
What are the key factors for competitive success and why?

Discussion # 2

What are the key factors for competitive success and why?

Do individuals that associate with deviant peers become deviant, or do deviant individuals seek out similar peers? Explain your rationale.

Criminal Justice Question

Response Essay 4

Choose one of the following topics to write about:

  1. ) Do individuals that associate with deviant peers become deviant, or do deviant individuals seek out similar peers? Explain your rationale.
  2. ) Some labeling theorists would argue that the best response to increased criminal activity is no response; that is, to not respond to the violation in any formal manner. Explain the rationale underlying this position.
  3. ) Are all types of violence bad? What are some forms of violence that we accept in society?

Remember that you essay should be at least three pages in length and no more than four pages, have at least two sources cited, and be in APA format. Make sure you discuss what was read, summarize the topic, and academically analyze the topic.

APA formatting directions can be found here: apa_formatting_and_styleguide/general_format.html.

Discuss this information in light of our studies over these four weeks. Do you see any trends or patterns? How does stress and coping contribute to disease and illness? How does this information relate to you, your family, or community? What recommendation would you make to improve the health of citizens in your community?


Find the leading causes of death. You can find this information in the latest edition of Vital Statistics of the United States at

This article was written in 2017 — What are the Leading Causes of Death in the US?

How does it compare?

Tell us about your findings. Discuss this information in light of our studies over these four weeks. Do you see any trends or patterns? How does stress and coping contribute to disease and illness? How does this information relate to you, your family, or community? What recommendation would you make to improve the health of citizens in your community? Please keep in mind your studies over these four weeks and use professional information in your response.

Name a signaling molecule that has been shown to induce the ventralization of neurons in the neural tube (Sances et al., 2016 pg 2 and Figures 1 and 2). Describe a method used by researchers to determine the degree of motor neuron maturations (Sances et al., 2016, pg 7).


Researchers have discovered that they can recapitulate the differentiation of neurons from the central nervous system from human inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by sequential treatment with discreet signaling molecules. This creates a new experimental model to study the signaling events required for the development of this tissue. It can also be used to investigate the molecular underpinnings for motor neuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Using Sances et al 2016.pdf as a resource please answer the following questions.

Answer the following questions.

Name a signaling molecule that has been shown to induce a caudal neuronal phenotype in the neural tube (Sances et al., 2016 pg 2 and Figures 1 and 2). (1 point)
Name a signaling molecule that has been shown to induce the ventralization of neurons in the neural tube (Sances et al., 2016 pg 2 and Figures 1 and 2). (1 point)
Describe a method used by researchers to determine the degree of motor neuron maturations (Sances et al., 2016, pg 7). (2 points)

The formation of corticospinal motor neuron from sub-cerebral projection neurons requires the expression of which transcription factor (Sances et al., 2016, pg 10-11). (2 point)
A mutation in the Chromosome 9 Open Reading Frame 72 (C9Orf72) gene has been identified as the most common form of familial ALS. What have researchers learned by making a mutation of C9Orf72 in human PSC-derived motor neurons in culture (Sances et al., 2016, pg 14)? (4 points)

Identify two benefits that have accompanied the computerization of academics, specifically related to your experiences with on-ground versus distance learning.

Computerization of Academics:

Over the last several decades, the implementation of healthcare computer-based information systems has transformed the healthcare delivery system. Electronic methods are now incorporated in the educational process of healthcare providers. A primary mission of higher education is the education of students to ultimately create an improved healthcare system. These may be students in current degree programs or those doing continuing education.

The use of electronics for education focuses on the delivery of learning material and student assessment. Address the following:

  • Identify two benefits that have accompanied the computerization of academics, specifically related to your experiences with on-ground versus distance learning.
  • Identify two challenges that have accompanied the computerization of academics, specifically related to your experiences with on-ground versus distance learning. Does the computerization of nursing education present specific challenges that other disciplines may not encounter?

Be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.



How would you as a practicing nurse go about making a compelling case to organizational leaders and nursing executives of the need to have data-based systems that have the capacity to support “patient-driven” decisions in your current or future organization?

Unit 6 Discussion Nursing Informatics

Database Systems in Nursing

  1. How would you as a practicing nurse go about making a compelling case to organizational leaders and nursing executives of the need to have data-based systems that have the capacity to support “patient-driven” decisions in your current or future organization?
  2. What objections do you think the primary organizational leaders may have against your recommendations, and why?
  3. How specifically would this type of information system add capacity to enhancing patient safety and positive outcomes?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Calculate the calculate the Modern Portfolio Theory for 4 stocks over the last 20 years.

Economics project

Calculate the calculate the Modern Portfolio Theory for 4 stocks over the last 20 years.

Using the textbook, the two articles given and another outside source, discuss the southern plains tribes’ major adaptations to the horse-bison complex. Consider the subsistence strategies, political/economic aspects and social stratification/gender relations.

Horse/Bison Complex

Using the textbook, the two articles given and another outside source, discuss the southern plains tribes’ major adaptations to the horse-bison complex. Consider the subsistence strategies, political/economic aspects and social stratification/gender relations. You don’t need to discuss each tribe, they can be grouped into generalities: Jumanos, Apache, Comanches, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Arapahoe.

Determine a formula that counts the numbers of nodes in the recursion tree. What is the Big- for execution time? Determine a formula that expresses the height of the tree. What is the Big- for memory?

Solving algorithm

1. Given the following two functions:
f(n) = 6n3 + 4n2 + 2

g(n) = 5n2 + 9

Use L’Hopital’s rule and limits to prove or disprove each of the following:
f (g)

g (f)

2. Rank the following functions from lowest asymptotic order to highest. List any two or more that are of the same order on the same line.

2𝑛2 + 10𝑛 + 5
3𝑛 log2 𝑛

4𝑛 + 10



𝑛2 + 6𝑛

2 log2 𝑛

2𝑛3 + 𝑛2 + 6


log4 𝑛

3. Draw the recursion tree when n = 12, where n represents the length of the array, for the following recursive method:
int sumSquares(int[] array, int first, int last) { if (first == last) return array[first] * array[first]; int mid = (first + last) / 2; return sumSquares(array, first, mid) + sumSquares(array, mid + 1, last);}

Determine a formula that counts the numbers of nodes in the recursion tree.
What is the Big- for execution time?

Determine a formula that expresses the height of the tree.

What is the Big- for memory?

Write an iterative solution for this same problem and compare its efficiency with this recursive solution.

4. Using the recursive method in problem 3 and assuming n is the length of the array.

Modify the recursion tree from the previous problem to show the amount of work on each activation and the row sums.
Determine the initial conditions and recurrence equation.

Determine the critical exponent.

Apply the Little Master Theorem to solve that equation.

Explain whether this algorithm optimal.