
Detail the Normandy invasions and the planning that went into them and the impact that the invasion had on the war in Europe.

D-Day: How One day Won the World

Detail the Normandy invasions and the planning that went into them and the impact that the invasion had on the war in Europe.

identify and explain a theme or recurring idea that comes from studying Fred Hampton. What did his life/actions teach the American public?

Fred Hampton Research Paper

Write a news article (opinion) that addresses the following: (Minimum of 2 pages. Must utilizes at least two articles from a database) -Fred Hampton & his Assassination -Cointelpro -GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION IN SOCIAL POLITICS

Other ideas you may want to include: -Rainbow Coalition -Bill O’Neal If you are struggling… -Understand that the idea of this paper is to identify and explain a theme or recurring idea that comes from studying Fred Hampton. What did his life/actions teach the American public?

What effect has mandatory minimum sentencing in drug offenses had on the prison population? What effect has the opioid crisis in the Midwest and other parts of the country had on the prison population?

Orange Is the New Black

Read the essay assignment directions carefully and completely. Failure to write the minimum required words will result in a failing grade.

Rather than being overwhelmed by the end product, you should think about the research paper as a process with very clear and defined stages: See Specific Assignment Boxes for details, requirements, and due dates

Understanding PATTAL and the Research Paper Guidelines: In order to make sure you understand the research paper requirements, audience awareness, and assignment purpose.
Topic Proposal: In order to help you narrow down and focus an idea for your paper, you will complete a topic proposal.
Preliminary Works Cited: You will then compose a preliminary Works Cited page for a minimum of five outside sources and the novel Orange Is the New Black

At a Glance

For the research paper, we are taking a theme or topic from a book and developing that into a research-based argument paper. The paper must quote from the book at least twice and must incorporate (quote from and parenthetically cite from) 5-7 secondary sources to help provide background information and factual evidence to support the essay’s main assertion.

Main Goals for the Research Paper

Write a thesis statement that makes a claim about an idea or theme found in Orange Is the New Black
Support a thesis using parenthetically cited textual evidence from primary and secondary sources and logical inferences about those sources
Demonstrate improved usage of MLA citation methods
Critically analyze the issue using your research about the topic, and explain this analysis to readers.
Create organized paragraphs that focus on one main point and divide your argument into manageable chunks for your readers.

Piper Kerman – Orange Is the New Black

At least five secondary sources related to your topic. Your secondary sources MUST be from the Chaffey College Library Catalog or Databases. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Please see the Chaffey Library Website (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) for access. If you need help and cannot get to campus, librarians are available through the 24/7 Librarian Chat function on the Library’s website. NO websites will be accepted as secondary sources for this assignment.

Choose 1 of the following Prompts

To what extent do today’s prisons help to rehabilitate criminals and prepare them for their lives beyond their incarceration?
What effect has mandatory minimum sentencing in drug offenses had on the prison population?
What effect has the opioid crisis in the Midwest and other parts of the country had on the prison population?
How can prisons become reformed to result in more positive outcomes for inmates and for society?
What effect does incarceration have on the family (especially children) and friends of inmates?
To what extent does privilege (racial, socioeconomic, heteronormative) affect rates of conviction and incarceration?
What are some ways that prison is dehumanizing or humiliating to inmates? Is this humiliation warranted?
Do inmates ever create a sense of community while incarcerated? If so, how? If not, why not?

Which cognitive, motivational and emotional components seem to be related to the learning mathematics? Discuss with particular reference to recent scientific literature.

scientific literature.

Which cognitive, motivational and emotional components seem to be related to the learning mathematics? Discuss with particular reference to recent scientific literature.

The following 5 scientific papers must preferably be used:

-Passolunghi, Mammarella, Del Torre (2011)
“Visual and spatial working memory in children with arithmetic and problem-solving learning difficulties”

-Giofré, Mammarella, Ronconi, Cornoldi (2013)
“Visuospatial working memory in intuitive geometry, and in academic achievement in geometry”

-Giofrè, Mammarella, Cornoldi (2014)
“The relationship among geometry, working memory, and intelligence in children”

-Giofré, Borella, Mammarella (2017)
“The relationship between intelligence, working memory, academic self-esteem, and academic achievement ”

-Ritchie, Tucker-Drob (2018)
“How much does education improve intelligence?”

What piece of advice would you share with your younger self? Describe what experience or realization led you to this understanding. What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?

Admmsion Essay

Transfer from Yeshiva University to Satndford

1. Provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. (250 to 650 words)

2. What piece of advice would you share with your younger self? Describe what experience or realization led you to this understanding. (50 to 150 words)

3. What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 word limit)

4. What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 word limit) pic something good To be part as a Jewish religious person of the exodus from egypte to have meet with moses its amazing

5. Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50 word limit)

6. What is the best compliment you have received? Who gave you this compliment? (50 word limit)

7. The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words)

8. Stanford’s community is an essential part of the undergraduate experience. We come from all walks of life, share our own traditions, take care of one another, and think of ourselves as family. How do you define family and what contributions have you made to yours? (100 to 250 words)

9. Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100 to 250 words)

Transferring from Yeshiva University to Harvard

1. Briefly, please indicate the most influential factors in your decision to attend your present college (for example, location, cost, size of student body, only option, special program offered, Early Decision plan, etc.)(350 word)

2. What alternatives to transferring to Harvard are you considering? ( i have applied to NYU, U_Pen, UM,Standford, and work is another option)(300 words)

3. Indicate your field of specialization and briefly outline your academic plans at Harvard College.(350 words)

4. What are your current postgraduate/career plans?
Conitune study, then work, then lunch my own company

5. Briefly discuss one book that has strongly influenced you.

Transferring from Yeshiva University To University of Pensilvania

1. Explain your reasons for transferring from your current institution and what you hope to gain by transferring to another institution.(500 word)

2. Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania? For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay.(450 words)

3. At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classrooms, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will
help shape this community.(250 words)

What specific theory (model) do economists use to determine Gross National Product (GDP) and the average price level? Applying this model, how do economists use Monetary and Fiscal Policy to bring the economy to a desired level of GDP?

 COVID Essay

This is a take-home, open-book assignment. Each student has one week to upload their work to Chalk & Wire AND Canvas. Multiple uploads are allowed, but only the last dated successful upload will be accepted. The final submission should be between 500 and 800 words, excluding references. Each student must complete their work independently, without collaboration or consultation with anyone, in any format. Proper citation is expected when other people’s work is mentioned.

In your answer you should identify and define in detail multiple theories. You should explain in detail how these theories are applied in the discipline of this course. You should provide detailed examples to illustrate how the theories can be applied. Please do NOT put your name on your document.

Writing Prompt

The study of Macroeconomics involves the analysis of economic activity at the aggregate level. Topics include the measurement and determination of national output, total spending, the level of employment, the average price level, interest rates and the forces contributing to their change over time. What specific theory (model) do economists use to determine Gross National Product (GDP) and the average price level (e.g., Consumer Price Level or CPI)? Applying this model, how do economists use Monetary and Fiscal Policy to bring the economy to a desired level of GDP? Provide specific examples to illustrate your points.

Describe a time that you have had to solve a challenging programming problem, and what the results were.


Imagine that you are in a job interview. The interviewer asks you to describe a time that you have had to solve a challenging programming problem, and what the results were. How would you answer? Describe the programming methods you used to solve the problem( 250 words Max)

Describe what the supporters of the bill believe the bill will accomplish. What specific health outcomes the promoters claim will occur if the bill is passed? What communication channels are being (or should be) used for advocacy efforts? Discuss who is for the bill, and why?

Critical Assisgnment: Health Care Policy (Mental Health related)

– Identify one key piece of legislation that is currently making its way through the U.S. legislative process but has not yet passed or been enacted (go to the U.S. legislative database and search “Health”, “Public Health” or similar searches).

– Once you have selected a bill that has been proposed in response to a perceived public health problem, prepare a presentation outlining specifics and analysis of the bill. Your presentation must include at least FIVE current sources. Be sure to include the following:

1. Overview of the health problem: An overview of the public health problem to be addressed by the legislation. Discuss the problem and the number of people affected by it and by the proposed bill.

2. Severity of the health problem: Discuss the research behind the health problem. What would realistically happen if the bill is not implemented?

3. Overview of the bill: Be sure to identify the name, number and author of the bill. You should include an overview of the proposed bill in terms of its specific provisions. Also be sure to state the current status of the bill. Has it been passed by the house? Is it in review?

4. Promises/Expected Outcomes: Identify the promoters and supporters of the bill (i.e. stakeholders). Describe what the supporters of the bill believe the bill will accomplish. What specific health outcomes the promoters claim will occur if the bill is passed? What communication channels are being (or should be) used for advocacy efforts? Discuss who is for the bill, and why?

5. Problems: Describe what individuals or groups oppose the bill, and why. Make sure to look at special interest groups (i.e. professional trade associations, industry groups, etc) to see what lobbying efforts they are making regarding the bill.

6. Unintended Consequences: Discuss what unintended consequences could arise as a result of the passage of the bill (i.e. unanticipated events that could go wrong as a result of the bill). You may cite consequences suggested by others, or you can list the consequences you believe will result from the passage of the bill.

7. Recommendation: What is your recommendation regarding this bill from a public health perspective? Make sure to support you’re your opinion with fact and research. What is your plan of advocacy (i.e., detail the advocacy efforts you can engage in to ensure the bill is supported, passed and/or implemented effectively)?

Use regression analysis to develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the value score given the predicted reliability. What conclusions can you derive from your analysis?

Case problem #5 Finding the Best Car Value

When trying to decide what car to buy, real value is not necessarily determined by how much you spend on the initial purchase. Instead, cars that are reliable and don’t cost much to own often represent the best values. But, no matter how reliable or inexpensive a car may cost to own, it must also perform well.
To measure value, Consumer Reports developed a statistic referred to as a value score. The value score is based upon five-year owner costs, overall road-test scores, and predicted reliability ratings. Five-year owner costs are based on the expenses incurred in the first five years of ownership, including depreciation, fuel, maintenance and repairs, and so on. Using a national average of 12,000 miles per year, an average cost per mile driven is used as the measure of five-year owner costs. Road-test scores are the results of more than 50 tests and evaluations and are based upon a 100-point scale, with higher scores indicating better performance, comfort, convenience, and fuel economy. The highest road-test score obtained in the tests conducted by Consumer Reports was a 99 for a Lexus LS 460L. Predicted-reliability ratings (1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good, and 5 = Excellent) are based on data from Consumer Reports’ Annual Auto Survey.
A car with a value score of 1.0 is considered to be “average-value.” A car with a value score of 2.0 is considered to be twice as good a value as a car with a value score of 1.0; a car with a value score of 0.5 is considered half as good as average; and so on. The data for 20 family sedans, including the price ($) of each car tested, follow.

Managerial Report
Develop numerical summaries of the data.
Use regression analysis to develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the value score given the price of the car.
Use regression analysis to develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the value score given the five-year owner costs (cost/mile).
Use regression analysis to develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the value score given the road-test score.
Use regression analysis to develop an estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the value score given the predicted reliability.
What conclusions can you derive from your analysis?

How can social inequalities in sport be addressed and should there be changes? Who can make such changes? And if there are or are not changes, how will this impact the youth, interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional levels?

Essay Study Guide

Use a WORD document and bring the hard copy on the final semester exam date. This will be your pass to take the exam. The paragraph below will help you understand what Explain means when you answer the essay questions.

Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant by the use of this term in a particular context. Your writing should have clarity so that complex ideas or reasons can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and be substantiated with relevant research.

1. You are a teacher in the school setting, a sport instructor in a community setting working with senior citizens, or a fitness leader in a corporate fitness program working with adults. Explain how you would incorporate each of the following concepts in to your program: readiness, reinforcement, motivation, and individual differences (Chapter 5)?

2. How can social inequalities in sport be addressed and should there be changes? Who can make such changes? And if there are or are not changes, how will this impact the youth, interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional levels (Chapter 8)?

3. Name two Professional Associations in our field and then explain why belonging to Professional Associations as a student and a professional are an important part of your growth and development in the field of Exercise Science, Sport, and Physical Education (Chapter 11 in text).

4. Explain how an individual’s lifestyle and habits may be a deterrent to a state of fitness and health. What rationale would you use to persuade a friend or a relative who was tired all the time, feeling overwhelmed by stress, and over weight to start a physical fitness program? What excuses may be offered for not being active? How could you counter these excuses (Chapter 7)?

5. Explain the importance of advocacy programs in the physical education, exercise science, and sport setting of your choice. What local organizations exist in your current community that offer health promotion programs? How would you work to organize these groups into a coalition to promote physical activity (Chapter 15)?