
How has the 3.11 disaster been conceived of and memorialized? What, in the process of committing the catastrophe to history, has the government officially recorded and what has it chosen to forget?

Last Paper

Watch the video(Crisis as Narrative – The 2011 Tohoku triple disaster) and write the paper following the prompt. Also, use outside resources if needed.


Prompt: How has the 3.11 disaster been conceived of and memorialized? What, in the process of committing the catastrophe to history, has the government officially recorded and what has it chosen to forget? Explain (in 500-700 words) some of the most salient aspects of the main account of the disaster offered by the presentation, describing how it relates to the tropes of ‘disasters as great equalizers’ and ‘Japan, the land of disasters’.

Demonstrate knowledge of a range of frameworks of strategy and creativity appropriate for the evaluation of complex situations in organisations.

Strategy and innovation – Assignment 2 – ‘Heaven Scent Floral Designs’ Analysis

⦁ Demonstrate knowledge of a range of frameworks of strategy and creativity appropriate for the evaluation of complex situations in organisations.

⦁ Use appropriate methods to analyze an organization and its context in order to generate coherent, innovative strategic options and choice.

Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the nature of motivations that direct an individual’s course of action.

Fold and tear along perforation.

Suggested time: approximately 1½ to 2 hours
Do not use the texts provided in this booklet for the Critical/Analytical Response to
Literary Texts Assignment. Choose from short stories, novels, plays, screenplays, poetry, films, or other literary texts that you have studied in English Language Arts 30–1. When considering the works that you have studied, choose a literary text (or texts) that is meaningful to you and relevant to the following assignment.

The Assignment
Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the nature of motivations that direct an individual’s course of action.

In your planning and writing, consider the following instructions.
• Carefully consider your controlling idea and how you will create a strong unifying effect in your response.
• As you develop your ideas, support them with appropriate, relevant, and meaningful examples from your choice of literary text(s).

Assignment II: Critical / Analytical Response to Literary Texts
Initial Planning
You may use this space for your initial planning. This information assists markers in
identifying the text you have chosen to support your ideas. The markers who read your
composition will be very familiar with the literary text you have chosen.
Literary Text and
Text Creator
Note: Write the title of your chosen literary text on the back cover of this examination
Personal Reflection on Choice of Literary Text

Briefly explore your reasons for selecting the literary text as support for your response.
Markers will consider the information you provide here when considering the effectiveness of your supporting evidence.

Critically analyze an industry of your choice and identify the leading players, preferably in a specific country and evaluate the drivers, processes, systems, and strategies that this particular company is employing to foster disruption. 

Disruptive Innovation

Various sectors have been affected by disruption. The disruption manifests in several ways- but technology has been one but certainly NOT the only driver. Some of these have been from new disruptors in the market that have driven meaningful change. However, some incumbents have been at the forefront of disruption and making fostering a significant impact for themselves and their customers. As you are aware, most academics and practitioners have been slow to recognize this and build an understanding.
To that end, you are required to critically analyze an industry of your choice and identify the leading players, preferably in a specific country and evaluate the drivers, processes, systems, and strategies that this particular company is employing to foster disruption.

To do so, you will have to:-
Determine and select the interpretation of disruption- One option is to use the criteria adopted by Bartman 2015- and his team at Harvard – see link for reference [you may select other interpretations] – (Links to an external site.)
Select a sector/ industry preferably in a single country or Economic Zone, for example, the European Union [EU], and then a company that operates within it. Publically listed companies will offer more data for analysis (They are required to publish their information- financial performance, strategy direction, etc)
Use evidence-based assertions to support your analysis to support your recommendation.
To address this- rely on the theoretical aspects and practical insights covered in class and through further research
You must acknowledge the strategic direction the business is currently undertaking, the market dynamics, trends, and several other variables
To achieve the above, you will develop a 3000-word report that can be used by practitioners and academia. Therefore, the right blend between theory and practice must be used.

Select one of the articles found under Additional Resources and examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice and help you understand the stigma associated with obesity.

Obesity Bias

What would you say to the nurse who told Mrs. L, “I am sure that delaying your lunch until we get you settled won’t hurt you a bit?” How can the nurse who made these statements improve her biases: “Isn’t it sad that all she can seem to focus on is her lunch? She needs to be on a strict diet.”

Select one of the articles found under Additional Resources and examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice and help you understand the stigma associated with obesity.

Additional Resources:

• Implicit bias in healthcare professionals: a systematic review.
FitzGerald C, Hurst S.BMC Med Ethics. 2017 Mar 1;18(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s12910-017-0179-8.PMID: 28249596 Free PMC article. Review.
• Exploring unconscious bias in disparities research and medical education.
van Ryn M, Saha S.JAMA. 2011 Sep 7;306(9):995-6. doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.1275.PMID: 21900142 Free PMC article. No abstract available.
• Avoiding unconscious bias.
Rimmer A.BMJ. 2016 Aug 10;354:i4366. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i4366.PMID: 27511864 No abstract available.
• Cultural sensitvty, unconscious bias and quality of health care.
Kale S, Hong CS.J Fam Health. 2017 Mar;27(2):28-31.PMID: 29727105 No abstract available.
• The Efficacy of an Antioppression Curriculum for Health Professionals.
Wu D, Saint-Hilaire L, Pineda A, Hessler D, Saba GW, Salazar R, Olayiwola N.Fam Med. 2019 Jan 7;51(1):22-30. doi: 10.22454/FamMed.2018.227415.PMID: 30412265

Describe what subjects the article talks about, but keep it concise! How is this information relevant to me? How is this information connected to microbiology content studied in class?

summary on a news article or video about microbiology, microorganisms, or diseases caused by pathogens (virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, or helminth).


Extra Credit Article Summaries

The purpose of this assignment is to write a summary on a news article or video about microbiology, microorganisms, or diseases caused by pathogens (virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, or helminth). Make sure to find and summarize your own articles – do not use the same article as another student, and do not copy from others. Each Summary is worth up to 6 points added to your lowest test grade.

Articles must be a news piece no more than 3 months old, and must have a length of at least 250 words. A news video must be at least 1.5 minutes. A general educational summary or encyclopedia-style article will not count – it must be current events news. Do not use articles posted or covered by the instructor.

Summary Format
Put the title, date the article was published, and source of the article as the heading of your summary.

First Paragraph: In 50 to 75 words, write a summary of the article. Describe what subjects the article talks about, but keep it concise!

Second Paragraph: Address the following questions: 1) “How is this information relevant to me?” and 2) “How is this information connected to microbiology content studied in class?” There is no word limit for this paragraph, but try to keep the entire abstract at 1-2 pages.

Bottom: Put the web browser URL of the article or video at the end. Double check the URL; if the article can’t be found, the abstract can’t be graded. You may wish to save a copy in case there is a problem.

How to Find Articles
When searching, use general terms if you get too few choices and specific terms if you get too many
News Web Sites: The Health and Science sections of Google News ( are useful sites for current news. Reputable websites that post news articles should be used. Good examples are USA Today, ABC News, Reuters, Associated Press, WBTV, Charlotte Observer. Do not use newsletters, reviews, personal essays, social media, and websites that are unprofessional or ‘sketchy’.

CCC’s Summon Tool: Go to This will take you to a page where you can type in what you are interested in, and pull up articles from multiple sources and databases. Can use on campus or off campus with username and password. Click on and download the articles you want to use. Be sure you save the complete article URL.


Define the term thoroughly, in your own words. Explain the importance of the term using evidence. Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.

Week 1 Assignment

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1 and 2 in the course textbook. The purpose of this assignment is twofold: first, to enable you to explore a term (concept, technique, place, etc.) related to this week’s theme of sustaining Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems; second, to provide your first contribution to a collective project, the Class Sustainable Living Guide. Your work this week, and in the weeks that follow, will be gathered (along with that of your peers) into a master document that you will receive a few days after the end of the course. The document will provide everyone with a variety of ideas for how we can all live more sustainably in our homes and communities.

To complete this assignment,

Select a term from the list of choices in the Week 1 – Term Selection Table located in the course. Type your name in the table, next to the word that you would like to choose.
Do not select a term that a classmate has already chosen; only one student per term. If you choose a term that is hyperlinked to a source, that term is one that is not mentioned in our textbook. Instead of being required to use the text as your third source for completing the assignment, you will be expected to use the hyperlinked source provided for you.
Download the Week 1 Assignment Template Download Week 1 Assignment Template available in the course and replace the guiding text with your own words based upon your online research.
Do not include a cover page. All references, however, should be cited in your work and listed at the end, following APA Style expectations.
In the template, you will

Define the term thoroughly, in your own words.
Explain the importance of the term using evidence.
Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.
Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term.
Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.
Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.

Discuss the writers of the Harlem and Chicago Renaissances. How were they funded? Highlight the major figures and differing philosophies.

Answer only three of the following four questions separately and to the best of your ability. Use only the text and our class discussions. No outside sources. Each of your three answers must be 1-2 pages in length. Each answer must be clearly marked with the corresponding question number. Do not retype the question. Your answers must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font. All three answers should be sent as one document.


1: Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey were the three preeminent black leaders of the late 19th and early 20th century. Discuss their origins, ascensions, philosophies, and conflicts.


2. Discuss the writers of the Harlem and Chicago Renaissances. How were they funded? Highlight the major figures and differing philosophies.


3. Discuss the relationship between the communist party and the struggle for civil rights in the United States. You should explain the significance of the Scottsboro Boys, the Red Scare, etc. You should explain why the communist party fell out of favor.


4. Highlight some of the key women involved in the traditional Civil Rights Movement of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. How did they deal with both racism and sexism?

Source: Darlene Clark Hine, William Hine, and Stanley Harrold, African Americans A Concise History, 5th edition (Pearson, 2013) (Hereinafter referred to as “Hine”)

Compare and contrast Social reaction(labeling) theory and choice theory

Similarities in Theories

Compare and contrast Social reaction(labeling) theory and choice theory

Compare and contrast this culture with your own culture. Provide examples of the historical, socioeconomic, political, educational, and topographical aspects of this culture.

 Diverse and Culturally-Specific Approaches to Healthcare.

For this assignment, you will examine the role of the nurse as a culturally diverse practitioner. Identify your target audience (i.e. staff nurses, pre-licensure nursing students, etc.) and create a PowerPoint presentation.

A nurse educator is preparing an orientation on culture and the workplace. There is a need to address the many cultures that seek healthcare services and how to better understand the culture. Choose a culture that you feel less knowledgeable about and address the following prompts by including two to three examples of each bullet point:

• Compare and contrast this culture with your own culture.
• Provide examples of the historical, socioeconomic, political, educational, and topographical aspects of this culture.
• Report the appropriate interdisciplinary interventions for hereditary, genetic, and endemic diseases and high-risk health behaviors within this culture.
• Determine the influences of their value systems on childbearing and bereavement practices.
• Name their sources of strength, spirituality, and magico-religious beliefs associated with health and health care.
• Outline health-care practices, including acute versus preventive care; barriers to health care; the meaning of pain and the sick role; and traditional folk medicine practices.
• Identify cultural issues related to learning styles, autonomy, and educational preparation of content for this culture.