
Summarize the job responsibilities and career outlook for your chosen occupation. Is this in line with what you expected to find? Why, why not? How will this fit into current life and experience?

Career outlook

Utilizing the most current government data available, determine and describe the distribution for your health services occupation based on at least one socio-demographic characteristic ( age, race/gender).

What proportion of the occupation is women? Men?

For health services occupation, determine the difference in median weekly earnings between people based on your previously chosen socio-demographic characteristic (i.e. women and men who are full-time wage and salary workers.)

Summarize the job responsibilities and career outlook for your chosen occupation. Is this in line with what you expected to find? Why, why not? How will this fit into current life and experience?

Discuss how an individual who has negative social capital may be more prone to extremism. How did COVID add to the issue of negative social capital?

Social Capital Final

Consider social capital. Discuss how an individual who has negative social capital may be more prone to extremism. How did COVID add to the issue of negative social capital? Examples will make your argument stronger.

Analyze Frankenstein and Parasite, and compare the two to the Beast. Critically analyze the ways in which the figure of the beast is presented.

Gothic Narratives

Analyze Frankenstein and Parasite, and compare the two to the Beast.
‘Focusing upon two texts, critically analyze the ways in which the figure of the beast is presented’.

What were the major challenges facing the newly emerging nations in the postwar period? How did different nations respond to those challenges?

Newly emerging nations

Answer the following 2 questions

1.What were the major challenges facing the newly emerging nations in the postwar period? How did different nations respond to those challenges?

2.Why did the communist regimes collapse in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, but not in China?

What does the court consider to be a relevant fact given the rule of law? How does the court interpret the rule: for example, does the court consider monetary costs of providing security patrols in weighing the burden of preventive measures?

Johnson Bank v. George Korbaken Company, LLP]

The IRAC Method of Briefing a Legal Case

When briefing a case, your goal is to reduce the information from the case into a format that provides a helpful reference for review. Most important, by “briefing” a case, you will grasp the problem the court faced (the issue), the relevant law the court used to solve it (the rule), how the court applied the rule to the facts (the application or analysis), and the outcome (the conclusion). You will then be ready to discuss the case and compare and contrast it to other cases involving similar issues.
Before attempting to “brief” a case, read the case at least once.
Follow the IRAC method in briefing cases:
I = Issue
R = Rule of Law/Rationale
A = Analysis/Discussion
C = Conclusion/Court’s Decision

Write a brief summary of the facts as the court determined. Eliminate facts that are not relevant to the court’s analysis. For example, a business’s street address is probably not relevant to the court’s decision of the issue of whether the business that sold a defective product is liable for the resulting injuries to the plaintiff. However, suppose a customer who was assaulted as she left a store is suing the business. The customer claims that her injuries were the reasonably foreseeable result of the business’s failure to provide security patrols. If the business is located in an upscale neighborhood, then perhaps it could argue that its failure to provide security patrols is reasonable. If the business is located in a crime-ridden area, then perhaps the customer is right. Instead of including the street address in the case brief, you may want to simply describe the type of neighborhood in which it is located. (Note: The time of day would
be another relevant factor, among others, in this case).

What is the question presented to the court? Usually, only one issue will be discussed, but sometimes there will be more. What are the parties fighting about and what are they asking the court to decide? For example, in the case of the assaulted customer, the issue for a trial court to decide might be whether the business had a duty to the customer to provide security patrols. The answer to the question will ultimately determine whether the business is liable for negligently failing to provide security patrols. Whether the defendant owed plaintiff a duty of care, and what that duty of care is, are key issues in negligence claims.

Write the issue in question form, for example, by asking whether, does, if, or what.

Rule of Law/Rationale
Determine what the relevant rules of law are that the court uses to make its decision. These rules will be identified and discussed by the court. For example, in the case of the assaulted customer, the relevant rule of law is that a property owner’s duty to prevent harm to invitees is determined by balancing the foreseeability of the harm against the burden of preventive measures. There may be more than one relevant rule of law to a case. For example, in a negligence case in which the defendant argues that the plaintiff assumed the risk of harm, the relevant rules of law could be the elements of negligence, and the definition of assumption of risk as a defense. Don’t just simply list the cause of action, such as  “negligence” as a rule of law: What rule must the court apply to the facts to determine the outcome?

This may be the most important portion of the brief. The court will have examined the facts in light of the rule, and probably considered all sides and arguments presented to it. How courts apply the rule to the facts and analyze the case must be understood in order to properly predict outcomes in future cases involving the same issue. What does the court consider to be a relevant fact given the rule of law? How
does the court interpret the rule: for example, does the court consider monetary costs of providing security patrols in weighing the burden of preventive measures? Does the court imply that if a business is in a dangerous area, then it should be willing to bear a higher cost for security? Resist the temptation to merely repeat what the court said in analyzing the facts: what does it mean to you? Summarize the
court’s rationale in your own words. If you encounter a word that you do not know, use a dictionary to find its meaning. Conclusion/Court’s Decision

What was the final outcome of the case? In one or two sentences, state the court’s ultimate finding. For example, “The business did not owe the assaulted customer a duty to provide security patrols.

Critically discuss types of alternative dispute resolution used in the construction industry and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Adjudication Mediation and Arbitration.

Contract Administration – Exam replacement coursework


Assessment Description

Task One (40 Marks)

In the construction sector, disputes and conflicts are prevalent in projects. Dispute in construction projects is one of the factors responsible for cost overrun. As a member of the team of consulting engineers, you have been asked to explain the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms used in the construction sector to the client. You are required to do the following: (i) Critically discuss types of alternative dispute resolution used in the construction industry and (ii) Critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Adjudication Mediation and Arbitration (700 words maximum).

Task 2 (30 Marks)

Congratulations, you have been appointed as the project manager for ‘Project TT”. Project TT was initiated due to a need for the construction of a bridge over an existing railway line. Table 1 provides information about the activities for the construction of the bridge.

Table 1: Activities for Project DT

No. Activity description Duration



A Detailed site investigation and reconnaissance survey 3 –

B Detailed planning and design 12 A

C Preparation of Site 4 B

D Relocation of services 4 B

E Re-align overhead track electrification 5 B, D

F Access road and ramp construction 1 C

G Piling 2 F

H Construct foundations and abutments 3 G

J Temporary support for bridge deck 3 E, F

K Fabrication planning of structural steel components 2 B

L Production of structural steel components (off-site) 4 K

M Transport steel components to site and erect on-site 1 L

N Erect pylons and fill with concrete 4 H

P Construction main span deck on pre-cast concrete beams 3 G, J, M, N

Q Install stay cables and lift the bridge deck off temporary supports 4 P

R Remove temporary supports 1 Q

S Electric system installation 1 R

T Asphalt surfacing of roadway 2 R

U Finishing and ancillaries 3 S, T

V Commissioning, formal hand-over and project review 3 U

You are required to produce the following: (i) network diagram for the project (ii) indicate the critical path and (iii) indicate the float for each activity (500 Words or its equivalence)

Task 3 (20 marks)

Risk management is an important process, central to the success of a construction project. Write a report on the following: (i) describe the stages of the risk management process and (ii) what is a risk management plan (300 Words)

Presentation of the report (10 Marks)

The correctness of grammar and spellings would be checked. Also, the discussions and assertions should be backed/supported with relevant sources. Finally, Harvard referencing must be properly used throughout. It is important to paraphrase properly to avoid “plagiarism

How do the models each help you understand this aspect of health and well being? Which model helps you understand issue better/ less well?

Understanding Global Health and wellbeing


Feedback from lecturer:

Suggest review the structure. So start with the models which you have chosen which are neo liberalism and neo colonialism. Outline these models. Then apply models to health and well being issue that considering ie impact of Covid in Africa. How do the models each help you understand this aspect of health and well being? And in a conclusion come back to a discussion about what models have helped you see/not see. Which model helps you understand issue better/ less well (if there is difference)?
Case study question: Are the low cases of covid in Africa a result of Neo-colonialism and Neo-liberism COVID 19 Burden of disease and outcome in Africa Restructure the essay to show abit of a flow.

⦁ Discuss why case study approach & Values of a case study in the context of this essay.
⦁ Complete the introduction using the (Rolfe et al 2001) reflective model.

Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Coordinate Systems

Complete the chapter 3 tutorial (Price, exercises 1-39). Then do the following:

Work with the geodatabase you created for New York State in Lab #2

1. Choose a projected coordinate system appropriate for New York State. You should use the appropriate UTM projection

It will be NAD 1983(2011) UTM Zone___[you figure out the correct zone]

Hint: You can google for ‘UTM zone map’ to see where each zone is located

2. Reproject the New York State feature classes you created in Lab #2 using the correct UTM projection

3. When you pull up the Project tool, these are listed under the Projected Coordinate Systems/UTM/North America folder:

4. Create a map of your New York State data, using a minimum of three layers. Choose appropriate symbols/ colors. Customize the map layout. Export the map.

5. Turn in a report with the following information;

• Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Hint: This info is in the layer properties box under the ‘XY Coordinate System’ tab (right-click on layer name in either ArcCatalog or ArcMap)

• Include your map.

Identify the key actors, events and dynamics that you believe each theoretical lens would highlight for each of these historical periods.

International relations and historical overview of world politics

Finding Patterns and Explanations: Next, review chapter 2 in the Mingst text and its historical overview of world politics. Note that it is divided into historical periods: pre-Westphalia; Westphalia; nineteenth-century Europe; Interwar and World War II; The Cold War; the Immediate Post–Cold War Era; The New Millennium. For the first part of the written assignment, identify the key actors, events and dynamics that you believe each theoretical lens would highlight for each of these historical periods. Feel free to copy and paste the grid into your document. Note that the grid below is a template and you should enlarge the boxes to fit a larger amount of text in your submission (2-3 pages)

Compare and contrast the society and culture of the Islamic Civilization and Christian Civilization (“Christendom”) during the period of time Strayer calls the “Third Wave” of civilization, and what is also sometimes called the “Middle Ages”.

World History Final

1. For the period 600 BCE to 1200 CE, compare and contrast the societies of Africa with the societies of the Americas. (This can be done by selecting several points of comparison, and then using just one or two societies from Africa and one or two from the Americas as examples to illustrate your points).

2. Compare and contrast the society and culture of the Islamic Civilization and Christian Civilization (“Christendom”) during the period of time Strayer calls the “Third Wave” of civilization, and what is also sometimes called the “Middle Ages” (approximately 600-1450 CE at its broadest). Note, this is not asking you to compare the religious beliefs of the religions of Islam and Christianity, but rather to focus on the broader society and culture of these two civilizations.

3. All of these chapters in Part 3 of your texbook talk about the impact of increasing connection between civilizations (whether through trade, exploration, or conquest) on cultures (including religions). What do you feel were the three most important cultural impacts of these growing connections, and why did you pick those?

4. First, explain how a relatively small number of Mongols come to create the world’s largest land empire. Second, think about Part 3 of your book (which includes Chapters 7-12): All of Part 3 deals with increasing interactions between civilizations as trade and commerce expanded, and about how the cultures of the world were changed because of this. So then, why is there a chapter about the Mongols in this section of the book? (Or put another way – describe the role the Mongols played in creating a more interconnected world).