
Identify and explain the physical and psychological effects of long-term medical conditions on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and how this affect well being in the mother, baby, and family

Case study for long term condition in pregnancy

Task : This assignment is a written case study of the student’s involvement in the management of care provided to a woman with a long-term condition.

The word limit for the assessment is 2000 words.

Your essay should be written from the perspective of a healthcare professional. It should be written in an academic style, be correctly referenced and use relevant literature to support your arguments

You need to demonstrate that you meet the identified leaning outcomes of the module in your essay response.

You must select a pregnant or postnatal person who has been diagnosed with a long-term medical condition. You can choose to create your own case.

Consider what observations, investigations and interventions are required to ensure safe and effective care for the mother and baby, incorporating the role of the midwife, the obstetric team and specialist MDT. This should include some discussion of the pathophysiology of the condition (how and why it affects the mother and baby outside of normal pregnancy changes).

You should conduct a literature search beyond the provided reading lists, specific to your chosen long-term condition, and critically analyse this. Critical analysis goes beyond describing what a piece of research or literature says and explores the strengths and limitations of how the research was conducted e.g., ethical approval, number of participants, methods, and design. This analysis should support your discussion of what care should look like. This may include clinical guidelines at a Trust and National level such as NICE or RCOG.

All women and pregnant people with long-term medical conditions should have observations recorded on a MEOWs chart. You need to discuss the importance of the use of a MEOWs chart for identifying a deterioration in condition.

Follow the guidance in your programme handbook in relation to how this assessment should be set out and the guidance re academic integrity statement for submission on the front page.

Include one reference list at the end of the assignment that relates to the portfolio entries and the reflective essay. (The reference list is not included in the word count, but the in-text referencing is included in the word count).

Identify a Physical long-term condition identified within the module learning

Explain how MEOWS maybe used when caring for a woman with a long-term condition

Demonstrate a level of critical thinking and avoid merely describing.

Carry out a search of the literature and identify relevant papers. Please do not just limit yourself to the reading list for the module
Develop and argument- don’t just write about the topic but construct a reasoned answer to the assignment task based on the evidence you have reviewed
Use Arial font, size 12 point and double spacing.

The learning outcomes that are being assessed through this assessment are:

Identify and explain the physical and psychological effects of long-term medical conditions on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and how this affect well being in the mother, baby, and family

Apply practical thinking skills to solve authentic problems and make decisions when assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating individualised midwifery care plans for women during normal childbearing and in more complicated pregnancies, such as those affected by underlying long-term medical conditions. This includes connecting pre-existing knowledge of the pregnant and non-pregnant human body (anatomy and physiology) to the altered physiological states experienced by women with long-term medical conditions or receiving pain relief

Act as self-directed learners who identify, critically analyse and evaluate bodies of literature relating to the effect of long-term medical conditions or pain relief methods on the woman, fetus, baby and developing child, and the role of the health care professional in reducing adverse effects

Recognise the value of and recommend the use of a Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) chart (if appropriate) in the management of ‘high-risk’ pregnant and postnatal women.

Resources and literature:

All papers used need to be peer reviewed, primary and reliable evidence. Seek out relevant local and national policies and guidelines from your Trusts and from organisations such as NICE and the RCOG. Defenitly use the MBRRACE report.

Design a short self – completion questionnaire on a topic in the social sciences. Provide an 800-word reflection on developing the questionnaire

Questionnaire – 15-20 questions

This paper has two sections:

First section
Design a short self – completion questionnaire on a topic in the social sciences.

The questionnaire should consist of between 15 and 20 questions that address a topic in the social sciences. It should be completed as a word document. Please focus on only one topic and develop appropriate questions to address this.

Your questionnaire should consist of only closed questions. The questionnaire should also include the collection of socio-demographic data such as gender, age etc. Make sure the wording of the questions is clear and not open to misinterpretation.

In addition to considering the clarity of the questions it is important to ensure that the questionnaire is ordered appropriately, and that you very briefly introduce the focus of the questionnaire.

Assume that the questionnaire is being completed by someone who has already agreed to complete the questionnaire and to the ethical considerations. As such these aspects don’t need to be discussed here. However, at the start of the questionnaire you should provide a brief statement regarding the focus of the questionnaire. This should only be a couple of lines or so.

It is worth noting that you always need to be clear about how you want respondents to indicate their replies when answering closed-ended questions. For instance, are they supposed to place a tick next to, circle around, or line underneath the appropriate answer, or are they supposed to delete inappropriate answers? Decide whether to employ any filter questions and ensure instructions are clear. Consider whether more than one response can be used.

Second section

Provide an 800-word reflection on developing the questionnaire

Accompanying the questionnaire (at the end of it, in the same document) provide an 800-word reflection on the process of developing the questionnaire. This should include a discussion of:

The process of developing the questions including any changes you made to the questions as a result of piloting the questionnaire and why. You should only briefly explain why the questions were chosen to address the focus of your research. These should largely be self-explanatory to the person completing the questionnaire.

The decision-making in relation to the presentation of the questionnaire and how it is structured. This may include the question order, the types of questions employed (such as Likert scales) and why these were chosen, and the vertical or horizontal presentation of the questions, whether filter questions are employed and whether don’t know questions were used.
In order to produce this reflection, you should draw on methods literature which helped to inform your decision-making when developing the questionnaire. You should provide a list of references like in an essay.
This reflection does not need an introduction and conclusion like an essay.
Make sure you use these two sources that I have put below but make sure you also use other sources that you find

Choose two things to compare. Choose items with which you are already familiar. How do you decide what to choose?

Analytical report: apple music vs spotify

Paper Overview For the report, you will choose two similar things to compare. You will research them using the internet and LSSC databases and also conduct original research. Finally, you will write an analysis which contains the research and a judgment of which item is superior. • Length: reaches at least 1000 words. • Page Format: APA. • Information: includes an introduction, 3-6 data sections, and a conclusion. • Sources: 3 of the sources from your Annotated Bibliography and 1 visual (more may be used) • Analysis: compares two equivalent items using 3-6 logical criteria, draws reasonable conclusions using research, and contains a final judgment. • Fluency: written clearly and vetted for grammar errors. Divided into logical paragraphs. • Language: avoids first and second person pronouns and is free of slang, clichés, and contractions • Citation: uses correct APA in-text citations and a references page. • Proofreading: submitted to Grammarly, and the final draft reaches at least a 90 grammar score and an unoriginal content ratio of 10% or less. Your grammar and plagiarism scores should be included with the assignment.

Steps for Creating the Report

1) Choose two things to compare. Choose items with which you are already familiar. How do you decide what to choose? Consider the following categories. • T VShows: Cop shows, late-night shows, family sitcoms, work-place comedies, cooking shows, game shows, or any other shows that have enough in common to justify the comparison.

• Movies: Action movies, office comedies, romantic comedies, horror movies, thrillers, slasher films, documentaries, Hallmark Christmas movies, or any other movies that have enough in common to justify the comparison. • Music: Two songs by the same artist, two songs from the same album, two songs that were nominated against each other in the same Grammy’s category, two songs about the same subject/topic, two theme songs from movies, two TV show theme songs, or any other songs that have enough in common to justify the comparison. Two works of art created in the same style, two works of art with similar subjects, two works of art with similar themes, or any other works of art that have enough in common to justify the comparison.
Whatever you choose, make sure the two items are equivalent: Don’t compare a television show and a painting. Compare two television shows OR two paintings.

2) Choose comparison criteria. Successful evaluations use criteria that are logical for the things being compared. When deciding on criteria, consider the aspects of your items which are most important to you. In this report, evaluate your items according to 3-6 criteria.

3) Research online. For this report, you will need to include 3 of the sources required by your Annotated Bibliography assignment. More sources can be used. Sources should give information about the items you are comparing.

4) Conduct personal research. If you are comparing songs, listen to them. If you are comparing films, watch them. If you are comparing short stories, read them. Take notes: You will use these notes for the data sections of your report.

5) Find visual elements. Visuals can take the form of photographs, illustrations, charts, graphs, and infographics: any format which helps illustrate the data is allowed. The final draft of the report should contain at least one visual. More may be used.

6) Design the report. Successful reports make use of the following elements. a. A standard style and size font: APA format requires Times New Roman 12 pt. b. APA page format: Make sure the essay meets standard format requirements. Since this is a technical report, you should also divide the essay into subsections with clear headings. c. Legible spacing: Double-space your entire report. Use bolded subheads to indicate the separate sections. Use bullet points and/or numbered lists within sections, if necessary, to make them more readable. d. Clear sentences and paragraphs: Vary sentence length and keep paragraphs clear and concise. Use Grammarly to edit the report. Double-check citations to be sure they meet APA format requirements. e. Third person point of view: Avoid words like I, me, my, you, we our, and us. f. Sufficiently formal language: Avoid slang, clichés, and contractions.

7) Draft the report. Although individual types of reports vary, report format always emphasizes clarity and conciseness. The report should be divided into labeled sections which include all necessary data while eliminating irrelevant data. It must end with an analysis and judgment.
The report should contain the following standard sections.
a. Introduction: In the Introduction, describe the things being compared and discuss why comparing them is worthwhile. List the criteria being used to compare the items and discuss why they are logical for the chosen items. b. Data Sections: Devote one data section to each criterion. Within each data section, evaluate the items according to that criterion. Use research to support the conclusions. Cite sources using APA in-text citations. If a data section includes a visual, make sure it is relevant. End each data section with a judgment of which item ‘won’ this criterion. c. Conclusion: Begin the conclusion by briefly summarizing the data sections. Then, make a judgment of which Item Is superior based upon your research. It’s not necessary to disparage either item, but you must declare one item superior. Reports which don’t contain a final judgment will lose points, as that is the Purpose of the report. d. References: Place an APA-style references page at the end of the report. Include all internet and database sources as well as the visual(s).

Discuss the Freedom of Information and Public Access (FOIA) law, its history, and identify how it applies to fire prevention activities and records.

Week 6

Using the internet as well as professional journals, articles and other academically recognized sources, discuss the following in this week discussion:

Discuss the Freedom of Information and Public Access (FOIA) law, its history, and identify how it applies to fire prevention activities and records.

Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented in the reading.


In the last chapter of Rachels, Elements of Moral Philosophy, they present their own moral theory, Multiple-Strategies Utilitarianism. Explain what it is, what Rachels thinks it achieves that the other theories do not, and whether or not you think it succeeds.

Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented in the reading.

What genre of theatre would you place this play in and why? Does this play have a message? What is that message? Do we, as the audience, take away (learn) anything after reading/watching this play? What?

Theatre and staging of play.

Needs to pass through turnitin plagiarism. Directions. By now you have learned much about various kinds of theatre and the process of staging a play. You have also read Is the One I Love Everywhere (Links to an external site. and seen a video of Seven Stages (Links to an external site. This essay must be 1500 words in length. In this essay, you should utilize what you have learned throughout the course to write about the process of staging a theatre production from the beginning (the script) to the end (performance in front of a live audience.) So, first, read the play Is the One I Love Everywhere? carefully and entirely. Then watch the 1991 theatre production of this play which is titled Seven Stages. You may have to watch the production and/or read the script more than once in order to capture details in writing your essay. Remember, this essay carries 1/4 of your course grade. So pay special attention to details. The following are some points that may help you in writing this essay:

What genre of theatre would you place this play in and why?
Does this play have a message? What is that message? Do we, as the audience, take away (learn) anything after reading/watching this play? What?
Who are the characters in this play? Do they resemble certain individuals or are they archetypes? Why do you think so?
Why do characters speak in different languages during the first stage? What does that signify?
How does the prologue (written in English in the play, but spoken in Persian in the production) help set the stage for the rest of the play, both in the script and in the production?
The play is in two parts. The first is set in ancient times and the second in modern times. Explained why the playwright chose to set the play within these two periods. How do the two parts relate to one another? How does dividing the play into two-part help foster the message of this play?
Why and how the characters change from ancient creatures to the people of today? Does the identity of each character change between the first and the second part? How and Why?
The 1991 production of this play was subtitled “a journey in process.” Now that you have read the script and watched the production, what do you think they meant by labeling the production as “a journey in process?”
A critic called the play “simply spiritual.” Do you agree with this critic? Explain why you do or do not agree with this critic?
This play was created 30 years ago, yet the script is published now. How is the play relevant to both time periods? How did it relate to the time when it was produced (1991), and what is its relevance to today?
In the textbook, we learned that acting is about wanting. A character always wants something, and during the play, s/he tries to achieve what s/he wants. If this is correct, then what do these characters want? How do they go about achieving what they want?

What is different about applying lean in a factory versus a service situation? 

Service organizations

1. Research and briefly describe one or two lean initiatives in service organizations and then make an argument for or against adopting lean principles in service businesses.  What is different about applying lean in a factory versus a service situation?  Describe your findings in a one-page (roughly) paper. 12 point font, single spaced.

What are the main principles of project management? How long has project management been practiced? What industries is project management widely used?

Project management

Conduct a literature review (library and Internet) on Project Management and include all that you can find on that subject in the current professional and pedagogical literature.

What are the main principles of project management?
How long has project management been practiced?
What industries is project management widely used?
Is project management consistent globally?

Aiming to use this topic to get a full understanding of handling projects, especially as it relates to the wider understanding of production and operations management. Project management deals with planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. This includes identifying and managing the lifecycle to be used, applying it to the user-centered design process, formulating the project team, and efficiently guiding the team through all phases until project completion.

How well has the firm performed financially over the past five years? What is the outlook for the firm in the future? How does the firm’s financial performance compare to its major competitors? To the industry?

Lowes Financial Analysis

This is the writing prompt that is trying to be addressed this is a term paper about Lowes Home Improvement. The paper must only pertain to Lowes and is just a segment of a larger paper.

Financial Analysis- support all of your analysis with quantitative data (5 pages)

A. How well has the firm performed financially over the past five years?
B. What is the outlook for the firm in the future?
C. How does the firm’s financial performance compare to its major competitors? To the industry?
D. Are there any financial measurements which are grounds for serious concern?

Write a 1 and 1/2 page essay explaining the problems with artificial intelligence that Haas discusses, and what this has to do with critical thinking.

The Real Reason to be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence

2) Watch the following video (Peter Haas,The Real Reason to be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence):


Write a 1 and 1/2 page essay explaining the problems with artificial intelligence that Haas discusses, and what this has to do with critical thinking.