
Explain how the author chose to present the data in this article. Was it presented in a way that was easy to understand? If not, how would you suggest the data be presented?

Statistics Power Point Slides

❖ Article Presentation Description An 8-minute presentation (+ 2 minutes Q/A) of the reviewed article using PowerPoint slides (max 10 slides).

Requirement Point Value

Formatting Requirements

Identify the authors, title of article, and journal title  (5 pts.)

Use proper grammar  (5 pts.)

Appropriate font and spacing  (5 pts.)

Paper is appropriate length  (5 pts.)

Summary Requirements

Explain goal of the study (identify null vs. alternative hypothesis)   (10 pts.)

Explain study methodology   (10 pts.)

Describe results   (10 pts.)

List conclusions   (10 pts.)

Critical Review Requirements Discuss the importance of the statistical methods to the research project   (10 pts.)

Explain how the statistical methods used in the research are related to what we are discussing in this course   (10 pts.)

Explain how the author chose to present the data in this article. Was it presented in a way that was easy to understand? If not, how would you suggest the data be presented?   (10 pts.)

Discuss another possible approach to analysis of the data presented in the article, if possible. If you cannot think of an alternative approach, explain why the methods used in the article are appropriate for analysis of the data.   (10 pts. )

* Total point value will be converted to 5.

Based on information from The Healthcare Divide, how has the pandemic challenged the existing health inequalities in the U.S. health care delivery system, especially how hospitals operate?

Final Exam Question #2

It is not necessary to include an introduction/conclusion. Proofread for typos/clarity before submitting your assignment on Blackboard.
Watch Frontline: The Healthcare Divide (2021) here:
Analysis of video: • Based on information from The Healthcare Divide, how has the pandemic challenged the existing health inequalities in the U.S. health care delivery system, especially how hospitals operate? Describe, in detail, two major issues.

Assessment of paper: • Answer all the questions in any order as long as the paper is organized in a logical and coherent manner. • Clarity of discussion and analysis. • Inclusion of specific and detailed examples from any sources used for the paper. • Make sure to proofread your paper for typos and grammatical errors to ensure that your ideas are clearly stated.
Grading Rubric: • Clarity of writing (proofread, grammar) = 3 points • Analysis of 2 major issues = 22 points

Reflect on a book you have read or a film you have seen where you strongly related to a character. State and describe the character, their traits and significance, and how they personify you.

Summer School Application Essay

Questions 1

Essays should be between 250-350 words. There is a character limit of 3000.
What course(s) at Harvard Summer School interest you and why? consider the previous year’s course offerings if next summer’s courses are not yet available in the course catalog on our website.
If you are applying to the Pre-College Program, look at this catalog.
If you are applying to the Secondary School Program, look at this catalog.

Question 2
Essays should be between 250-350 words. There is a character limit of 3000.
Define what academic integrity means to you. How has it impacted you as a student?

Question 3
Reflect on a book you have read or a film you have seen where you strongly related to a character. State and describe the character, their traits and significance, and how they personify you.

Question 4

Essays should be between 250-350 words. There is a character limit of 3000.
You are tasked with creating a new high school course or student club. Tell us the name of the course or student club, the description, and why you chose to create it. Be creative.

Question 5
Have you ever incurred serious or repeated disciplinary action, or have you been suspended? If yes, explain. If no,  simply state: (If new circumstances alter your status at school after you have submitted this form, you must notify us as soon as possible.)

What were the consequences of the Boston Police Strike of 1919 on the efforts by the police to organize? What three hypotheses have been formulated to explain the relationship between the police unions and the police subculture?

Week 7 Review

Answer the following questions:

What were the consequences of the Boston Police Strike of 1919 on the efforts by the police to organize?

What three hypotheses have been formulated to explain the relationship between the police unions and the police subculture?

What are considered unfair labor practices?

In terms of financial management, how did the economic crash of 2007 affect the relationship of states with their local units of government?

Why is it argued that law enforcement agencies should not receive any portion of the assets that are forfeited as the result of their investigative actions?

Evaluate at least two industry financial best practices to increase financial performance, optimize market position, and maintain ethical practices currently not applied at the selected company to propose a method for the company to integrate the best practices with the least cost possible.

Growth Strategies: Target Corporation

Every company wants to expand its operations and increase its revenue. A business plan with a five-year strategy to increase revenues is essential for a company to grow. Business plans have many components, and for this assessment, you will develop a business plan focused specifically on accounting and financial practices for growth.

You will develop a business plan for growth focused on accounting and financial practices to expand operations and increase revenue for your selected company. The plan will include a five-year strategy to increase revenues by 10%, and a recommendation for an organizational structure with mandates for effective corporate governance of internal controls, and practices for supporting an ethical environment. You will conduct research to identify industry best practices for strategies to increase financial performance and achieve the optimal position in the market while maintaining ethical financial practices. The plan will also integrate the relevant best practices as appropriate for the selected company.

Write an 8–page paper in which you:
Analyze a selected company, its operations, and its associated industry and evaluate these areas for development of a business plan for growth to increase revenues by 10% over the next five years with ethical financial practices.
Recommend three or more well-defined improvements to corporate governance over the internal controls supported with examples of how the recommendations would impact the company’s financial statements.
The recommendations could be for improvement of sales, justification of opening different markets, or enhancement of current operations.

Recommend two or more improvements in ethical standards from an accounting perspective that are supported with examples of how the recommendations would impact the company’s financial statements.
The recommendations could be for better financial control, reduction in the loss of product, or increase employee collaboration.

Evaluate at least two industry financial best practices to increase financial performance, optimize market position, and maintain ethical practices currently not applied at the selected company to propose a method for the company to integrate the best practices with the least cost possible.
Recommend at least two industry practices to apply within current operations of the selected company that will increase financial performance, optimize market position, and maintain ethical practices.
Provide at least four reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references, published within the last five years that support the paper’s claims.

Briefly explain the difference between objective and subjective globalization. Provide actual examples to compare and contrast these forms

International Monetary Fund

2. ( 200 to 250 words for both a & b = 400 to 500 total words in total)

a. According to the International Monetary Fund what are the four basic features of globalization?

b. Briefly explain the difference between objective and subjective globalization. Provide actual examples to compare and contrast these forms

Decide the amount of sources to be used, in text citation and reference list.

Why is it argued that law enforcement agencies should not receive any portion of the assets that are forfeited as the result of their investigative actions?

Week 7 Review

In terms of financial management, how did the economic crash of 2007 affect the relationship of states with their local units of government?

Why is it argued that law enforcement agencies should not receive any portion of the assets that are forfeited as the result of their investigative actions?

What were the consequences of the Boston Police Strike of 1919 on the efforts by the police to organize?

What three hypotheses have been formulated to explain the relationship between the police unions and the police subculture?

What are considered unfair labor practices?

With an aging population and a shortage of services and practitioners, how might your profession in the context of the larger health care industry adapt to meet the unique needs of the population?

Week 6 Discussion

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

With an aging population and a shortage of services and practitioners, how might your profession in the context of the larger health care industry adapt to meet the unique needs of the population?

Differentiate between managerial accounting and financial management. Explain generally accepted accounting principles applied to the health care industry and how they are applied to your Operating Budget Projection.

Part 1: 2010 Operating Budget

Review the 2009 Budget Issues – Nurses file in the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization. This document can be found on the Chief Financial Officer’s web page under Special Projects.

Decide which of the two highlighted options you will implement from the Nursing Statistics memo of the 2009 Budget Issues – Nurses document.

Discuss decision-making processes in creating a budget.

Create a new 2010 Operating Budget based on the labor decision you select from the Nursing Statistics memo. Use your Week 5 Health Care Budget assignment as the foundation to develop your new projected budget.

Part 2: Analysis Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper. Your paper should:

Discuss decision-making processes in creating a budget.
Explain the role of variance analysis in maintaining an operating budget.
Differentiate between managerial accounting and financial management.
Explain generally accepted accounting principles applied to the health care industry and how they are applied to your Operating Budget Projection.
Discuss the decision between the two labor alternatives facing the management of PFCH and the annual cost increase of each.
Make a recommendation about which labor alternative should be chosen.
Justify and analyze the labor decision that you recommend. Your justification should present numbers related to fiscal management including how each decision affects the 2010 Budget Projection.
Analyze the effect of your decision on the operating budget, including:
The opportunity cost of your recommendation
How your recommendation affects employee satisfaction
How your recommendation affects patient care and patient satisfaction

Cite a minimum of 4 sources.

Format your sources according to APA guidelines.