
Suppose that a computer glitch causes you to lose all the observations for which . Will OLS still provide an unbiased estimator of if you estimate Model 1 using the remaining data? Explain.

Final Exam | Gradescope 2/13

Q1.2   (
2 Points)
Suppose that a computer glitch causes you to lose all the observations
for which . Will OLS still provide an unbiased
estimator of
if you estimate Model 1 using the remaining data? Explain.

(2 Points)
Suppose that a computer glitch causes you to lose all the observations
for which household size is greater than 6. Will OLS still provide an unbiased estimator of if you estimate Model 1 using the remaining data? Explain.

(2 Points)
Suppose that, contrary to our assumption above, our data was not
generated as a random sample from the population. Instead, data was collected by issuing a population-wide voluntary survey that consumption will OLS still provide an unbiased estimator of if you estimate Model 1? Explain.

Electricity Consumption and Temperature (10 Points

You are interested in whether the daily average temperature is a good predictor of electricty consumption. Specifically, you would like to estimate the following population regression model:

Model 1:
is daily electricity consumption in day and is the average daily temperature.
You have data on the daily amount of electricity consumed over the
summer in a single randomly chosen house in California.

What person POV are the stories told from? Reliable and objective or not? Neutral? What does the POV reveal about the characters, their motives, emotions, personality traits, etc.? How limited are the narrator’s perceptions? What limits the narrator’s perceptions?

English 1302, Paper 4: Research Paper and Analysis of Elements of Fiction

For the final paper you will write about Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street. You will use the primary sources (the novel) as well as literary criticism (through the ACC Library website) and author interviews (YouTube) to write your paper.

You must have at least FOUR external sources, TWO of which must be college-level reference sources located in the ACC Library databases.

Write your paper as per the guidelines suggested below.

View or listen to a filmed interview with the author and read the print interview of her in The Missouri Review, as she discusses the artistic, geographic, and thematic contexts of her novel and her craft. These interviews may be found in the Week 13 folder on our Blackboard course page, if you are in the 16-week session, or the Week Nine folder If you are in the 12-week session. You must use the print interview and at least one of the taped interviews to help support the academic argument(s) you make in your paper.
Write an introduction (mention the author and novel; give a brief summary, no more than 3-4 sentences). End the introductory paragraph with a thesis statement that indicates your interpretation of the theme of the novel. This is your central idea statement. Your central idea statement will be your interpretation of the story’s main theme. Your thesis statement may consist of several sentences.
Review the literary criticism you found through ACC’s library databases. Use the information from these articles and the following three elements of fiction, POINT OF VIEW, SETTING, AND SYMBOLISM, to analyze the novel. Describe the effects that these elements of fiction produce and how they shape or support the novel’s themes. You may and should use the literary criticism to support your analysis of the three elements of fiction.
Conclude by either discussing the themes of the novel to include an overall assessment of the novel supported by the literary criticism articles and/or the interviews.
Always support your insights and assertions with examples from the text of the stories, the literary criticism articles, and the author interviews.
Cite all primary and secondary material you use in your paper in a Works Cited section that immediately follows the end of the paper (no need to start it on a new page). This Works Cited page will cite your stories (primary texts), literary criticism, and author interviews. When you quote from, paraphrase, or summarize the story, article, or interview, use MLA in-text citations.



What person POV are the stories told from? Reliable and objective or not? Neutral? What does the POV reveal about the characters, their motives, emotions, personality traits, etc.? How limited are the narrator’s perceptions? What limits the narrator’s perceptions? Why does the narrator choose certain language, report the details that she/he does, reveal the characters in the manner that she/he does, offer or not offer interpretive comments, and/or tell the story in a certain order? Does the narrative voice create irony (dramatic, situational, verbal)?

Why did the author choose this particular setting for the story? How is physical setting described? Does the description shed light on any other elements (character, conflict, etc.)? Could the setting be symbolic of something else? How does setting influence plot or characters? Does the setting establish a mood or atmosphere? Setting includes time period, history, geographical location, milieu, the entire cultural environment in which the story is set. Setting has physical, social, and figurative aspects.

What dominant symbols do you notice in the story? What do they mean in the overall context of the plot, characterization, conflict, pov, or any of the other elements? Choose at least ONE significant symbol from each story and analyze what it signifies.

Write a Formal Persuasive Business Report on Covid-19’s impact on the global supply chain, and theorize possible solutions to it.

Covid-19 impact on Supply Chain Disruption

Write a Formal Persuasive Business Report on Covid-19’s impact on the global supply chain, and theorize possible solutions to it.

Identify a proposed public health or health care legislation aimed at addressing a current organizational or community challenge.

Health care legislation

Identify a proposed public health or health care legislation aimed at addressing a current organizational or community challenge.

Decide to write the “pro” position or the “con” position.

After reading and analyzing these articles are you able to identify how these modern scholars have conceptualized natural law and natural rights? Are there any significant differences between these authors? What are Wilson’s teachings on natural rights and his contributions to the Republic?

Postulates on Natural Law and Natural Rights

In the three assigned articles the authors cover the conceptualization and application of natural law and natural rights. Brian Tierney, examines the relationship between natural law and natural rights and wonders whether the two concepts are logically incompatible with one another, or whether natural rights were derived from natural law. Eduardo A. Velasquez’s article looks at the application of natural rights with the founding of the
American Republic through the works of James Wilson – one of the least known of the Founding Fathers of the Republic – and his modern liberal principles and natural law
teachings. Finally, Randy E. Barnett considers the legal application of natural rights in today’s world identifying not only its intellectual construct but also how they are used by individuals in the pursuit of their objectives.

Your task is: 1) to read the three articles, and 2) use the book and the articles to answer the following questions:

After reading and analyzing these articles are you able to identify how these modern scholars have conceptualized natural law and natural rights? Are there any significant differences between these authors? What are Wilson’s teachings on natural rights and his contributions to the Republic?

How would you describe the culture of that organization based on what you’ve read about in your readings? Did it impact your performance or attitude toward the organization? How so?

Organizational culture

The book discusses various aspects of organizational culture. Think of an organization to which you belong/have belonged. How would you describe the culture of that organization based on what you’ve read about in your readings? Did it impact your performance or attitude toward the organization? How so?

How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted? What does this lab suggest in the role of top-down processing when reading? What does it reveal about a “web of concepts”?

5-1 Module Five Lab Worksheet

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. All responses to lab questions should be in your own words or paraphrased.

Word Superiority Lab

Lab Questions
How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted?

What does this lab tell us about reading as a bottom-up or top-down process? What do you think would happen when learning a new language?

Lexical Decision Lab

Lab Questions
How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted?

What does this lab suggest in the role of top-down processing when reading? What does it reveal about a “web of concepts”?

Module Question

These labs are all about recognizing elements of your language quickly and accurately. We tend to think of reading as a passive skill because it’s automatized. What do you think these labs tell us about what needs to happen for artificial intelligence (think Alexa and Siri) to recognize and process language as quickly and efficiently as we do? What do you think we are still better at doing compared to AI when it comes to language?

Evaluate the Bus Accident Investigation Process AND identify opportunities to improve the bus accident investigation process.

Bus Accident Investigation Procedures for LA Metro

Read and review LA Metro’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan(Bus Accident Investigation Procedures pages 99-119).

Evaluate the Bus Accident Investigation Process AND identify opportunities to improve the bus accident investigation process(3-5 recommendations/improvements).

Use acronyms used specifically for LA Metro.

Describe the methods and processes through which the federal government utilizes cyber security. Analyze if the federal government’s cyber programs are enough to protect the United States.

Cyber security

Formulate a discussion forum in APA 7 format using any reliable resources with a minimum of 250 words.:

Describe the methods and processes through which the federal government utilizes cyber security.
Analyze if the federal government’s cyber programs are enough to protect the United States.

You may utilize additional resources as long as they are credible and cited.

Identify the issue in your scenario. Using the concepts we have covered in this class, determine a solution to the proposed scenario. Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.

Human Resources

Identify the issue in your scenario. Using the concepts we have covered in this class, determine a solution to the proposed scenario. Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.