
Prepare the report for presentation to upper management and Board of Directors, or to potential investors. Reports that maximize information with a minimum of large paragraphs will earn the highest scores.


The Forbes 200 Company that I chose is Microsoft. The paper MUST be written about Microsoft

You must conduct a strategic analysis using the following format:
Section 1: Problem/opportunity statement and situation analysis.
Section 2: Solution statement – Alternatives, their evaluation, and justification for selected solution. Recommendations must be for the next five years.
Section 3: Financial Analysis – must include a statement of overall financial health and apparent trajectory.


Specific paper format requirements:
The narrative (Sections 1-3) of your document must not exceed 6 pages. Entire document must not exceed 20 pages, exclusive of cover page and table of contents.

You may include appendices of supporting documents and analysis, such as a Porter’s 5 Forces of Competition Analysis, Generic Strategies Map, Value Chain Analysis, SWOT, McKinsey Matrix, Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Ratio analysis, financial ratio tables, income statements, balance sheets etc. Every item used in the appendices must be referenced in the narrative.

Font used must be at least 10 points.

All margins are to be set at 1 inch.

APA style is preferred.

Prepare the report for presentation to upper management and Board of Directors, or to potential investors. Reports that maximize information with a minimum of large paragraphs will earn the highest scores.

Describe common associated symptoms and findings with this illness. Describe community resources you would provide someone with this illness. Identify Evidence-based resources that would benefit the population.

Mental Health Reflection Paper

1.In this reflection assignment, you will focus on what mental health care means to you.

2.Identify an area of mental health that serves purpose to you.

3.Define the mental health illness.

4.Describe common associated symptoms and findings with this illness.

5.Describe community resources you would provide someone with this illness.

6.Identify Evidence-based resources that would benefit the population.

7.Describe what this mental illness means to you and how you envision your role as the nurse in the future.

8.Provide at minimum 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. APA formatting

Write in support of a law banning spreading false information on the internet about COVID-19. You should identify an ethical framework to support your argument.

Law Banning the Spread of False COVID 19 Information

UNST Goals the Exam focuses on:

Critical thinking, ethical analysis and diversity issues are important and claims related to them should be included in your answers. This exam does not require any special legal knowledge. Your answers should focus on ethics, fairness and justice, as you can best argue those principles.
You may apply any readings or viewings you encountered in the class in responding to the exam questions.

Read this article:

Read this:
Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There are two prompts and you need to write on both.

Submit one document with the filename LAST_FIRST_Final.doc to the Dropbox by December .

Prompt 1
Write in support of a law banning spreading false information on the internet about COVID-19. You should identify an ethical framework to support your argument.
Minimum 300 words, maximum 600.

Prompt 2
Write in opposition to the law in Prompt 1.
Minimum 300 words, maximum 600.

Why did Virginia in Second-hand man insists on the purity of love? What are the qualities of an effective mentor/teacher? Why do women sometimes participate in the oppression of other women? Why is John a good husband in The Yellow Wallpaper?

George Orwell’s the Animal Farm in context of the Soviet Communist Party

Must pass a turnitin plagiarism test. Use the novel of The Animal Farm and compare it in terms of the Soviet Communist Party

Teachers prompt:

Goals: The purpose of the research paper is to develop research techniques using scholarly print and electronic sources, to practice analysis and synthesis of large amounts of data, to practice writing skills, to practice techniques of literary criticism, and to develop expertise on one or two literary texts.

Topic: For your tem paper, you may analyze any aspects (theme, character, plot, setting, literary techniques, imagery, historical context, etc) of a work that we are reading this semester. You should discuss your topic with your instructor once you finalize it. Suggestion: Think of a research question for this assignment. For example: Why did Virginia in Second-hand man insists on the purity of love? What are the qualities of an effective mentor/teacher (Think of Butterflies or The Lesson)? Why do women sometimes participate in the oppression of other women (Think of No Name Woman etc.)? Why is John a good husband in The Yellow Wallpaper?

Form: The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and 5 pages in length. Use Times New Roman font in 12 point type.
The paper should use parenthetic documentation and present an alphabetical list of Works Cited as outlined in Hacker’s A Pocket Style Manual.

Content: The paper should be primarily your original analysis of the literary work, presenting a clear thesis, a coherent argument, and appropriate textual evidence. To demonstrate your ability to find and use scholarly books and journals, you should also include at least 2 sources*. Normally your sources should be relatively recent, no older than you are, unless there is a valid reason for using a specific older source. At least 3 ofthem should be articles in scholarly journals. The most efficient ways to find these sources are to use the online MLA Bibliography and to consult the bibliography and
notes in a good scholarly source that was published in the last year or two. You may use one or two Internet sources, so long as they are scholarly. If you have trouble finding appropriate, both the reference librarian and I will be glad to help you.

Identify those concepts associated with attaining food security and food justice within an intergovernmental framework and the different stakeholders involved in food policy including the USDA, FEMA, State and local governments, private industry, NGOs and communities

Reflection Paper: Food Security & Justice

Identify those concepts associated with attaining food security and food justice within an intergovernmental framework and the different stakeholders involved in food policy including the USDA, FEMA, State and local governments, private industry, NGOs and communities
Apply the core concepts of food security and justice in analyzing a specific intergovernmental context.

To-Do List:

Review module objectives.
Complete the assigned readings.
View the Guest Lecture:
Deliver Reflection Paper


Describe what you identify as the two (2) most relevant changes in modern policing in the last fifty (50) years.

Changes to modern policing

Term Paper: Your paper will describe what you identify as the two (2) most relevant changes in modern policing in the last fifty (50) years.

The paper will be a minimum of four(4) pages but no more than five (5) pages, double spaced, justified left in Times New Roman 12 point font. Use APA7 format for in-text and reference page citations. The Cover Page, Table of Contents page, Reference page, and optional appendices shall not be included in reaching the four (4) page minimum. You must have a minimum of five (5) Scholarly Resources. You must make sure that your sources are relevant to your
topic, have currency, and are credible (Critically read and evaluate your references and make sure the authors are sufficiently objective and have the authority to write knowledgeably about the subject).

No photographs, charts, tables, or other visual displays will be included in the body of the paper. These items may be displayed on an Appendix page. No running headers are permitted.

What is liberal feminism? In what ways does NOW represent this version of feminism? How does it compare with women’s liberation?

Liberal feminism

What is liberal feminism? In what ways does NOW represent this version of feminism? How does it compare with women’s liberation?

What are the personality and biopsychosocial factors underlying problems X, Y and Z exhibited by Karen? Would an intervention involving X, Y and Z be suitable for addressing Karen’s issues?

[Revision] Individual difference

Research Questions
As you are preparing an exploratory case study involving a single participant/organisation, the findings will be quite context specific. Therefore, your research questions should ideally name the individual mentioned in the case study. For example, “What are the personality and biopsychosocial factors underlying problems X, Y and Z exhibited by Karen?”

In addition to including a few research questions relating to contributing factors, make sure you include a question that poses the evaluation of a specific intervention. For example, “Would an intervention involving X, Y and Z be suitable for addressing Karen’s issues?”

Per the Assessment Brief, Section 3 of the assignment (i.e., Intervention) is where you will provide details of the methods you are going to apply. Using sub-headings is perfectly acceptable (e.g., Research Questions, Research Design, Intervention Overview, Assessment, etc).
Research Design: Either a quantitative or mixed-methods design is acceptable. Details and a brief justification should be provided.

Intervention Overview: The intervention can be based on a single approach or be multifaceted. Examples of approaches you may want to draw on include psychotherapy (which type – be specific), aptitude training (be specific), social prescribing (e.g., joining group activities aligned with the individual’s interest), leveraging support from networks of family/friends, psychopharmacology (be specific), etc. Also, remember to make use of solutions that might be available via the university/school/organisation. Include timescales and if wished, you can include different intervention phases. As noted in the Assessment Brief, your choice of intervention should be suitably justified and align with the discussion in Section 2 of your report.

Is this a proposal for a new chess program, or an improvement of an existing program? Does the proposal detail the institution, the learners, and the chess resources that will be involved? Does your Institution Paper show how the chess program will meet the needs of the learners, the institution, and the community?

Institution paper

The Institution Paper is based on the curriculum theory of Ralph Tyler (The Tyler Rationale), which states that three sources must be addressed by curricula. Those sources are content, developmental needs of learners, and societal concerns. Here are the questions your Institution Paper final draft must answer to earn some or all of the 450 points possible:

1) Is this a proposal for a new chess program, or an improvement of an existing program? Does the proposal detail the institution (name, location, mission), the learners (ages, developmental needs, cognitive abilities), and the chess resources (books, software, Web sites, and other chess content) that will be involved? Does your Institution Paper show how the chess program will meet the needs of the learners, the institution, and the community?

2) Does the Institution Paper use the readings from this course and also resources that students investigated in Discussions to support its points? You must use Discussions C, D, E, F, G, H, and J in your Institution Paper. Be sure to incorporate the edits Dr. Root gave you on each of those Discussions into the versions of those Discussions that you include in Institution Paper

3) Is APA Style used? When I request APA Style, I am only referring to
a. in-text citation (author, date) or (author, date, p. #), or the equivalent citation for other sources such as films or Internet sites, and
b. Your Reference List
c. Quotes, accurately done, from your sources

When you learn APA Style, please concentrate on accurate quotes, correct citations, and a Reference List.

How would you involve their parents/caregivers? What protective factors would you promote? At what point do you refer the case to a medical professional?

Children’s Mental Health.

Think back over what you have studied these past few weeks and reflect upon how this can inform your practice or understanding of Children’s Mental Health.

You have had the chance to create small case studies for the discussion with your peers. Using specific references to the Psychiatric Disorders discussed in this course, write about a past client you may have had and how you might handle their situation now that you know more about risk factors and how to recognize them. You can also use one of the disorders we’ve discussed and create a new case study showing how an investigation of the child’s risk factors could influence how you assess the child, recommend further treatment, or begin to sort out preventative measures. How would you involve their parents/caregivers? What protective factors would you promote? At what point do you refer the case to a medical professional?

What, specifically, has led you to these decisions? Be sure to correctly cite any outside sources that have led you to these decisions. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Your paper should be 6 pages in length not including your title page and reference page(s).