
How have your own views or opinion of your immediate or extended family changed since taking part in this class? Did anything surprise you about what you learned about your own family while completing any assignments for this course?

Final thoughts on Family Theories Systems discussion

How have your own views or opinion of your immediate or extended family changed since taking part in this class?
Did anything surprise you about what you learned about your own family while completing any assignments for this course?
After taking this course on Family Theories Systems, what is something that you intend to do differently when interacting with members of your immediate or extended family?
Are there any other thoughts, opinions, or general feedback that you would like to conclude with for this final week’s process posting?

Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?

 Signature Assignment: Smart Parking Space App Presentation


This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models. You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. The PowerPoint presentation includes an audio component in addition to speaker notes.

Resource: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk6_Data_File – Attach Below

Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time-consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid.

You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city.

Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:

Lot Code: A unique code that identifies the parking lot

Lot Capacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacity

Lot Occupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lot

Time Stamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measured

Day: The day of the week corresponding to the Time Stamp

Insert a new column, Occupancy Rate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current Lot Occupancy is 61 and Lot Capacity is 577, then the Occupancy Rate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).

Using the Occupancy Rate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?

Using the Occupancy Rate and Lot Code columns, construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates? Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?

Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare a scatter plot showing the occupancy rate against Time Stamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time-dependent? If so, which times seem to experience the highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?


Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app.

Complete the following in your presentation:

Outline the rationale and goals of the project.

Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of the results.

Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of the results.

Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against the time of day of your selected four parking lots. Include your interpretation of the results.

Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project.

When we do use an additive model? When do we use a multiplicative model?

Discussion Board Week 6 – Time Series Modeling

Time series are particularly useful to track variables such as revenues, costs, and profits over time. Time series models help evaluate performance and make predictions. Consider the following and respond in a minimum of 175 words use one resource:

Time series decomposition seeks to separate the time series (Y) into 4 components: trend (T), cycle (C), seasonal (S), and irregular (I). What is the difference between these components?

The model can be additive or multiplicative. When we do use an additive model? When do we use a multiplicative model?

The following list gives the gross federal debt (in millions of dollars) for the U.S. every 5 years from 1945 to 2000:

Year Gross Federal Debt ($millions)

1945 260,123

1950 256,853

1955 274,366

1960 290,525

1965 322,318

1970 380,921

1975 541,925

1980 909,050

1985 1,817,521

1990 3,206,564

1995 4,921,005

2000 5,686,338

Construct a scatter plot with this data. Do you observe a trend? If so, what type of trend do you observe?

Use Excel to fit a linear trend and an exponential trend to the data. Display the models and their respective r^2.

Interpret both models. Which model seems to be more appropriate? Why?

*What are some example of Time Series Modeling ( In your own words Use 50 words no resources)

*What is Time Series Modeling important in a business. ( In your own words Use 50 words no resources)

Identify and use at least two tools, concepts or methods that you have learned about in this class in the Learning Resources to talk about your viewing.

Cultural Experience

For your report, choose one virtual venue from this pre-approved list that most interests you, or contact your professor for approval of your own online choice. If your choice below has both a website and a video, make sure you examine both. If you need special accommodations to complete this assignment, please inform your instructor and contact the Accessibility Accommodations office for guidance.

Watch the entire performance or thoroughly explore the venue you choose.



First Encounter: King Lear (adapted for children)

The Tragedy of Richard II

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Importance of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

NEW MA by Dora Dee Hunter

Watch a full performance of one of the plays on this list of full length plays available on Youtube.

Watch a full performance of a Broadway musical that is available for streaming on various paid services. A list is available here:

Write a report after you have explored or viewed the online resource.

Your report should include the following information. Include photos or links that help convey the information. As always, be sure to document all sources you consult in preparing your work. This includes any learning resources from the class, or information from the websites that informed you about the particular item you explored.

Name and location of event or name and director of the film, writer’s name etc. If there is on-line information about what you viewed, be sure to include a link to it within the text of your essay in an appropriate place.

Type of event. For example is it a film, ritual, service, ceremony, poetry reading, festival, author interview etc. Make sure to include the name of the authors, directors, producers, speakers, author of your favorite poem (if poetry festival or event).

Briefly describe the general setting by talking a bit about the location (you can research the location online) and the general overall “vibe” of the place or places viewed.

Describe at least one aspect of what you viewed that you found especially interesting. For example, you might write about the different ways the same ritual is conducted by different groups, a poem you really liked from the reading or poetry festival, something an author or direct said that really struck you. Explain what impressed or affected you, and why. Your reaction can be positive or negative, as long as you offer an explanation.

Identify and use at least two tools, concepts or methods that you have learned about in this class in the Learning Resources to talk about your viewing. For example, if you view a director’s commentary, you might point out what the director says about lighting or the set, or if you view to a ritual, talk about the myth the ritual is based on, or if you watch a spoken word or poetry reading, you can talk about specific literary language or imagery. Make sure you are explicit in identifying the tools/concept/methods you are using and the specific learning resources they come from. Be sure to inform the reader about the tool/concept/method through a quote or paraphrase from the learning resource. Then, make sure to tell the reader how you interpret and/or analyze some elements of what you experience with the tools.

Reflect on the relevance–if any–of your viewing to your everyday life. How did the experience engage your feelings or emotions, if at all? What does this tell you about human culture, and/or about yourself?

Identify one health issue related to morbidity and mortality. Locate three empirical articles from the GCU Library related to primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, one for each level of prevention, including health promotion and screening related to the health issue you have identified in your research.

PUB 510 Levels of prevention

Evidence is important in understanding and making decisions regarding public health. Empirical articles serve as credible sources of support because they provide or describe evidence based on research. Empirical articles describe original research or the results of a study.

Begin by researching major causes and trends in morbidity and mortality in the United States. Once you have completed your research, identify one health issue related to morbidity and mortality. Locate three empirical articles from the GCU Library related to primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, one for each level of prevention, including health promotion and screening related to the health issue you have identified in your research. Utilize the “PUB-510 Levels of Prevention Matrix” in order to evaluate your chosen articles.

Your selected articles must have been published within the last 5 years, and the information discussed in your matrix must be paraphrased/summarized.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

PUB 510-RS-Levels of Prevention Matrix.docx

Create a compensation and benefits package using the business proposal format in the Assignment 4 Outline.

Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

Create a compensation and benefits package using the business proposal format in the Assignment 4 Outline. Download Assignment 4 Outline Word document. The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design.

Include the following:

Salaries and benefits packages of comparable organizations in the same industry.

What employees working in the 21st century consider to be benefits

Which of the following components of intimacy would you say is the MOST important for Michelle and Andre to attend to so that they can maintain intimacy throughout their marriage?

Final Paper

1. Michelle F. (24 years old), and her fiancé, Andres G. (25 years old) are planning on getting married next year. For Michelle and Andres to develop a truly intimate relationship within their marriage, which of the following things must they do?
Give themselves completely to each other, telling each other all of their secrets from their past relationships
Find ways to connect with each other without losing individual identity
Live together without committing to each other for a period of time
None of the above

2. Intimacy is an important factor in this life stage. Which of the following components of intimacy would you say is the MOST important for Michelle and Andre to attend to so that they can maintain intimacy throughout their marriage?

Respecting, supporting and caring for/about each other
Negotiating expectations, roles, and responsibilities
Committing time to the marital relationship
None of the above

3. Which of the following is NOT a social role transition in young adulthood?
seeking sameness
pursuing an education or vocational skills
renegotiating relationships with parents
gaining financial independence

4. Erikson suggests the stage of psychosocial development for young adulthood is generativity versus stagnation.


5. Alexis A. is a 28 year old woman who has come to see you because she is worried about her relationship with her boyfriend, Thomas. She tells you that she wants to be completely emotionally intimate with Thomas, but finds that he is reluctant to get as close as she would like. She tells you that she has always been uncomfortable when she doesn’t have a boyfriend, but she sometimes worries that they don’t value her as much as she values them. What is her attachment style?

6. Attachment schemas can change throughout the course of one’s life.

7. Tom C. is 60 years old and in Erikson’s stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation. Why is it so important that he raise a family and/or produce or create something during this time of life?
He needs to create a generative life story to look back on with contentment in old age.
He needs to make enough money so that he can retire and not be overly afraid that he will run out of money before he dies.
He needs to have a sense that something of himself will live on after he dies.
All of the above

8. Kathryn S. is 42 years old this year. She and her husband Mike have three boys, Austin (17), Dylan (14), and Henry (10). Mike’s father died 3 years ago, and his mother has recently developed some serious medical problems that have severely restricted her ability to care for herself. Mike has persuaded Kathryn that they should have his mother, Sharon, come live with them. This situation in which parents are faced with having both children and aging parents living with them places them in the
Sandwich generation
Boomerang generation
Lost generation
None of the above

9. Stanley Z. is a very healthy and fit 78 year old widower. On a whim, he went bungee jumping with a friend on his birthday. He has come in to see you, a social worker at the Old Age Research Institute and Treatment Center because his children are afraid that his jumping off the bridge was an unconscious suicide attempt. He shows you pictures of his deceased wife and of his eight grandchildren, and tells you that he is proud that his son has taken over the shoe manufacturing business that he started 50 years ago next week. You feel that it is unlikely that Stanley is suicidal, and that he is passing through this life stage well since he has been able
To make firm attachments to the younger generations so that he doesn’t live in isolation
Procreate and produce
To look back on life and feel some level of satisfaction and contentment
To build trust in an afterlife, and has no fear of death

10. After his wife died, Henry came to you and said that he is not going through a “normal” grief pattern. You explain to Henry that:
The normal way to grieve is to experience numbness for at least several hours, and possibly for several days
The normal way to grieve is to experience high distress for several years
There is no right or wrong way to grieve; experiences with grief and reactions to loss can vary.
No answer text provided.

11. For Henry to be able to move on reasonably well after his wife’s death, what would you encourage him to do:
Remarry as soon as possible.
Move into an assisted living facility so that someone can care for him during his grief.
Participate in a bereavement support group to reduce isolation, and increase the validation of experiences of grief.
None of the above

12. According to the book, which of the following is NOT one of the six traits for growing old with grace?
caring about others and remaining open to new ideas
maintaining a good work attitude because you cannot afford to retire
showing cheerful tolerance of the indignities of old age
maintaining a sense of humor and capacity for play
Fill in the Blank (Video Attached in PowerPoint)

13. Your older adult client, Pete, is worried about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  You inform Pete that (according to Dr. Wendy Suzuki’s Ted Talk)   is the most transformative thing you can do for your brain.


14. What two areas of the brain are specifically affected by this?


15. When we say “context matters” what do we mean (think back to course powerpoints)?


16. According to the Ted Talk we watched in class by Dr. Nicole Ruggiano, list two (of the three) approaches to person-centered aging:

17. What are your overall thoughts on the “20 is not the new 30” Ted Talk? For example, do you agree with the speaker? Disagree? Be sure to back up your point of view.


18. What is one major takeaway, for you, from this course?

19. After viewing the “Health Disparities” PowerPoint and what is included as the “social determinants of health”:
⦁ List the social determinants of health
2. Do you agree with what is included as the social determinants of health?  Disagree? Anything to add? Be sure to support your answer.

20. Describe the main point of this article/blog. Do you agree? Disagree? Please support your answer. (short answer)

How is the imagery of light and darkness used throughout Oedipus the King?  How is it related to Oedipus’ blindness? What roles do the chorus and choragus assume?

Assignment Sheet: Drama and Film Essay

Choose one of the following topics, and write a well-organized essay of approximately 500 words.  Do NOT do any research.  Do NOT look at anything on the Internet.  This essay must contain only your original ideas and words.    After choosing a topic, go back to the text, and study through it carefully.  Find pertinent quotations from the play, and explain how those quotations prove your points.  Finally, remember to take the necessary time to plan what you want to write so that you present two to four main points in a logical and orderly fashion, and after you finish, please proofread carefully several times so that you don’t leave grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.  Good luck with your drama papers!

How is the imagery of light and darkness used throughout Oedipus the King?  How is it related to Oedipus’ blindness?
What roles do the chorus and choragus assume?  Compare their functions in the beginning, middle, and end of the play.
“Oedipus is completely fated.  He simply has no free choice.”  Agree or disagree with this statement.

4.  A Midsummer Night’s Dream ends with the words “Robin shall restore amends” (5.1.421).  Explain why     you think the plot does or does not end as it should, with the balance restored per your textbook’s notes for Chapter 21.

5.  Now that you have read MND and seen both Michael Hoffman’s 1999 film adaptation and Tom Gustafson’s Were the World Mine, which movie do you think more faithfully presents Shakespeare’s play? Citing the play and the film(s), discuss.

A dynamic character undergoes a significant change in personality or outlook while a static character stays the same.  Choose one of the characters from “Fences” and explain why that character is either dynamic or static.  Remember to give specific evidence from the text.

Upon receiving the Claimant’s said post-hearing brief, the Respondent immediately objected on the basis this new argument cannot be presented when the Respondent no longer had an opportunity to respond / rebut this new argument. As Sole Arbitrator, what would you do?

International Arbitration


PART 1 (40 marks) ALL Questions in Part I MUST be answered (read each question carefully):

In addition to any other reasons/references/explanations that a candidate ought to / may be required to provide
when addressing questions arising out of the fact matrix below, the answers should also (where possible to do so) give
reasons and refer to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 2006 (UML) and the
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2013 (UAR).


(a) You are the Sole Arbitrator in a dispute between two pharma manufacturing companies over an alleged breach of scope of use of intellectual property (as enshrined in the contract) due to unlawful termination. During the pre-hearing conference, both parties agreed that instead of oral closing submissions, they would want to submit post-hearing briefs (i.e. as written submissions). As Sole Arbitrator, upon going through the closing written submissions, it dawns upon you that the Claimant has presented a new argument in its post-hearing brief.

(i) Upon receiving the Claimant’s said post-hearing brief, the Respondent immediately objected on the basis this new argument cannot be presented when the Respondent no longer had an opportunity to respond / rebut this new argument. As Sole Arbitrator, what would you do?  (10 marks)

(ii) Based on the above fact scenario, can the Respondent challenge the Award or resist its recognition/enforcement if you (as Sole Arbitrator) allow the Claimant to present this new argument in its post-hearing briefs? If yes, on which ground(s)? Explain in detail.  (10 marks)

(b) An Arbitral Tribunal (AT) has issued its Final Award which is substantially in favour of the Claimant. The juridical seat of the arbitration is Italy. The Respondent feels outraged and aggrieved on a number of grounds:

(i) AT has made an error in its calculation of damages, in that it has failed to properly apply a formula agreed by quantum experts of both the Claimant and Respondent during the hot-tubbing session;

(ii) reasoning appears to be inconsistent and flawed; and

(iii) AT appears to have drawn on its own technical expertise (as two of the three members of the AT are engineers) in reaching its conclusion on an important and high value element of the claim, but it has not put the relevant analysis to the parties for their consideration and submissions. How and on what basis might the Respondent challenge the Final Award or resist enforcement, either in the seat of the arbitration or elsewhere?  (10 marks)

(c) What are the various points/issues to be covered/identified/discussed by the AT during a Pre-hearing
Conference?  (10 marks)

PART 1I (60 marks) ELECTIVE QUESTIONS (read each question carefully):

Answer any 3 (three) whole questions from Questions 2 to 6 (each question carries 20 marks in total)

QUESTION 2: In international arbitration, why is there a commonly accepted notion that an Arbitrator must, at all times (i.e. not just during the arbitration proceedings themselves), be and remain independent and impartial? Elaborate.  (20 marks)

QUESTION 3: Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation:
Compare and contrast each of these processes with each other. Further, describe any 3 (three) other ADR processes that parties to a dispute may take recourse to. Furthermore, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid procedure such as Med-Arb or Arb-Med?  (20 marks)

QUESTION 4: Basis for and factors to be considered by the Arbitral Tribunal (and its consequent implications) when considering the following applications during an arbitration proceeding:

(a) Security for Costs  (10 marks)

(b) Amendment of Pleadings   (10 marks)

QUESTION 5: Challenge to an Arbitral Tribunal (AT) Appointment and Bias:

(a) Explain the procedure and basis for challenging the appointment of an AT under the UML and UAR.  (7 marks)

(b) With reference to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in Halliburton Company v/s  Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd. [(2020) UKSC 48], explain, in sufficient detail, the concept of arbitrator  bias. Also briefly explain this concept from the perspective of the decision by the Swiss Federal Tribunal  (SFT) in Sun Yang v. Agence Mondiale Antidopage (AMA) and Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA)  [4A_318/2020].  (13 marks)

QUESTION 6: Arbitration agreements (AAs) and separability / severability and jurisdiction and pathological AAs:

(a) Explain the doctrines of severability / separability of AAs and Kompetenz-Kompetenz. Further, elaborate how, if at all, these doctrines have been incorporated in and are supported either by the UML or UAR. Finally, what are the practical consequences in an arbitration of each of these doctrines?  (10 marks)

(b) With reference to the jurisprudence stemming from the Singapore Court of Appeal decision in Insigma Technology Co. Ltd. v/s Alstom Technology Ltd. [2009] SGCA 24: Where an Arbitral Institution (AI) is appointed, do the parties have to adopt the procedural rules of the AI or are they free to elect any rules they see fit?  (8 marks)

(c) Name any 4 (four) Arbitral Institutions that have updated their Arbitration Rules w.e.f. 2021 (2 marks)

Which concept(s) are you going to utilize to analyze your topic of study and why?

Choose a contemporary public relations campaign :

Option #1 (PR Campaigns)
• Blue Origin’s “Fly to Space” campaign
• VanMoof’s “Ride the Future” campaign
• The Trudeau government’s assault rifle buyback
• Burger King’s “A Day Without Whopper” campaign
• Carlsberg’s “Adopt a Keg” campaign
• COP26 and the “phase down” vs. “phase out” of coal

Once you have chosen your campaign of interest, actively follow its digital promotion and the campaign’s use of its websites and social media platforms as public relations tools. In essence, you are to follow and analyze the digital promotion of your chosen public relations campaign.

Write up your analysis as a paper (10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length), being sure to integrate the any of the following concepts:
o Framing Theory
o The CEO Celebrity
o Tribal Marketing / Cult Branding
o Market Orientations
o Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
o Open Branding / User Generated Branding
o Gruning & Hunt’s (1984) Four Models of PR
o The Public Sphere, Civil Society, & Social Capital
o Pseudo Events
o Hashtag Activism

as well as at least eight (8) additional relevant sources

Use the APA citation style.

– How should your PR paper be organized?

o Introduction & Background, Introduce your topic of study. Tell us why and how it fits into either Option #1. Establish the background and context of your topic.

o Theoretical Framework. Which concept(s) are you going to utilize to analyze your topic of study and why?

o Findings & Conclusions. Analyze your subject matter using the concept(s) and give the reader the key points/takeaways from your analysis. Be sure to answer the all-important “so what?” and “who cares?” about the relevancy of your project
and its findings.