
Cite and discuss at least one other student’s response to the student’s brief synopsis or if there are no responses to the brief/synopsis that you chose then provide your own personal response to the chapter.

Critique and Mentor


Your response must be IN THIS ORDER, in paragraph form. You must provide a prompt (restating the question) or copy and paste the question before your response. (-50pts for not following this format).

1. IDENTIFY the Chapter that you chose to read from your assigned reading (Emanuel and Gluck, 2020). ALSO IDENTIFY one (1) student’s brief, synopsis (INCLUDE THE STUDENT’S NAME SO THAT IT IS EASILY IDENTIFIED AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE OR IN THE TITLE OF THE UPLOADED FILE). You will be reading the chapter with the student’s brief synopsis in mind and providing a critique of the student’s work. (5 points)

2. BRIEFLY RESTATE the student’s viewpoint, in your own words in the first or second paragraph. (5 points)

3. In no less than 1000 words, but no more than 2000 words:

-PROVIDE A REVIEW on how the student responded to the chapter. (5 points)

-PROVIDE CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENTS to the student with regards to their read and review of the chapter. You must provide at least one recommended adjustment or “negative” comment without being negative but supportive. (20 points)

5. CITE AND DISCUSS at least one other student’s response to the student’s brief synopsis or if there are no responses to the brief/synopsis that you chose then provide your own personal response to the chapter. Also, you must provide an APA citation of the source(s) of your Critique (i.e. student’s post and the assigned book) or you may copy and post the original posting to the end of your Critique. (5 points)

What were the causes of the 2008 global financial crisis?

2008 global financial crisis

What were the causes of the 2008 global financial crisis?

Write a bout how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water. How landscape and ecology changing between Flood and Dry season by using Architecture method.

LA River Flood and how to control it

Write a bout how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water. How landscape and ecology changing between Flood and Dry season by using Architecture method. What activities could happen on Flood and Dry season.

Analyze and evaluate the cost effectiveness of treating T2D in your state. Suggest at least two recommendations to improve your state’s current plan.

Onset of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

Review the CDC’s website on Diabetes Basics and locate information on national data regarding Type 2 Diabetes.
Go to your state’s DOH website and review information on Type 2 Diabetes Apply what you learned in the discussion participation study to evaluate the effectiveness of your state’s plan on addressing type 2 diabetes (T2D). Analyze and evaluate the cost effectiveness of treating T2D in your state. Suggest at least two recommendations to improve your state’s current plan.

How was the therapist portrayal accurate or inaccurate? Discuss any stereotype types that are presented in the movie, and relate it to factual information you have learned in class or in the text.


Write a review, from a psychological perspective, of movie that portray someone with a psychological disorders, include a brief summary of the movie, and a discussion of any psychological issue that you think are relevant. For example, in what way was the disorder( or other Psychological issue) portrayed? How was the therapist portrayal accurate or inaccurate? Discuss any stereotype types that are presented in the movie, and relate it to factual information you have learned in class or in the text. Only use a movie from the approved list See below).
Keep in mind that is not a “movie review,” you will need to dig into the movie from a psychological perspective and this must be reflected in your paper. (Make sure to use correct and accurate terminology from the book and lecture). Not all these movies are GOOD portrayals of mental illness or therapy; you will need to do a critical analysis of the movie.
Choose one movie from listed below to write you paper on;

Movie list:
Silver Linings Playbook,
Shutter Island,
Black Swan,
Mr. Brooks,
Side Effects,
Rain man,
Hide and Seek,
Primal Fear,
Benny and Joon
A Beautiful Mind,
Analyze This,
Analyze That,
Matchstick Men,
As Good as it Gets,
Girl interrupted,
Stranger than Fiction,
Fight Club,
On Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,
Me, Myself, and Irene,
Me, Myself, and Irene,
What about Bob,
Fisher King,
50 First Dates,
Get Out.

Critically evaluate Haslanger’s project of revising the concept of race, and/or her argument that race is something that is socially constructed.

Concept of Race

Prompt: Critically evaluate Haslanger’s project of revising the concept of race, and/or her argument that race is something that is socially constructed (yet real).

Base off of flow of ideas reading and make an argument as to whether this account of race falls under traditional ways of thinking about race (constructionists, eliminativists, etc.) or is it entirely new

briefly explain what is going on in the story so far, and identify what do you think is the most important issue (descriptive or prescriptive).

Bryan Stevenson “Just Mercy” book ( pages 3-114)

In two paragraph response, briefly explain what is going on in the story so far, and identify what do you think is the most important issue (descriptive or prescriptive). Don’t need works cited.

Select a Division I university in the Big Ten Conference. Research that school’s student population numbers, male-female student population ratios, student-athlete numbers, and male-female student-athlete ratios.


For this report, you are to examine a university athletic department and determine if it is complying with Title IX and, if not, how to get the school in compliance.

Select a Division I university in the Big Ten Conference. Research that school’s student population numbers, male-female student population ratios, student-athlete numbers, and male-female student-athlete ratios. You also will want to research the school’s athletic facilities for men and women, coaching staffing, and travel schedules.

Next, write a report (1) outlining the research that you have found, providing your analysis of whether the school is in compliance with Title IX based on the federal government’s three-part test, specifically applying each element of that test to the facts, and (3) providing your recommendations moving forward to assure that institution’s compliance with Title IX.

You shall be graded on your complete and proper explanation of the elements of the case brief and language usage.

Articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.

Module 10: Effects of Trauma

You are required to do a short critically reflective write-up about two pages or less—where you
1) Articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.
2) In addition, 2) you are required to write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module, and in doing so, making reference to at least two of the readings and/or videos.

Use the resources attached as references

Why do you think females make up such a small percentage of individuals in politics? Do you think one day there will be a female President of the United States? Why or why not?

Females in Politics

Watch the video about Females in Politics(15 minutes) and answer the following questions:
1. Why do you think females make up such a small percentage of individuals in politics?
2. Do you think one day there will be a female President of the United States? Why or why not?
3. How do you think having Kamala Harris as the first female Vice-president will impact female participation in politics in the future?

You Tube Video
Someday: The long fight for a female president.