
What state of Massachusetts disability category would it come under? How is it diagnosed? How common is it?

Visual Impairment Disability in Schools

Disability Information
• Definition of the disability under IDEA in the USA
• What state of Massachusetts disability category would it come under?
• Causes of Visual Impairment (Physiological Causes, Environmental, Psychological Causes)
• Characteristics of Visual Impairment (cognitive, academic, and social/emotional)
• How is it diagnosed?
• Statistics
• How common is it?
• Age typically diagnosed
• Life expectancy
• Other interesting statistics
• Identify data sources used for information

Early Intervention/ Preschool Interventions
Age 0-5
• Early Intervention
• Family perspective

School: K-12
Age: 5-18
• Classroom supports
• Type of classrooms setting(s) most commonly placed – in the Least Restrictive Environment
• Accommodations/ Modifications in PLEP A&B on IEP (Individualized Education Program)
• Common Service Delivery on IEP
• Common Goal Focus Areas on IEP
• Trends
• Social issues
• Family perspective

Age: 19+
• What are some options after high school? (college, training programs, life skills, programs/ groups, job)
• Family perspective
• Independent living

Describe how you would analyze the data in terms of coding the data, description and thematic analysis stemmed from the codes, validity/reliability check, etc.

Qualitative research project

Describe how you would analyze the data in terms of coding the data, description and thematic analysis stemmed from the codes, validity/reliability check, etc.

Provide an overview of role of an organizations vision and mission, clearly highlighting the differences between both components.

Alignment and Execution

Question 1
Good strategy alignment hinges on a company’s ability to properly define its vision and mission. Even so, it is common for organizations to confuse both elements. Provide an overview of role of an organizations vision and mission, clearly highlighting the differences between both components. (800 words)

Question 2
Financial measures and metrics are commonly used to evaluate (1) the alignment of a company’s strategy to its operations and (2) the execution success of the strategic initiative. What are some of the weaknesses of using financial measures in such evaluations? (800 words)

A single 30-second commercial on ABC is $100,000 and it can reach 100,000,000 individuals. What is the CPM for this commercial? What does the CPM mean?


Assignment 12 Research Application

Instructions: To receive full credits of the following questions (except Q2), your responses should provide calculation processes.

The number of households or people tuned to a specific channel is 2,500. The total number of television households is 20,000. What is the audience rating in this example?

Provide a short description of three dimensions of copy testing research.

As a PR manager of the Company K, you are trying to promote your new phone and decide which newspaper might be a better deal between newspaper A and newspaper B. Newspaper A asked for $250,000 as the total promotion cost, and its circulation is 2,000,000. Newspaper B asked for $750,000 as the total promotion cost, and its circulation is 3,000,000. Considering CPM (the chapter the better), which one is the better option for the new phone campaign?

As a manager of the Company X, you are trying to decide which media channel you will use to promote a new product. You have two options: a) A major newspaper with expected reach 12% and average frequency 4, and b) A TV commercial right before a popular TV show that has expected reach of 25% and average frequency of 2. Considering the reach-frequency relationship (Gross Rating Points) while other factors (e.g. budget, media preference of target audience) are pretty much the same, which one is a more effective media channel to promote the new product?

A single 30-second commercial on ABC is $100,000 and it can reach 100,000,000 individuals. What is the CPM for this commercial? What does the CPM mean?

What do you now know about marketing that you didn’t before? What concepts covered in the course made the greatest impression on you? Why?

Principles of marketing

You may wish to review your Written Assignment 1, in which you described your view of marketing at the beginning of the course.

Answer these questions:
1) What do you now know about marketing that you didn’t before? (For best results, identify specific course concepts that you learned.)

2) What concepts covered in the course made the greatest impression on you? Why? Note: consider this final essay to be an unofficial “post-test” of your new cumulative knowledge of the principles of marketing.


How many weekly hours do you get exercise? How many photos are in your camera roll? How many languages do you speak? How many televisions do you have in your house? How many Youtube videos do you watch per day?


Hours Worked Per week?
How tall are you?
How much water do you drink daily?
Number of sodas you drink in a day?
Number of pets in your house?
Number of fast food meals you eat in a week?
How many weekly hours do you get exercise?
How many photos are in your camera roll?
How many languages do you speak?
How many televisions do you have in your house?
How many Youtube videos do you watch per day?
Hours your play electronic games survey?
How many hats do you own?
How many hours you spend on school work each week?
how many tik toks do you watch a day?

Explain why this particular topic is important to the workplace and how the organizations leaders and employees can use the information.

Diversity in the workplace

For your final project you will be an I/O Consultant preparing to advise the manager or CEO about an issue directly relating to their organization.
You will be researching a specific topic related to I/O Psychology that would be useful and informative to a manager or CEO of a company. You will synthesize your findings from the research literature and present them as if you were advising that manager or CEO on that issue.
First you will find at least four journal articles on your chosen topic and write an annotated bibliography summarizing each article (see Doc Sharing for directions on writing an annotated bibliography). Finally you will then synthesize your findings in a 3 to 4 page summary paper of what you found, the pros and cons found in the research, and your recommendation to the manager or CEO concerning this issue in their organization.
For example, you could select several articles on workplace violence and write an annotated bibliography of each summarizing their main points in non-research language, including agreements and disagreements on particular findings. Next the summary paper should explain why this particular topic is important to the workplace and how the organizations leaders and employees can use the information. Additionally you will make suggestions for this organization based on your research findings. The paper should be presented in a professional way, nicely formatted, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and presented in a clear and structured way.

Women in different times and places have lived under the constraints of a patriarchal society. How did they deal with these constraints and how were they affected by them?


Write a 3-4 pages essay including direct quote from both articles.

Women in different times and places have lived under the constraints of a patriarchal society. How did they deal with these constraints and how were they affected by them? Read and interpret “A Rose for Emily” and “The Daughters of the Dead Colonel” in your discussion of this question.

What authority does the president have in creating foreign policy? Has it shifted over time? How much authority is wrapped up in his or her personality and popularity? What about the authority of Congress?

Foreign affairs and national defense issues

A common belief among academics is that foreign affairs and national defense issues have very little impact on presidential campaigns (Aldrich, et al 1989). One theory is that voters are more concerned about domestic issues – their own economic concerns, for example. Another theory (Aldrich, et al 1989) is that there is very little difference between the two major parties’ positions when it comes to America’s foreign policy and national defense. However, with the presidential election already under way, there are already distinct differences being drawn by the candidates on how they view the role of the president in crafting foreign policy and how closely he or she should work with Congress. Furthermore, each candidate has their own stance on how strongly engaged America should be internationally.

What authority does the president have in creating foreign policy? Has it shifted over time? How much authority is wrapped up in his or her personality and popularity? What about the authority of Congress? How have these powers shifted over two centuries of American history? Is there an ideal balance? Which branch should have the most power? How involved should the United States be internationally? Should we be the “world’s police”?

Write a recommendation letter for College about a student who volunteered at your Tutorial Center for 3 years.

Recommendation letter

Write a recommendation letter for College about a student who volunteered at your Tutorial Center for 3 years. A letter of recommendation for a volunteer is important because it tells the university administrator the activities the volunteer has engaged in and the skills they’ve shown and developed throughout their volunteer experience. Volunteers can use many of their hard and soft skills in a professional capacity, so mentioning these skills may help them improve their chances of getting a job or earning a scholarship. Emphasizing the value of the volunteer to the organization can help the recipient understand how the person can benefit their organization as well.