
How can Laffa achieve operational excellence with customer centricity as the focal point?

Customer centricity

How can Laffa achieve operational excellence with customer centricity as the focal point?

Write an essay that compares and contrasts two of the theories of crime and criminal activity discussed in the course.

Theories of Crimiology

Write an essay that compares and contrasts two of the theories of crime and criminal activity discussed in the course (See attached Outline)

Essay should consider the historical foundations of the study of criminal behavior; and examine ways in which society responds to criminal behavior in terms of prevention and punishment.

The paper will be written in APA format and include at least four sources,

According to E. Swanson, what is a common ground path for a discourse and what would it mean for there to be channels for such common ground paths?

Your assignment is to answers the following questions as clearly and as accurately as possible. You are not encouraged to use additional material beyond what was covered on the course syllabus, on the lecture slides, or in your discussion sections. However, you must cite all outside material you use in your essay (MLA or Chicago formatting are each acceptable).


Short Answers: Answer three or the following four questions in around 300 words (each question)

1. According to Q. Kukla, what is discursive injustice? What is an example of discursive injustice not mentioned by Kukla or in lecture?

2. According to E. Swanson, what is a common ground path for a discourse and what would it mean for there to be channels for such common ground paths?

3. I. Maitra develops an account of what she calls basic positional authority in a social group. According to Maitra, what is required in order for one agent to have basic positional authority over the other members of a group?

4. E. Camp focuses on the philosophical implications of insinuation. What is one of Camp’s examples of insinuation? What does Camp mean when she claims that insinuations can be speaker meant (e.g. communicated by speakers) without being common ground among the members of a conversation?


Long Answers: Answer two of the following three questions in around 600 words (each question)

5. H.P. Grice developed a pragmatic account of human language use which centered on what he called the cooperative principle. What, according to Grice, is the cooperative principle? Do cases of discursive injustice, conversational silencing, or insinuation provide a good objection to Grice’s claim about the role of the cooperative principle in human language use? How, if at all, should Grice’s claims about the role of the cooperative principle in human language use be revised?

6. In his paper, “Provincialism in Pragmatics” J. Armstrong argues that dynamic pragmatic models of communication apply to other social animals in addition to humans. In developing this claim, Armstrong focuses on the affiliative vocalizations of baboons. What does Armstrong mean when he claims that the affiliative vocalizations of baboons are context-sensitive devices of communication which both depend on the prior state of the social context and serve to update that social context in specific ways? Do you agree that affiliative vocalizations of baboons are context-sensitive in this way? Why or why not?

7. This class has explored the nature of social communication in general, and linguistic communication in particular, through the lens of dynamic pragmatics. What is pragmatics? What does it mean to provide a dynamic approach to pragmatics? Do dynamic approaches to pragmatics provide an illuminating way to understand the ways that humans communicate through the use of language? Why or why not?

Would it be proper to deny a transgendered person the ability to fight against other people who belong to the newly re-assigned sex? Does it make a difference that the case in the video involves a male to female transgendered person who now competes in rather violent sport of mixed martial Arts?

Transgendered person

Would it be proper to deny a transgendered person the ability to fight against other people who belong to the newly re-assigned sex? Does it make a difference that the case in the video involves a male to female transgendered person who now competes in rather violent sport of mixed martial Arts? Does such a person have an unfair advantage or is there any potential risk involved?

Explain: Which investment opportunity you would recommend. What the conversion tax planning strategy is, and which of these investments employ this strategy. How “implicit taxes” may limit the benefits of the conversion strategy.

Week 3 Tax

Writing, using software, and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. Using proper business English and resources from the library you will comment and share your research with your classmates. Make sure you note your source in proper APA format.
Project Information:
You are a manager at a local accounting firm, and Kate and Sam Smith are your clients. It is the end of the year, and they have come to ask your advice on some tax planning strategies, as well as help preparing their tax return.

Based on the feedback you received last week, finalize the Smith’s tax returns.
Write a 4-page letter to Kate and Sam Smith which:
Walks them through their current year tax return.
Detail which expenses they incurred that were nondeductible for tax purposes and explain why. The Smiths have always itemized deductions instead of taking the standard deduction on their tax return. Explain how this may no longer be the best tax strategy due to changes in tax law under the TCJA.
Regarding the investment opportunities you calculated in week 1, explain:
Which investment opportunity you would recommend.
What the conversion tax planning strategy is, and which of these investments employ this strategy.
How “implicit taxes” may limit the benefits of the conversion strategy.
Kate and Sam are considering purchasing a vacation home. They plan on spending several months each year vacationing in the home and renting out the property the rest of the year. Provide an overview of the key tax considerations they should take into account when making this decision.
Library assistance
Link to Keiser’s elibrary resources:

Describe what you are comparing. State your hypothesis in a sentence. Indicate the appropriate t-test that you will use to evaluate your hypothesis.

Part I

Typically when researching a business or academic issue, you would ask a question about something and form a hypothesis. You would then collect the data and test it to see if the null hypothesis (no difference) is supported or refuted. Then you would present the findings.

Now, open and carefully examine the data on the STAT 211 Altimeter Error spreadsheet (XLSX).
Then, construct a hypothesis and address the following in a document.

Describe what you are comparing.
State your hypothesis in a sentence.
Indicate the appropriate t-test that you will use to evaluate your hypothesis.
State the alpha (α) level.

What organisms or processes are you going to use in your research? What kind of equipment and supplies will be necessary for the project? How long will the research take? What are your treatments and why? What will you use for a positive and/or negative control? What will be your level of replication and number of replicates?


I. Title The title should provide a specific summary of the proposed work with enough, but not too much, detail.
The names of the Principle Investigator (that is you!) and your advisor should follow the title. Example 1: NO (too much detail): A three-year study of population decline in the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculata) following logging, road building and wetland mitigation near vernal pools in a hardwood forest of northeastern Connecticut YES: A study of population decline in the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculata) following logging in northeastern Connecticut Example 2: NO (not enough detail): Habitat models for use in rivers YES: Validation of in-stream habitat models for the Fenton River, Storrs, Connecticut

II. Statement of the Problem (~1 page, approx. 250-350 words) This is a brief description of the “problem”…the
reason you are proposing this particular research. For example, is there a knowledge gap that needs to be addressed, or conflicting results in the literature? The SoP includes a concise introduction to the logic that supports your experimental question (i.e. your experimental framework), a statement of your goal/purpose, and a brief explanation of the intellectual merit and broader impacts of the proposed research. Unlike an abstract, this section should include literature citations and you will not include a summary of how you intend to address the research (methods), but only set the stage for additional elaboration that you will provide in the sections that follow. Like an abstract, this statement should peak the curiosity of the reader and leave them with a clear understanding of the problem your research will address.

III.Introduction This section provides background information of your research topic by reviewing the current state of knowledge and existing literature. It should start with broad information and then narrow the focus to those details that are especially pertinent to the proposed work. At the end of your introduction section you will present your primary objective/goal for the research (What are you trying to do and why?), so the reader is clear about what your research is going to address. This is the place to show what is interesting and cutting-edge in the field that led to your research idea. Be sure to clearly connect ideas so the reader can follow your thought process. You are laying the groundwork for your proposal with the material that you present. If you get to the point where you state your objective and the reader does not see a direct line of reasoning based upon the background information, then you have not done your job in the introduction. Use an abundance of sources, especially primary journal articles. Textbooks and web sites (with great caution) can also be useful sources, within reason. Make sure to cite appropriately in the text (more to follow on citation). This is the heart of your assignment and may be the lengthiest piece of it…it will also likely serve as the foundation of the Introduction to your senior thesis paper.

IV. Research Questions & Objectives In Experimental Design for Biologists, David Glass defines an experimental
framework as “a philosophical construct; it is the approach used to address the project, the filter used to interpret the data…” and explains how a proper framework “forces the scientist to perform the experiments necessary to determine ‘the truth’.” In this section, you will frame your research project around a single “framework question”, preferably an open-ended question (not a binary “yes/no” question). You will then follow up the framework question with more specific “experimental sub-questions” (which can be binary) that address the intricacies of the framework question. Each experimental sub-question needs to include one or more specific objectives (i.e. things you can achieve) that will help the scientist keep track of what is necessary to answer the question. You are not required to include hypotheses or predictions. The answers to experimental sub-questions help provide the information necessary to answer the original open-ended framework question.

FORMAT: In this section, you will clearly state your framework question, sub-questions, and specific objectives
in a bulleted format. Be sure that the information in this section directly relates to what you have already explained in the introduction. A reader should be able to read your research question and think “Oh, this is a logical question to ask, based on what I learned about this topic in the introduction!” If necessary, you may include a brief paragraph
explaining your questions, especially if your sub-questions only address a small portion of the framework question (such as a necessary system validation study). Every proposed research project must meet a THRESHOLD OF ACCEPTABLE SCIENTIFIC RIGOR as determined by the Biology Department faculty. This means that your project must be framed around a reasonably relevant question and propose the use of collegiate-level research methods capable of answering the question. We will not approve projects that do not meet this standard. **Ask your instructor if you aren’t sure.

V. Methods Describe your proposed experiment in some depth, with enough detail to explain your plan, but not
explaining “common knowledge” that an educated scientist should be aware of (e.g. how to make a serial dilution). For this course, the methods section will need to be sufficiently detailed for the instructors to
thoroughly evaluate your experimental design. Here are some topics to include: What organisms or processes
are you going to use in your research? What kind of equipment and supplies will be necessary for the project?
How long will the research take? What are your treatments and why? What will you use for a positive and/or
negative control? What will be your level of replication and number of replicates? What type of statistical
analysis will be used to analyze results? Be thorough, but not excessive, and be sure to cite references for your
methods! Don’t try to reinvent the wheel when coming up with methods, but utilize AND CITE past literature to
provide sources of valid methodology that relates to your experiment. Proposals do not get funded if the author
can’t convince the reader that their methods will allow them to successfully answer their research question!
FORMAT: Write this section in paragraph form (not a bulleted list!), but it can be helpful to break it into
sub-sections with sub-headings. Methods should be organized in a coherent way, likely chronological, and
should reflect/correspond to your proposed timeline (see item VIII below). Inclusion of figures or diagrams (with
proper captioning and text reference) is encouraged when relevant. This may be especially helpful when
describing your experimental design. Planning preliminary trials of your methods can be especially helpful!

VI. Justification (probably ~300-500 words) Your introduction will have already helped your reader understand
the background information pertinent to your topic and present your main objective, your research question
section clearly presents your research question and objectives, and your methods have explained how you will
achieve those objectives and answer your question. This section is where you will explicitly state the Intellectual
Merit and Broader Impacts of your proposed research. Essentially, why does your research deserve funding?
This will take place in two subsections (with subheadings):

1. Intellectual Merit: This subsection will address the potential effects of your research on the academic
“body of knowledge”. Does your research have the potential to alter this field of research? How will it
change the way people think about a concept or interpret data? How will it significantly help advance other research in the field? Will it expand our basic understanding of some relevant topic? It is very
important to support your claims with primary literature, statistical data, etc.

2. Broader Impacts: This subsection will address the potential effects of your research on broader society,
industry, the environment, etc. Could the study potentially change social or political policies? Is there
clear application to medical practices, industry, or environmental management? Will the research greatly
benefit a particular group of people, animals, or environment? It is very important to support your
claims with primary literature, statistical data, etc.
Although there may be some similar ideas as in your introduction, do not just repeat your introductory
material…that is boring and ineffective. This is a “big picture” sort of section. You do NOT have to claim that your
research will save the world if it won’t actually save the world (FYI, it won’t), but you should provide a reasonable
explanation of why it matters. For example: If you seek to find a natural substance with antimicrobial properties,
don’t claim that it will eliminate all drug-resistant bacteria. However, it would be reasonable to claim that this
may reduce the rate at which bacteria develop resistance to drugs by adding to the arsenal of potential
treatments. This section should include relevant citations of primary literature, statistics, etc. to support your

VII. Bibliography (Not included in proposal word limit) There is a minimum of 10 peer reviewed primary
literature citations required for this proposal, however, you will likely need more to properly propose your
research. Include all the resources that were used in the writing of the proposal. Follow the “How to Write:
References” guidelines for formatting, which will resemble the styles that you would find in a biology journal.
Reviews are a good source for this type of work and can lead you to the primary literature, however, they are not
technically primary literature. Reviews do not have new data and are often labeled “review”. It is ok to cite
review papers, but be sure to look up the original primary literature and utilize that directly. Never cite a primary
literature article directly from another article! Always look up the paper, read it, interpret it, and determine if
you want to cite it and how/why. **NOTE: SAVE THE PDF DOCUMENTS FOR ALL YOUR SOURCES. IF THE

UPON REQUEST. Using Zotero or Mendeley to organize your literature will help with this!
Any standard scientific citation style can be used; talk to your advisor! Example reference formatting:
Caspar T, Huber SC, Somerville C (1985) Alternation in growth, photosynthesis, and respiration in astarchless
mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) deficient in chloroplast phyosphoglucomutase activity. Plant Physiol 79: 11-17

VIII. Timeline of your research (Not included in proposal word limit) On a separate page (no more than 1 pg),
provide an organized list or table that outlines your proposed timeline for achieving the goals of your research.
This will give you an idea of what should be occurring when, and if your goals are attainable in the available time.
It also serves as a great resource to refer back to and keep on track while doing your research. The timeline
should include time for any preliminary studies or tests of protocols, time for ordering and delivering materials,
time to execute the study, and time to analyze the data. Do not underestimate how much time the research will
take…your advisor should be a great resource for helping you understand the time commitment required for
your research project.
FORMAT: List or Table format. Reference actual dates in your timeline, including years, semesters, months, and
days (as relevant). For example: “Jan 11-Jan 22 2021 Order all materials through Prof. Niebuhr”. Don’t just say “Two weeks for preparation, two weeks to do the experiment, and two weeks to analyze data.” Your timeline
MUST also indicate the following information:
The current semester and your planned semester of graduation – Which semester(s) you plan to register
for Bio 496 units and conduct your research. (The 2 units of Bio 496 can be registered for in 0.5-2 unit
Which semester you plan to register for Bio 499 Senior Thesis.
If and when you plan to apply this research towards a President’s Academic Showcase entry.
IX. Budget and Materials List (Not included in proposal word limit) Provide a detailed account of all foreseen
costs and materials associated with your proposed research. You must include two sections:
Budgetary needs- An itemized list of all materials that are not already available at CUI, their individual
costs, the quantity you require, whether they are consumable or reusable, and where to get them (your
advisor may be able to help with this). It is helpful to group them items under broader categories, in
table format. This section should include a sum of the total cost. Each student can budget up to $300 of
supplies without requiring faculty approval. Any budgets exceeding $300 need to be brought to the
instructor’s attention and the Biology Department faculty will decide whether to provide the
additional funds. Students may not fund their own research (although they can make small purchases
and be reimbursed), but are welcome to apply for small research grants (Note that there is a Student
Research Grant at CUI – science students have applied for and received funding every semester it has
been offered!)
Materials needs- An itemized list of all materials that are already available at CUI, their location
(lab/faculty), the quantity you require, and whether they are consumable or reusable. Permission to
utilize these materials should be obtained prior to submitting the proposal, and equipment that may
need to be used by other people should be noted and scheduled as necessary. General categories for
standard materials, such as “glassware” or “pipettes”, do not need to be itemized individually.

What should Linda do if the assessment of information from the process indicates a child needs additional support to achieve a learning outcome?

RCC questions – End of Diploma

Unit CHCMGT003 “Lead the work team”
Question 1) Today the centre director is typing up the professional development goals for all staff. Amy is the assistant in the toddler room and has not submitted any goals and does not want to attend any workshops; you have recommended. How would you support Amy?
I would ask her the best free time she had to discuss with her face to face or zoom meeting in order to understand her needs and find a suitable solution that best works in order to stay up to date in her professional development as everyone is important and inclusive. In order to succeed as a whole team, we seek everyone’s participation.
Question 2) It’s Tuesday morning and you are on the open shift. You receive a phone call that the two staff members starting at 8am and 9am are away sick, what do you do? Explain the process you would use. Include what you would do if none of your casual staff were available.

Question 3) Explain how a service evaluates the effectiveness of plans and practices?

Unit CHCECE019 “Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
Question 1) In your own words. Write down why the assessment and rating process is important to a service and what the responsibilities of staff are when a representative of the Regulatory Authority visits the service.
The assessment and rating process is important for understanding if the centre is meeting the NQS of the Victorian National Regulation criteria. That assessment determinate the right rating. Thanks to that, the center is able to plan a QIP if needed any improvement.
Question 2) List the steps for informing educators about an Assessor’s visit.

Unit CHCECE017 “Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in early childhood”
Question 1) Andrew, 3 years old, is crying. He wants to use the large shovel. However Claire, 4 years old, won’t give it to him. Give at least one example of how you could help them to communicate.
Question 2) Give an explanation of what a key milestone checklist is. Why is it important for educators?

Unit CHCECE020 “Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour”
Question 1) Which elements in the NQS are linked to setting limits? Summarise the information about setting limits and guidelines in your own words.
Quality area 3, Physical environment?
Question 2) What do you think are appropriate and inappropriate behaviours? Review your own stance and reflect on your own values.
Appropriate: respectful, caring, role-model, following the rules/ routine in appropriate manner
Inappropriate: scratching, pushing, grab toys with no consent, not listening

Unit CHCECE024 “Design and implement the curriculum to foster children’s learning and development”
Question 1) Access a Childcare Centres Philosophy and the National Quality Standard (This can be sourced from your work place or the internet), choose one NQS Standard and state where they are reflected in the services philosophy.

Question 2) Prepare a collaborative learning experience for a small group of children based on a topic that relates to respecting families, the community, or both.

How you will prepare the environment.
How you will engage the children.
What you will talk about and the questions you will ask the children.
The props, materials and equipment you will use.

Unit CHCECE026 “Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children”
Question 1) How the service meets the needs of families who need assistance with English as a second language.
Having documents in various languages; within staff member ask who is able to talk in different language in order to translate during face to face meeting.
Question 2) Explain why you believe parent participation and communication is important.
That is part of Quality Area 6 “collaborative partnership with families” is a crucial part in order to archive the best benefit/outcome for the child.

Unit CHCECE018 “Nurture creativity in children”
Question 1) How have you encouraged children to respect and appreciate other children’s creative efforts? Give examples.
A nice way is to make a wall art with all the children art craft where each child has the ability to express his art work to his peers before attach on the wall by taking a turn.
Question 2) Explain why it is important for an educator to be an effective role model for creativity.
Planning a creativity activity is important to stimulate the right side of the brain and express emotions / feelings through the paint, draw etc..
The educator maintain a good role model al all the times by supporting the children with intentional and ZPD strategy to pursue their creation.

Unit CHCECE021 “Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children”
Question 1) What role does the IPSC paly in strengthening partnerships between educators’, families, communities and other agencies?
Use the following link;
Question 2) How would you communicate clearly with a parent who:
Is unable to speak recognizable words, but understands English
Has a hearing impairment
Has vision impairment
Has an intellectual disability

Unit CHCECE023 “Analyse the information to inform learning”
Question 1) Linda is a Diploma qualified working in the room with 27 children and two other educators.
The children are aged between 4-5 years old and from a range of backgrounds.
They all speak and understand English well.
The children usually attend between 9.00am and 3.00pm.
(1a) Develop a process that Linda could use to ensure each child is observed and suitable information is gathered to make the curriculum responsive and inclusive.
(1b) What should Linda do if the assessment of information from the process indicates a child needs additional support to achieve a learning outcome?

Unit CHCECE016 “Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children”
Question 1) Mia does not always respond to you when you talk to her, you notice the she doesn’t seem to hear you unless you are in her line of sight.
What process would you follow before approaching the parents? Include questions you might ask.
Question 2) Dylan, 20 months old, falls from an A-frame and hurts his arm. He holds his arm and is upset if it is touched or moved.
How would you explain to Dylan’s Parents(s) that Dylan has fallen and hurt his arm?
I will call them to inform of the occurring accident and update the status of the child. I will communicate in calm, informative and rational manner by describing exactly what happened; which following procedure has been taken in place and ask for a signature on the accident form ones finish to discuss about the situation.
What sensitive procedure would you follow?
– call the parents to inform of non-serious accident
– complete the accident form that has to be signed during pick-up time by one of the child parent.

Unit HLTWHS003 “Maintain work health and safety”
Question 1) Two tasks educators often carry out when working with infants and toddlers are:
Lifting and carrying an infant or toddler on their hip.
Changing nappies
For each of these tasks, identify the existing and potential hazards and record them.
Question 2) Briefly explain why it is important for workers to understand the legislative requirements of their job role.

Unit CHCECE025 “Embed sustainable practices in service operations”
Question 1) Choose one of the following aspects of sustainability; water, energy or waste. Describe how you would demonstrate that you respect, are and appreciate natural resources in relation to the aspect you have chosen.
Question 2) Find three resources that encourage children to discuss sustainable practice. For each resource:
Name and discuss the practice
List the points on sustainable practice that the children will learn from the discussion.

Unit CHCECE022 “Promote children’s agency”
Question 1) How would you respond to a child’s choice not to participate?
Question 2) How do you support children’s efforts by assisting and encouraging them?



Compare and/or contrast the grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Mathilde in “The Necklace,” paying particular attention to theme as well as setting and/or characterization, and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride.

Pitfalls of pride.

Compare and/or contrast the grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Mathilde in “The Necklace,” paying particular attention to theme as well as setting and/or characterization, and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride. Your essay must be between 750-1000 words and adhere to MLA formatting. It needs to quote directly from your chosen text(s) for support, but it should not use any secondary research. Keep in mind that the comparison/contrast essay should not just summarize the story or stories, nor should it just state how two things are alike and/or different: the essay should move beyond that and also present an original opinion or argument based on those similarities/differences, as you see them.

Describe your beliefs toward categories of difference and how the significant social institutions in your life have influenced them.

Self Belief Paper

As we live in an increasingly diverse society, it is important to be aware of our own values, biases, and prejudices. As social workers, it is important to recognize and acknowledge how our beliefs may influence our interactions with clients and others. Our beliefs toward diversity have been shaped in large part by the social institutions in our lives, such as family, religion, education, the media, etc. Our involvement in these institutions has influenced what we hold as “truth” or “fact” about difference, as well as how we think, feel, and react toward those who we perceive as different.

The purpose of this paper is to identify your own values and beliefs toward categories of difference and demonstrate critical thinking in describing how those values and beliefs may impact your ability to function effectively in a diverse social environment. Assignment meets Core Competencies 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.2

GUIDELINES: The paper should be 8-10 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point font. Use the below five categories of difference to structure (i.e., section) the paper.

Describe your beliefs (i.e., what they are) toward categories of difference and how the significant social institutions in your life (ex: family, school, religion, media) have influenced them. Address each category of difference:
Ethnic or racial heritage
Socioeconomic group (income, education)
Sexual orientation
People with disabilities
For each, describe how your beliefs toward these categories of difference have changed over your life course and any significant event, relationship, or person that influenced the change.
For each, identify and discuss any biases you have toward these categories of difference, and how your biases could influence the ways you interact with members of those groups.