
What are the most common themes in hate crimes, as reported by the FBI in 2020? What do these themes “say” about a larger social picture in contemporary U.S.?


1. Serial Murder: Popular Myths and Empirical realities

List and describe five myths about serial killers. How do you think these myths have maintained in the larger social consciousness?
Distinguish between mass killers and serial killers.

2.Mass Shootings, Masculinity, and Gun Violence as Feminist Issues

How do structural forces such as gender and education shape or influence identity? According to the authors, how do these social forces influence the likelihood of violence?
How do the authors argue “gender becomes impossible to ignore” when exploring gun violence?

3. Hate crime reports in US surge to the highest level in 12 years, FBI says

What are the most common themes in hate crimes, as reported by the FBI in 2020?
What do these themes “say” about a larger social picture in contemporary U.S.?

How does the United States Constitution guarantee our civil liberties and/or civil rights? Explain the relevant features of the Constitution, including specific articles or amendments.

The Constitution

How does the United States Constitution guarantee our civil liberties and/or civil rights? Explain the relevant features of the Constitution, including specific articles or amendments. Provide examples to illustrate your points.

Explain Kierkegaard’s philosophy and how his unique understanding of truth influenced his understanding and belief in God. Show how the following Buddhist story exemplifies Kierkegaard’s understanding of God.

Reflection Essay on Kierkegaard

Directions: For this assignment, which will be graded as a test, you are to write an essay on the following question:

Soren Kierkegaard felt that all true human experience was individual and subjective; that, to be truly alive, you had to experience things. This included one’s experience with God. For this essay,

  • a. Explain Kierkegaard’s philosophy and how his unique understanding of truth influenced his understanding and belief in God.
  • b. Show how the following Buddhist story exemplifies Kierkegaard’s understanding of God:

Buddhist Story:
A man once asked a Buddhist monk to tell him what God is like. The Buddist monk said that trying to explain God is like four blind men trying to describe an elephant.
“The first blind man touches the elephant’s trunk and says that the elephant is like a hose or a snake.
The second blind man touches the elephant’s ear and says the elephant is like a large winged bat.
The third blind man touches the elephant’s leg and says the elephant is like a stone column.
The fourth blind man touches the elephant’s side and says the elephant is like a large wall.
The blind men begin to argue and begin to fight over their understanding of the elephant.
This is how it is with God.”

How do you define generalist social work? What are the key features of generalist social work? If a relative asked you what social work is, or what the social work major is, what would you tell that person?

Self in Social Work

This paper is your opportunity to articulate how you see yourself within the profession of social work. The goal is not to give the answer; you are not, for example, being asked to decide now what kind of internship you want as a senior. Rather, this is a point-in-time statement, early in your student social-worker career, about why or how social work seems like a good fit for you.

Be sure to explain your working definition of generalist social work as part of positioning yourself within it; what is the profession you see yourself as part of? Some guiding questions (you need not answer all of them):

  • How do you define generalist social work? What are the key features of generalist social work? If a relative asked you what social work is, or what the social work major is, what would you tell that person? — 25 points overall
  • What do social workers do that appeals to you? Which of the six core values is most important to you and why? What field(s) of practice or what client population group(s) might you find interesting to work with; why? In other words, discuss why social work feels like the right major for you, and why it feels like the right profession for you. What might you be doing in five years? Ten years? — 25 points overall

Double-space, number your pages, use headings, and use standard fonts and margins. This paper should be 3-4 pages long. A title page is not necessary, but remember to put your name on the first page. —- 25 points for format and writing quality

Note: If you are minoring in social work, or considering the graduate degree, adjust the assignment to focus on how the minor/graduate program complements your major degree program.
If in fact this class has persuaded you that social work is NOT a good fit for you, see the instructor about an alternative assignment.

What were the costs and benefits to stakeholders of the actions taken by Massey Energy and its managers? Applying the four methods of ethical reasoning (utilitarianism, rights, justice, and virtue), do you believe Massey Energy behaved in an ethical manner? Why or why not?

Mod 6 case study

Using the case study template, answer the following questions for the attached case study. each answer should be 250 words:

1. What were the costs and benefits to stakeholders of the actions taken by Massey Energy and its managers?

2. Applying the four methods of ethical reasoning (utilitarianism, rights, justice, and virtue), do you believe Massey Energy behaved in an ethical manner? Why or why not?

3.Who or what caused the Upper Big Branch mine disaster, and why do you think so?

4. What steps could be taken now to reduce the chances of a similar tragedy occurring in the future? In your answer, address the appropriate roles of mining companies (and their directors and managers), government regulators and policymakers, and the workers and their union in assuring mine safety.

Lawrence, Anne. Business and Society. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.

Define the term using the definition from your textbook for 5 points. Illustrate the term in the movie you are analyzing.

Sociology 101: Introduction to Sociology

Final Integrated Paper
150 points possible

This brief integrated paper will require each student to choose a movie, watch it carefully, take notes and write an 8 to 10-page (double spaced) paper about it.

  • Movie: American History X. Aired 1998

Related to sociology for Ethnicity, racial inequality and poverty.

The paper will have the following sections:

1. A summary (10 points possible). Clearly and concisely summarize the movie. This should take one or two pages.

2. Terms (use 12) (120 points possible). Define the term using the definition from your textbook for 5 points. Illustrate the term in the movie you are analyzing. That is, a). Set up the scene b) identify the term in the scene c). say why it is the term for another 5 points. Be as specific as you can to earn full points.

3. Conclusion (5 points possible).

4. Proofreading (15 points). The paper must be typed and doubled spaced with appropriate margins. It should be edited to assure accuracy in spelling, punctuation and clarity. Points will be deducted for writing errors.

What are the key parts of a policy & procedure and what should be avoided? Using the sample policy and procedure and the Guide to Writing Policy and Procedure, critique the posted policy and procedure according to the standards.

Policies and Procedures Critique

What are the key parts of a policy & procedure and what should be avoided? Using the sample policy and procedure and the Guide to Writing Policy and Procedure, critique the posted policy and procedure according to the standards. Include recommendations and rewrite the P&P as you think necessary. Must include headers, subheaders as needed, and a conclusion. Any abbreviations/acronyms must be spelled out

Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Strategizing and Creating Change

Discussion Prompt

Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Suggested organizations include (but are not limited to):

  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) American Nurses’ Association (A.N.A.)
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (A.A.N.P.)
  • American Association for Nursing Leadership (AONL), effective May 2019 (formerly AONE)
  • The American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN)

Provide a conclusion that summarizes the main points of your research on the selected scenario. Present your final thoughts regarding the larger implications of your research.

Visiting Family Member and Assisted Living Resident

Summary: An ALF resident has a family member who arrives at the facility to visit their loved one later in the evening. The staff member that answers the door and can smell the alcohol on the visitor. The staff member is reluctant to let the visitor in, but their behavior appears to be well controlled, perhaps a little loud for the time of day, but otherwise appropriate. Per the facility’s policy, the staff member asks the visitor to wait in the lobby since their loved one’s roommate is already in bed. The ALF resident is informed that their loved one has arrived to visit them and is waiting in the lobby. A family conference room is available for their use if the resident would like to use that area for privacy. The resident did not really want their loved ones to visit this late at night, as they indicated to the staff member that it was late, and the staff member could see the resident’s hesitancy but indicated that they would go to the lobby. This resident is aware of their loved one’s problems with alcohol use and was concerned that if they did not go to the lobby that their loved one could become loud and belligerent with staff, while possibly waking other ALF residents. The resident made the decision to visit with their loved ones, and the staff followed all the facility’s policies appropriately. However, concerns over these visits by staff members for this specific ALF resident exist, as do concerns for their other residents, and for the staff, when these visits occur.

Aspect A: Introduction and State Residence:

  • Provide a summary of the selected scenario.
  • Select a state residence to apply the selected scenario. Your selection should based on your current state’s residence, or prior state’s residence, such as Maryland, Georgia, or any of the applicable 50 states. You will use your state to address the applicable aspects of the paper.
  • Present a clearly defined thesis statement to assert your position on the paper.

Aspect B: Evaluation of the Ethical Principles and LTC Ombudsman Program:

  • Identify and explain of at least three ethical principles to the situation.
    • Include the following items in your evaluation:
      • (a.) relevant ethical considerations.
      • (b.) responsibilities of the healthcare provider, LTC organization, and one additional stakeholder.
      • (c.) importance of upholding these ethical principles.
      • (d.) the resident’s rights, the resident’s safety, and their quality of care impacted by this situation.
      • (e.) potential consequences, if the situation is not resolved by upholding these ethical principles.
  • Apply your state-specific LTC Ombudsman program to the scenario.
    • Evaluate the role of the LTC Ombudsman in this situation, including the following items:
      • (a.) strengths of the program in your state residence.
      • (b.) barriers to the program or situation.
      • (c.) potential resources that the LTC Ombudsman could provide.

Aspect C: Analysis of One LTC Regulation and an Assessment of the Situation from an Administrator’s Lens:

  • Identify and explain one applicable federal or state LTC regulation for the situation.
    • Include the following items in your analysis:
      • (a.) significance of regulatory compliance for your selected regulation.
      • (b.) administrator’s role associated with the regulation.
      • (c.) one potential resource that the administrator could provide to help the staff comply with the regulation in the future and how this resource could support the staff should a similar situation occur in the future.

Aspect D: Conclusion

  • Provide a conclusion that summarizes the main points of your research on the selected scenario.
  • Present your final thoughts regarding the larger implications of your research.
  • Include comments that support your initial thesis statement to the final message that you want to convey in your writing.

What are two specific ways you can improve your “grit” in your own life? Describe at least one strategy you plan to use with your partner/client this semester to improve their “grit” when it comes to exercise?

Summarize the article “GRIT”

Grit A Weight Maintenance Tool.pdf

Summarize the article “Grit: A Weight Maintenance Tool for Health Coaches” (500 words) & answer the following questions:

1) What are two specific ways you can improve your “grit” in your own life?
2) Describe at least one strategy you plan to use with your partner/client this semester to improve their “grit” when it comes to exercise?