
Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico.

Reflection Paper: Climate Change and Energy Transition

1: Review module objectives.:

Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico cases according to Dr. Shalanda Baker, Deputy Director for Energy Justice at the Department of Energy.
Apply concepts of energy justice, energy democracy, just sustainable energy transitions and their connection with interjurisdictional cooperation, collaboration, IGR accountability and management roles.

2: Complete the assigned readings.
3: View the assigned videos:
4: Deliver Reflection Paper

Links to videos: 3 videos total

Which two laws rule biology? What is the most important issue(descriptive or prescriptive) Wilson addresses? Explain with reference to the Feynman text.

What is Science by Wilson. Page 621. World of Ideas, Lee Jacobs

Which two laws rule biology?
What is the most important issue(descriptive or prescriptive) Wilson addresses?
Explain with reference to the Feynman text.

Use the sales forecaster’s prediction to describe a normal probability distribution that can be used to approximate the demand distribution. Sketch the distribution and show its mean and standard deviation.

Specialty Toys Managerial Report

Specialty Toys, Inc. sells a variety of new and innovative children’s toys. Management learned that the preholiday season is the best time to introduce a new toy, because many families use this time to look for new ideas for December holiday gifts. When Specialty discovers a new toy with good market potential, it chooses an October market entry date.
In order to get toys into its stores by October, Specialty places one-time orders with its manufacturers in June or July of each year. Demand for children’s toys can be highly volatile. If a new toy catches on, a sense of shortage in the marketplace often increases the demand to high levels and large profits can be realized. However, new toys can also flop, leaving Specialty stuck with high levels of inventory that must be sold at reduced prices. The most important question the company faces is deciding how many units of a new toy should be purchased to meet anticipated sales demand. If too few are purchased, sales will be lost; if too many are purchased, profits will be reduced because of low prices realized in clearance sales.
For the coming season, Specialty plans to introduce a new product called Weather Teddy. This variation of a talking teddy bear is made by a company in Taiwan. When a child presses Teddy’s hand, the bear begins to talk. A built-in barometer selects one of five responses that predict the weather conditions. The responses range from “It looks to be a very nice day! Have fun” to “I think it may rain today. Don’t forget your umbrella.” Tests with the product show that, even though it is not a perfect weather predictor, its predictions are surprisingly good. Several of Specialty’s managers claimed Teddy gave predictions of the weather that were as good as those of many local television weather forecasters.
As with other products, Specialty faces the decision of how many Weather Teddy units to order for the coming holiday season. Members of the management team suggested order quantities of 15,000, 18,000, 24,000, or 28,000 units. The wide range of order quantities suggested indicates considerable disagreement concerning the market potential. The product management team asks you for an analysis of the stock-out probabilities for various order quantities, an estimate of the profit potential, and help with making an order quantity recommendation. Specialty expects to sell Weather Teddy for $24 based on a cost of $16 per unit. If inventory remains after the holiday season, Specialty will sell all surplus inventory for $5 per unit. After reviewing the sales history of similar products, Specialty’s senior sales forecaster predicted an expected demand of 20,000 units with a .95 probability that demand would be between 10,000 units and 30,000 units.

Managerial Report
Prepare a managerial report that addresses the following issues and recommends an order quantity for the Weather Teddy product.

Use the sales forecaster’s prediction to describe a normal probability distribution that can be used to approximate the demand distribution. Sketch the distribution and show its mean and standard deviation.

Compute the probability of a stock-out for the order quantities suggested by members of the management team.

Compute the projected profit for the order quantities suggested by the management team under three scenarios: worst case in which sales = 10,000 units, most likely case in which sales = 20,000 units, and best case in which sales = 30,000 units.

One of Specialty’s managers felt that the profit potential was so great that the order quantity should have a 70% chance of meeting demand and only a 30% chance of any stock-outs. What quantity would be ordered under this policy, and what is the projected profit under the three sales scenarios?

Provide your own recommendation for an order quantity and note the associated profit projections. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.

Discuss how the ongoing pandemic of corona virus disease 2019 has impacted the lives of children.

Impact of corona virus on children

Discuss how the ongoing pandemic of corona virus disease 2019 has impacted the lives of children. include one of the following topics in your paper

social class
pear groups

What kind of moral theory best helps you answer the moral dilemmas in this story? Virtue theory? Kant’s categorical imperative? Utilitarianism? Something else, or some combination?

The Hunger Games Moral Issues

(100 points) Write a paper (4-5 pages). Select some of the moral issues presented in The Hunger Games saga (three to four issues would be a good range, depending on how fully you intend to talk about them). You may use any of the installments in the trilogy of novels by Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay) or the movies based on them. Begin your paper with a statement about which book(s)/film(s) you are working with (some moral issues change over the course of the saga). Make direct references to situations or dialogue within these stories. a

Analyze the moral issues you have chosen, using your own logic and feelings along with references to philosophers covered in the class (this can include material from the student summaries about contemporary moral problems). Ask what kind of moral theory best helps you answer the moral dilemmas in this story? Virtue theory? Kant’s categorical imperative? Utilitarianism? Something else, or some combination?

Here are some examples of moral issues that are obvious in these stories, though you certainly do not need to limit yourself to the examples listed here:

Killing: When is it justified, if ever?

Civil disobedience (when is it right to resist authority, and by what means—nonviolent? Violent?)

Altruism and self-sacrifice. Why do people do good? Why do they sacrifice themselves for others or for a greater purpose than themselves?

How should children be treated, including using them as means to an end? (The Capitol uses children as a means of punishing the districts for rebelling, and as a way to keep them afraid of ever rebelling again.)

Poverty—the hoarding of resources by a privileged few, while the many work to make that possible.

The use of torture.

Lying—the protagonists lie frequently. Is this justified? (Peeta, the hands-down “best” person in the story, lies skillfully to protect others, especially Katniss. Katniss also becomes adept at lying, and sometimes struggles more with being dishonest than with the rather obvious issue of killing.)

Genetic engineering—the Capitol’s “muttations” (“mutts”), genetically enhanced animals used as weapons.

Finally, answer this basic question: If you were put in the same position as the “tributes”, what would you do? (Peeta struggles with this before their first time in the arena: “If I have to die, I want to find a way of showing them that I’m more than just a piece in their games.”)

How would vegan diet reduce homogenous impact on the environment?

Vegan diet impact on the environment

Food impact on the environment, vegan diet impact on the environment. How would vegan diet reduce homogenous impact on the environment?


Discuss the causes and effects of the article that you have noted while critically reading the article – State your opinions regarding the issues highlighted – Suggest recommendations – Identify and provide more than two values.


Communicative English 1 

Work in pairs and follow all the steps:

Step 1 : Choose one article provided by your lecturer.

Step 2 : Read the article to get an understanding of the main idea.

Step 3 : Read the article again with a critical eye. As you read, take note of the 4 main parts of your article critique.

Part 1 (Introduction) Include an introductory paragraph that includes the following: – The author’s name(s) and the title of the article – The author’s main point – A thesis statement that previews your analysis

Part 2 (Summary) After your introduction, discuss the following: – The main points of the article – The issue presented in the article – The findings of the article

Part 3 (Critique) After summarising the article, critique the article by doing the following: – Discuss the causes and effects of the article that you have noted while critically reading the article – State your opinions regarding the issues highlighted – Suggest recommendations – Identify and provide more than two values.

Part 4 (Conclusion) Finally, end your article critique with a conclusion that does the following: – Summarise the key points in the article, as well as the key points from your own analysis.

Guidelines/ prerequisite Here are the requirements of the task: 1) All parts ( Part 1 to 4 ) of your article critique should be presented in a mini report/folio with attachment of the original article.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Personal statement

One essay/personal statement, approximately 250-650 words in length, which will assist the Admission Committee in reviewing your application. The essay/personal statement you submit must consist solely of your own origin work. You may write on a subject of your choice or one of the following subjects:

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?
Describe a problem you have solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, or one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Pforzheimer Honors College:

All students are considered for the Pforzheimer Honors College based on their GPA and Test scores. Students may apply as test optional to be considered for admission within the Pforzheimer Honors College. You will need a need a minimum 90 GPA and will need to submit two short essays that are listed on the application.

Write an essay where you connect Langston Hughes’ poem “Tired” to the economic facts listed below his poem.

Langston Hughes poem: “Tired,”

In the early 1930s, the poet Langston Hughes wrote a poem called “Tired,” in which he said:

I am so tired of waiting,
Aren’t you,
For the world to become good
And beautiful and kind?
Let us take a knife
And cut the world in two –
And see what worms are eating
At the rind.

Last month, Bloomberg News reported that just three men in the U.S. – Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett – have more money than the 165 million Americans who make up the bottom 50% of the population.

They also reported that 40 million Americans need food stamps to eat, and that 25% of homeless people actually have regular jobs.

It is a fact that Cuba has a significantly longer life expectancy than the U.S.

More than half of all Americans do not have even $400 available for emergencies.


Write an essay where you connect Langston Hughes’ poem “Tired” to the economic facts listed below his poem.

Connect these two texts (the poem and the economic data) by using your personal ideas, observations and experiences.

There is no page length requirement. Write as much as you need to.

What do your peers and others need to know to understand and appreciate your project? Develop a concise outline, presenting the topic, existing literature, and the resolution of the problem or concern.

Week 7: CGE PowerPoint Presentation

CO 1: Apply evidence-based leadership skills and concepts in the execution and evaluation of an executive-level practice change project. (PO 4,5)


After completion of the Nurse Executive CGE Project, determine what comprises the most relevant data and evidence that support your resolution of the concern. What do your peers and others need to know to understand and appreciate your project? Develop a concise outline, presenting the topic, existing literature, and the resolution of the problem or concern. There is a PPT template located above that will assist with the development of the presentation.

a. Minimum of 8–12 slides of text, excluding title and reference slides
b. One title slide
c. One to two slides with references in APA style
d. Documentation of all sources (everything cited, including ideas, images, statistics, data, facts, quotations, all journal articles and other references, and/or a summary of others’ ideas)
e. Definition of key terms or explanation of relevant facts

Preparing the Presentation

The following should be incorporated into the presentation.

1. Identification, definition, and description of the issue or problem
2. Summary of relevant literature and evidence related to the issue
3. Project details: describe context, target recipients, how project is implemented, and/or plans for implementation
4. Summary of project: proposed resolution of the chosen issue, next steps, expected result, and evaluation (if project was presented or implemented)
5. List of references of materials and documents used in project
6. Appropriate APA format current edition of APA manual
7. Interesting and audience-friendly set of slides
8. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation