
What might be the backlash of a man or woman breaking one of these display rules? How do these display rules compare to other societies and cultures? In what ways do we learn the display rules for our society? What are the implications of these display rules in our society?

Psychology discussion

1. Women in positions of power often have a difficult time knowing how they should manage their emotions. Too much emotion does not fit the stereotype of a leader, yet no emotion does not fit the stereotype of a woman, so it often feels like a lose–lose battle for women leaders. Look up two recognized leaders in the same field, such as, occupation or government level, one man and one woman, expressing emotion. Are there any articles or pieces of information regarding the reactions of the public when seeing the leader get emotional? Is this consistent with the research from the textbook? Take a look at Forbes top 10 stereotypes about powerful women. Based on this information, what advice would you give a female leader regarding emotion expression?

NOTE: Do not duplicate leaders! When a leader has been mentioned, other students’ answers to this question must use another leader.


2. Display rules are a culture’s rules for which emotions can be expressed or displayed. List American society’s general display rules for three categories: (1) everyone, (2) women, (3) men. When we think about the full spectrum of human emotion, do these rules make sense? What might be the backlash of a man or woman breaking one of these display rules? How do these display rules compare to other societies and cultures? In what ways do we learn the display rules for our society? What are the implications of these display rules in our society?

3. There are numerous pronouns aside from he/him/his and she/her/hers that people who are nonbinary use. For example, they/them/theirs or ze/hir/hir. Write a brief story that involves the use of a lot of pronouns. Write it using conventional pronouns. Then, rewrite the story using they/them/theirs as the pronouns. Was this easy or difficult and why? What is the importance of using someone’s preferred pronoun (even when they are not in the room with you), particularly if that person is nonbinary? An additional resource you may find helpful:… to an external site.

In addition, reply/respond to at least two other student’s posts.

What expectations/assumptions did you have? Were they confirmed or challenged? What were your personal or professional strengths and/or limitations in relation to the event? What other factors, big or small, may have affected the event? How will this experience shape your future practice?

 Reflective Report: Writing

Allocated Mark :30


A reflective paper calls on the writer to express your own views of an experience.

Write a reflective report expressing your opinion and attitude concisely and coherently on one of the following topics:

1.      Best Travelling Experience

2.      High School Experience VS University Experience

3.      Experience of Learning a new Language

4.      Stress reasons Among College Students

5.      Aspects of Successful planning

6.      Factors leading to failure Among Students

7.      Reflections on the Effectiveness of Social Engineering

8.      A workplace I left (reasons, results, challenges)

9.      Studying and Work Experience


Consider the following questions as prompts to help you get started:

(Describe the issue, including your role, observations, and reactions.)

Describe the issue

1.       What happened?

2.      What was your role?

3.      How did you feel? What did you think? What did you learn? Why might this be important?

Interpretation of the event(experience) and its impact

4.       How did the event relate to your personal ethics or values?

5.      What expectations/assumptions did you have? Were they confirmed or challenged?

6.       What were your personal or professional strengths and/or limitations in relation to the event?

7.      What other factors, big or small, may have affected the event?

8.     How will this experience shape your future practice?

9.      What effect did you and this experience have on others/community?

Summary of the report

10.  In evaluating the plan in light of its benefits and challenges, did you recognize any need for you to change personally? How so?

11.   Did this experience inspire you to continue a commitment to serving others?

Remember to bring in an additional source and use it to support or challenge. You may disagree with the source but you should discuss why you disagree with it.



Here are pointers for writing a reflection paper in APA Format:

·      Your report should be about 2500 words.

·      Use Times New Roman 12. point Font, Double Spaced.

·      The margins should be 1.”

1.      Insert a header on the top of each page

2.      Insert page numbers on the right of each page

3.      Divide the essay into a) Title Page b) Abstract c) Main Body and d) References

4.      Avoid plagiarism

How to Write a Reflection (Reflection Guide) How Reflections Will Be Graded (Rubric)
5 criteria, maximum 6 points each
Stages of Reflection Questions To Guide Your Reflection 1-2 3-4 5-6
What? Briefly describe the event, issue, or situation. ·         What happened?

·         What is your role?

·         How did you feel? What did you think? What did you learn?

Description is almost absent. is vague


Description is vague or lacks relevance. Description is relevant and concise.
So What? (Impact) Interpret the event and its impact. ·         How did you feel? What did you think? What did you learn? Why might this be important? How does the event relate to your personal ethics or values?

·         What expectations/assumptions did you have? Were they confirmed or challenged?

·         What were your personal or professional strengths and/or limitations in relation to the event?

·         What other factors, big or small, may have affected the event?

Interpretation and impact are almost absent.


Interpretation and impact are vague or lack depth or relevance.


Interpretation and impact demonstrate personal insight.


So What? (Analysis) Test your analysis against one or more sources*. ·         Bring in an additional source and use it to support or challenge the So What (Impact) section above.

·         The source is cited using an acceptable format.

·         You may disagree with the source but you should discuss why you disagree with it.

Sources and

analysis are

almost absent.


Sources and

analysis are

superficial or lack relevance.


Sources are relevant
Now What? Based on your analysis of the experience, outline a plan for your learning needs or changes to practice. ·         Discuss how this experience will shape your future practice

·         Comment on what you might still need to learn, and how you would go about learning

·         Is anything still unclear? How might you deal with anything that’s still unclear?

Implications for future action not identified effectively Planning for future action is incomplete, vague, and not feasible. Planning for future action is clear, specific, and realistic.


Clarity & Organization of writing. Note: 1 point will be deducted for papers that do not follow the required format (e.g., file type, line spacing, word count). Writing disorganized, difficult to interpret. Writing shows some



Ideas clearly

and logically conveyed.




Hashim also bought a oar for P.130 ODD. He also took out a loan for A130 000, at an interest rate of 1846 p.a. compounded moodily. He also made 54 equal payrnen.. However, he started payments one month after the purchase of the em Calculate the total of all Hashim• repayments.

Finance Question

A photocopier valued at 1124 000 depreciates at a rate of 18% P. as the reducing-balance method. Also how many years seal its value be R.15 000?

A car that costs 15130 000 is advertised in the following way: ‘NO deposit necessary and first payment due three months after date of puAllase ‘ The interest rate quoted is IMA p.a. compounded monMly.

Calculate the amount owing two months after the purchase date, winch Is one month before the …monthly payment is due.

Herschel bought this car on I March 2009 and made his rust payment on daye 2009. Thereafter he made another 53 equal payments on the first f each month

  • Calculate his monthly repayments
  • Calculate the total of MI Herschel’s repayments.

Hashim also bought a oar for P.130 ODD. He also took out a loan for A130 000, at an interest rate of 1846 p.a. compounded moodily. He also made 54 equal payrnen.. However, he started payments one month after the purchase of the em Calculate the total of all Hashim• repayments.

Calculate the difference between Herschel, and Hashim’s total repayments.

RI 930 77 was invested In a fund pap, /46 p a_ compounded monthly. After 18 months the fiord had a value.of RI 711,41. Calculate/. (4)

A father decided to buy &house for his family for R800 000. OR agreed to pay monthly Instals uds of RIO 000 on a loan which messed interest at a rate of 14% pa. compounded monthly The first payment was node at the end of the first month_

  • Show that the loan would be paid off m 239 months_ (4)
  • Suppose the father encountered unenpected mg:lenses and was unable to pay ar% Instahmnts at the end of the 120., 121., 122. and 123. months_ At the end of the 124 month he Increased his payment so as to still pay off the loan m 234 months by III equal monthly paymunts. Calculate the voile of [ha new mstakomt (7)

When a 90-day note with a face value of $100,000 is first issued, Barry purchases it for a yield of 7% per year. He sells it at a yield of 7.4 percent per annum with 60 days to maturity. What is his return?

Finance practice test

  1. A 180-day T-note with a face value of $10,000 is purchased at a 6% requested yield, calculate the price for the T-note.
  2. When a 90-day note with a face value of $100,000 is first issued, Barry purchases it for a yield of 7% per year. He sells it at a yield of 7.4 percent per annum with 60 days to maturity. What is his return?
  3. If the interest rate is 5% per year, what is the price of a $100 Zero Coupon Bond with a six-year maturity and a face value of $100?


Develop one question yourself that can be answered with the information included in this dataset. Write the code to answer the question, and include a visualization.

Python Question

Instructions: All code should be submitted as PDF and not as a picture (you can use pictures for your flowcharts only). PDFs should be submitted as a primary resource, and a zip file including the .ipynb file and any additional files (for instance, a picture or pdf for your flowchart) as a secondary resource. If you do not submit the pdf as a primary resource, you will be penalized. If you do not submit an ipynb file, you will be penalized.

Failure to comply with the instructions will result in 0 grade on the relevant portions of the assignment. Your instructor will grade your submission based on what you submitted. Failure to submit an assignment or submitting an assignment for another class will result in a 0 grade, without the opportunity to resubmit. Make sure that you submit your original work. Suspected plagiarism cases will be treated as possible academic misconduct and will be reported to the College Academic Integrity Committee for formal investigation.**** As part of this procedure, your instructor may require you to meet with them for an oral exam on the assignment.

**Important note: **You can use either Anaconda or Colab to work on the Jupyter notebook that you will submit as your final project on Forum:

1 – Start by downloading this Jupyter notebook to your local machine.

2 – Open a tab in your browser and type

3 – This will open a small window. Choose the last option Show notebooks in Drive on the upper menu, “Upload”. Then choose the Jupyter notebook you have saved in step 1.

4 – You can start working on your assignment by answering the questions in the corresponding cells.

5 – If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructors and the CIS tutors.


This assignment will allow you to practice algorithmic thinking and basic Python programming with several small-scale problems. As you solve each problem, follow the steps of algorithmic thinking as outlined below.

NOTE: you only need to provide an algorithm, flowchart and test cases for part 2 (no algorithm/flowchart/test cases are needed for part 1).

Step 1: Algorithm Description. Use an algorithm and a flow chart to develop and express your algorithm that accomplishes the given task. Remember, you have to be very explicit and clear to make sure one can actually accomplish the task following your directions. Describe the input(s), output(s) and the process of the algorithm.

Step 2: Program Code – Implementation: Implement the algorithm in Python using the basic structures we covered in class (ONLY USE CONCEPTS COVERED IN CLASS):

  • User input
  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Conditional execution
  • For/while loops
  • Data structures
  • Functions and modules
  • Pandas

Step 3: Program Testing: Create a Test Plan with two or three test cases that demonstrate your code works as intended. Explain how you used these test cases in your comments.

Step 4: Program Documentation: Be sure to comment thoroughly so that it is clear that you understand what every line of the code is intended to accomplish.

Part 1: Data Analysis and Visualization

You will work with a dataset that contains information on a coffee shop’s sales. The dataset is below. DOWNLOAD THE DATASET AS A CSV FILE ON YOUR COMPUTER FROM THE LINK BELOW AND READ IT IN PANDAS FROM THERE. DO NOT READ IT FROM THE LINK BELOW.



  • transaction_id – transaction id
  • transaction_date – transaction date
  • transaction_time – transaction time
  • sales_outlet_id – sales outlet (A, B, C, D, E, F or G)
  • staff_id – id of the staff member
  • customer_id – ID of the customer
  • instore_yn – whether the sale was in the store (yes or no)
  • product_id – id of the product
  • quantity – quantity purchased
  • unit_price – price per unit (item) in USD
  • promo_item_yn – whether the item was on promotion (yes or no)

Question 1.

Import the csv file in pandas and save it as a dataframe. Then, write a code that returns: (1) the first 10 and last 10 rows; and (2) the number of rows and columns in the data set. Discuss what the code shows you about the data set.

Question 2.

Write a code that returns: (1) the distribution of sales outlets (including a count of each outlet type and a bar chart); (2) the minimum and maximum transaction_id; (3) the minimum, maximum and average customer_id; and (4) the distribution of products in bought in store (yes or no) using a pie chart.

Question 3.

You discover that the variable unit_price was incorrectly recorded. Create a new variable unit_price_corrected where you add 1.50 to unit_price for the first 100 items, and you subtract 1.50 from the unit price for the remaining items in the data set. Then, calculate and compare the average of unit_price and unit_price_corrected.

Question 4.

The coffee shop’s management wants to find out which of the outlets has the highest revenue. Calculate the total revenue for each of the outlets. Remember that total revenue will be unit_price_corrected multiplied by quantity. Also, present your calculations using a line graph. Explain what you found and what the chart shows.

Question 5.

The coffee shop’s management wants to find out how the staff are doing in terms of sales. For each of the staff ids, calculate the total product units sold and the total revenue sold. Provide two bar charts (one for total product units, one for total revenue) by staff id, and interpret your findings.

Question 6.

Develop one question yourself that can be answered with the information included in this dataset. Write the code to answer the question, and include a visualization.

Question 7.

Develop one question yourself that can be answered with the information included in this dataset. Write the code to answer the question, and include a visualization.


Part 2

You are hired to develop an online management system for a cafe. This program will be used by the café admins and will help them manage online orders. Use a function to develop a program with the following features:

  1. Allow the café admin to enter the menu items until the user enters quit to stop. The list should include a minimum of 10 items. For example: main_categories = [Americano, Espresso, Cheese sandwich]
  2. Use the main menu list you created in step 1 to create a dictionary that should contain the price of each of the menu items with their respective cost. For example: items_price= {“Americano”: 13, “Espresso”: 9, “Cheese sandwich”:15}
  3. Use the main menu list you created in step 1 to create another dictionary that should contain the quantity of each menu item. items_quantity={“Americano”: 50, “Esspresso”: 30, “Cheese sandwich”:10}
  4. Use the main menu list you created in step 1 to create another dictionary that allows the cafe admin to record the rating received from customers on menu items. The ratings are scored on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 indicating the maximum customer satisfaction. For example: items_rating = {“Americano”: 4, “Esspresso”: 1, “Cheese sandwich”:5}

Your function should return the following data structures separately:

  1. The dictionary that includes all entries.
  2. A list named satisfied_item, which includes the items with satisfaction of 3 or higher.
  3. A list named highprice_item, which includes the items with price above 10 .
  4. A list named few_items, which includes the items with quantity less than 5.

For part 2 only: First, create a step-by-step algorithm and a flowchart and then translate it into a fully functional and documented Python code. Follow the flowchart shape conventions from the session 3 reading, available here.

Was the hypothesis supported? How do you know? How did you make sure you measured accurately and fairly?

Lab Report 1: Scientific Method


Use the provided guidelines to complete the scientific method lab. Upload the lab as a file when you have completed the assignment.

  1. Follow the directions specified in Lab 1 for collecting data for practicing the scientific method.
    • You will need some friends and family for this experiment.
    • You will be measuring their right-hand index fingers and comparing that length to their hand length.
    • Your measurements will be in centimeters. Find a ruler that has centimeters. You should measure to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.
    • You will have to decide how to measure the hand length and index finger for each person to make it fair.
  2. After collecting, fill in the collected data in a data table. You can use Excel or any other program, or even hand draw to complete the data filling activity.
  3. Next, you will create a line graph with the help of the collected data.
    • The hand length goes on the X-axis and index finger length on the Y-axis in the graph.
    • You can make a graph on Excel or any program that you wish, or even hand draw it and scan it in.
  4. As the last part of the activity, you will have to draw a conclusion to the above activity by answering the following questions:
    • Was the hypothesis supported? How do you know?
    • How did you make sure you measured accurately and fairly?
  5. Also, write at least five lines explaining the scientific method to complete the lab assignment.

Additional Information: The points segregation for the activity of how to construct the graph is clearly defined in the attachment 7 Steps to Constructing a Graph & Explanation. This document was shared during the reading section of the module. Remember to download and refer to the points while doing the task.

Choose any platform except FaceBook that you might use for a Real Estate social media campaign. Look up what analytic tools they have to offer. Chart the tools so they and clearly state what type of metric the tool will measure.

Channel/ Platform Metrics

Choose any platform except FaceBook that you might use for a Real Estate social media campaign. Look up what analytic tools they have to offer. Chart the tools so they and clearly state what type of metric the tool will measure.

Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

Health education


  1. Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
  2. Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…
  1. Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic.
  2. Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)

Do not use lists or bullets. Only put your name at the top of the page.

  1. Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on a separate page and is not part of your essay. (20 points)
  2. 1 Perform an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library database. You will be looking at the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
    Use a library database
    Cuyamaca College, Choose two library resources (a research study or a journal or news article) on your topic.
    Type the essay in double-spaced margins, 12″ and 1″ font. Write using the MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. (30 points)
    Do not use lists or bullets. Please, just put your name at the top of the page.
    Create a list of works cited using MLA format and include the following information: author names, article title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, article date, and URL to your sources. Cited works are displayed on a separate page and are not part of your article. (20 points)

What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How?

Drawing interests in the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and media.

Questions to stimulate your topic selection:

  1. What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How?
  2. How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be gendered and sexed by media?

What was Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money Equation? Identify and explain each variable. Explain the relationship Fischer said existed between inflation and interest rates.

Economics Problem Set

1.) What was Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money Equation? Identify and explain each variable. Explain the relationship Fischer said existed between inflation and interest rates.

2.) Keynes’ theory was not a radical break from Classical Economics like Marx but it still represented a significant deviation in many areas; economically, politically and even in the philosophy of the balance of power between the state and the individual. Explain in detail 3 specific ways that Keynes broke with Classical Economics.

3.) In the opening line of “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure”, Samuelson makes an interesting statement that few economists have actually done much work in the area of public expenditures up to that point but had focused on taxation. This article reflects a clear change in thinking about the government’s role in the economy. Explain the shift this article represents with its focus on government expenditures and the notion that there is an optimal level of government expenditure.

4.) The Keynesian School argues for policy makers to have discretion and be able to respond to changes in the economic situation, primarily through the fiscal policy of changing government expenditure levels and tax rates. Friedman had a different view. Explain Friedman’s Monetarist approach and how it differed from Keynes/Samuelson.