
Based on the problems analyzed in the readings and considering your perspective, which psychosocial interventions could help improve migrants’ and refugees’ mental health in the transit and host countries?

Mental Health

1. Discuss why it is relevant to consider ethnic differences when understanding and addressing Mental Health.

2. Considering the authors reviewed in class, what can be discussed about the social and cultural dimensions of suffering?

3. Discuss why Migration can be considered as a Social Determinant of Mental Health.

4. Based on the problems analyzed in the readings and considering your perspective, which psychosocial interventions could help improve migrants’ and refugees’ mental health in the transit and host countries?

5. What lessons can we take from the COVID-19 pandemic to approach mental health from a biopsychosocial perspective?

What do you think is the primary message of the movie to the Filipino generation after more than 100 years of its Independence?

Jose Rizal Movie

Answer the following:

1. What do you think is the primary message of the movie to the Filipino generation after more than 100 years of its Independence?

2. Which part or parts of the 3-hour movie should have been deleted or less emphasized? why?

3. In the scenes, characters, or sequences in the movie, did you notice inconsistencies or possible inaccuracies from the life story of Rizal based on history books?
identify and briefly describe them.

4. If you were to rewrite or alter the movie, how would you want to present Dr. Rizal to the Filipino audience today?

Explain how the Internet of things has helped to understand guest behavior in the Quarantined hotels during the COVID-19 era & lessons learn. 

Internet of things

Explain how the Internet of things has helped to understand guest behavior in the Quarantined hotels during the COVID-19 era & lessons learn.

How do you define happiness for yourself? Do you consider yourself a happy person right now? What do you need in your life in order to be happy now and in the future? Who are the people in your life who affect your happiness?

TED talk by Robert Waldinger

STEP 1: Watch this TED talk by Robert Waldinger, psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School. He discusses some of the results of the Grant study, which has followed groups of men over a 75 year, longitudinal study, and explains some of the factors leading to a happy life.

STEP 2: After viewing this video about lessons from the longest study on happiness, ask yourself and write down your answers the following questions.

How do I define happiness for myself?
Do I consider myself a happy person right now?
What do I need in my life in order to be happy now and in the future?
Who are the people in my life who affect my happiness?
Do you think you will feel the same when you turn 65? Why or why not?

STEP 3: Talk to a grandparent or another relative or person you know who is at least 60 years old and ask them the following questions (include their responses with your final paper).

How do you define happiness for yourself?
Do you consider yourself a happy person right now?
What do you need in your life in order to be happy now and in the future?
Who are the people in your life who affect your happiness?
Did you feel the same way when you were my age?
What is the biggest difference between what you thought would make you happy when you were younger and what did make you happy as you got older?

STEP 4: Write a 4-5 page paper that synthesizes and reflects upon the responses to these questions. As you write the paper, compare and contrast your own answers to the questions and those provided by the older person you interviewed. Were there similarities in your answers? What were some of the differences? Do you think happiness means something vastly different for younger vs. older people? Explain.

Follow APA protocols for writing an interview paper (see below). Reference your sources but do not include the last name of the person you interviewed to assure confidentiality.

Summaries the claim that there are no clearly identifiable means of mechanisms ‘by which to question, challenge or intervene when sovereign act in deviant, harmful and deadly ways’.

Drake and Scott, 2019, p.175

Using the example of Syria as a ‘deviant state’, summaries the claim that there are no clearly identifiable means of mechanisms ‘by which to question, challenge or intervene when sovereign act in deviant, harmful and deadly ways’.

How did you first become interested in industrial relations and human resources? Are there particular work experiences, courses, class assignments or research papers that you have prepared that you would like to draw to the attention of the admissions committee?

Personal statement for industrial relations.


Q. How did you first become interested in industrial relations and human resources? Are there particular work experiences, courses, class assignments or research papers that you have prepared that you would like to draw to the attention of the admissions committee?

Q. Use the statement to reflect on your strengths. Highlight those skills and personal characteristics that you possess that make you a strong candidate for the graduate program.

Q. Do you have professional, community service, volunteer, or extra-curricular activities that may not be reflected in your resume?

Q. Elaborate on your career goals. Describe how this program coincides with your short and/or long-term career objectives.

Q. Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic record that you should explain?

Q. Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships that may have impacted your past performance?

What was the author’s main objective for writing this book? Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course? What emotions did you feel personally about what you read?

Reflection Paper #2 – Ghost Maps

Write a 4-page reflection paper about Ghost Maps. Reflection papers should be in first person voice (e.g. I felt, I thought, it reminded me, etc.) Do not give a plot summary BUT provide enough details/examples from the book to demonstrate that you read it. Do not use websites that provide summaries of the books; you must read the books yourself.

Don’t forget to use references and in-text citations, at least of the book itself.

Don’t forget introductory and concluding paragraphs.

Papers should loosely answer some of the following questions, not necessarily in order.

What was the author’s main objective for writing this book?
Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course?
What emotions did you feel personally about what you read?
What information did you learn or find most interesting? Least interesting?
What information did you find surprising? Why?
How does this book relate to other books you have read/movies you have seen/ things you have learned?
After reading the book, in what way has your view of the world changed, if at all?

If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

The Moral of the Story is….


What this paper is:
This exercise is designed to allow you to express your thoughts about a short story. For example, you may discuss a theme found in one of the stories we have covered or discuss an author’s use of symbolism. You may make a point about the historical context of a particular writing, or how a particular author deals with a topic or relationship. You may compare the way two authors deal with a topic, or type of character, or make an argument about a particular story’s meaning.
You must make a claim about the story and support it with quotes and paraphrases from the story itself. Outside research is optional but it may help.
Documentation is required, and I will help

What this paper is not:
This paper is not a book report nor a simple summary. While you should plan to summarize parts or the whole of the story, do not simply tell your readers what happened. Make a defendable claim about it.
While you may start with an opinion about the work in question, you should make provable points (backed up with quotation or paraphrase from the text) rather than relying on guess work, or first impressions.
Avoid using phrases like “I think” or “I believe” as these weaken your writing by making your reader think you’re not sure.

In class we will discuss proposals for topics for this paper. You should try to come up with a tentative thesis statement in to discuss in class.

Examples of Topics: (you are not limited to these)
Discuss the obsessive need for June’s mother to find a way for June to be a prodigy in “Two Kinds” and what that might do to a child’s self-esteem.

Compare Harry to the dead Leopard from the first lines of “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”. What are each of them symbolically or actually climbing? Does the image of the hyena come into play here?

Think about the life of Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” and consider how her life might not have been as free as she might have imagined it should the ending have been different. If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

Your essay should:
Revolve around a clear thesis that makes a single arguable claim. Support this claim with concrete examples that are fully explained.

Nuts and Bolts:
-2-3 pages 1” margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced
-Proofread for sentence and word level clarity and adherence to MLA conventions
-Follow MLA conventions for in-text citations and include an MLA works cited list
-Have a title – come up with your own title!

Significant Dates:
-In class Proposal discussion
-Peer review- Bring completed draft to class
-Final Draft of Essay 4

What are some non-monetary statistics besides labor hours and patient volume that have a direct effect on the financial management of a health care organization? Are there statistics that do not translate into a monetary effect?

Week 5 Discussion

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

What are some non-monetary statistics—besides labor hours and patient volume—that have a direct effect on the financial management of a health care organization?
Are there statistics that do not translate into a monetary effect?

Choose one of the above-mentioned data sets, determine a hypothesis based on the data, and then conduct appropriate tests to see if they can prove their hypothesis.


For Context: Utilize health-related data sets from or from

Choose one of the above-mentioned data sets, determine a hypothesis based on the data, and then conduct appropriate tests to see if they can prove their hypothesis.