
What are the main ways in which the Industrial Revolution changed the global economy?

History of the global economy – Industrial revolution

What are the main ways in which the Industrial Revolution changed the global economy?

1500 words

Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Coordinate Systems

Complete the chapter 3 tutorial (Price, exercises 1-39). Then do the following:

Work with the geodatabase you created for New York State in Lab #2

1. Choose a projected coordinate system appropriate for New York State. You should use the appropriate UTM projection

It will be NAD 1983(2011) UTM Zone___[you figure out the correct zone]

Hint: You can google for ‘UTM zone map’ to see where each zone is located

2. Reproject the New York State feature classes you created in Lab #2 using the correct UTM projection

3. When you pull up the Project tool, these are listed under the Projected Coordinate Systems/UTM/North America folder:

4. Create a map of your New York State data, using a minimum of three layers. Choose appropriate symbols/ colors. Customize the map layout. Export the map.

5. Turn in a report with the following information;

• Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Hint: This info is in the layer properties box under the ‘XY Coordinate System’ tab (right-click on layer name in either ArcCatalog or ArcMap)

• Include your map.

Describe one personal and one professional struggle that may interfere with someone being a marriage and family therapist. Identify relevant AAMFT codes of ethics in this post. What possible obstacles or concerns might there be regarding implementing and adhering to these specific ethical codes?


1) The Influence of Personal and Professional Struggles on MFT Practice

In your post, describe one personal and one professional struggle that may interfere with someone being a marriage and family therapist. Identify relevant AAMFT codes of ethics in this post. What possible obstacles or concerns might there be regarding implementing and adhering to these specific ethical codes?

2)Assessing Children

You are a family therapist and wish to include youth ages 5 to 18 in your assessment protocol. What are two meaningful ways you could assess young clients in your clinical practice? Explain why these two methods appeal to you.

Why is it that the budget process for some police departments attracts more attention and is more political than is the case with other departments within the city government?

Week 7 Critical Thinking

What steps can a chief take to impact the “code of silence” in their agency?

Why is it that the budget process for some police departments attracts more attention and is more political than is the case with other departments within the city government?

Complete a Reflection Paper that analyzes how the Touro College experience has prepared you for school building leadership.

Reflection Paper

Complete a Reflection Paper that analyzes how the Touro College experience has prepared you for school building leadership. In this paper, you are to reflect upon how and describe in detail how the course work and the internship program have informed your leadership style, your core knowledge of the principles and practices of effective administration, supervision, and leadership. Emphasize how this will impact the improvement of the schools in which you work (KAPPA in Brownsville, Brooklyn). Additionally, you are to describe how you plan to continue to enhance your potential as a leader after graduation.

Create a presentation of 10-12 slides, including comprehensive speaker notes that detail the budget. Identify and describe a relevant capital purchase this unit may require, including the need, the return on investment, benefits, etc.

Operational budget

The purpose of this assignment is to create an operational budget presentation identifying key components of budgeting and possible capital purchases that may be required.

Scenario: You have been asked to create an operational budget for a 20-bed nursing unit and present it to the senior leaders of your organization.

Create a presentation of 10-12 slides, including comprehensive speaker notes that detail the budget.

Provide the key components of budgeting, including the cost of staff, activities, services, and supplies.

Identify and describe a relevant capital purchase this unit may require, including the need, the return on investment, benefits, etc.

Use at least three references, including your textbook.

Critically evaluate Haslanger’s project of revising the concept of race, and/or her argument that race is something that is socially constructed.

Concept of Race

Prompt: Critically evaluate Haslanger’s project of revising the concept of race, and/or her argument that race is something that is socially constructed (yet real).

Base off of flow of ideas reading and make an argument as to whether this account of race falls under traditional ways of thinking about race (constructionists, eliminativists, etc.) or is it entirely new

Write a 500 word essay about the importance of following orders, meeting training standards, and being a part of a team and how it applies to the 82nd Airborne Division

The Importance of teamwork

Write a 500 word essay about the importance of following orders, meeting training standards, and being a part of a team and how it applies to the 82nd Airborne Division.

How effectively does the authors narrative present the information? Does the style make the subject come to Irfe, make the contents of the book meaningful? Is the book well organized?

Contested Waters Book Review

The book review format for this class is most likely unlike any that you have done before. Therefore, read the following directions carefully The review will consist of two pages, and only two pages, typed, singlespaced, size 12 Times New Roman font. The first page will list by number and answer the six points described below. The second page will consist of a concise (but thorough) summary of the book’s content with your assessment of its quality. A good review must be written Ina clear, concise narrative that is free of typographical errors, misspellings, and grammatical difficulties. Please submit your review as a file attachment. Place your name at the top of page one along the right hand margin and give the current date. The standard bibliographical reference should appear at the top of the page, and follow this format: Willse, Jeff. Contested Wafers: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America. Chapel Hill: Unviersity of North Carolina Press, 2007. Your review should identify and discuss the following sbc factors:

1 The Author Who is the author and what are his/her qualifications for writing this book? (e g , other major publications, academic history, other relevant expenences?)

2 Topics and Scope Describe the scope of the book and its subject. Often the tale does not convey the chronological or topical range of a book. Are there important aspects of the subject that have been overlooked?

3 Sources What are the major sources used by the author? Take a look at both the End Notes as well as the book’s introduction to identity the sources the author uses

4 Thesis What is the central concept or argument upon which the author built his narrative? Does the author adequately prove the thesis? Is the thesis ideologically driven or does it grow naturally out of the narrative’s documentation? Do you agree or disagree with the thesis? (Note the thesis should not be confused with the topic and scope of the book)

5 Style How effectively does the authors narrative present the information? Does the style make the subject come to Irfe, make the contents of the book meaningful? Is the book well organized? Is it too wordy, too bnef, repetitive, concise, clear, or vague? Did the style make this an enjoyable read?

6. Contnbution to Knowledge Flow does the book add to your understanding of the subject? Does it challenge, modify or complement other books or things you have learned relate to this subject?

Explains how and why this happens–and presents advances in drug addiction treatment and prevention.

The Addicted Brain: Why We Abuse Drugs, Alcohol, and Nicotine

Addiction destroys lives. In The Addicted Brain, leading neuroscientist Michael Kuhar, Ph.D., explains how and why this happens–and presents advances in drug addiction treatment and prevention. Using breathtaking brain imagery and other research, Kuhar shows the powerful, long-term brain changes that drugs can cause, revealing why it can be so difficult for addicts to escape their grip.

Discover why some people are far more susceptible to addiction than others as the author illuminates striking neural similarities between drugs and other pleasures potentially capable of causing abuse or addiction–including alcohol, gambling, sex, caffeine, and even Internet overuse. Kuhar concludes by outlining the 12 characteristics most often associated with successful drug addiction treatment.

Authoritative and easy to understand, The Addicted Brain offers today’s most up-to-date scientific explanation of addiction–and what addicts, their families, and society can do about it.