
Describe what the authors of the paper did, how many studies they ran, what methods they used, and what they found.

Simplify a complex paper into a Simple summary

Your task is to simplify a complex paper into a simple summary. So, imagine that you had to prepare a TED talk on a years-long research project but you only have 10 minutes to present your research and results. Same logic: you only have four pages, and you don’t have to come up with your own research, but only summarize what other researchers did.

In the methods & results sections, do not worry about reporting numbers, graphs or statistics, but describe what the authors of the paper did, how many studies they ran, what methods they used, and what they found. The more it reads like a story, the better.

In the discussion section, do not forget to include yourself, i.e. a few lines related to the limitations you perceived in the paper and possible future directions.

Remember that this is a hard task and you don’t have to do a perfect job to get a perfect score. It is probably your first time doing this, and I am aware of that. Do your best. The purpose of this task is to two-fold: (i) learning how to read a research paper in psychology, and (ii) learning how to synthesize complex information into a simple form.

Write a 5 page research paper with no less than 5 sources controversial thesis/proposition regarding mandated vaccines.

Mandated Vaccines Good or Bad

Come up with a controversial thesis/proposition regarding mandated vaccines. Back up your thesis using valid points
Write a 5 page research paper with no less than 5 sources (articles, government publications, books, internet magazine articles, etc)
Provide direct quotes from those articles with authors name or website title in text citation
Works cited page must be “hanging indent”
Provide an outline

What is(are) the definition(s) for this problem? What are the relevant statistics regarding this social problem? What is the source(s) of the problem? What legislation is related to this problem and how has it helped/exacerbated the problem?

Domestic Abuse

Description: Understanding common social problems found within the human service field is necessary to be effective as a Human Service Professional. Examples of appropriate topics include poverty, homelessness, child abuse, human trafficking, drug abuse, and domestic violence. Choose a topic that is significant to you in some way. You will submit a one paragraph explanation of your chosen topic for your professor. Your professor will grant permission for the topic or make suggestions with regard to your topic. In the final paper, you will focus on communicating the information you have gathered in a clear and organized manner. Your writing should be driven by the information taken from your research. This is not an opinion paper, but a research paper. Therefore, describe what your expert sources are saying with regard to your chosen social problem. Human Service professionals must show the ability to communicate without bias or personal/editorial opinion. Use headings in the paper to keep your writing (and the reader) on track. As each final paper will be unique, no specific headings can be required. However, the types of questions that might be asked of each topic would include:

What is(are) the definition(s) for this problem?
What are the relevant statistics regarding this social problem?
What is the source(s) of the problem? (Why has this become a problem?)
Who is affected by this problem? (Demographics of the problem)
What legislation is related to this problem and how has it helped/exacerbated the problem?
What solutions are being offered by experts in this area?
What does the Bible say with regard to this problem?
Don’t forget to add a conclusion paragraph that highlights the major findings of the entire paper.

View the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing.

key marketing concepts

View the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing concepts from Chapter 17. Bold type the two or three words that describe each of the three key marketing concepts that you are explaining.

As a part of this assignment you are required to support your paper with at least one CREDIBLE outside source which you can find by searching the college data bases, online resources, or business publications. Be sure to cite and reference these sources in proper APA format.

Remember that ALL written work must be completed in proper APA format. There are a number of APA resources listed on the home page of this course It is important that you become proficient in how to use APA.

Discuss the history of housing discrimination in this country Discuss the impact it has had on individuals who were discriminated against; the children and grandchildren of those who were discriminated against and the impact it will have on future generations if not addressed.

Systemic Racism focus on structural policy – book study

This book will give students many examples of systematic racism and the impact it can have on groups of people.
In this assignment, students will take what they learned from the Color of Law and develop an advocacy paper that is intended to influence and persuade the listeners’ opinion and that demonstrates why they should care about eliminating systematic racism in housing. Students will use a combination of the advocacy tips that were learned throughout the class such as: supporting one’s argument with statistics and data, social science literature, examples of the impact of systemic racism, and personal stories of how they have been impacted, changed or benefitted at the expense of others. They will also develop recommendations for how to eliminate systemic racism.

1. Read the Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
2. Write an 8-10 page paper that is structured in the following format:

I. The Problem •
Establish why systemic racism in housing is a problem (support your statements with references)
• Discuss the history of housing discrimination in this country
• Discuss the impact it has had on individuals who were discriminated against; the children and grandchildren of those who were discriminated against and the impact it will have on future generations if not addressed
• Consider the discriminatory effects these laws and practices had on African Americans and other minorities. Think broadly. In addition to considering effects on housing, also consider the impact on other areas of a person’s life such as education, economics, food security, safety, health, etc. •
Use evidence to demonstrate the need for a solution
• Use a combination of evidence sources. This can include but is not limited to: statistics and data, social science literature.

II. The Solution
• What solutions have been tried in the past to change the problem
a. What laws/programs were enacted to combat systemic racism in housing?
b. Have they been successful?

• Recommendations – Identify your own solution to the problem. Use evidence to support your answer. a. Describe your proposed solution b. Show how your solution addresses the problem and offers a credible solution c. Outline the concrete steps that will/should be taken to enact your solution.

What is the most effective level of government authority for environmental regulation?

Environmental Law

Must be single spaced, minimum 2500 words. To answer the question- what is the most effective level of government authority for environmental regulation? Must be written in Chicago/Oscola format. Footnotes must be included, need proper structure and proper lead sentences. Must be in a persuasive writing format. In BOLD it says persuasive essay #3. That’s the essay that’s due for our final.

What is Dworkin’s view about when the state is warranted in creating paternalistic laws, and how does he defend it? Raise at least one objection to Dworkin’s view. Is the objection successful? Why or why not?

Rawls – Civil Disobedience

Assignment goals

The goal of the Critical Summary assignment was to improve your ability to read and understand a short passage of writing, summarize a passage accurately, and to offer a critical analysis of another person’s view or argument. This Short Essay assignment will give you the opportunity to build on this foundation by working on the following
philosophical skills:

reading and understanding longer passages of philosophical writing

accurately summarizing another person’s argument

coming up with an objection to another person’s view or argument

responding to objections to a philosophical argument

developing a coherent philosophical dialectic

Assignment details

Your short essay should be 1800 words (plus or minus 10%), doublespaced, use standard font and margins, and have no cover page. It is due Friday, December 3 at 11:59pm and is worth 30% of your grade. There is no single conventional form of citation in philosophy, but you should use an accepted citation style (e.g. Chicago, MLA, APA) to cite authors whom you directly quote or whose ideas you paraphrase. Your essay should also include a bibliography or references section on the final page. Please submit your essay as a .doc or PDF file via the course webpage. In your essay, you will respond to one of the following topics:

1. Practitioners of civil disobedience demonstrate fidelity to law, but political rioters do not. Draw on Rawls’s theory of civil disobedience to explain why it can be important for those who break the law as a form of protest to express respect for the authority of the state, and say how, according to Rawls, protesters should go about expressing this respect. In your opinion, should those who break the law as a form of protest always attempt to demonstrate fidelity to law? If so, why? If not, why not?

2. John Stuart Mill argues that the state is never warranted in interfering with a person’s liberty in order to prevent harm to that person. In his essay ‘Paternalism,’ Gerald Dworkin disagrees with this claim. What is Dworkin’s view about when the state is warranted in creating paternalistic laws, and how does he defend it? Raise at least one objection to
Dworkin’s view. Is the objection successful? Why or why not?

Whatever topic you choose, your goal should be to develop a coherent dialectic of the kind we find in most of the readings for the course. The goal is to try to get a philosophical conversation up and running in your paper which places your own voice alongside the voices of some of the authors we’ve read. The prompts are constructed in order to help you

Does the internet and social media “give a voice to the voiceless” (Ronson) as it originally promised or has it morphed into something else?

Hillary clinton note paper

Essay 3 Fall 2021 Hillary Clinton’s “Internet Rights and Wrongs: Choices and Challenges in a Networked World,” Jeffrey Rosen’s “The End of Forgetting,” and Jon Ronson’s “When Online Shaming Spirals out of Control” all describe the various ways in which culture has been transformed by technology. With this context in mind, please answer the following questions in a thesis-driven essay (3-4 pages following standard MLA format). Your essay must refer to at least two of the course readings listed above in addition to one supplemental text. Several of our course texts have examined instances where people’s careers were destroyed when their offensive speech like Justine Sacco’s tweet about Africa—or arguably inappropriate actions—like Stacy Snider’s “drunken pirate” went viral. Furthermore, Jon Ronson makes the argument that the internet is “making us lose our capacity for empathy and for distinguishing between serious and unserious transgressions.” Write an essay in which you respond to Ronson’s central claims. Does the internet and social media “give a voice to the voiceless” (Ronson)—as it originally promised—or has it morphed into something else? Whether you agree with Ronson or not, be sure to consider how we can, in the words of Hillary Clinton, “protect[ing] free expression while fostering tolerance and civility” (575). How are these issues of “free expression and tolerance and civility” ultimately important?

How long will the activity take when implemented in the classroom? Describe any materials that are needed to conduct the lesson.

lesson plan and presentation at an Elementary math level about Stem Leaf Plots

Include the following:

Slide 1&2: Lesson Plan: Stem Leaf Plots

Slide 1:

Overview: Write an introduction to the class activity. Include the purpose of the activity and desired outcome.

Objectives: The objectives should be specific and measurable.

Time: How long will the activity take when implemented in the classroom?

Materials: Describe any materials that are needed to conduct the lesson.

Slide 2:

Activity: Provide a detailed description of the activity. Write all steps from the instruction of the assessment.

Slides 3-7:Presentation for lesson plan

1. Presentation: Complete a PowerPoint presentation that could be used in class to teach the lesson plan.

2. Notes Section: The PowerPoint must include presentation notes at the bottom of each slide.

Instructions and scoring guide in the attached file.

Identify need and existing global market. Provide a logical discussion of 3 different research methods from the chapter readings the candidate theoretically used to determine that there is both a need as well as an existing global market for the products and/or services.

Marketing Proposal – 2 products/services

A1a.    Identify need and existing global market. Provide a logical discussion of 3 different research methods from the chapter readings the candidate theoretically used to determine that there is both a need as well as an existing global market for the products and/or services. The product or service selected must theoretically generate a profit for the organization. Use the research methods (i.e. surveys, focus groups, etc.) in Chapters 5 & 6 of the Marketing text and the methods listed in Chapter 3 Section 5b of the Marketing Strategies text to select 3 different research methods to base your theoretical discussion on.

A1b.   Competitive Advantage. Provide a logical explanation of 1 competitive advantage to the company that will be attained by offering each new product and/or service to your global market. Be sure to name your competitor(s) and discuss your products/services in relation to a competitors product and/or service.

A1c.    Risks in Product/Service Launch. Provide a logical discussion of 2 inherent risk(s) associated with launching the new products and/or services in the country you selected and how to minimize these risks. State each risk, discuss why it is a risk for your company, and what action you can take to reduce each risk.

A2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)  

CRM System. Name the customer relationship management software system you prescribe/recommend to track product and/or service inquiries and sales and provide a logical justification of why you selected the software. Discuss 4 or 5 major features or functions of the system and why you feel they are good aspects. You will need to conduct research and identify a real CRM software system to discuss in this section.

A2a.  CRM Practices. Explain how the information generated by the CRM software will be used to continue to drive CRM practices and track sales in your foreign country. Provide examples specific to your products and services.

A3. Distribution Channels

Distribution Channel. Name and discuss at least 1 distribution channel for the 2 new products and/or services in the country you selected. The distribution channel relates to how customers will obtain/buy the products/services you are selling in the country you selected. You must discuss exporting your products or services (or some aspect of your product/service) from the U.S. to the foreign country you selected to test market your products/services in.

A3a. Key Considerations. Name and analyze at least two key considerations for entering your global market (e.g. regional trade alliances, agreements, environmental forces, etc.). You must discuss these considerations in relation to your specific distribution channel.

A3b. Supply Chain. Describe your global supply chain and analyze how it may impact the product or service. The global supply chain relates to how you create/build/manufacture/package/ship the products/services to the country you selected. Once you have outlined your supply chain, discuss some break or significant disruption to that chain and the impact it would have for your business in your foreign country.

A4 . Pricing Strategy

Pricing Strategy. Name and discuss a major pricing strategy (e.g. cost plus pricing, competition-based pricing, break-even-based pricing, penetration-based pricing, premium pricing) aligned to your products and/or services’ position within the overall market strategy of your global marketplace. State the prices of your products/services.

A4a.   Costs. Identify and discuss costs associated with developing and launching the new products and/or services. Provide dollar figure examples / estimates of each of the costs you discuss.

A4b.    Consumer Acceptance. Evaluate and discuss consumer acceptance of the price set for the new products and/or services. Set a price for your products or services and discuss how your business theoretically gathered feedback from potential customers that the price would be accepted.

A4c.    Competitor Prices. Name a competitor for your products in your foreign country. Then evaluate and discuss your competitor(s) prices for similar products and/or services relative to yours. Provide dollar figure examples of prices.

A5.  Promotional Strategy.

Discuss the promotional strategy (e.g. – Push or Pull strategy) you will use to promote your products and/or services in your global market.

A5a.    Media Channels. Identify 2 mass media and 2 social media channels you would use to promote your new products and/or services in your global market. Be sure to verify that your selections are allowed in your selected foreign country.

A5ai.     Channel Justification. Provide a logical justification of why you selected those channels based on market segmentation.

A5b. Sales Promotion. Name and discuss 2 sales promotion activities (e.g. coupons, games, contests, sweepstakes) you would use to promote your new products and/or services in your global market.

Paper Format and References

Papers are typically 10-15 pages in length.
Papers should include 3-4 references and should include in-text citations.
Use section heading based on the sections listed above.
Do not just include a list of bullet point items. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs that explain, support and show application of the concepts.
The marketing plan should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format and written in essay format.