and professional identity.
• Articulate informed viewpoints on how popular culture shapes one’s framework of perception using effective communication skills.
• Assess the impact of popular culture on cultural and social attitudes, choices, and behaviors through the incorporation of diverse perspectives and viewpoints informed by relevant literature.

How has your experience coming from a low income household helped shape who you are? What are your goals for your future?

How my experiences shaped me

How has your experience coming from a low income household helped shape who you are? What are your goals for your future?

A literature review is really just a paper that both summarizes and synthesizes what you found in the articles. What do the articles say? Do they say anything in common about your topic? Do they come to opposite conclusions about your topic?

OCD: Neurophysiology and Treatments

Pick at least five psychology journal articles on the topic. Write a literature review based on these journal articles.

  • A literature review is really just a paper that both summarizes and synthesizes what you found in the articles. What do the articles say?
  • Do they say anything in common about your topic?
  • Do they come to opposite conclusions about your topic?
  • Maybe they each cover a different facet of your topic that allows you to tell us what the bigger picture is. What is known about your topic? What is still not known about your topic?
  • Rather than Cive separate summaries for each article, write a cohesive paper on your topic that is supported by the information in the articles.

Although not usually present in a literature review, on this assignment you may also include personal opinion or experience if you wish. Articles must be from peer-reviewed journals.

How does Augustine’s interpretation of Genesis 1, in particular on the goodness of creation, the centrality of freewill and the createdness of time, give birth to a new kind of individual and a new community. Use Holland’s engagement with Paul to buttress your argument. How could the nature of matter or bodies have an effect on human thriving and optimistic encounters with other cultures or world views?

Augustine Interpretation of genesis 1

How does Augustine’s interpretation of Genesis 1, in particular on the goodness of creation, the centrality of freewill and the createdness of time, give birth to a new kind of individual and a new community. Use Holland’s engagement with Paul to buttress your argument. How could the nature of matter or bodies have an effect on human thriving and optimistic encounters with other cultures or world views?

In an essay, critically argue that women can be viewed as agents in society. Accompany your argument with specific examples of South African and international women from the 1500s up to present day


In an essay, critically argue that women can be viewed as agents in society. Accompany your argument with specific examples of South African and international women from the 1500s up to present day

After watching the two videos below, express your thoughts below about anything which has inspired or fascinated you in these videos, or from any of the material in this course. What do you think will be discovered or learned in astronomy or witnessed in your lifetime?


After watching the two videos below, express your thoughts below about anything which has inspired or fascinated you in these videos, or from any of the material in this course. What do you think will be discovered or learned in astronomy or witnessed in your lifetime?

What is the price range (in terms of meals given up per laundry basket) at which: (1) trade would occur between Amy and Penny, and (2) both Amy and Penny would be better off?

ECON10004: Introductory Microeconomics // Assignment—1 (15%)

please submit your assignment via the LMS subject page;

the assignment is due by 4:00pm on Friday March 31, 2023;

after submitting your assignment, please keep a local copy;

there is a maximum limit of 1000 words (not including diagrams);

your answers must be typed

you may draw graphs by hand but they need to be included in your typed document at the correct spot of your typed up answers

answer all questions

a maximum of 100 points are awarded according to the quality of the answers.

If the final answer is wrong, not full marks

If majority is wrong, then <50%

If completely wrong, 0 points

Only numbers but no explanation, at most 70%. Depends on the details of calculations.

PART 1. Gains from trade [36 points]
Suppose Amy and Penny are housemates and there are two chores that need to be completed: cooking meals and laundry. Assume the hours needed to cook a meal or finish a basket of laundry are different for Amy and Penny and are described in the table below.

1/4 2
1 4
1.1. What is the maximum number of meals and laundry baskets that Penny can produce in 12 hours? What is the maximum number of meals and laundry baskets that Amy can produce in 12 hours? (4 points)

1.2. Plot in a graph: Amy’s production possibility frontier. (4 points)

1.3. Plot in a graph: Penny’s production possibility frontier. (4 points)

1.4. What is Amy and Penny’s opportunity cost of producing one meal (in terms of baskets given up)? What is their opportunity cost of producing one basket (in terms of meals given up)? (4 points)

1.5. Who has an absolute advantage in producing meals? Who has an absolute advantage in producing laundry baskets? Explain your answer. (4 points)

1.6. Who has a comparative advantage in producing clean laundry baskets? Explain your answer. (4 points)

1.7 What is the price range (in terms of meals given up per laundry basket) at which: (1) trade would occur between Amy and Penny, and (2) both Amy and Penny would be better off? (4 points)

1.8. Suppose each person has 12 hours for the two tasks in a week and suppose both Amy and Penny each spend 8 hours on laundry and 4 hours on cooking. Assume also that they do not trade initially. Suppose Amy then proposes to Penny that they specialize in what each one does relatively best and trade at a price of 1 basket of laundry for 6 meals. Will trade occur at this price? If so, can you find a production plan and proposed trade that would make both Penny and Amy better off relative to the initial production plan without trade?

Hint: For a production plan, you need to specify how each person divides their 12 hours between the two tasks. The final allocation with trade benefits Amy and Penny when it results in no fewer meals and no fewer baskets for either person. (8 points)


PART 2. The lumber market in Australia [46 points]
Suppose the demand and the supply for lumber (harvested wood processed in a sawmill) used for construction in Australia are given by

QD =100 – 2P

QS = 1
Assume also that the market is perfectly competitive.

2.1. Compute the equilibrium price P* and quantity Q * . (4 points)

2.2. Plot on a graph: the demand curve, the supply curve, and the equilibrium price and quantity. (4 points)

2.3: Calculate the price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply at the equilibrium price and quantity. (4 points)

2.4. Calculate the producer surplus and consumer surplus in the equilibrium and illustrate them in a graph. (4 points)

2.5. Now suppose a pandemic hits and the government introduces a Homebuilder Scheme, which provides up to a fixed amount of money towards building a home or renovating an existing one. As a result, there is an increase in construction projects. Use a demand and supply graph to explain how this affects the equilibrium price and quantity in the market. (4 points)

2.6. A number of factors now affect the market at once. First, the price of oil rises, increasing transportation costs. Second, landowners who supply logs to sawmills decide to hold off on cutting trees in response to the market conditions described in 2.5. Use a demand and supply graph to explain how these two events affect the equilibrium price and quantity. Show changes relative to the equilibrium you illustrated in 2.5. (4 points)

2.7. Steel is a substitute for lumber in construction. Now suppose the price for steel rises. Use a graph of supply and demand to show what happens in equilibrium. Show changes relative to the original equilibrium you found in 2.1. (4 points)

2.8. Now go back to the setup of 2.1 once more and suppose that instead of introducing the Homebuilder scheme, the government introduces a subsidy of s=5 per unit of lumber transacted in the market. Calculate the new equilibrium quantity and the price paid by consumers and received by producers. (4 points).

2.9. Given the subsidy in 2.8, calculate and illustrate in a graph the consumer surplus, producer surplus and subsidy expenditure. (6 points)

2.10. Calculate the deadweight loss caused by the subsidy in 2.8 and illustrate it in a graph. (4 points).

2.11. Who benefits more from the subsidy, consumers or producers? Why? (4 points).

PART 3. International trade [18 points]

3.1 Suppose the lumber market described in 2.1 was closed to the rest of the world. Now it opens to trade and the world price of lumber is 20. Compute the equilibrium price, quantity supplied by domestic producers, and quantity demanded by domestic consumers. (3 points)
3.2 Use a demand and supply graph to show how consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus change with international trade. (5 points)

3.3 Now suppose that Country A is a major exporter of lumber to Australia and in an effort to impose sanctions on Country A, Australia imposes a tariff of t=10 on all lumber imported into Australia. Use a graph of supply and demand to show how the tariff changes consumer, producer and total surplus. (6 points)

3.4 Calculate the equilibrium price, quantity produced and demanded domestically, tariff revenue, and deadweight loss. (4 points)

Create an incident report involving a purse snatching. Develop your own details and prepare the report in the appropriate format.

Create Own Incident Report

Create an incident report involving a purse snatching. Develop your own details and prepare the report in the appropriate format. Be sure to answer the questions who, what where, why and how.

Your response should be at least 250 words but not to exceed 350 words.

What is personnel psychology, and how can it improve HRM and leadership practices to drive performance and fairness in the workplace? Considering an organization that you work for, what research-based recommendations do you have for improving talent management functions with personnel psychology?

Psychology Question

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words each. They will be run thru a plagiarism checker. Thanks.

Let’s put on our trainer hats and compose a brief training script on critical concepts in personnel psychology. Select 1 of the following questions. Post a response of at least 175 words. Make sure you define your terms using concepts from the required readings. Support your answer using ideas from the required readings, course materials, or library resources. Cite your sources.

1. What is personnel psychology, and how can it improve HRM and leadership practices to drive performance and fairness in the workplace? Considering an organization that you work for, what research-based recommendations do you have for improving talent management functions with personnel psychology?

2. What is an organizational system? How can understanding an organization as a system help an organization make the best and most fair use of personnel while adapting to changes in the external environment?

3. What role does technology play in helping to make employment decisions? Considering your organization or an organization that you work for, what are your research-based recommendations for improving the technical competencies of HR staff and organizational leaders to improve employee performance?

4.How do demographic changes and diversity affect recruitment and staffing? Considering your organization or an organization you are familiar with, what are your research-based recommendations for building a diverse workforce that aligns employees with accomplishing organizational goals while being fair and equitable to employees?

How might one argue, from a conflict perspective, that most states still banning marijuana use are not necessarily a reflection of the opinions of average Americans but a reflection of the view of those with the capacity to make laws?


1. Referencing Merton’s Strain Theory, do you feel the “American Dream” leads to strain? How?
2. According to labeling theory, in what ways might the labeling of deviance encourage further deviance?
3. How might one argue, from a conflict perspective, that most states still banning marijuana use are not necessarily a reflection of the opinions of average Americans but a reflection of the view of those with the capacity to make laws?
4. How would someone using a feminist theoretical perspective explain deviance? How do feminist theories differ from more traditional theories of deviance?