
Contribution to Knowledge Flow does the book add to your understanding of the subject? Does it challenge, modify or complement other books or things you have learned relate to this subject?

Contested Waters Book Review

The book review format for this class is most likely unlike any that you have done before. Therefore, read the following directions carefully The review will consist of two pages, and only two pages, typed, single spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font. The first page will list by number and answer the six points described below. The second page will consist of a concise (but thorough) summary of the book’s content with your assessment of its quality. A good review must be written Ina clear, concise narrative that is free of typographical errors, misspellings, and grammatical difficulties. Please submit your review as a file attachment. Place your name at the top of page one along the right hand margin and give the current date. The standard bibliographical reference should appear at the top of the page, and follow this format:

Wiltse, Jeff. Contested Wafers: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007. Your review should identify and discuss the following six factors:

1 The Author Who is the author and what are his/her qualifications for writing this book? (e g , other major publications, academic history, other relevant experiences?)

2 Topics and Scope Describe the scope of the book and its subject. Often the tale does not convey the chronological or topical range of a book. Are there important aspects of the subject that have been overlooked?

3 Sources What are the major sources used by the author? Take a look at both the End Notes as well as the book’s introduction to identity the sources the author uses

4 Thesis What is the central concept or argument upon which the author built his narrative? Does the author adequately prove the thesis? Is the thesis ideologically driven or does it grow naturally out of the narrative’s documentation? Do you agree or disagree with the thesis? (Note the thesis should not be confused with the topic and scope of the book)

5 Style How effectively does the authors narrative present the information? Does the style make the subject come to Life, make the contents of the book meaningful? Is the book well organized? Is it too wordy, too brief, repetitive, concise, clear, or vague? Did the style make this an enjoyable read?

6. Contribution to Knowledge Flow does the book add to your understanding of the subject? Does it challenge, modify or complement other books or things you have learned relate to this subject?

Remember, after addressing these six points on the first page, you should provide a concise but thorough summary of the book and your assessment of its quality on the second page. I expect that you review should take up all of each page. Your Book Review is due Thursday Dec 9 at 11 59 p m

Briefly detail the historical contexts of the social issue. Discuss implications of the social issue for SW practice, and SW theory, in mental health or addictions.

The Dehumanization of Mental Illness

Students are required to write a critical essay on a topic of interest, which is related to issues, concerns, responses, debates, and/or concepts/theories which are raised in the course. The length of the paper is to be between 8-10 pages (double spaced) plus references. Use at least 12 sources.

The assignment requires that you explore a social issue (lack of long term supports, supportive housing, resources within education, alternative programming and services, income support, discrimination, coercion, surveillance, confinement, medication, psychiatrization, youth issues, etc.) relating to mental health in Canada and consider the implications of this social issue for social work praxis (theory and practice) in mental health or additions.

In the assignment students should:

Briefly detail the historical contexts of the social issue.
Explore significant political and social questions that have emerged in relation to the topic of interest.
Explore the meaning and effects of concepts learned in the class, as they pertain to the social issue you have chosen.
Discuss implications of the social issue for SW practice, and SW theory, in mental health or addictions.

Identify and describe a relevant capital purchase this unit may require, including the need, the return on investment, benefits, etc.

An operational budget presentation

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to create an operational budget presentation identifying key components of budgeting and possible capital purchases that may be required.

Scenario: You have been asked to create an operational budget for a 20-bed nursing unit and present it to the senior leaders of your organization.

Create a presentation of 10-12 slides, including comprehensive speaker notes that detail the budget.

Provide the key components of budgeting, including the cost of staff, activities, services, and supplies.

Identify and describe a relevant capital purchase this unit may require, including the need, the return on investment, benefits, etc.

Use at least three references, including your textbook.

Explain the causes and consequences of political decentralization in Europe from 1200 to 1450.

Political decentralization in Europe from 1200 to 1450

Explain the causes and consequences of political decentralization in Europe from 1200 to 1450

Present a clear argument backed up with facts and details, at least 3 body paragraphs expanding and explaining points with facts and examples and a conclusion that answers the question with supporting evidence.

What might have been the advantages and disadvantages to Iwoca in raising investment through family and friends as opposed to other forms of finance? 

Business studies

TMA 01 is made up of two parts: Part A and Part B. You need to complete both parts of the assignment.

Part A: Case study – Iwoca

Part A of this TMA will be marked out of 80 marks. Your answer to this question should be no more than 1000 words.
Read the case study and answer the following questions:

Iwoca’s stated mission is to ‘to make financing available to a million customers’. Drawing on evidence from the case study evaluate their mission statement against the ‘six successful tests of a mission statement’ (Wilson and Gilligan, 2005). (30 marks)

What might have been the advantages and disadvantages to Iwoca in raising investment through family and friends as opposed to other forms of finance? (25 marks)

Describe five external business environment challenges which might affect Iwoca’s business model. (25 marks)


Struggling to get finance? I know just how that feels
Christoph Rieche is the boss of Iwoca, a lender that believes simplicity is the way to help small businesses
Eight years ago, Christoph Rieche decided to give up a plum role at Goldman Sachs to start a small business lender. It gave him an instant insight into exactly the kind of problems that many of his intended customers were facing.
In need of capital to offer to prospective borrowers but without the track record to secure wholesale finance, Mr Rieche turned to friends and family. “I started by tapping mates for about £20,000. Then the loan book was growing, so you need more. There would be that look in the eyes, don’t f*** it up.
“I had a family member who said, ‘I’ll give you £100,000, but I need it back [soon] because I’m buying a house.’ I thought, ‘If I screw this up and they can’t buy their house, it will be dreadful forever.’ ”
It hasn’t been dreadful. Fortunately for Mr Rieche and his benefactors, Iwoca, his company, has made such progress that it relies on institutions including NIBC Bank and Shawbrook Bank for its capital. And from the germ of an idea, Iwoca has grown to lend more than £1 billion to nearly 30,000 small companies.
Other aspects of the business have changed remarkably little, not least Mr Rieche’s outlook since he founded the business in 2011 with James Dear, a former Deutsche banker.
“We saw that small businesses have an acute challenge accessing finance, which means a big drag on productivity in the UK and other economies. That thought, which made me start the business, is still what gets me out of bed today. We want to be that bridge so that the business owner can sleep better.”
According to banks, small business lending has been muted since the financial crisis because there is a lack of demand. They cite surveys suggesting a long-term trend towards companies wanting to expand under their own steam rather than take on debt.
The message appears to be: “We’re making money available. It’s hardly our fault if entrepreneurs don’t want to borrow it.”
Mr Rieche, 39, begs to disagree: “[Since the crisis] there’s been growth in consumer finance and corporate finance and a contraction in small business lending. Something doesn’t add up.” He believes that businesses do want credit if it’s made simpler to find, apply for, secure and pay back. “Do banks make finance easily available to small businesses? If you don’t market loans properly for long enough, naturally after some time people don’t think about it and decide that it’s not for them.”
A typical Iwoca customer has been running for fewer than five years and is looking to borrow about £15,000. Its loans are unsecured. The London-based company started life by offering credit to eBay traders. Since it could see their selling data, credit decisions could be made swiftly, without the delays and paperwork associated with applying for a bank loan.
It was, Mr Rieche says, an “underserved and misunderstood market. In 2011, if an ecommerce merchant went to a bank and asked for a loan, the bank thinks, ‘I can’t believe you are doing this for a living’. ” An expansion into the broader economy began in 2014 via technology that reads applicants’ bank statements to make rapid credit decisions for short-term loans. Think of it as an alternative to the humble bank overdraft, something that small companies in their early days often find hard to secure.
This year Iwoca claimed that the number of new credit facility approvals that it was responsible for equated to 12 per cent of the British small business overdraft market. Yet Mr Rieche believes that the business has “barely scratched the surface” of where he wants it to get to. “Our mission is to make financing available to a million customers. That’s the north star.” Does that seem ambitious? “It’s a large number. We’re meant to look at that and say, ‘There’s a long way to go’.”
The company does appear to have a relatively solid base to build upon. Unlike peers including Funding Circle, the listed peer-to-peer lender, Iwoca is in the black, returning a maiden £1.4 million profit from sales of £48 million last year
“We’ve kept a balance between investing in growth while keeping our marketing spending very disciplined. You can lose a lot of money if you run off chasing growth.”
Iwoca Pay, a new invoice finance service, launches next year, while a more conventional business loan that doesn’t require a personal guarantee will follow in 2021, the result of a £10 million grant from a Royal Bank of Scotland fund designed to boost competition in business banking.
Further expansion will come from technology that allows third parties to use Iwoca to offer loans to their customers. For example, customers of Tide, a digital bank, can apply for an Iwoca loan without leaving Tide’s app.
Customer trading data from such partners should mean that credit decisions can be made without the borrower having to do much in terms of an application. Mr Rieche thinks that this concept, which he calls “open lending”, could allow Iwoca to get in front of two million small and medium-sized companies.
“Traditionally, a company like us has very limited reach through traditional marketing channels. To get small businesses to borrow, you have to take it to the places they’re already at so they stumble across it and think, ‘Yes, why not?’”
Iwoca offers a different approach to the high street banks that dominate small business finance, but Mr Rieche is no fan of the “alternative” tag that lenders like his company have been given. “I want people to say Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC, Iwoca. I don’t want to be an alternative.”
‘I didn’t even consider approaching a high street bank for a loan. There was no chance’
Cecilia Downer decided to set up her own business, Nails and Cocktails, after poor service at a nail bar (James Hurley writes). “They rushed us in and out. I thought I could do better.”
Ms Downer, 38, decided to open a salon offering nail and other beauty treatments that also would serve drinks, providing a more fun and relaxing experience for clients.
She generated demand with a blog offering beauty tips and was soon being told to hurry up and get the venture up and running. Based in Chingford, northeast London, the business opened its doors in late 2017. When it needed furnishings, Ms Downer didn’t even consider approaching a high street bank for a loan. “There was no chance. Even opening a bank account was difficult.”
She found Iwoca via an internet search and applied for about £3,000. “It looked simple, straightforward, saying you could borrow within 24 hours. We did. It was smooth and easy.”
With that loan paid off, she hopes to return to finance an expansion to a site in Tottenham. In the meantime, she is running the company, which has four staff, while working as an operations manager for an accountancy firm. “I have a vision for an empire. I have to hustle hard. Can’t stop, won’t stop!”
Christoph Rieche, the co-founder of Iwoca, says that helping entrepreneurs such as Ms Downer is much more rewarding than his former life as a Goldman Sachs banker.
“I was keen to have an impact at the individual level. If you give a small business owner finance, it is quite different from helping someone like Nestlé. “You can help them hire, grow and ultimately have a big impact on their life and their family’s if the business can do better.”
Source: The Times, 4th November 2019

Part B: Block 1 mind map

This part of the TMA will be marked out of 20 marks.
In Week 9 (sessions 17 and 18) you explored both public and not-for-profit management. Create a mind map showing how the main themes and concepts from these sessions relate to each other. Your mind map should be no more than 200 words.

Reflect on a book you have read or a film you have seen where you strongly related to a character. State and describe the character, their traits and significance, and how they personify you.

Harvard Summer School Application

Questions 1

Essays should be between 250-350 words. There is a character limit of 3000.
What course(s) at Harvard Summer School interest you and why? Consider the previous years course offerings if next summer’s courses are not yet available in the course catalog on our website.
If you are applying to the Pre-College Program, look at this catalog.
If you are applying to the Secondary School Program, please look at this catalog.

Question 2

Essays should be between 250-350 words. There is a character limit of 3000.
Define what academic integrity means to you. How has it impacted you as a student?

Question 3

Reflect on a book you have read or a film you have seen where you strongly related to a character. State and describe the character, their traits and significance, and how they personify you.

Question 4

Essays should be between 250-350 words. There is a character limit of 3000.
You are tasked with creating a new high school course or student club. Tell us the name of the course or student club, the description, and why you chose to create it. Be creative.

Question 5

Have you ever incurred serious or repeated disciplinary action, or have you been suspended? If yes, explain. If no, simply state:(If new circumstances alter your status at school after you have submitted this form, you must notify us as soon as possible.)

Write a 1-2 paragraph analytic memo in which you discuss how the coding process went, what you learned, and how the codes and concepts you have generated might help to answer your research question or to shed new light on your topic.


In this lab you will have a chance to code and analyze some of the raw data that you collected this semester. You have collected three forms of data so far this semester, and now you will finally have the chance to analyze some of it in order to begin identifying an answer to your research question(s).

This lab as three objectives: First, you will become familiar common coding and analysis process in contemporary qualitative sociology. Second, you will be trained in the process of grounded-theory-style (inductive) qualitative coding and will produce “initial” (1st round) and “focused” (2nd round) codes for your data. (NOTE: You are permitted to instead produce equivalent 1st and 2nd round codes for narrative or discourse analysis instead of grounded theory). Third, you will produce a sample “codebook” and a sample “analytic memo” discussing 3-5 of your main codes and their relevance to your question.

Assignment overview:

Choose some data to analyze. It must be qualitative, it must be something original that you collected for this course, and it must be ONE of the following forms of data: visual/textual content, OR a set of fieldnotes, OR an interview transcript. (approximately 3-5 double-spaced pages worth of data)

Choose an analytic strategy. You must select ONE of the three analytic strategies discussed above. EITHER grounded theory (naturalistic analysis), OR narrative analysis, OR discourse analysis. While they are not mutually exclusive, I want you to focus on only one for this assignment. If you don’t know which to use, use grounded theory (i.e. the coding examples in this assignment above).

Copy table one and paste it below. Copy and paste your data into the cell under the word data (yes, put the whole set of fieldnotes or the whole transcript into one cell of the table!).

Using table one, the examples above, and the Charmaz reading, code your data for initial. Labeling them in the appropriate column next to the appropriate section of text in your data. Then, still using table one, generate focused codes using your initial codes and place these in the right most column (the cell under focused codes).

Copy table two and paste it below your coded data. Using table two, create a codebook similar to the examples provided above, which addresses 3-5 of your most salient focused codes. Be sure to provide definitions and illustrative examples.

Write a 1-2 paragraph analytic memo in which you discuss how the coding process went, what you learned, and how the codes and concepts you have generated might help to answer your research question or to shed new light on your topic.
Be sure your document has A) 3-5 double-spaced pages of original qualitative data collected for this course. B) both open and focused codes, C) a codebook with 3-5 codes in it, and D) a 1-2 paragraph analytic memo. Rename the document with your student username in the filename and upload it to the appropriate canvas submission portal.


How they implement it, what quality tools were used, what improvements were seen after implementing and et cetera?

Algorithm for implementation of Total productive maintenance method

Articles and case studies on the implementation of total productive maintenance in industries. How they implement it, what quality tools were used, what improvements were seen after implementing and et cetera?


Concert report

REPORTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY AS A CANVAS ASSIGNMENT. Reports should be approximately 1-2 pages in length – longer reports are also acceptable. (In addition, please keep a copy of your report in your own files, in case it is needed.)

INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION at the top of your first page:

YOUR NAME:     DATE:     Number of Semesters in Mu10










Why did delegates meet in 1787 to create a new constitution and how was the new government they created different than that of the Articles of Confederation government that it replaced?

The constitutional convention

Select 5 items below and write paragraph-long responses for each of them that explain who or what it is, where, when, and why it was historically significant.

Hamilton’s Economic Plan
XYZ Affair
Marbury vs. Madison
Jefferson’s Economic Vision
War of 1812
American System
King Cotton
Panic of 1819
Nat Turner
Manifest Destiny

Part II. Long Essays–constructing historical arguments using facts and interpretations (worth 25 points total). Be sure to use proper essay format: include an introduction and thesis statement; several paragraphs with topic sentences that provide analysis, evidence, and factual documentation to support your thesis; and a conclusion that summarizes your argument.

1) Why did delegates meet in 1787 to create a new constitution and how was the new government they created different than that of the Articles of Confederation government that it replaced? (You should discuss the domestic and international issues facing the new United States, Shay’s Rebellion, the federalist papers, the big issues of contention at the constitutional convention, and the ratification process.)