
From your research, discuss the main treatments commonly used, and why they are used such as medical, psychological, and social, family, alternative treatments.

Dissociative Disorder

This is a 2 section Report. Section A will likely be 1-3 pages and vary for everyone, depending on their topic and the length of their corresponding DSM section. Section B will be 6-7 pages

Section A: Diagnostic Criteria
Cut and paste the Diagnostic Criteria section on your topic from the DSM 5 chapter on your topic;
1. Go online to the DSM 5 (from a Humber computer or with the Library proxy server (contact the library for assistance, not your professor) to “PsychiatryOnline”;
2. Click on the entry PsychiatryOnline at;
3. Click on the image of the purple book, then
4. Click on “Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes”;
5. Select a chapter that contains your topic’s diagnosis;
6. Scroll to the chapter’s specific section of your diagnosis of interest and locate the pink background insert entitled “Diagnostic Features”;
7. Select, cut and paste this entire Diagnostic Criteria section (it usually will be 1-3 pages single spaced / 12 pt. font) into Section A of your report (single spacing required for this report section only). (1 mark: but minus 5 marks if you omit this)

Section B: Discussion of Topic

1. Causes
• Detail all the currently known main causes of the mental health challenge / diagnosis that you have found in your research. (6 marks)

2. Impacts
• Given your Section A – Diagnostic Criteria information and the other information in the Diagnostic Features section of your diagnosis of interest, comment on several specific issues (e.g., stigmatization, family problems, employment issues, challenges to maintaining optimal day to day functioning, etc.) that you believe are likely to arise for a client with the mental health challenge you are discussing.
• Explain why you think these issues are likely to occur; what the research says about them. This information is based on what you have learned through your research, what has been taught in class or through your work in the field. If relating your comments to your experience in the field, you must clearly identify this as the source of your information. (6 marks)

3. Treatments
• From your research, discuss the main treatments commonly used, and why they are used such as medical (e.g., medications / surgeries or other medical treatments), psychological (e.g., the main types of therapies or other interventions), and social, family, alternative treatments.
• You must discuss treatments that address at least 3 of the different areas / issues noted in your Impacts section. (6 marks)

4. Interventions
• Provide several specific and detailed examples of how you, as an SSW, might intervene with specific SSW activities / roles that are part of the SSW Standards of Practice with your client(s) who have the mental health challenge you are discussing (e.g., what resources might you provide for them, where would you refer (you must use specific agency names and their specific program names) them if necessary/applicable, etc.) Be sure to back up your ideas in the above sections with researched information from RELEVANT literature that you cite. Formatting Marks and Requirements (5 marks)

Identify one health issue related to morbidity and mortality. Locate three empirical articles from the GCU Library related to primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, one for each level of prevention, including health promotion and screening related to the health issue you have identified in your research.

PUB 510 Levels of prevention

Evidence is important in understanding and making decisions regarding public health. Empirical articles serve as credible sources of support because they provide or describe evidence based on research. Empirical articles describe original research or the results of a study.

Begin by researching major causes and trends in morbidity and mortality in the United States. Once you have completed your research, identify one health issue related to morbidity and mortality. Locate three empirical articles from the GCU Library related to primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, one for each level of prevention, including health promotion and screening related to the health issue you have identified in your research. Utilize the “PUB-510 Levels of Prevention Matrix” in order to evaluate your chosen articles.

Your selected articles must have been published within the last 5 years, and the information discussed in your matrix must be paraphrased/summarized.

Describe what instruments are used in that culture, and the singing.

Music culture of Italy

1. Geographical information
2. History of the culture
3. At least three listening examples of its music, and any important details (ex. All music was coupled with a dance, or all music was ceremonial) about each song
4. Describe what instruments are used in that culture, and the singing.

Describe a problem you have identified in your field. Proposed a solution to the problem in a single sentence at end of last paragraph in this section?

Argumentative Essay

This piece should be a complete final draft with a minimum of four pages and a maximum of six, not including the Works Cited. This paper should use a minimum of five academic sources.

Background / Introduction: Identify a problem and propose a solution

Has your introduction:
described a problem you have identified in your field? (1 paragraph)
explained why this problem has a negative impact? (1-2 paragraphs)
identified one or more causes of the problem? (1-2 paragraphs)
proposed a solution to the problem in a single sentence at end of last paragraph in this section? (This is your thesis statement)

Remember that your reader may know nothing about your topic.
Begin each paragraph with a single sentence that introduces the main idea of that paragraph.
Use a citation to support every factual statement you make, except for common knowledge.
Construct your thesis so that it summarizes the problem and solution(s) in a single sentence.


Refutation: Present alternatives to your solution (optional section / may go either before or after main support)

Has your refutation::
identified one or more alternatives to your solutions? (1-3 paragraphs)
explained why these solutions are insufficient to addressing the problem? (1-3 paragraphs)

Begin each paragraph with a single sentence that introduces the main idea of that paragraph.
Support all factual information with citations.
If possible, give specific examples of when these alternatives have been tried and explain why they didn’t work.

Main Support: Describe the reasons why your solution is the best alternative

Has your main support:
explained how your solution will address the causes and/or alleviate the negative effects from the first section? (1-3 paragraphs)
explained how your solution will address the shortcomings of the alternative solutions? (1-3 paragraphs)
explain why your solution is possible? (1-3 paragraphs)

Begin each paragraph with a single sentence that introduces the main idea of that paragraph.
Support all factual information with citations.
If possible, give specific examples of when your proposed solution (or even parts of the solution) has been tried and explain why the solution may work again.

Conclusion: Implementation and outcomes

Has your conclusion
described one or more possibilities for implementing your solution? (1-3 paragraphs)
described the expected outcomes your audience can expect to see after your solution has been implemented? (1-3 paragraphs)

Stay positive, but be realistic. You’re addressing a problem, not solving it.
Implementation is always a work in progress. You have to have a plan, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. You only have to convince me that you’ve done your research.
Use your expected outcomes to specifically address the negative effects from the first section.

Works Cited Page

Do all of your in-text citations point to an entry on the Works Cited page?
Are they made up of the last name of the author(s) or the first few words of article titles?
Did you only cite those resources that you used in the piece?
Did you cite all of the resources that you used in the piece?
Are all citations in MLA format?
For more detail about the appropriate way to cite documents in MLA Style, including model citations and examples of a Works Cited page, check out the OWL at Purdue’s “MLA Formatting and Style Guide.” (Right-click→ Open link in new window)
. Did you use at least five reliable, academic sources?

Analyze the logic of psychology by breaking the discipline down into its elements.

logic of psychology

TASK: Your task is to: (1) Analyze the logic of psychology by breaking the discipline down into its elements.

The logic of this discipline can be analyzed by:

-Examining the purpose of psychology
-Questions that psychologists answers
-Information that is used by psychologists
-Concepts used within psychology
-Judgments or inferences made by psychology
-Assumptions that underlie the inferences
-Implications of psychology
-Point of view psychologists

How the Pandemic Has Changed Social Media for good ?What opportunities will get during the crisis?

Impart of the Pandemic

How the Pandemic Has Changed Social Media for good ?What opportunities will get during the crisis?

What were the major challenges facing the newly emerging nations in the postwar period? How did different nations respond to those challenges?

Postwar period

Answer the following 2 questions

1. What were the major challenges facing the newly emerging nations in the postwar period? How did different nations respond to those challenges?*

2. Why did the communist regimes collapse in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, but not in China?*

What should be considered when providing telehealth therapy sessions to clients? Is it ethical? Should we use telehealth recorded sessions for staff training? What are the ethical considerations for this?

Using Telehealth Video Sessions for Training Purposes: An Ethical Consideration

What should be considered when providing telehealth therapy sessions to clients? Is it ethical? Should we use telehealth recorded sessions for staff training? What are the ethical considerations for this?

How does this specific disorder affect a person in the personal, occupational and/or social functioning? Describe what the diagnostic criteria associated with this disorder are according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Psychological Disorder Research Assignment

Pick ONE of the following Psychological Disorders:


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Bipolar Disorder


Dissociative Identity Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder


In narrative form, answer the following questions with supporting research. Cite your work throughout your essay. Use APA guidelines. Use at least three scholarly sources.


Define the disorder—describe what it is and explain.
Report regarding the possibilities of getting this disorder—is it nature? Or nurture?
How does this specific disorder affect a person in the personal, occupational and/or social functioning?
Describe what the diagnostic criteria associated with this disorder are according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
Report regarding treatment options. Medication, therapy and/or any other options available for treatment.
Pick a specific type of therapy (Cognitive/Behavioral, Humanistic, Psychodynamic, etc) and explain how a person would be treated when using that specific modality

Explain how the Planet Rock documentary Hip-Hop compares to the culture and meaning behind Trap and Drill music.

Planet Drill

In a journal, explain how the Planet Rock documentary Hip-Hop compares to the culture and meaning behind Trap and Drill music. Write at least 2 -4 pages comparing specific pieces of the 9 elements of Hip-Hop as he relates to all 4 videos with the focus being on the culture and meaning videos.


– Watch “Planet Rock: The Story of Hip-Hop and the Crack Generation”


– Watch “Terms & Conditions: A UK Drill Story”


– Read The Article Below