
To what extent do you feel Morelli’s and Berenson’s methods of connoisseurship succeed in determining which artist painted the works?




How do we come to attribute paintings to certain artists? Giovanni Morelli (1816-1891) is one of several art historians who have attempted to codify the ways in which we make decisions based on stylistic details. Read the assigned text, Michael Hatt and Charlotte Klonk, Art History: A Critical Introduction to Its Methods (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2013), pp. 48–64, which explains Morelli’s methods and Bernard Berenson’s response to them. Then, using their approach, discuss the attribution of paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (MET) of the following painters. You will need to analyse and describe the differences between ONE OF THE PAIRS of artists below.

To what extent do you feel Morelli’s and Berenson’s methods of connoisseurship succeed in determining which artist painted the works? You will need to reflect on how useful, or how limiting you find their approaches. Are there aspects of the task that you feel they have ignored or failed to give enough weight?

Study paintings by ONE OF THE PAIRS of artists below in the MET.

Botticelli and Carlo Crivelli (you may focus on religious works)

Bronzino and Moroni (you may focus on portraiture)

The paintings supplied all have excellent high-resolution images that can be accessed online through the Metropolitan Museum of Art Website. To access high-quality images, use the links below or the Search tool to the right of the following webpage:

For Botticelli’s paintings:

For Carlo Crivelli’s paintings:

For Bronzino’s painting:

For Moroni’s paintings:

Illustrations must be supplied to support your argument. You should be working at a level of close detail.

note that each of these artists is well represented at the National Gallery. You are encouraged to deploy the National Gallery paintings as comparative material.

What are the Proposed Options? Discuss possible policy options to respond to the problem including a description of what others are doing in response to the problem, what is known about the policy options from peer review literature.

Policy Brief: National Health Issue

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a policy brief on a current national public health problem, issue or concern.
-You will be required to write a brief that addresses the questions listed below. The questions listed will guide the organization of your paper, including your APA headings.
-You can use tables, pictures, figures, graphs, etc in addition to text.
-The policy brief is not to exceed 4 pages (excluding your cover page and references).
-You must include at least 5 recent references (within the last 5 years).
-Please be sure to use titles/subtitles to organize your paper. This policy brief should be focused on a national health issue.
-National in this case, refers to federal policies or policies with overarching reach beyond the state level.
– The following link may be useful in your search for congressional policy initiatives. U.S. Federal Legislation:

1. What is the Issue? State the health issue/problem that the national policy change is designed to address.
2. What is the Background? Present the data describing the issue/problem to be addressed by the policy change. Can include graphs, tables, figures, pictures, etc.
3. What are the Proposed Options? Discuss possible policy options to respond to the problem including a description of what others are doing in response to the problem, what is known about the policy options from peer review literature. As well as a brief discussion of the health, fiscal, administrative, legal, social and political implications of each policy option.
4. What is Your Recommendation? Recommendation focused on how to enact the policy option you are advocating.

Is it a company you would use? Would you invest in it? Is it of sound governance? Is it safe? As a regulator, would you be worried about it?

Case Study of a EU Based FinTech Company

Choose any EU based Fintech Company & write a report.

1• Structure and background: How was it formed. What are its objectives. Discuss the structure of the company. How is it financed.

2• Discuss the following:

– Board of directors: the structure of the Board. Risk Management. Have they a Chief Security Officer? Quality of the Board. Is there independence on the Board?

– Data protection & cybersecurity arrangements: GDPR compliance report? Cybersecurity arrangements? Any criticism?

– Compliance with: PSDII, EMD, MiFIDII, AML (discuss any 2). Is there anything to suggest they are not compliant?

3• Overall governance quality and soundness of the fintech

Is it a company you would use? Would you invest in it? Is it of sound governance? Is it safe? As a regulator, would you be worried about it?

Report may be a Professional report if preferred by writer, the word/page count is just indicative, an allowance to go over 10-15% if needed.

Explain how she addresses women in the text and their need for rights generally and how she recognizes herself one of them. Explain how she appeals to her male audience in insisting fir womens rights by bringing up a wife’s role in a household and womens role as a mother.

The Vindication on the Rights of Women

Prompt: Contemporary scholars view Mary Wollstonecraft as an important women’s rights advocate, but some stop short of calling her a feminist. Given this, how would you address the fact that The Vindication of the Rights of Women seems to insist that women’s rights have little to do with women as women (as opposed to wives and mothers)?

Essentially want the essay to be about how Wollstonecraft’s work insists that women rights has to do with wives and mothers because she is appealing to the readers, who are a male audience. Explain how she addresses women in the text and their need for rights generally and how she recognizes herself one of them. Explain how she appeals to her male audience in insisting fir womens rights by bringing up a wife’s role in a household and womens role as a mother.

What can be discussed about the social and cultural dimensions of suffering? Discuss why Migration can be considered as a Social Determinant of Mental Health.

Social Determinant of Mental Health

Elaborate an integrated essay based on the three questions below:

1. What can be discussed about the social and cultural dimensions of suffering?
2. Discuss why Migration can be considered as a Social Determinant of Mental Health.
3. Which psychosocial interventions could help improve migrants’ and refugees’ mental health in the transit and host countries?

Discuss how your topic has changed as it has diffused away from the region(s) of its origin. Explain these changes with reference to the geographic qualities of the regions it has diffused to.

Drinkable And Non-Drinkable Water

Use an alphanumeric sequence
Sections should be indented and aligned
Follow the suggested order of the required elements
Use brief and bulleted but detailed and descriptive phrases.
The required elements: Your outline should contain the following elements in this order:

I. The Introduction: This section previews your topic and the details you will cover in the body of your presentation. It should be very brief, but include:

A. The food, cuisine, invention or idea that you are going to discuss.

B. Why you chose this topic.

C. A preview of the regions where your topic has developed and then diffused to.

II. The Body (Content Sections): In the body, you must address how the four geographic concepts mentioned in the presentation instructions (regions, cultural landscapes, diffusion, and distance decay) relate to your topic.

A. Regions: Discuss the origin region or regions of your topic, with specific attention to the geographic qualities of the region that influenced the development of your topic.

B. Cultural Landscape: Discuss how the landscape in the region(s) described above have been shaped by the culture that gave rise to your topic, and how your topic might be reflected in that landscape.

C. Diffusion: Discuss how your topic has diffused from its origin. Where has it diffused to? What factors led to its diffusion there? What kind of diffusion has it experienced?

D. Distance Decay: Discuss how your topic has changed as it has diffused away from the region(s) of its origin. Explain these changes with reference to the geographic qualities of the regions it has diffused to.

III. The Conclusion Section: this section should contain four to six points that sum up the main points from the body of the outline.

Start your conclusion with one sentence summarizing some basic information about your topic.
Continue with a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the important characteristics of its origin region(s).
Include a brief note about relevant cultural landscapes.
Include a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the diffusion of your topic and the distance decay it experienced.
Wrap up the conclusion section with a closing note that provides brief information about why this topic was of interest to you, and a fact about your topic you found interesting.

IV. Reference section: This is not just the reference page; rather, referencing should occur throughout the outline as it will in your presentation. Therefore, your outline should include both a separate reference page containing a minimum of five sources listed in proper APA reference list format AND internal citations throughout the outline where appropriate. Please be sure to see the resources below for assistance regarding in-text citations and reference list formatting, and/or ask me if you have any additional questions.

How do you define “excellence” in leadership? Do a mirror test and reply on your findings of answering the question: are you doing your best? how could you improve your performance?

Discussion of self improvement

How do you define “excellence” in leadership? Do a mirror test and reply on your findings of answering the question: are you doing your best? how could you improve your performance?

2. How will you continue to enhance your leadership skills?

what is your personal vision for your leadership goals? what actions will you take to achieve your goals? this is an example of your preferred future.

3. If you had a magic wand and could make the nursing profession how you want it to be, what would it look like?

How are the building similar? How are they different? Be sure to discuss function. How is each building used? Who uses it? What are the materials? Architectural details? Organization of the building?

Ancient Greek or Ancient Roman building

Choose one Ancient Greek or Ancient Roman building from the list below and pair it with one building in Los Angeles. Then write a compare and contrast essay. How are the building similar? How are they different? Be sure to discuss function. How is each building used? Who uses it? What are the materials? Architectural details? Organization of the building?

As with the other compare and contrast essays, you must discuss the works together. So if you talk about the material of one building, you need to talk about the material of the other building right after.


CHOICE 1: Roman Colosseum

Roman Colosseum ( )

CHOICE 2: The Greek Theater of Epidaurus

Culture Trip: A Very Brief History of Epidaurus ( )

CHOICE 3: Hadrian’s Villa

A Virtual Tour of Hadrian’s Villa ( )

Maritime Theater at Hadrian’s Villa ( )


CHOICE 1: Greek Theater

Discover Los Angeles: The Story of an L.A. Icon ( )

The Greek Theater via Drone ( )

CHOICE 2: Getty Villa in Malibu

Getty Villa History Download Getty Villa History
( file:///Users/alinagolubchik/Downloads/Getty_Villa_History.pdf )

The Culture Trip: A Penny Pinching Billionaire’s Lavish Gift to the World
( )

KCET: Huell Howser Visits the Getty Villa ( )


CHOICE 3: L.A. Coliseum

Discover L.A. History of L.A. Coliseum
( )

Huell Howser Visits the Coliseum ( )

Drone Tour ( )

Why is the theme of athletics and the body important? How does each artwork depict the human body? Why?

Assignment #6.

To read about the pair click on the following links: Discobolus ( ) and Boxer at Rest ( )

The comparison essay should answer the question, “How are objects similar?” and “How are objects different?” The key to a good compare and contrast essay is to organize the sentences by theme where both works of art are discussed all the way through. What are the themes? You can choose any of the formal qualities – such as style, material, size, use of line, etc. that you already read about in Assignment #6. You also should include a discussion of the objects’ functions and meanings. So why is the theme of athletics and the body important? How does each artwork depict the human body? Why?

The essay pair should be minimum two pages in length,
Times New Roman,
12 point font, 1 inch margins.

How will you use the information in your professional practice? Has this course changed your views of leadership? What are some ways that you could support your leadership as you move forward professionally?

Reflection paper

Assignment – Reflection of this course paper- This paper allows you to reflect back on the past 7.5 weeks and write about how this class helped you to grow professionally and how you will apply some of the concepts you have learned about into your professional practice. No more than 2 pages in length.
How did this course help you professionally? (write about learning different types of leaderships)
What was your favorite assignment in the course? (servant leadership)
How will you use the information in your professional practice? Has this course changed your views of leadership? What are some ways that you could support your leadership as you move forward professionally?
Discuss anything that you would change, add to or delete from this course