
What are the similarities and differences between the Global Health and Planetary Health sciences?

Differences between the Global Health and Planetary Health sciences

1) WATCH THE The Promise of Planetary Health (10 minutes; Apr 22, 2021) –;

2) WRITE A 3-paragraph ESSAY (~500 words) THAT ANSWERS THE QUESTION – What are the similarities and differences between the Global Health and Planetary Health sciences?

Provide an analysis of the arguments both the North and South asserted for going to war. Be sure to focus on (a) sectionalism; (b) state’s rights; and (c) slavery

American Civil War

The American Civil War divided the United States into two regions with distinct cultures, values, economies, and politics. Provide an analysis of the arguments both the North and South asserted for going to war. Be sure to focus on (a) sectionalism; (b) state’s rights; and (c) slavery

Does sustainability of brands affect consumers attitude towards fast fashion products?

Sustainability of brands

RESEARCH QUESTION: Does sustainability of brands affect consumers attitude towards fast fashion products?

Does he use the OT, and if so, how? Does he draw on other relevant traditions or backgrounds? What are the important issues in the social/cultural/historical/literary context in this passage, and why?

Galatian 3:27-28

1)The structure is (a) Introduction, (b) body, and (c)conclusion. The introduction must introduce the thesis, “To appropriate Christ’s finished work, one must be baptized into Christ because it unifies the body of Christ, dismantles the oppressive concepts of race, gender and class/status.”Followed by you giving the steps to what will happen in the body of the paper. Do not use the introduction to summarize what Galatians says in the passage.

2) In the body are the introduced steps coming to life. And In this paper, describe what you can about what informs Paul’s writing in the passage. Issues may include the following: Does he use the OT, and if so, how? Does he draw on other relevant traditions or backgrounds? What are the important issues in the social/cultural/historical/literary context in this passage, and why? In what ways does Paul seek to influence his audience (such as persuasion, appeal to authority, or other means)? What is Paul addressing, and why?

3)Conclusion; signpost or the conclusion should set forth what the paper has accomplished precisely (keep the thesis in mind and rewrite it for the ending), including the steps argued in the paper. Avoid quoting secondary sources in your conclusion, and do not introduce new material. You are showing what the paper has already accomplished.

Create different visualizations using each of the variables over the time period with data to show the relationship between GDP and each of its components. Which components seems to determine the behavior of the GDP? How can you identify unemployment or inflation from the GDP graph?

GDP behavior over the period 2001-01 to 2020/21

Project Goals
The main goal of this project is to help students to build skills in data analysis by applying the  methods learned to measure the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and identify business cycles, and by drafting a twopage report on this analysis.
Learning objectives
Upon completing this research project, the student will be able to:
Describe the GDP and its components;
Collect data on the GDP components and use them as well as the GDP equation to measure
Graph GDP;
Describe the relationship between the GDP and each of its components.
Identifying business cycle and its primary phases.

Components of the project
This project includes two components:
Creation/construction of a graph on the key macroeconomic indicators using FRED data;  and
Drafting of a twopage analysis of the components of the Gross Domestic Product.
You may also complete a Big Data cognitive course (Big Data 101) before going onto the
. This would earn you extra credit towards the project.

1.Completion and certification of the cognitive class on Big Data 101 (Due by November 10, 2021)
Your assignment here is to complete successfully the threehour cognitive course

Big Data 101.
To complete the course,

open the link below and follow the instructions
At the top righthand corner of the screen click Sign-Up and create an account. Be sure to use your First and Last name.
After signing up, log in to the Cognitive Class System.
After logging in, at the top right side of the screen, search the term “Big Data 101.
Click the course labeled “Big Data 101.(Red Image not the archived class)
Next click the blue button labeled “Enroll” to enroll in the course.

2. Fred Graph

With the attached excel file, use the data components of GDP to evaluate the equation of GDP, that is:

Next, show a graphical representation of these variables and check that 𝑮𝑫𝑷=𝑪+𝑰+𝑮+(𝑴−𝑿)

3. Written Report on the GDP

Draft a two-page report on the GDP behavior over the period 2001-01 to 2020/21 (latest date with available data). This report should include a description of the steps taken to construct the graphs, and an analysis of the business cycle over this time period. Make sure you describe the different phases of business cycle present in the GDP data, that is, describe recession period (decrease in GDP of more than 6 month), expansion (increase in GDP), peak (the highest GDP during the expansion), and trough (lowest GDP during the recession).

Use the GDP equation and data on GDP components to evaluate the equation. Is the [𝑪+𝑰+𝑮+(𝑴−𝑿)] for each year really equal to the GDP values for those years provided in the FRED data?

Create different visualizations using each of the variables over the time period with data to show the relationship between GDP and each of its components. Which components seems to determine the behavior of the GDP? How can you identify unemployment or inflation from the GDP graph?

Next, determine the proportion (share) of GDP made up of consumption ©, investment (I), government spending (G), and net exports (M-X, that is Xn). What GDP component has the largest share?

What have you learned about measuring GDP from this assignment? Be sure to cite, using APA, any findings to back your argument and provide a bibliography.

Calculate a modularity statistic using these subgroups and interpret the results. What do the results imply for assortativity in your network?

Present and study Network

Late submission results in penalties, see:
frameworktaughtprogrammes/section3moduleassessment#3.12. There is no exception to late submission
penalties, unless an extenuating circumstances application has been successfully made.

Submit on Turnitin a single document that includes the main body of your report and any tables and figures you
may use in your report. Any R code you use to produce your results should be given in an appendix. If you use some
other software than R, do include any code you have used with details of the software you used.

On the cover page of your essay include the number of words of your report, excluding the tables, figures, table and
figure legends, the references (if you used any), the appendix with the code (R code if you used R and your code if
you used other software).

Word limit is 1,500. This excludes tables, figures, table and figure legends/captions, references, and the appendix,
but includes footnotes and endnotes. Exceeding this limit will result in penalties.

This is an assessed piece of coursework for the SOCS0081 module; collaboration and/or discussion of the
assessment with anyone is strictly prohibited. The rules for plagiarism apply and any cases of suspected plagiarism
of published work or the work of classmates will be taken seriously.

If you use any reference in your report, list full bibliographic details at the end of your report. Any referencing style
(ASA, APA, Harvard, Chicago etc.) is fine, provided that the style is used consistently.

The coursework will be assessed against the criteria set in the UCL UGESSAY GRADING SCHEME, a pdf of
which could be seen in the assessment submission area of the course on Moodle. In addition to those general
guidelines, further specific factors will affect the marks: correctness of the solutions and interpretations of results,
clarity of arguments, rigour in presenting and analysing the network, creativity in your approach, and the ability to
demonstrate that key concepts treated in the course are understood well.

In the 1st summative assessment, you built your own network. In this second assessment, you will continue using
your network from assessment 1. You may build a new network for this exercise too (bearing in mind that this may
require extra work for you). If you decide to build a new network, adhere to the constraints given in assessment 1
on how your network should look like (e.g. the network should have at least 10 nodes, the network should be
original etc.) Consult Assessment 1 on Moodle for the requirements for your network. Note that you may need to
ignore weights, directions, or signs of edges for some of the algorithms you’ll use below. If this turns out to be the
case, mention briefly that the algorithm you use ignores (or you choose to ignore) some characteristics of the edges.
Some algorithms you’ll use below may fail to converge. If this happens, report the case, modify the algorithm, the
statistical model, of your network until you get a solution.

You will write 1,500 words report. Your report should discuss the items given below. Structure your report in four
parts corresponding to the four groups of items below. Each section is equally weighted in the final grade.

A: assortativity and communities

First describe briefly your network (i.e. what are nodes and edges) and how you constructed the network (i.e. how
you collected the data). Also provide a plot of your network. The purpose is to remind us your network. If you
chose to build a new network for this assessment, you will need give more details here.

1. Divide your network into two or three mutually exclusive subgroups. There may already be natural subgroups in
your network (e.g. defensive versus offensive football players, actors from different teams, war lords from different
clans, gender, students from different schools or countries etc.). If this is the case, use these natural divisions. If
your network does not have such natural subgroups, impose an artificial division yourself and justify your division.
Calculate a modularity statistic using these subgroups and interpret the results. What do the results imply for
assortativity in your network?

2. Now study assortativity with respect to a continuous variable. This continuous variable could be degree or any
other variable (e.g. age, income, etc. of a node). Interpret the results. What do your results imply for the level of
assortativity in your network with respect to the continuous variable you study?

3. Ignore now the division you imposed/studied in A1. Run a community detection algorithm to detect hidden
communities. Settle on a final community structure. Compare the communities you find here with those in A1.
Interpret the results of your community detection algorithm.

B: Smallworld and scalefree networks

Discuss briefly what a scalefree network is and what the smallworld phenomenon means. Report the degree
distribution in your network and some measures of distance between the nodes in your network. Discuss if your
network looks like a scalefree network and exhibits smallworld characteristics (Your network will likely be rather
small to discuss these properties which apply to very large networks. But imagine you expand your network by
adding many more nodes or by collecting additional data from many other similar networks. Would you expect to
see scalefree or smallworld network characteristics?). Briefly discuss the mechanism that may or may not result
in a scalefree and a smallworld network in your case.

C: Exponential random graph modelling

Discuss briefly what Exponential Random Graph Modelling (ERGM) can tell us about your network that other
approaches we treated in this class cannot tell. Formulate at least two or three hypotheses that you can test using an
ERGM. Test these hypotheses by fitting an ERGM with at least two or three independent variables. Interpret the
results. Carry out a simulation analysis to assess the goodnessoffit of your ergm. [NB: not all ERGMs converge.
If nonconvergence (R failing to find reasonable solutions) occurs in your case, report this, and try different
specifications (e.g. adding geometrically weighted terms, varying the decay parameter of these terms, removing
terms, adding alternative terms) until you achieve convergence. If you cannot achieve convergence by this way, try
modifying your network by e.g. adding a few new links or removing certain links, expanding your network by
adding a few new nodes etc. If nothing works after all these steps, contact the teaching team.]

D: Selfreflection on Social Network Analysis

Based on your personal experience of the analysis of your network in assessment 1 and assessment 2, and
comparing it with other social science approaches you have seen during your study discuss in ~350 words: What
are the key features of social network analysis that are different from other approaches in the social sciences?

Draft a paper on a psychological disorder of your choice Including the following: a. a brief description of the disorder b. two explanations for the causation of the disorder (for ex. biological, environmental and cognitive) c. two treatment methods for the disorder (for ex. medication and psychotherapy)


Draft a paper on a psychological disorder of your choice. Include the following:
a. a brief description of the disorder
b. two explanations for the causation of the disorder (for ex. biological, environmental and cognitive)
c. two treatment methods for the disorder (for ex. medication and psychotherapy)

Include a reference list/bibliography. Paper should be at least one page in length but no more than two total pages (including the reference list/bibliography). Use 10-12 point Times New Roman or similar font. Double space.

Create a fictional character who lives in the present, recent, past, or a historical period we cover in detail during this course.

Explore international connections

This assignment provides an opportunity to explore international connections through a narrative that incorporates sources from our class and outside reading you may find beneficial. To complete this assignment you will write an essay in the style of an autobiography. You may use your own experiences or create a fictional character who lives in the present, recent, past, or a historical period we cover in detail during this course. You will describe the life of your narrator from a first-person perspective. You may approach the narrator’s entire life, a particular period in their life, or even a single event if it fits the requirements below.

We discussed elements of psychology and work in particular considering physicians, surgeons and nurses. Explain why this area of work creates a particular risk?

Take Home Exam

General Instructions

Late submissions will not be accepted

Copies of this exam will not be placed on reserve in the library

This exam is to be completed independently

Worth 15% of final grade

Each question weighted equally Final take home examSpecific Instructions

Answer 4 out of 5 of the following questions

Write your answers using full sentences

Your answers should be between 24 pages in length, double spaced

Your bibliography should be cumulative and included at the end of the document
Be sure to formally cite all references used in completing your answers
You may use any formal reference style of your choosing, just be consistent

Final take home exam


1) Define worklife balance? In which industries is this most and least attainable? Explain your answer? Make reference to at least 3 readings from this course in your answer.

2) We discussed elements of psychology and work in particular considering physicians, surgeons and nurses. Explain why this area of work creates a particular risk? Make reference to a minimum of 3 resources discussed in seminar/class.

3) Is emotional labour present in all forms of work? Is it essential? Why/why not? Define emotional labour and discuss this concept in relation to at least 3 fields of work discussed in this course.

4) Is all work inherently alienating? Draw upon at least 3 examples from this course in your answer.

5) It could be argued that work is a leading cause for personal stress, health problems and anxiety. Has this problem increased in recent years (the past 510)? Or has work always been a cause of psychological and physical difficulty? What strategies exist to alleviate the hardships caused by work? Make reference to at least 3 resources discussed in this course in your answer.

Explain ‘lived religion’ and indicate how studies of lived religion have provided greater knowledge of the lives of Christian women.



Instructions: Answer the following three questions in your own words by reflecting on the course material and what you learned about Christianity in the past 9 lessons. You have one week to submit your answers. Each answer should be 150-200 words. Total words: 450-600. Please follow the guidance on the accompanying document concerning references.


Question 1: Summarise Christian beliefs about ONE of the following: (i) God the Father; (ii) Jesus the Christ; (iii) the Holy Spirit. (150-200 words)


Question 2: Answer part i AND part ii (150-200 words). [You may use bullet points to answer this question]

(i) Offer an appraisal of Linda Woodhead’s argument regarding the attraction of Christianity to men and women (in chapter 6 of Woodhead’s Christianity: A Very Short Introduction 1st edn. 2004);

(ii) Explain ‘lived religion’ and indicate how studies of lived religion have provided greater knowledge of the lives of Christian women.


Question 3: What is secularization, and how does it relate to Christian decline in the West? (150-200 words)