
Briefly outline a plan for treating Mrs. C., based on your preferred theory. Show some ways in which you are integrating common factors of psychotherapy theory with specific factors from your preferred theory in formulating your treatment plan.

What Happened to Mrs. C

In this 4-to-6-page thought paper, you will revisit the question from your initial discussion forum assignment, “How did Mrs. C. get to be this way?” This time, however, you will draw on your knowledge, gleaned from course readings to date, as well as any supplementary reading you have done from the book you have chosen as your required additional reading. Your analysis should be an application of the theory that you find most appealing from all of those we have studied so far. Tell what you would see as the etiology of Mrs. C’s problems (not her diagnosis), according to this theory. Use and apply as much detail from the theory as possible. Then contrast your theory of the cause/s of her problem with the causes that would be suggested by two other systems that we have studied. Then, briefly outline a plan for treating Mrs. C., based on your preferred theory. Finally, show some ways in which you are integrating common factors of psychotherapy theory with specific factors from your preferred theory in formulating your treatment plan.

What is the communication context? Describe the location, time of day, clothes each is wearing, gender of each, estimated age of each person, and any other relevant information to set up the observation.


Observe two people in a conversation from a distance – you should not be able to hear what they’re saying. Make sure you are in a public place and the people you are watching do not know you are observing them. Watch the two individuals as they converse or interact for about five to ten minutes and make note of their artifactual communication, kinesics (gestures, body movements and posture), affect display — facial expressions/emotional expressions, eye movements, proxemic (distance), and haptics – touch communication (or lack of it). From your observations write a short two page – about 600 words — descriptive essay about the nonverbal communication and the nature of the relationship that you observe. The essay must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Explain your choices. Be sure to integrate and underline at least five book terms from the chapter on nonverbal communication – use some of the terms I underlined in this paragraph – 10 points will automatically be deducted if the book terms are not incorporated into the essay – not listed, but actually used correctly to describe part of the observation.

The following questions should be answered within your essay:

1. What is the communication context? Describe the location, time of day, clothes each is wearing, gender of each, estimated age of each person, and any other relevant information to set up the observation.

2. What does the nonverbal communication of the individuals reveal to you? Give examples.

3. What is the relationship between the two people? What makes you think so?

4. Is there a more dominant member of the pair? What makes you think so?

5. What is the emotional state of the two persons? Why do you think so?

6. What have you learned as a result of this assignment? Is this useful?

7. Should have a general introductory paragraph before describing conversation and at the end, a separate conclusion paragraph that wraps up whole essay

The following are NOT ‘book terms:

Eye Contact​​​Eye Movements​​Nonverbal Communication

Facial Expressions​​Dominance​​​Submissive

Appearance​​​Body Language​​Posture


Identify an audience of non-scholars who are affected by or implicated in your research, and to reflect on what non-scholarly genres or modalities might be most appropriate for reaching that audience.

Educating Parents to Educate Inner city Scools

Academic discourse is where experienced, professional researchers enact civil and productive conversations about the challenges we face as a society, but the conventions of those conversations—logic-heavy arguments, structured writing, academic-style prose, etc.—in some ways inhibit what we are able to say about our topics and who we are able to say it to. The result is that, like the previous sentence, academic writing is usually of zero interest to anyone who is not an academic. This unit is your opportunity to escape the confines of the academy to reach out to an audience of people who, while not being professional researchers, are nonetheless affected by or implicated in your project, and to do so in a way that both you and that audience might find engaging.
In short, for this unit, you will identify a group of non-scholars who would be interested in the topic of your Unit 3 essay, and you will rework that essay into something that would be more appropriate/persuasive to that audience.
Depending on your audience, you might compose a PowerPoint presentation, you might deliver a Ted Talk, you might compose a documentary, you might choose some alternate, non-scholarly way of writing, or you might choose an approach not listed here. Whichever route you choose, the important part will be to make composing decisions based on the specific audience you identified.
Here is a brief overview of that process:

First, you will to identify an audience of non-scholars who are affected by or implicated in your research, and to reflect on what non-scholarly genres or modalities (e.g. styles and forms of composing) might be most appropriate for reaching that audience.

Then, through analysis of this new rhetorical situation–this new audience, purpose, and context–you will try to gain a sense of what matters to your audience, what you hope to accomplish with them, and how you might best persuade them, as well as other useful insights into the context surrounding your project.

Finally, through a series of drafts, you will develop a text that an audience affected by or implicated in your research will find persuasive, useful, and/or engaging.

Explain what it means to be an advocate and what you will do to fulfill the role of a professional educator of young children.

Effective practices in early childhood education, 4th edition. ISBN: 9780135179918

Chapter 14 & 15:

Teaching children to live in a democratic society is about teaching them to regulate their own emotions and interact with others in positive and acceptable ways. With that in mind, answer the following questions:
1. Explain effective curriculum and teaching strategies that promote children’s social and emotional competence.

2. Read, “Including All Children: Fostering Friendships in the Inclusive Classroom ” on pg. 505 and explain the importance of friendships, as well as the strategies teachers, can use to facilitate social relationships in inclusive settings.

3. Explain social studies and effective social studies curriculum and teaching.

Ch. 15 – Physical Development and Health
4. Describe health and safety standards for early childhood programs.

Ch. #16 – Putting it All Together
Look at the “Considerations for? Teachers” for each age group and decide which group you would like to work with most and least. Explain your reasoning.

Explain what it means to be an advocate and what you will do to fulfill the role of a professional educator of young children.

1. Ch. 14 -16
Share any concept from Ch. 14-16 that confused you or you need clarification on, and 1 key point from each that you want to remember moving forward in your career.

Analyze the techniques you would use to manage potential risks associated with the project of this magnitude.

Generator installation Project

Assessment Description (Element 011)

Students are to write a report of not more than 1,500 words or its equivalence for this submission.


Generator installation Project

The Highway Agency manages many maintenance facilities throughout the Country to provide repairs and preventative maintenance to motorway and trunk roads. One of these maintenance facilities is located in Essex and requires a new generator. To accomplish the objectives of this project, the Agency is looking to appoint a Project manager to coordinate the works of consultant and contractors to completion of the project as described in this Scope of Work.
The old generator and equipment will have to be removed and disposed of by the contractor. The generator will be replaced with a larger outside, weather proof, natural gas unit. The Highway Agency has specified that the new generator shall be large enough to accommodate 100% of the building electrical loads to back up as much equipment as necessary. The anticipated size of the new generator will be 150 or 200KW. The electric and natural gas service will have to be rerouted to the new generator location.

Work scope
-Old Generator and Equipment Removal: Remove existing indoor generator, 400A transfer switch and all power/control conductors. Remove 4’ x 4’ air intake dampers, generator exhaust ducts and remove or weatherproof wall louvers and exhaust pipe through roof. Repair roof openings. Remove natural gas line into the building.

-New Generator Pad: Design and Construction of a concrete pad for the new generator. This will require geotechnical testing which would include soil borings and a geotechnical report.

-New Generator and Switchgear: including evaluating the existing electrical distribution system and normal power interface and identifying all of the systems to be backed up. Design and installation of the new generator with weatherproof enclosure to provide backup power to 100% of building electrical loads.

-Provide all power and control wiring for the new generator including underground routing to new outdoor generator location. The Consultant will coordinate with the utility company regarding changes to gas service.

-Equipment Tests: The design documents shall include detailed test requirements of the new equipment and systems. The Contractor and a certified testing lab shall perform operational tests of the completed installation to certify their proper operation.

-Spare Parts: A critical spare parts list shall be prepared for all appropriate items and purchased as part of this project. This shall include provisions for the manufacture/ vendor of the equipment to provide critical spare and maintenance parts as part of this project.

Task 1
Due to the importance of this project, the client (Highway Agency) wants to ensure that the project is successful. As a result of this need, you have been assigned to this new project as the ‘Project Manager’. As a Project Manager, you are required to do the following: (i) develop a ‘Risk Log’ for the 5 possible risk that you must closely control throughout the project, explain your assumptions for probabilities and impacts used [10 Marks], (ii) Produce the network diagram for the project (Activities A –I) [20 Marks], (iii) Indicate the critical path [5 Marks], (iv) Indicate the float for each activity [5 Marks] (v) Write a commentary on the likely impact of a 3 week delay in finalizing permit applications, ‘activity C’ [10 Marks] – This is an equivalent submission of 900 words.

Task 2
As an industry leader, Rolls-Royce plans to develop a state-of-the-art turbofan aircraft engines for commercial aviation industry. The project will develop new technologies with the potential for high volume production that are capable of delivering benchmark performance in terms of cost, weight and sustainable use of materials.
Analyze the techniques you would use to manage potential risks associated with the project of this magnitude. [20 Marks – This is an equivalent submission of 300 words].

Task 3
Projects are executed under the constraints of time and cost.
Discuss the processes and techniques that you would use to monitor the budget of a project. [20 Marks – This is an equivalent submission of 300 words].

Presentation of the report (10 Marks)
The correctness of grammar and spellings would be checked. Also, the discussions and assertions should be backed/supported with relevant sources. Finally, Harvard referencing must be properly used throughout. It is important to paraphrase properly to avoid “plagiarism.

How does the use of HR forecasting reflect Honeywell’s strategy and culture? What options did Honeywell use to overcome the projected labor surplus during the recession? Other available options?

Written Case Assignment

Gauging Employment at Honeywell
Case written by Herbert Sherman

Honeywell is a diverse differentiated industrial conglomerate with segments such as transportation systems, performance materials & technologies, aerospace and automation & control solutions yet they are best known by the average consumer for their thermostats. According to the 2013 Fortune 500 list Honeywell ranked 78th position out of all US companies with a revenue of $39 billion. [2]

In 1999, Honeywell merged with AlliedSignal and Pittway but encountered problems when they realized that each company possessed their own unique corporate culture. During the next several years, Honeywell found itself addressing new challenges while trying to absorb its acquisitions. For example, environmental-related business liabilities had never been addressed and now required real attention while managers were disinvesting in research and development because their divisions showed higher profits – new product development ceased. Honeywell also experienced high turnover in upper management having 3 different CEOs in four years. [1]

Honeywell’s main focus in the past decade has been resolving these issues by first implementing their “One Honeywell” culture. This strategy increased overseas sales by 10% while also helping them become more aware and responsive to their environmental responsibilities. Investments in new products and services increased while their turnover rate started to decrease with employees filling more than 85% of the vacancies in top-level positions. Just as Honeywell turned the corner in 2008, the US entered a recession and Honeywell’s orders were being cancelled or postponed. No new orders were being placed and sales were decreasing. As a result, direct costs of production were decreasing because the company simply did not need to purchase raw materials to make new products. [1]
In the manufacturing industry, the cost of people covers more than 30% of the total expenses and most firms responded to the recession by restructuring their workforce by firing thousands of employees. Cutting costs for production was not an option because a loss of customers is a major risk for the company therefore; the only option left was cutting costs through employees. Honeywell knew though that even the worst recessions are not permanent and that they usually last about 12-18 months; they wanted to be prepared when the economy started to heal.

With its new culture in place Honeywell took a different approach than their competitors. They projected the possible impact of economic recovery on their business noting that they would have to rehire many of the employees they would lay off during the recession. Given this projection they then followed a different method of restructuring and let their workers take temporarily unpaid leaves of absences: furloughs. Honeywell also knew that furloughs would harm the morale and the loyalty of its employees. Even the employees who stayed would be distracted, thinking that their own jobs might be at stake. In order to benefit from furloughs, Honeywell limited their use by implementing more diligent performance reviews and avoiding hiring for new positions.

Honeywell CEO David Cote believed that most of his managers still overestimated their savings and underestimated how disruptive layoffs would be given that the average employee received six months’ worth of severance pay – Honeywell could only start saving money 6 months after the firm laid off an employee. However, the value of the employees’ contributions was intangible; they might be losing their most skilled employees. The results for keeping their valuable employees have bounced back quicker than their competitors after the recession and their business was increasing at a higher pace. [1]

  • Questions:

How does the use of HR forecasting reflect Honeywell’s strategy and culture?
What options did Honeywell use to overcome the projected labor surplus during the recession? Other available options?
How might job analysis and job design minimize the impact of furloughs on organizational performance and productivity? How does hoteling fit into this scenario?

Critically explore the importance of recognising ACES and the impact that it has upon learners. Draw upon relevant literature, legislation and policy to support your response.

The importance of recognising ACES

Critically explore the importance of recognising ACES and the impact that it has upon learners. Draw upon relevant literature, legislation and policy to support your response.

How does the text highlight or problematize socioeconomic/class inequality and struggle? How does the text highlight or problematize gender inequality and struggle?

Theoretical Essay

For this fourth paper, you will apply critical theory and outside research to a theoretical-critical analysis of a literary text we have read this fall. Consider a text through one of the theoretical- critical lenses discussed in NIL’s “Critical Approaches” section (A1-A26), and support your argument with critical scholarship you find by using PSCC’s library resources and databases. The literary text you analyze may be a short story, poem, or play (of your choosing) that we read this fall, provided you have not already written an essay on it. After selecting your text, apply one of the following theoretical-critical frameworks, from our readings/discussions, to your analysis:
 Marxist Criticism –How does the text highlight or problematize socioeconomic/class inequality and struggle? (See NIL A16-A17)
 Feminist Criticism –How does the text highlight or problematize gender inequality and struggle? (See NIL A17-A19)
 Gender Studies and Queer Theory –How does the text highlight or problematize inequalities in LGBTQ+ matters? (See NIL A19-A20)
 African American and Ethnic Literary Studies –How does the text highlight or problematize inequalities in race-, ethnicity-, or nationality-related matters? (See NIL A20-A22)
 Cultural Studies –How does the text problematize cultural trends? (See NIL A23-A24)

Note: you may apply a different theoretical-critical framework, if you wish, provided the theory is included in NIL’s “Critical Approaches” section—see New Criticism, Structuralism, Poststructuralism, Deconstruction, Narrative Theory, Biographical Criticism, Psychoanalytic Criticism, Reader-Response Criticism, Reception Studies, New Historicism, or Postcolonial Criticism and Studies of World Literature and that you approve it with me in advance.
Once you have chosen a theoretical-critical framework for your text, conduct library research to find 2+ scholarly sources relating to the text (and perhaps the theory as well), incorporating them into your paper. Note that at least one (1) of your sources must be a critical source about the text (or its author’s work); while you may wish to incorporate outside sources on your chosen framework as well, citing the NIL subsection on the framework in your paper is the minimum requirement. Consider the text’s plot, narrative, character(s), conflicts, themes, form, style, and/or language. How does the theoretical-critical reading you apply to the text affect these components? Consult (and cite) “Critical Approaches” (NIL 2305-2330) for guidance while writing, and remember to include quotes from the text and your sources (with in-text citations) to support your argument.

 750-850 words (2-3 pages)
 2+ scholarly sources + citation of the text + relevant NIL “Critical Approaches” subsection

What kind of program or policy would you implement in the U.S. to address your chosen topic/issue in order to improve the well-being of families? If there is an existing program or policy in place, how would you improve or replace it?

Trafficking and Sex trafficking.

Write a report in which you answer the following questions. Your report must be in the
following format:

1. Go over the topics in the syllabus (pgs. 6-8) covered each week in this class and choose one that you consider to be the most interesting or important.
Describe the topic/issue in detail, be specific, and provide examples if appropriate. Be sure to explain your reasoning for selecting this topic (i.e. why is it important). (5 points)

2. Discuss the topic you have chosen in the context of the United States and compare to other countries (choose at least one). Consider how families are affected by this topic/issue across countries in your comparison. You may use the textbook and/or any other resources to answer this prompt. (8 points)

3. Answer the following prompts (8 points):
Policy Question: What kind of program or policy would you implement in the U.S. to address your chosen topic/issue in order to improve the well-being of families? If there is an existing program or policy in place, how would you improve or replace it?

Your assignment must meet the following requirements (4 points)
1. Typed, double-spaced, with 12 point font and 1” margins
2. Maximum 5 pages in length
3. Free from grammar and spelling errors
4. If you use the textbook or outside sources to support your answers, cite your
sources (APA formatting).

How did the United States respond to North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in 1950? What was General Douglas MacArthur’s major mistake in the conflict? What impact did this mistake have on the future of the conflict?

Assignment #13 Chapter 26

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible and use the book below as a reference.

The Essential World History, Volume II: Since with ISBNs: 9781305645363, 9781305888395 and, 9780357521212

1. Identify and explain two significant outcomes of the Yalta Conference held in February 1945.

2. How did the United States respond to North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in 1950? What was General Douglas MacArthur’s major mistake in the conflict? What impact did this mistake have on the future of the conflict?

3. What was Sputnik? How did the United States respond to Sputnik? What impact did Sputnik have on U.S.-Soviet relations?

4. Read The Truman Doctrine on page 681. What role did President Truman’s decision to aid Greece and Turkey play in intensifying the Cold War?

5. Read the Opposing Viewpoints “Confrontation in Southeast Asia” on page 698. What reasoning did the National Liberation Front use claim it represented the legitimate interests of the South Vietnamese people?