
Why is the youth so easily influenced by social media? In what ways has social media caused for insecurity to increase? What are the affects of issues with body image? Does social media lead to most body issues?

Social Media’s Influence on Body Image

It is very easy for many young women to compare themselves to the images of models, celebrities, and influencers without realizing just how damaging the comparison is to themselves. Mostly everything that is posted on social media has gone through some extent of editing. Not even the people who post edited photos of themselves look like that and they know it. The harm that is caused to the audience of social media is unhealthy and can only lead to issues with their own bodies. The comparison of bodies, why certain body parts do not look like those they view on the internet. Unnecessary surgeries taking place for women who do not need it. Plastic surgery is very normalized within this generation and most of it is due to social media glorifying it. The purpose of this research paper is to unravel the affects of social media on the youth by responding to the following questions:

1.) Why is the youth so easily influenced by social media?
2.) In what ways has social media caused for insecurity to increase?
3.) What are the affects of issues with body image?
4.) Does social media lead to most body issues?

Discuss past stressors that precipitate, maintain, and exacerbate current family difficulties such as those that are ecological, developmental, and familial and their impact.

Case Study presention

Overview: Students will present a case study based on the Pearson family from “This is Us”. “This Is Us” is a unique show. It details the lives of the Pearson family over a span of 35 years. In order to complete the case study assignment, I would like you to approach the family from the perspective of current day (when Randall, Kate and Kevin are adults). When you consider the family from this perspective you will be able to use all the information shared in the show. It will be as if you’ve had 10 sessions with the family and fully appreciate all the family history and dynamics. I realize that as adults the family members do not actually live in the same city. However, we are going to pretend that they can attend family therapy together on a regular basis. Your primary clients are Rebecca, Kate, Kevin and Randall. They are seeking treatment to resolve the conflict between members of the family and improve overall communication. This is a complicated family system. As such, it is a perfect case to present in clinical supervision. Imagine that I am your clinical supervisor. You are presenting this case to me in clinical supervision. Obviously, we cannot meet face to face; therefore, you are going to create a PowerPoint presentation using the outline below. Please submit the completed assignment to the Assignment folder.

Purpose: To prepare students to present case studies for group or individual clinical supervision.

Assignment Outline:

1. Identifying/Demographic Information (2 points): (2-3 slides)
• Describe family members living at home or current living situation for those not home. Comment on members of extended family.
• Provide descriptive data such as ages, marriages, and employment.
• Provide other case specific pertinent descriptive data such as culture, race, and religion.
• Provide brief/ overview of family background such as recent history, any relevant medical or developmental concerns, intergenerational themes, family dynamics, and acculturation concerns.

2. Family Relationships/Dynamics (2 points): (2-3 slides)
• Discuss family alliances/coalitions and their impact- the power structure in the family system.
• Discuss family boundaries—structure, communication, and interpersonal involvement with each other; functional boundaries; closeness versus lack of clear boundaries; degree and expression of closeness among family members; cultural considerations and variations that may be present.
• Discuss family supports and their impact such as emotional supports and social supports

3. Family strengths (1 points): (1-2 slides)
• Individual members; extended family; family as a whole

4. Summarize the problems/challenges the family has encountered (2 points): (2-3 slides)

• Discuss current stressors—ecological, developmental, and familial and their impact.
i. Examples: Interpersonal conflicts, dysfunctional behaviors, environmental, cultural, victimization, mental health influences, etc. and their impact.
• Discuss past stressors that precipitate, maintain, and exacerbate current family difficulties such as those that are ecological, developmental, and familial and their impact.
i. Examples: Interpersonal conflicts, dysfunctional behaviors, environmental, cultural, victimization, mental health influences, etc. and their impact.
• Discuss problem solving and its impact- what has the family done to try to address problems; what worked; satisfaction with what worked, etc.

5. Identify any high-risk behaviors (substance abuse, domestic violence, emotional abuse, child abuse/neglect, criminal history, suicide risk, self-harm, etc.) within the family (1 point):.(1 slide)

6. Goal of family therapy: (1 slide) (2 points)
• Write 2 objectives using SMART criteria that can help this family meet their goal

7. Spelling/grammar/ APA (1 point)

What is the difference between language learning and language acquisition? Provide examples to support your explanation.

Discussion Post

What is the difference between language learning and language acquisition? Provide examples to support your explanation.

Cite one source that supports the explanation

What are traditional and modern ways that organizations measure competence for the purpose of promotions? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

BAM 411 #3

What are traditional and modern ways that organizations measure competence for the purpose of promotions? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

What are the three basic causes of workplace accidents? Discuss OSHA’s role in workplace accidents.

BAM 411 #4

What are the three basic causes of workplace accidents? Discuss OSHA’s role in workplace accidents.

Evaluate the major strategic decisions made during the six-round BSG simulation. Reflect on one round that stood out, why and key lessons learnt.

Fure from the BSG game

1. Evaluate the major strategic decisions made during the six-round BSG simulation. Reflect on one round that stood out, why and key lessons learnt. 30 marks

2. Reflect on relevant theoretical frameworks applicable to understanding the internal, external and competitive environments of your business; and discuss how these frameworks helped in shaping decisions made in your BSG. 30 marks

3. Critically evaluate the impact of ONE specific emerging technology on the future of your business and make useful recommendations to future managers. 30 marks

4. Present a high standard and professional reflective report.

Define the “need” or problem, including its causes and the significance of solving the problem. Identify a specific audience or stakeholders. Describe the solution or plan.

Solutions to racism

Word count: 2,000 word minimum

For the final paper, you will propose a solution to a problem and include these 6 elements:

Define the “need” or problem, including its causes and the significance of solving the problem.
Identify a specific audience or stakeholders.
Describe the solution or plan.
Analyze the feasibility of your solution.
Use at least 5 academic sources to support your solution or the feasibility of your solution.
Incorporate multimodal elements effectively, such as headings, fonts, colors, and images.

Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models in the context of key business issues such as cyber security and ethics that your chosen business uses or may use.

Strategies and operations for a e-commerce business

Choose a well-established digital business or e-commerce business in a B2B or B2C context. The chosen business must have a well-developed website, where you can find information about their strategies and operations. You are taking the role of an independent digital/e-commerce business consultant tasked to evaluate the strategies that the chosen digital/ e-commerce business is applying based on the tasks outlined below and complete these in a report.

The tasks include:

1. Provide an overview of key trends and advantages of digital technology and implications for managing virtual business in the global environment by drawing on your chosen business.

2. Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models in the context of key business issues such as cyber security and ethics that your chosen business uses or may use.

3. Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology for your chosen business.

4. Discuss how e-commerce principles could be used by your chosen business.

Briefly describe, identify its salient features and determine how successfully these features have been implemented given the choices made in the composition of the work.


Final paper. An important part of the learning process is the ability to apply the concepts and techniques studied in this course to a related domain of your choice. The final paper is meant to provide exactly this opportunity. You will be expected to write a 1,500-word paper (or a 2,500-word piece if you need writing credit) applying the concepts and techniques examined in this course to understand some aspect of a work in the arts. More specifically, you should evaluate an artwork (or some artworks) in one of the arts (literature, cinema, performing arts, fine arts, music, or architecture), depending on of your choice. You should briefly describe it, identify its salient features and determine how successfully these features have been implemented given the choices made in the composition of the work. preferably as a Word file, making sure that the name of the files for each of your assignments is in the format:

‘YourLastName _YourFirstName _TypeOfAssignment.doc’. (The final paper corresponds to 40% of the final grade.)