
Provide an example of a country that has a rational party (1 point) Draw how the political spectrum looks like during the primary election and the general election day.


Political parties are some of the key players in electoral politics since they are in charge of essential functions such as organizing the government and the electorate. Given the importance that political parties have in the political realm; fully discuss the following concepts from the outline below.

*Be sure that essay has an introduction, body, conclusion and that is grammatically correct (1 point).

A. Political Ideology

Ideology- Define it within the essay (1 point)
Provide at least two functions of political ideology (1 point)
Liberalism-Define it within the essay (1 point)
Conservatism- Define it within the essay (1 point)

B. Political Party

Political party- Define it within the essay (1 point)
Provide at least two functions of political parties (1 point)

C. Responsible Political Party

Responsible political party: Define within the essay (1 point)
Provide an example of a country that has a responsible party (1 point)

D. Rational Political Party

Rational party: Define it within the essay (1 point)
Provide an example of a country that has a rational party (1 point)
Draw how the political spectrum looks like during the primary election and the general election day(You may copy and paste the drawing from the lecture notes in this section) (1 point)
Hotelling- Define within the essay (1 point)
Anthony Downs- Discuss about him and his book within the essay (1 points)
Median voter- Define within the essay(1 point)
Ambiguity- Define and explain within the essay (1 point)
Convergence- Define and explain within the essay (1 point)
List the 3 solutions provided to get rid of rational parties (1 point)

The three solutions that Anthony Downs proposes to get rid of rational political parties in our country or lessen their rational behavior are:

1. Decrease the number of risk Acceptant voters who are willing to take a chance on the candidate even though they do not have sufficient information. These voters support their rational political party no matter what. I: they enable rational political parties in our country.
2. Increase risk adverse voters who question the behavior of the political party and will not support it if the party engages in ambiguity and convergence. I: they force the parties to be more responsible.
3. Add a strong third party or have a multi-party system. If we have a multi-party system political parties can’t change their positions on issues and candidates have to be clear about what they really believe in.


Define and explain about risk adverse and risk acceptant voters (2 points)
Outline: Total Points= 20 points

What causes costs in our operation? How much should be charged back to the customers and producing departments? How do our costs compare with those of outsourcing firms that perform the same service?


Over the past 10 to 15 years, companies such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Dow Chemical have taken certain support departments and formed shared services centers (SSCs). The SSC performs activities that are used across a wide array of the companys divisions and departments. Payroll, receiving, customer billing, and accounts receivable processing are examples of SSCs. The company reaps the savings from economies of scale and standardized process design. Tools to measure performance are also incorporated into the SSC design. The SSC is faced with three important cost questions:
1. What causes costs in our operation?
2. How much should be charged back to the customers and producing departments?
3. How do our costs compare with those of outsourcing firms that perform the same service?

The drivers used to develop charging rates are seldom unit-based drivers (based on production). Instead, they might include the number of transactions processed and the percentage of errors in customer-provided information. Because activity-based costing (ABC) provides a better understanding of costs and their related drivers, it provides a better framework for managing SSC costs than traditional cost accounting systems.

Identify three GW IBS faculty trainers and describe your interest in their research programs.

GW IBS faculty trainers

Identify three GW IBS faculty trainers and describe your interest in their research programs.

View the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing concepts from Chapter 17.

Three key marketing concepts

View the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing concepts from Chapter 17. Bold type the two or three words that describe each of the three key marketing concepts that you are explaining.

As a part of this assignment you are required to support your paper with at least one CREDIBLE outside source which you can find by searching the college data bases, online resources, or business publications. Be sure to cite and reference these sources in proper APA format.

Write a short synopsis or summary of all your change recommendations for the people management process. Explain how the various recommendations will work together to create significant improvements to the existing people management processes at your organization.

Assignment 4: People Management Scorecard

Prepare for this assignment by downloading the Scorecard tool, found in the Assignment Information folder for Week 9 of your course in Blackboard. Save the Scorecard file as a Word document, using your name and following the format shown below:

e.g. Doe John_ JWI520_Scorecard.docx

Using the organization where you currently work, or an organization with which you are familiar:

Write your Introduction in the first section of the Scorecard:
In this section, provide a brief description of your organization, including its products or services, industry sector, location, number of employees, etc. Provide a brief, highlevel summary of the organization’s current approach to people management and overall workforce strategy. This section must be no more than 300 words.


Fill out all 7 sections in the Scorecard. Each section covers one component of people management or workforce strategy at your organization.

For each item, complete all 3 columns:
o Column 1: provide a score of A, B, or C for that area of people management (A = Excellent / B= Satisfactory / C = Poor)
o Column 2: provide a brief rationale that clearly illustrates the reasons for your score
o Column 3: provide an actionable recommendation to improve or maintain performance

Write your Recommendations Summary in the final section of the Scorecard:
o In this section, write a short synopsis or summary of all your change recommendations for the people management process. Explain how the various recommendations will work together to create significant improvements to the existing people management processes at your organization. This section must be no more than 300 words

Analyze any changes made to the area of law over recent years and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the area of law.

Criminal Law: Murder

-Analyze any changes made to the area of law over recent years and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the area of law.
-Oscola reference
-Use British law
-use case study
-Use at least 5 sources.

How does it feel to observe a solo versus a group performance? Do you personally feel more comfortable dancing by yourself or in a group?

Unit 6: Pacific Islands

⦁ Prompt: “Dance is a very personal form of expression. The hula and haka can be performed solo or with a group. Baris gede, legong, calonarang, bedhaya, kraton, and tinikling are only performed in a group. The sanghyang dedari and gisalo are always solo dances. How does it feel to observe a solo versus a group performance? Do you personally feel more comfortable dancing by yourself or in a group? (If you have never taken a group dance class, imagine doing one of the video Dance Labs with classmates.)”
Each Unit Paper should be approximately two (2) pages in length, type-written, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, and uploaded to Blackboard) by 11:59pm on the Sunday evening after the unit is completed. You may submit your paper early. Your paper may be up to three (3) pages in length.
Your Unit Papers will be a written collection of your expectations for a given dance form or culture, observations about your personal experience with the dance form in lab, and reflections about your experience and how it was impacted by your expectations. A prompt will be given for each paper to help guide your thoughts.

⦁ Module Pacific Islands Overview
⦁ Module Pacific Islands Overview
⦁ In this module, we will explore the diverse dance cultures of the Pacific Islands. We will begin in Bali and look at the baris gede, sanghyang dedari, legong, and calonarang. Then, we will visit Java and look at two different styles of the courtly bedhaya. Next, we will visit the hula of Hawai’i and discuss both the sacred hula and the ‘tourist’ hula. In New Zealand, we will see how the Maori people shared the haka with the colonists, transitioning the impact of the dance from fear to a profound sense of community. Then, we will look at how a community in Papua New Guinea dances as a part of the gisalo, to display support and friendship when a community member is lost. Finally, we will visit the Philippines and enjoy a tinikling movement experience during our cultural lab.
⦁ Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
⦁ Discuss elements of Baris Gede, Sanghyang Dedari, Legong, and Calonarang
⦁ Discuss elements of Bedhaya
⦁ Identify, analyze, and support which of the two versions you find most expressive
⦁ Discuss elements of Hula
⦁ Analyze the differences between traditional hula and ‘tourist’ hula
⦁ Discuss elements of the Haka
⦁ Analyze how the Maori were able to maintain and expand their cultural customs
⦁ Discuss elements of Gisalo (including the ceremonial order)
⦁ Compare and contrast this funeral rite with others we have looked at
⦁ Discuss elements of Tinikling, Itik Itik, and Maglalatik
⦁ Identify the differences in dance movement styles from Bali, Java, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea
⦁ Match the cultural movement with the musical accompaniment
⦁ Organize the changes to the aesthetic traditions brought about by cultural migration
⦁ Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the expressive strengths and weaknesses of your selected solo dance form
⦁ Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the expressive strengths and weaknesses of your selected group dance form
⦁ For an alignment table of learning objectives and course content, see attached files above.

Analyze the five components of emotional intelligence and their relationship to transformational leadership. Discuss how to use transformational leadership combined with the use of emotional intelligence to improve a situation involving teams at work.

Factors Impacting Team Leadership

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch the Week 4 Assignment video above with Dr. Williams G. Woods. Locate articles in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library concerning emotional intelligence and its association with transformational leadership. Further information on transformational leadership from Chapter 8 of Northouse (2018) should be used to support the assignment. Also, research transactional and situational leadership styles.

Leadership must be effective in order for teams to move toward optimal performance. Understanding culture, multiple leadership styles, and emotional intelligence can prove useful in preparing the leader to lead effective teams.

In your paper,

-Analyze the five components of emotional intelligence and their relationship to transformational leadership.

-Discuss how to use transformational leadership combined with the use of emotional intelligence to improve a situation involving teams at work.

-Distinguish between transactional, situational, and transformational leadership and the usefulness of each in impacting team performance.

-Discuss the impact of culture and ethics on the leadership of teams.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Must use at least three US scholarly sources from 2010- 2021in addition to Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.).

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding; Relevant to business research, the nature of literature review, and research methodology as well as their relevance to business practice. 

Research Methods in Business Practice

1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
 – Relevant to business research, the nature of literature review, and research methodology as well as their relevance to business practice. 

2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
 –In developing a purposeful literature review and analyzing a complex data set.

Either [a] defend Singer from the objection or [b] improve the objection, and explain why the new version, unlike the original version, is a success. Or [c] come make your own objection.

Peter Singer On Poverty Ethics

The actual question to focus on….

Topic 1. Singer on Poverty In this paper, you’re going to discuss one published objection that has been raised against Peter Singer’s poverty ethics (e.g. by Amia Srinivasan or Bonnie Steinbock). Either [a] defend Singer from the objection or [b] improve the objection, and explain why the new version, unlike the original version, is a success. Or [c] come make your own objection. [Note: if you choose C, don’t turn it into an economics paper. Focus on the ethical argument.]

(THIS IS NOT THE TOPIC. BUT RATHER HOW THE ESSAY SHOULD BE FORMATTED) The idea here is that there is some conversation going in the Ethics & Value Theory literature. Your job is to get involved, and move that discussion forward with a sustained philosophical argument, after having undertaken some research