
Calculate averaged production times and orders from the data already given in the Braeheart production data and describe how the data is important.

Business analytics

Your Group Task
Represent this proposed production pattern in Simul8. (Notes: final quality inspection is a 6 minute process, and because the mechanical installation process has been simplified, it is found that mechanical installation will take 50 minutes).

Element 1
Calculate averaged production times and orders from the data already given in the Braeheart production data and describe how the data is important.

Element 2
Build a model in Simul8. Amalgamate orders for models 3 and 4, and models 5 and 6, using the average time for construction at each workstation to simulate the processes of assembling eBikes.

Element 3
Demonstrate, using the model, if the model can cope with a production schedule of 1200 bicycles per month.

How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally? Individuals who suffer from Narcissism or sociopathy tend to talk to their victims using gaslighting.

Narcissistic abuse in the United States

Approximately 326 million people in the U.S. (The U.S. population has increased), and 6% percent of them have a narcissistic personality disorder, which equals 19,560,000 people. If people narcissistically abuse just five people during their lives, that amounts to an additional 97.8 million people Bonchey (, 2017). A narcissist is self-absorbed, someone who feels entitled to exploit other people’s emotions, someone who lacks empathy. They lack compassion for others and generally feel superior. Living under the shadows of a narcissist can leave long-term scars on the victims. It can affect you in many ways: It can affect you emotionally, physically and how can we stop narcissistic abuse?

Topic Statement: Narcissistic Abuse

I. How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally? Individuals who suffer from Narcissism or sociopathy tend to talk to their victims using gaslighting.
A. Specific quotation from X source
B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience

II. How can this type of abuse affect you physically? Constant judgment, belittlement, and blame. Narcissistic abuse is a form of trauma. Your body starts feeling digestive problems from feeling on the edge and pain in your body from that stress.
A. Specific quotation from X source
B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience

III. What can be done to stop narcissist abuse? One of the primary keys would be to recognize the symptoms of Narcissism.
A. Specific quotation from X source
B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience

IV. Conclusion: How to raise awareness for the next generations to be informed about it.

Demonstrate an in depth knowledge and systematic understanding of project management theory and tools linked to the planning of projects.

[Revision] Project Management

Demonstrate an in depth knowledge and systematic understanding of project management theory and tools linked to the planning of projects.

Compare the return of the investment on your investment property, stock index , and Treasury bond. Explain the under-or out-performance of your real estate investment compared to the other two investments. Justify your conclusion

Term Project

1. The submission must be a Word file. The file name must be in the format like last name-first name-term-project.docx.
2. Have a cover page to list the course name, term, and each team member’s name.

3. Maximum length: 10 pages; double spaced;

4. Please provide references you used in the term paper;

5. Use tables or figures to show your results;

6. Consult with a real estate agent about the purchase (optional); if this is applicable, discuss your experience in the report;

7. All the calculations, such as mortgage payment, NPV, etc., in this project must be done by you using Excel or a calculator. Using a template online to get the result is not allowed.

Today’s low interest rates in the USA offer an opportunity to get a low-cost mortgage. The low interest explains why U.S. housing prices have not declined but increased during the global pandemic – see the price move inside the circle of the S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index in 2020.

You are deciding to purchase an investment property in an ideal location you prefer. You would address the following issues before buying the property (ignore all the taxes, realtor agency fee, the transition fee in the calculation. Only consider the purchasing price as the total cost. Also, ignore the house insurance fee, etc. Only consider monthly mortgage and rent.):

1) Decide the location and the specific real estate property you would like to buy (e.g., a single-family house or a condo). Provide justification why the property is chosen, e.g., affordability, the potential of price appreciation. Use some data to justify your selection, e.g., the housing price growth rate in the region. You could use the resource like, etc.

2) Find out the mortgage rates for different properties and choose between 30 or 15-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM). You could use , etc. You must justify your decision.

3) Calculate the monthly mortgage payment given the down payment (20% of the price) you will make. This will be a fixed 80% payment mortgage loan with 20% down payment. It means you will pay 20% down payment at the purchase and finance 80% with the mortgage. Show your calculations of monthly mortgage payments in the report.

4) In the meantime, predict the amount of monthly rental you will be able to collect when you lease the property out ( also provides rental price information). The rental period is the same as your mortgage period. In other words, you will pay off your mortgage and end the rental in the same year. Justify your rental income projection.

5) Project the resale value of the property at the end of the mortgage payment period. You need to use some statistics to back up your numbers.

6) Once you have
a. the projected monthly mortgage payment

b. the monthly rental income

c. the resale value of the property at the end of the mortgage payment period
You could calculate the net present value (NPV) of the cash flow in a, b, and c , respectively. T he present value could be calculated in Excel or using a financial
calculator. The discount rate is the mortgage rate. The return on your investment property is calculated as return = (Sum of NPV in a, b, and c / the down payment ) – 1. Show your calculation in the report.

7) Next, assume you don’t purchase an investment property . Instead, you invest the same amount of money as your total investment in the house in stocks (for example, investing in the S&P500 index or other indexes). You could use the average of 15 or 30 years of historical data of the S&P500 index to calculate the index return, a.k.a. us e the yearly S&P 500 before the current year to calculate the yearly returns and average them. The period of the expected index return is the same as your mortgage period , but the index data is backward. For example, if the mortgage period is 30 years, use the last 30 years of the index data to calculate the average stock return. Ignore all the expected dividends in
the calculation. S&P500 index could be found in Yahoo Finance, , or other financial resources.

8) Then assume you buy long-term treasury bonds with the same amount of money as your investment in the house. The period of the expected bond return is the same as your mortgage period. (e.g., if the mortgage is a 30-year mortgage, buy a 30-year Treasury bond). Find the YTM of the Treasury bond. YTM is yield to maturity which is the annual return to the bonds. You could use the resource like, etc. If there is no yield of the 15-year bond, use the yield of the 30-year bond and 10-year bond to extrapolate it.

9) Compare the return of the investment on your investment property, stock index , and Treasury bond. Explain the under-or out-performance of your real estate investment compared to the other two investments. Justify your conclusion

Compare the Three Branches of Behavior Analysis. Explain how the historical perspectives of behaviorism have influenced the study of Applied Behavior Analysis as a natural science.

Historical Perspectives, Philosophical Perspectives, Operant and Respondent Conditioning.

For this assignment, you will provide a long answer essay response to each of the questions below. For each question, you are encouraged to use the peer-reviewed resources provided throughout the units to support your responses. Please do not copy and paste the whole question into the document. Rather, provide the question number (1-4) and a brief heading that correlates with each section. (Example: 1. Historical Perspectives)

1. Compare the Three Branches of Behavior Analysis. Explain how the historical perspectives of behaviorism have influenced the study of Applied Behavior Analysis as a natural science.

1. Explain the Six attitudes/assumptions of Experimental Analysis of Behavior and the Seven Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis and examine how they contribute to the development of a technology that is used to influence socially significant behavior.

Read the transcript and complete the following:

1. Using Behavior Analytic Vocabulary, explain the various characteristics of Respondent Conditioning, identifying specific relationships between stimuli and responses and discussing how the elements of time and environment contribute to an organism’s respondent behavior. Next, explain the process used to reverse an established reflexive stimulus-response relationship. Finally, analyze the scenario and discuss each of the elements of Respondent conditioning that you identify.

1. Using Behavior Analytic Vocabulary, explain how Operant Conditioning differs from Respondent Conditioning. Discuss how a three-term contingency affects an organism’s behavior and explain how different schedules of reinforcement can influence a behavior. Finally, choose an example of a behavior and show how each of the five possible differential reinforcement contingencies would affect that behavior of an organism.


Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s psychiatric assessment.

Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS)

Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned.( Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS)
Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s psychiatric assessment. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

How many weekly hours do you get exercise? How many photos are in your camera roll? How many languages do you speak? How many televisions do you have in your house?


Hours Worked Per week?
How tall are you?
How much water do you drink daily?
Number of sodas you drink in a day?
Number of pets in your house?
Number of fast food meals you eat in a week?
How many weekly hours do you get exercise?
How many photos are in your camera roll?
How many languages do you speak?
How many televisions do you have in your house?
How many Youtube videos do you watch per day?
Hours your play electronic games survey?
How many hats do you own?
How many hours you spend on school work each week?
how many tik toks do you watch a day?

Explain why they were instituted, what happened to the native Americans because of them, problems, pro’s and con’s of the situation. What could’ve been done differently.

Native American Boarding Schools

Needs to be five full pages with at least three separate references documented. Paper needs to be on Native American boarding schools, why they were instituted, what happened to the native Americans because of them, problems, pro’s and con’s of the situation. What could’ve been done differently. Professor is a stickler for facts, grammar, and spelling.

What is a Cosmological Argument? And is it enough to prove the existence of God?

Cosmological Argument

To be argumentative, and preferably use these sources:

We know that the existence of God has been an ongoing debate for quite some time, many have tried to find the answers to our questions about the world, and its existence. The Cosmological Argument, which was one of the first cause arguments to exist in which argued the existence of God by debating God’s existence, for there must be a God. Everything has purpose and a cause. However with this argument also come questions, and flaws…but the real question is, is the cosmological argument enough to prove the existence of God? We will dive in and find out.

What moral or ethical issues arise based on our reliance on fossil fuels? Can we both respect our selves, our communities, and relations and responsibilities, and work to extract energy from the land?

 Whyte, “The Dakota Access Pipeline, Environmental Injustice, and US Settler Colonialism” Comprehension & Reflection:

Use these questions to help assess your understanding and appreciation of the texts under discussion. We want to continue linking together what we’ve been reading—trying to see the connections and tensions between some of these approaches. The story of protests against the DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) is complex and can generate a wide field of issues, idea, concepts, tools, practices, hopes, dreams, frustrations, etc. to discuss.

Using Whyte, the Women of Standing Rock, and any one of the documentaries, identify what for you stand out as the main issues, struggles, questions, values (or along any other vector you find interesting) of this struggle. In particular, consider this in relation to our living—or life practices—and how we “heat our homes” and otherwise “energize” our society. If we are articulating a concept of land as community—as the seeking for justice within human communities and in our relations to our more-than-human kin—what moral or ethical issues arise based on our reliance on fossil fuels? Can we both respect our selves, our communities, and relations and responsibilities, and work to extract energy from the land?