
Compare and contrast Barcode technology with RFID technology as they are used for inventory control. Include inventory control aspects, manufacturing process, Shop floor Control and retail sales.

Barcode vs RFID

Compare and contrast Barcode technology with RFID technology as they are used for inventory control. Include inventory control aspects, manufacturing process, Shop floor Control and retail sales. Paper should be 3-5 pages basic APA format, longer if you include illustrations. Submitted in Microsoft Word format. You should also include a cover page and bibliography (not included in the 3-5 pages)


Technology (How do Barcode and RFID technology work)
History of Barcode and RFID.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Barcode and RFID.
Transition from Barcode to RFID technology.
Personal opinion of how Barcode and RFID technology will affect our lives in the future.

How can we validly study an individual student? Differentiate between basic and applied research providing advantages and disadvantages of both.

Final Discussions

400 word discussion post on each topic.
1.) How can we validly study an individual student?
2.) Differentiate between basic and applied research providing advantages and disadvantages of both.
3.)This course was designed to introduce you to the skills necessary to conduct applied research in an educational setting. For this discussion, elaborate on the elements of applied research that you found to be most challenging; then, discuss what you did and what you will do to meet that challenge. Further develop the discussion by supporting your assertion with a verse from the Bible.

All posts must have 3 sources, 2 within last 5 years and one bible source that relates. For #3, there must be a total word count minus quotes.

Identify the individual images used in your overall composition. What theme ties them together? Describe why you chose the specific colors assigned to each image layer. How do they look, together?

Art Project 4

Refer to the Instructions for Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 for more-complete descriptions of all of the required items for your “journal.”

Your file submission in this assignment must be a single PDF file — a document containing a series of 3 images, each with accompanying written sections as follows:

Image 1

Created according to the Instructions for Phase 1.

Writing to accompany Image 1

You should include answers to the following questions, about this first image:

Which object did you choose to work with?

(from the list of five potential astronomical objects)

In just a couple of sentences, briefly describe what differences you can see between how the object looks across the three separate images included.

(Suggestions: You might look for such things as stars or other small features that are extra-bright in one wavelength and dimmer in others, or clouds of gas or dust that are overall brighter in one image than another. Your description can be very general, focusing on appearances only and not concerned with scientific interpretation of why there are those differences; that’s in the next question.)

Again, in just a couple of sentences, briefly consider the reason for visible differences between one wavelength image’s contents versus another’s.

(Hints: Recall previous lessons on the relationship between temperature and color, of stars’ ages, and — if applicable — of where in galaxies certain kinds of stars are more likely to be found.)

Image 2

Created according to the Instructions for Phase 2.

Writing to accompany Image 2

You should include answers to the following questions, about this second image:

Why did you make your choices for hue/saturation/lightness for your second image?

Are any particular details more or less visible in your Image 2 than in Image 1?

Image 3

Created according to the Instructions for Phase 3.

Written Statement for Image 3

This should be at least 200 words for full credit. It should describe your original composition, the component images, colors, and your overall theme:

Identify the individual images used in your overall composition. What theme ties them together?

Describe why you chose the specific colors assigned to each image layer. How do they look, together?

Write an analysis of the “Day of Infamy” speech. Pay special attention to factors such as the speaker’s purpose and point of view. Explain Roosevelt’s reasoning, points of emphasis, and his use of rhetoric and tone, as well as how he links ideas.

Interpreting Speeches

Listen to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech to Congress on December 8, 1941 (known as the “Day of Infamy Speech” or the “Infamy Speech”) after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. The transcript of the speech is provided here.

Write an analysis of the “Day of Infamy” speech. Pay special attention to factors such as the speaker’s purpose and point of view. Explain Roosevelt’s reasoning, points of emphasis, and his use of rhetoric and tone, as well as how he links ideas. Use both the written and audio versions of the speech to complete your analysis. You might need to do some additional research into the historical background of the speaker and the speech to complete this activity.
Read about Roosevelt’s excellent communication skills, which helped him become an accomplished orator, and more about his life.

Insert your analysis in the space below.

Compare modern witch hunts that place in Africa and Asia, and how like in Continental Europe of the 17th century, Education and industrialization will lead to the end of this.

Magic in Renaissance Drama

This is a 7-10 page paper for an English class about Magic in Renaissance Drama. It is a pretty free-range paper as long as it has something to do with Magic in Renaissance Drama. My idea was to compare modern witch hunts that place in Africa and Asia, and how like in Continental Europe of the 17th century, Education and industrialization will lead to the end of this.

Why should your audience care about this topic? What future implications resulted from this event? What were the lessons learned from this emergency or disaster?

Boston Marathon bombing

Summarize the event-
Write 2-3 or more sentences for each of the following:
o What happened?
o Who
o What
o Where
o When
o Why.
Significance (no sentences limit).
o Why should your audience care about this topic?
o What future implications resulted from this event?
Conclusion (no sentences limit)
o What were the lessons learned from this emergency or disaster?

Compare the molecular weights obtained for your three prominent bands by using Rf values to the MW obtained by MALDI-TOF. How much discrepancy (if any) did you see between the two methods?

Affinity chromatography protein Purification

1) Estimate the molecular weights (using Rf values) of the three prominent bands you see in your thrombin digest lane.

2) You have been provided with two results of a MALDI-TOF analysis (pp. 102-103 above).

a) Calculate the actual molecular weight of the three bands by doing a ratio calculation, based on the observed MALDI MW of the apomyoglobin standard and the actual MW of the apomyoglobin standard. Ratio = observed value/actual value.
b) What do you think the 33941.3 peak on p. 102 corresponds to?
c) Compare the molecular weights obtained for your three prominent bands by using Rf values to the MW obtained by MALDI-TOF. How much discrepancy (if any) did you see between the two methods? If you wanted to be as accurate as possible in obtaining the MW of a protein or peptide, which method would you use and why?

3) In developing this lab, we had to make a decision on what protease to use to separate our protein of interest from the GST tag. We had a number of proteases to choose from. Copy and paste the amino acids sequence provided (GST+ protein X) into the PeptideCutter tool window ( and look at the following enzymes for cleavage patterns: trypsin and thrombin. Print out your results and answer why you think we chose thrombin over trypsin. Also indicate where thrombin cleaves.

4) Copy and paste the amino acid sequence of the shorter peptide segment (post-cleavage with thrombin) in Protparam window ( [protparam.html) to gather the following information:
a) the amino acid composition in percentage
b) the theoretical pl
c) the estimated molecular weight
d) the total number of negatively charged residues
e) the total number of positively charged residues
F) the atomic composition (number of CH,N,O,S)
g) total number of atoms
h) the aliphatic index

5) Can you identify this protein using this program? (Use Protein BLAST at the National Center for Biotechnology Information at

6) Attach all of the obtained data in the Appendices section of your lab report. Important note on using bioinformatics web-based data in your lab report: you must provide correct and complete references for the programs that you used to obtain any (and all) data for your lab report. Complete references for the programs, such as Protparam, Protein BLAST, etc. are provided on the websites these programs run from. It is incorrect to provide an Internet (weblink) reference only. For example, click on the References/Documentation link in the main ProtParam webpage (located above the data
entry window) to view the original references for this program. You will lose marks on your lab report 4 if you do not provide original references for the web-based programs you used to obtain your data. Attach all data obtained to your lab report in the Appendices section.

Did the company change its accounting policy during the period covered by its financial statements? Did the company correct an accounting error during the period covered by its financial statements? If yes,  include details.

Advanced Financial Reporting

Part 1: Accounting research
Part 2: Leases
Part 1 Accounting research
First part of assignment (which replaces the exam in 2021) is based on research undertaken on 25 companies (groups) which follow IFRS. The assignment is focused on main topics covered in Advanced Financial Reporting module. Students are required to download 25 annual reports of companies that prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS and conduct research answering the questions set by the tutor.
Discuss the main requirements of following standards:
IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Change in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IFRS 3 Business combinations
Conduct a research based on 25 consolidated financial statements of companies that prepare their financial statements according to IFRS. Companies can be from whichever country in the world.
In your research, use 2020 annual financial statements (which are included in company’s annual reports). Answer the following questions:
IAS 8: Did the company change its accounting policy during the period covered by its financial statements?
IAS 8: Did the company correct an accounting error during the period covered by its financial statements? If yes,  include details.
IAS 10: What did the company mention as Events after the reporting period?
IAS 37: What are the areas the company recognised provisions for?
IAS 37: What are the areas the company disclosed as its contingent liabilities?
IAS 37: Did the company disclose any contingent assets? If yes, please include details.
IFRS 3: Did the company acquire a new subsidiary in the period covered by its financial statements? If yes,  include the names of subsidiaries acquired (or, if this is not explicitly stated, the number of subsidiaries acquired) and describe what the company discloses about these acquisitions.
Prepare a table including list of companies, sector of their business (industry) and your findings on company-by-company basis (this table MUST be included in your paper).
Present the findings in the form of charts (where possible) or text describing your findings. The form of charts is on your deliberation.
Prepare a brief summary of your findings (for example, how many companies from your sample acquired a new subsidiary, how many companies changed their accounting policies, how many companies corrected an error, what are typical events after the reporting period…).
Note: Do NOT include Financial Institutions (i.e., banks, insurance companies and lease companies) in your sample.
When including companies in your sample, please double check that they DO prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS.

If this study were undertaken, how successfully would it answer the research question(s) it poses? How well does it meet the standards for valid social science research?

Statistical Sociology – Research Paper Proposal

OBJECTIVE & OVERVIEW: The purpose of this assignment is to apply the skills learned throughout the semester to a social science research topic of interest to you. For this assignment, you will propose a research project you have designed yourself. You must choose your own research topic, devise a researchable research question, and then use the latter to structure your research proposal. The study you propose can be either quantitative or qualitative (but not both), and you must propose to collect your own data and design your own measures (rather than using available data, like the Canadian census, or established measures, like a standard depression inventory). Assume for the purposes of the research proposal that you have a period of up to three years in which to conduct your study. You are required to consult the literature for this proposal but you are not required to actually collect or analyze any data.

EVALUATION: Your project will be graded according to the specification of the research question(s) and the appropriateness, quality, and clarity of the proposed research methodology. Be as detailed and precise as possible, in line with the guidelines. As you design your study, ask yourself: If this study were undertaken, how successfully would it answer the research question(s) it poses? How well does it meet the standards for valid social science research?

PART 1 & PART 2: The research proposal assignment will be divided into two parts. Details regarding Part 1 (10% of your final grade) are provided below. Details for Part 2 (20% of your final grade) will be provided closer to the due date. As you draft Part 2, you must follow any instructions and implement any corrections suggested by the TA who has marked Part 1.

FORMAT FOR PART 1: Include the following sections in your assignment, which should be 4-5 double-spaced pages in length, with page numbers clearly labelled. Before drafting each section, review the relevant textbook and lecture materials. You may order the sections as you wish, but please use bold headers for each section.

Write a critical response (5–7 pages) to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission Report outlining how the performance of first responders could have been improved.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission Report

Improving Performance

After reading the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission Report (2019), complete the assignment.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission. (2019). Initial report submitted to the governor, speaker of the house of representatives and senate president. Retrieved from

Write a critical response (5–7 pages) to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission Report outlining how the performance of first responders could have been improved. Include the following in your response:

Preparedness: How could preparedness measures been improved before the shooting?

Response: After identifying the failures in the active shooter response, as scene commander what measures would you have employed to address the active shooter threat?

Recovery: How could have recovery efforts been improved to save more lives?

Mitigation strategies are typically implemented following lessons learned from a tragic event or disaster. In each of the three phases noted above (Preparedness, Response, and Recovery) include 1–2 paragraphs (use headings) explaining how mitigation could have better prepared first responders.

NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Include at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style. Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

Include a cover page and references page in 10–12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable)

Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained

Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful

Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics

Appropriate citation style should be followed.

You should also make sure to:

Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date

Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English

Use examples to support your discussion

Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format